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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by STEALTH7

  1. Can't wait til we get closer to PvP so we can get an idea of how it's going to work. For now I'm lost for how it'll all work out with only it being "lock and fire" and each weapon needing to be manned being mentioned.  Can next year hurry up and come around please!

  2. 20 minutes ago, PrinceChawmin said:

    I mean I do agree that yes we should at least show videos and livestreams of the alphas. But I do have a bad gut feeling that many people will quickly judge it regardless of the many disclaimers, that can look bad for potential new players. But that’s just me thinking.

    Have to side with you here.  Unfortunately with what NMS did (though they have partially redeemed themselves) and then the mess going on with SC....I can imagine gamers will be brutal with yet another space game and one that is in Alpha.  People in general are very short on patience and understanding and regardless of DU not doing what SC is doing.....it'll more than likely be branded as SC if they lifted NDA for Alpha Footage.

    With the roadmap showing PvP not even coming about until next year...I can see some very brutal thoughts against DU that would probably hurt it more than help (not strictly on the lack of PvP alone but just Alpha state in general.  Unfortunately too many games lately have abused their "Alpha" state to where folks are tired of hearing, "It's in Alpha!"  Though DU looks like they're not clowning around like so many other games......I can imagine folks not being willing to hear, "It's still in Alpha".  Then don't even let any kind of delay happen with this new roadmap because folks will immediately paint it as SC though it's nothing alike.

  3. On 7/30/2018 at 3:22 PM, shaake said:

    Hello everyone,


    I just found out about this game today, after being entirely disappointed and bored with no mans sky after a long weekend, I was discussing with a friend of mine that I would love a game like Garry's Mod Space Build, but an MMO version, to which he replied "someday someone will have the answer to that"


    I immediately decided to google search something along those lines and came across Dual Universe. Nobody has ever taken 60 dollars from me that quickly. I cannot wait till the Alpha test is live and to see all of you in game.


    This is the starting blocks for a game like "The Oasis" in ready player one. Something my mind is too small to even conceive. But once I saw someone beat an ingame Pong game for an ingame door to open, it made me start conceiving the actual possibilities of this behemoth thats being created. I cant wait to see where the Devs take this game and I am incredibly excited to test out what they have so far and provide feedback to create what could be, the greatest game in the world.


    Yours Truly,


    The Future Space Pirate shaake.

    Found this game through a similar journey.  Was constantly getting let down by other space games as they were always missing something that prevented them from being my dream space game and I've tried all the well known ones (EVE, ED, NMS, EGS, SC)....in frustration I was looking around YouTube and came across DU and it seems like it's going to have the right mix of what I feel a space game needs!  Here's to hoping!

  4. 2 hours ago, NanoDot said:

    I expect the combat mechanics will be decided on the basis of what the game engine can handle, rather than what players would expect from a "modern combat game".


    The game world in DU is far more complex to support than a "traditional" MMO, due to the fact that everything is voxel-based and runs on a "single-shard". Combat in DU is an aspect of the game, not the primary focus (as it is in EVE or any "standard" MMO). Ship-to-Ship combat (CvC) was actually a Kickstarter stretch goal, so NQ were even considering the possibility of launching the game without CvC in place.


    I don't expect that DU's combat will compete with EVE or Elite or Star Citizen. Those games are built around combat, it's the primary activity for them. They all have extensive PVE and PVP combat options, with NPC's providing "missions" and "events" that serve as the main source of cash for the majority of players.


    OTOH, DU has no NPC's, so no "easy money" from repeatable NPC missions. So financing a "combat lifestyle" in DU is going to require either hard work or RL cash (selling DAC to other players).

    Yeah, at the end of the day I'm sure the MMO aspect comes first and rightfully so over combat mechanics.  Based on what I've seen and heard I'm aware of the lack of NPCs and actually am thrilled about it as NPCs and PvE stuff never really did anything for me. I like what they're going for here with everything being player.  I'll just have to wait and see what they have in store here for the combat side but I'm definitely not expecting it to be ED or SC given what they've already stated.

