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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by JohnnyTazer

  1. There are a number of people on these forums who are Anti-fun. Like the poster Graxxor above too. They get angry when they see other people having fun in a video game.
  2. This isn't even remotely close to being true. Have you seen the Talemai lockdown? we had many fights, yes a few haulers died, but in the end today one huge battle of over 30 ships, and possibly 70 people or so were all there to fight other well armed pvp ships. Wanna know what the people really want? FREEDOM. We were sold on a game where the players make the rules, and "emergent gameplay" Right now there is 0 to fight over as 100% of the content is locked behind safe zones where guns are disabled by the mechanics. Like I cant literally even attempt to fire my a gun where 100% of the content lies. Here is another thing...this is an MMO. If you are new/solo/ignorant to the landscape and politcs, you see lacobus and say to yourself "hey i would like to mine some gold", in what world do you think you are entitled to fly there in a fat slow hauler, to STEAL gold from a planet you do not live on? You didnt take any attempt to find out who lives there, who patrols there, what the politcal climate is like there. Sure you have the freedom to go there, but to expect to be 100% safe is just completely fucking asinine. This is a video game and risk is what makes it fun, and the interactions and people forming communities/factions/politics/wars is where the "fun" is. Does that mean sometimes a hauler is going to die to well armed pvp ship? Yes. Does it mean it can be avoided by "playing the mmo game". Also yes. Regardless if you are a pvper or not, people what the chance to actually influence how the game progresses, sometimes thru diplomacy, sometimes thru agressive negotiations. But the point is, let the PLAYERS CHOOSE.
  3. LOCKDOWN UPATE: After a week long LOCKDOWN sanctioned by the OPA at Talemai, things came to a head in a major way today. Up to this point, all attacks were thwarted, and many haulers trying to smuggle ore in and out were disabled. A battle of an estimated 30 ships engaged in space above the beautiful planet Talemai. ATOM stood tall against overwhelming odds. Damage and losses were taken on both sides, but rest assured propaganda from either side is surely to be broadcast all over the subspace transmissions in the days to come. This violent attack against Talemai and the OPA has left the planet in a state of uncertainty. It also begs the questions how the other planets will respond as the increasing number of people who live in the Inner planets continue to steal ore that rightfully belongs to the OPA. One can feel it in the the air...a storm is coming. Already there are reports of scientists of both the Inner and the Outer planets sending deep space probes and getting info sent back that there is an untapped Asteroid belt out in deep space. Presumably with rich ores that would benefit any planet or faction who is able to set up mining operations. One can only think that this was only the first of many power struggles to come throughout the solar system... LOCKDOWN STATUS: ON HOLD
  4. Its fitting you don't understand. I backed this game because they said high tier ore would be in the pvp zone, and only small safe zones. Im not advocating to "change" anything, but for them to keep/give us what was promised. But then again, I dont expect much coming from you.
  5. Ya, just drop all the safe zones of the outer planets, and you will see an instant spike in player base. This is a VIDEO GAME, not "lets try to accumulate as much virtrual bullshit and horde it away simulator". People want some excitement, and some space explosions, some politics, and some MEANING.
  6. Actually they seem like the type of people who get in a relationship, then do whatever they can to change the person to fit whatever idealized version they think they should be, instead of loving them for who they actually are.
  7. UPDATE: Today was an interesting day at Talemai. But one thing is for sure, Waste Management was wise in contracting out the military operation part of the Blockade to Unexplained Atomics. Many haulers who live in the Inner planets tried to come in or leave with stolen Talemai ore and were quickly delt with. On top of that two separate attempts were made to attack the blockade. This is unacceptable and will be considered an act of war. Both were easily delt with. The highlight was one ship looking like a box filled with guns made some sort of Kamikaze attempt and came barreling toward talemai at 29,999 km/h and as it was shot at it finally disappeared into the atmosphere where we presumed it slammed into the planet. A salvage operation was quickly dispatched. Make no mistake, Talemai stands firm and is under control. The LOCKDOWN is and has been 100% successful. The OPA will not stand for any unethical treatment of its miners, nor allow the Inners to come in and steal ore for themselves. https://imgur.com/b3xrZDj https://imgur.com/InkTCeF https://imgur.com/n3CsZyj https://imgur.com/gnSaUsh https://imgur.com/qWqkHWn https://imgur.com/eQtpXXz https://imgur.com/wl74763 https://imgur.com/DbbMHUI - JohnnyTazer Waste Management Consultant
  8. You keep using that word, and you don't even know what it means.
  9. You didnt tell anyone anything, and its Laughable you equate real life in the equation for people wanting to shoot space ships in a video game. Let me guess, people who queue up for a PUBG match are greifing when they kill other people to get their chicken dinner.
