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Fringe Exoplanet Cartel [FEC] Motto - "Where few venture, we prosper" An organization focused on pushing all limits and boundaries...for gain. Challenge yourself, and the universe around you. If it hasn't been charted, chart it. If it hasn't been done, do it. Here, there is only one place for living life - on the edge. Do you explore the depth of the universe? Learn its secrets? Take what you find? Develop things pushing the boundries of what's possible? Do you want to gain and prosper from it all? Then join FEC, and lets FEC the system - Explorers(Scaling rewards per resource/discoveries found, partners & engineers will be directed to resources) - Scientists (Scaling rewards per innovation/new invention, 15% of all future sales said innovation brings, remainder goes to securing platform and your intellectual property) - Engineers (Per construct contract, efficiently building ship and base bodies ready for equipment, elements, and combat) - Mercenaries (By contract, or by hour jobs to provide security to FEC and partner bases, including "The Spot") We will have little requirements. You can join loosely as a casual FECer or a hard core FECer, its up to you. Though higher and more critical positions/ranks will logically require more activity, work, and/or contribution. You will be expected to protect organization property and interests when needed. We will also have plans to utilize some form of voicechat (likely Discord) unless such a system is implemented ingame. We will have casual RP (not mandatory). We will operate and work to maintain a organized but fun ANTI or REBEL- system/authority. We will attack/raid/defend and FEC things up of course, but that doesn't mean will tolerate a self destructive toxic environment, cheating/ooc hacking. Expected numbers and size?- Many may have questions about expected goal size of the org, and how large we plan to get. Right now, we're looking to fill 100 slots and no more, however this is dependent on if we implement activity policies, and if we plan to have ships with requiring a larger amount of crew members. It is far too early to say for certain how these systems will effect a desired atmosphere of final desired member count as the game is still in development. However, we can say for certain, we will aim for quality over quantity, a close-nit community, but one with enough to still get the job done. Join our Discord - Want to become a FECer ? Come and lets FEC the system -CLICK TO BECOME A FECer-
- 27 replies
sawafa stating his piracy elias's "i quit" message Kurock warns Sawafa his actions are against TOS Elias's script was described as an Augmented Reality GUI that was made in Lua, the script was the only of its kind in the game at the moment and his only copy was on the cockpit of the stolen ship. the ship was stolen via a known exploit, it is unclear which exploit it was, it is highly suggested players do not attempt to recreate this exploit for any reason NQ has not made a statement at this time xKentx, an aggressor in this case, has clarified this situation in his eyes as follows: "Elias told it was "docked to station". Some assumed it was a legit station. The station was in fact another dynamic core. NOT A STATIC CORE. What happened: 1) He left his ships in space not docked to any statics 2) One of our guys jumped on top of it with his avatar and the ship resumed speed augmented by gravity 3) They waited for it to get out of safe zone (the gravity tiled the trajectory a bit) 4) They blew the ship up and cored it 5) Some guy comes and starts accusing of exploiting and talking about some code etc."
Due to numerous reports of this happening, including pictures, lets talk about end of warp obstacles and ramming in general. Here is an example of a net placed exactly in front of a warp exit. You have about 10-15 seconds to change direction right after end of warp, but most people won't pay attention and ram into whatever is in front of them. This has been a thing for a while now, but we now have some reports of ship destruction due to warp destination constructs being purposefully placed in the way. One way to get around it is of course to pay attention and maneuver the ship immediately after warp destination is reached. However, there is a lot of discussion to be had about warp obstruction and ramming in general. For example: 1) disabling collisions between cores: this has already been done with trees so I imagine it can be disabled for static / dynamic cores, probably will increase server performance too, but also an effective way of getting rid of warp traps. 2) disable damage on collision with constructs: an alternative of the above, except collision will cause velocity changes as expected between collisions. We don't have bumper car physics, could be a bit strange, but this also gets rid of warp traps. My personal favorite and very biased option: 3) reverse ramming logic (THE RIGHT LOGIC): it's really strange to consider that an L core going at 30,000km/h can be obliterated by a stationary xs core. It just doesn't make any sense from a logic perspective, although the reason for this implementation probably has roots in server performance considerations. I think collision damage should be shared between constructs and distributed according to mass and voxel logic. Added benefits are: COMPLETELY LAG FREE MARKETS... because naturally people will start ramming, hence a necessity for garages / safe parking facilities, opportunities for business, etc. I would go so far as to say that static cores should be rammable as well. This has huge ramifications for space stations... there will be a need for space mine fields or wreckage around stations to prevent people from completely destroying stations with ramming dynamic cores. Space stations will need engagement rules such as: if dynamic construct is going faster than X amount inside a certain radius around space station, fire all weapons at dynamic core. There are all sorts of interesting