  5. 28 minutes ago, The_War_Doctor said:

    There is very little to no info on any of the combat, Right now anything we say is purely conjecture.

    Understand, hopefully they'll release their thoughts on it some time this year at least though it may not be implemented by this year. I just want an idea of what they're going to go after. The only thing I had heard in one video was a "lock n' fire" deal due to what they're going for with the single shard deal and how traditional FPS wouldn't go with what they're trying to do.

  6. 20 hours ago, Lethys said:

    To me this is the exact reason why i bought into the game. Pve and NPCs always get boring really quickly for me. At some point it's only rinse and repeat boring and dull things. PvP or Player created content is always changing and new - that's why Du got me

    This right here is my mentality as well!  I currently play EGS (real close to buying the Patron Pack here) because it's the only space game out with all aspects of space that I want  but the combat versus AI really adds nothing to the game.  The actual fun part of the game is PvP Combat but it's very limited in EGS just given the game structure.  No fleet combat, no real infantry battles, not much but a few small vessel versus small vessel battles mostly.

  7. Anyone have a good example to go by with the whole "lock and fire" when it comes to ground combat?  I'm assuming the flight combat would be something similar to Star Trek where you fly the ship but you click on your weapons to fire at selected targets?  How does that work on the ground...I know for me that same mechanism was garbage in Star Trek.  Something was off about moving my character around but then having to click menu buttons to get the character to fire with no real "cover and concealment" tactics but instead just popping shots at each other until whoever dropped first.

    I'm not the combat flying type and plan on being one to gather resources, ground or aerial recon, ground combat, perhaps ship boarding defense (if that's even a thing in this game), etc.  But I'm lost on how the ground combat will work and was wondering if anyone here even knows since there's not much talk about it. I'm so close to buying the Patron Pledge (I know there's no PvP of any kind taking place in the game) but that future aspect of the game is one I was curious about.

  8. Not concerned with spreadsheets for certain functions but there's a reason EVE is called "Spreadsheets In Space"


    The videos I've seen so far do not give me an EVE vibe outside of it being a single universe so I'll be fine.


    It's not even my main problem with EVE but I definitely conveyed my thoughts on that game incorrectly hidden the responses.

  9. 42 minutes ago, Lethys said:

    Hmmm..... Imho DU will be equally, If Not way more complex than EVE


    Anyway, Welcome and hf

    It probably will but not with spreadsheets, pointing/clicking everything, and TPO (should have clarified better)....I don't mind deep/complex but I don't care for the spreadsheet stuff.  For me DU gives me what I want with FPP, Space Legs, and I don't have to be a permanent pilot with most of my adventure happening from a ship/menus so I'll embrace however complex it is whereas EVE can't reward me with the things I want.

  10. Well new here, been watching the game from a distance (YouTube) and hoping it'll be the game I've been looking for. I wish I had more to go by but with the NDA (understandable) I can't do $180 to get into the weekly test.  I can see myself getting into the Alpha 1 phase and hoping it's coming very soon.  I've been dying for an open world space game but all the current ones are failing in one part or another whereas DU seems to be the one that'll have everything I've ever wanted.  I've played the following:

    EVE:   Too complex and I don't care for the "spreadsheet in space" style though it has the MMO aspect of things I want with factions, one universe, etc.


    NMS: Just not enough for me, more of a nice SP Space game with COOP possibilities now


    SE:  I'm not the building type and unfortunately even with the new MP update the game strains too much to really have anything but a very LIMITED MP experience w/ empty planets


    SC:   Well, it seems to offer everything I would want but........we all know what's currently going on over there.


    EGS:   So far my current favorite only because I can fly ships OTHERS have built, it has a star system, it has the most people for MP that's playable and not spreadsheets. It also has space legs and          planetary exploration, and factions (well limited since the max player count is 200). It also has PvP and PvE, though only problem...it's also limited player wise and it does currently strain in any                decent size combat  (anything over 4-5 ships fighting and the lag is bad)


    So here I am eagerly awaiting DU because it seems that it'll be coming with the right mix of things!

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