  10. You're so off the mark. Every single person I play with side steps the pvp zone 100%. (the non-pvpers) And the 0.001% that do die in the pvp zone hauling, end up warping after. Ive personally talked to a hauler I killed and said "well im just gonna warp from now on." You didn't tell anyone anything.
  11. You didn't cancel the fight, you aren't allowed at Talemai because I said so.
  12. Another ship that didnt have a permit.
  13. UPDATE: SneakySnake tried to scout the area. But we had 1 of ATOM's ships on patrol and he promptly warped away (presumably back to Sanctuary). ANYONE who shows up to Talemai during this time will be treated as an act of war, and will be dealt with swiftly and decisively. Rest assured, there isn't a single Organization in this Sector that can match the military strength that ATOM possesses. I REAPEAT, Talemai is on LOCKDOWN and no one is allowed to enter/exit without prior Authorization. - JohnnyTazer Waste Management Consultant
  14. Is this where we quote eve and people daily fly ships worth $200, and people also welp ships worth "thousands" a few days ago fielding titans in war. Another dollar in the EvE Jar.
  15. UPDATE: So far the LOCKDOWN at Talemai has been successful. Day 1 is over and we were able to get quite a number of Rockhoppa mining ships and barges to the planet. They will begin their inspection soon. They hope to have a full report by Sunday night. I also want to take this moment to let people know, regardless of what has been said, NO HOSTILE ATTEMPTS, whatsoever, were taken against the org Unexplained Atomics while they patrolled Talemai space yesterday. That is a good thing, as it shows the people are aware of what that org can do. It would be a fruitless effort to engage them as the battle would be completely one sided. They will remain in the area for the rest of the week. ATOM was also able to destroy 3 illegal ships trying to leave Talemai with stolen ore (presumably heading toward the inner planets). These ships were attempted to be hailed, and stopped to be searched, but ignored all attempts at communication, so their vessels were blown out of the sky. We are doing our best to resolve this issue as quickly as possible, so normal operations can resume at Talemai. -JohnnyTazer Waste Management Consultant
  16. This is DU's single biggest problem. More than any bug, schematic, anything.
  17. Is it currently under attack? I haven't heard of any problems on Teoma, but if there is I suggest you contact the OPA about it.
  18. Even by your map, Talemai is "outside" of the other 3 planets, thus classifying it as an "outer planet".
  19. The OPA was formed and to include ALL planets that do not reside in the "inner safe zone circle". So Talemai is 100% under its Jurisdiction. Waste Management has been contracted out to oversee all operations and given the ability to delegate the needed resources to retake control of Talemai, and stop the current exploitation of the Talemai miners. You posting some half ass'd hand drawn paint map of the solar system to discredit the OPA will not be tolerated.
  20. ANNOUNCEMENT: Regardless of what anyone has heard or thinks they have heard, Talemai falls under the jurisdiction of the OPA (Outer Planet Alliance). The OPA has give authority to Waste Management to oversee the conditions on Talemai. After some short review Waste Management has found that following violations to be, but not limited to: Poor sanitation conditions for the miners, Terrible buy back programs, and Illegal Dumping of waste created by the use of Anti-Grav Generators. The LOCKDOWN will persist for at least 1 week as Waste Management allows the independent group RockHoppas to take over all mining operations. Additional Security has also been contracted out to Unexplained Atomics to deal with anyone who is not permitted to be at Talemai. It is now a NO FLY ZONE for any unauthorized personnel. Any resistance or failure to follow these guidelines will be met with deadly force. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED ON TALEMAI -JohnnyTazer Waste Management Consultant
  21. First non-permit holder has been dispatched.
  22. Effective immediately, all mining and transport in and out of Talemai and its moons will cease. Company Waste Management has taken over after reports of multiple OSHA violations and violations of the UMU (United Miners Union). Independent organization named RockHoppas has been dispatched to Talemai to replace all current miners. Only people with proper Mining permits are allowed to and from Talemai and their cargo will be checked for any contraband. For inquires about Mining Permits please contact JohnnyTazer with your reason and your fee ready. Its 5mil per person, per week. And 20mil for a whole organization. Thank you for your continued cooperation as we take this time to sort out the mess on Talemai. - JohnnyTazer Waste Management Consultant
  23. whats holding us back? Everything in the game. We cant attack other pvpers bases. We cant blockaide a planet we "claim" as ours. PvPers dont want to just shoot haulers. My group regularly has to shoot our friends so we can get any pvp action to learn what works and what doesn't. You opinion on pvp means jack cause you haven't done it. Yes, sometimes haulers get shot, yes people can choose to only hunt haulers and run from other pvpers. Thats their choice. Doesn't mean most or all do.
  24. The lack of pvp, risk vs reward, and meaningful ways for people to and orgs to interact.
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