ramifications for this gameplay. There is something important here I think: it is not ok to simply add a rule to the EULA saying warp traps are illegal. This is a sandbox, emergent gameplay will always happen, and a bunch of players can give a hell of beans about what the rules are. It's in poor taste when a game cannot / will not implement systems to prevent certain actions from happening but simply adds a "RULE" of conduct. In some cases it is certainly appropriate (abuse, discrimination, etc) but in this case, this is emergent gameplay and adding a RULE will not solve this issue. In this situation NQ actually has an opportunity to capitalize on the situation and create game mechanics to either solve this issue or enable ramming AND add mechanics in order to counter ramming. On the other hand, warp traps such as these can be cancerous. This is a tactic used extensively in Eve, see here: Do you think warp traps are an acceptable emergent gameplay mechanic? What are your issues with it? What can be done to solve it? Again, to reiterate, simply adding a rule of conduct doesn't work here in my opinion. NQ should really capitalize on this opportunity... I think they failed in the district 15 drama, they could have done some epic stuff there... problems can be turned into opportunities, lets contribute to the discussion and find opportunities Edit: After writing this post, I have received confirmation that players are "netted" both when: 1) player finishes warp, comes to a complete stop, then accelerates/or planet gravity pulls the player, and they end up in a strategically placed net 2) player finishes warp and gets damaged in net BEFORE coming to a complete stop from the warp
- 50 replies
- eve online
- warp
- (and 6 more)
Chuckling Casket A thousand years before the SKiD our ancestors sailed the seas of Old Earth preying on the shipping lanes of the British Empire and any other merchants who were unlucky enough to cross paths with them. From Edward Teach, better known as Blackbeard; to "Calico Jack" Rackham and Anne Bonny; to Admiral Sir Henry Morgan. These names struck fear into the hardest of hearts. Pirates are not just thieves and murderers, though. We are farmers and miners and engineers and businessmen. Being a pirate in Dual Universe will be far more challenging than this profession is in any other game. Becoming a pirate will be a complete life choice, it will take cooperation and communication. Most of all, the Pirate lifestyle will take dedication. Do you have what it takes to dedicate yourself to the life of a Pirate? We will, among other activities, provide those fringe services the law-abiding folk don’t want to dirty their hands with, but do have need of- smuggling, spying, espionage, sabotage, information brokering, the opportunities are endless and limited only by what our clients are willing to ask us to do. This may include raids against settlements or bases or space stations or convoys for specific items or because our client may want that piece of land (or sector of space). We may be needed to quietly extract an asset, whether a person or a piece of gear or a ship that needs to be transported to our client’s research lab or military installation, or some neutral sector of space, maybe even to a third party station or city. Maybe someone needs revenge, but can’t carry it out themselves. We can help with that too! While we are a part of the Cinderfall Syndicate, we also have some tentative agreements in place with some other organizations. As with anything, we need the game to be up and running in order to finalize these agreements. These agreements are in place for equipment, information, and an open line of communication for engaging our services. What are we looking for? The whole shebang! Pilots (All classes, fighter to capital) Gunners Medics Engineers (Build and Repair) Scripters Marines (Ground/Shipboard combat infantry) Farmers Miners Explorers Want to fill a role or position not listed here? Have a group of friends who'd like to be on the same ship? Or have enough to crew your own ship but don't want to deal with the overhead? Contact us with your proposal! Get in on the ground floor and have some fun with us! The first thing you’ll want to do is read over our Articles of Agreement, which are based on our ancient Pirate ancestor’s own Articles. We allow gambling though, because what pirate doesn’t enjoy gambling on anything and everything? Article III is likely to be modified once the game is released so we have pertinent officer occupations. If you have questions, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us! You can use the Contact Form if you like, or Sign Up for an account on our site and post in the forums. You can also jump on our Discord if you like- *Chuckling Casket is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
I am personally of the opinion that they should be able to be stolen and players should have to come up with their own means of managing who are reliable and trustworthy transporters.
Folks, Will there be a security system for script code that's enforced by game elements, like having scripts be sealed classes (if that's possible) or will people be free to modify and copy the code of any gadget they purchase? While stealing spaceships and all is something that could be tracked easily enough in-game by a law enforcement body (i.e. the ship is registered and has a serial number engraved on the hull in Kiberium) locking code held in scripts that have to have permission to run on the owner's computer might be problematic. And easy enough to crack with Reflector anyway. If there's no way to even make it difficult to open up the code, I don't think it would be possible to prove that someone has infringed copyright law. I understand that code written in the game will be community property as part of the EULA, is that right? So no actual real world legal issues could ensue. Hmmm... are we being tricked into writing free software for robotics development? >run conspiracytheory.exe