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Posts posted by Knight-Sevy

  1. A date for the implementation of these changes?

    Otherwise, the blocking of shields on their core size (or lower) is missing as a quick balancing addition:
    XS: shield XS
    S: Shield S
    M: Shield M
    L: Shield L

    We already have it to balance weapons based on core size and it works well.

    Also with these modifications, reset the lock range according to the type of core as it was at the beginning of the game.

    The big cores won't be able to shoot at the small cores that are far away, but the latter won't be able to shoot at the big core anyway if it doesn't get closer.

    This will bring much more diversity to the different types of ships needed in a fight.
    You will need small ships to kill other small ships (or large ships with small weapons).

    More diversity = better PvP

  2. 17 hours ago, PopsiclePete said:


    One option I could see woud be to apply for XL cores to reduce core count and allow for easier building in these specific cases. 

    We know XL cores exist as NQ uses them. To prevent exploits, NQ could lock these cores once placed so they can't be traded.

    I still do not understand why NQ has not brought in at least XL statics as they would greatly reduce server load in these cases. I can see the arguments NQ raised for dynamic XL cores, but not for static or space cores.


  3. On 8/12/2022 at 5:47 AM, TobiwanKenobi said:

    NQ, the talent point rewards for achievements are so tiny that they might as well not exist. Yet these achievements could be a fun and rewarding activity to pursue if they gave meaningful rewards. An easy way to increase player engagement and give them 'something to do' would be to increase these rewards by A LOT. It would also motivate people to learn other parts of the game that they haven't yet experienced.

    First Blood - Destroy 1 ship of size XS: 120pts --> 5000pts (about one hour worth of training)

    Master Gunner - Shoot all types, variants, and sizes of ammo: 3240pts --> 50,000pts (about ten hours worth of training)

    Factory Master - Have at least 50 industry units running simultaneously: 1080pts --> 25,000pts

    Speed Freak - Reach max speed for the first time: 120pts --> 5000pts

    Billionaire - Reach 1B in your wallet: 9720pts --> 129,600pts (a full day of training)

    Expert Miner - Extract ore from 20 different planets or moons: 9270pts --> 129,600pts

    etc. etc.


    Give us rewards that we can be excited about and achievements will be fun! It will give players lots of things to do at launch and encourage them to experience all the game has to offer.



  4. Yes I will be there

    The dozen active players in our organization will also be there.
    Even a few additional reinforcements that we hadn't seen for months showed the desire to play.

    We will be around the planets tracking NQ wreck hunter smugglers.
    We will be on the pipes waiting for the heights of reckless missions.
    We will be on the asteroids to harvest the precious T4 ores needed for our PvP fleet.
    We will be present on the battles of the core aliens to have our name on them.

    Get ready.

  5. It only remains to remove the cross section system which destroys the game.
    Put back the lock distances of the biggest ships on the small ships.
    And you will save PvP.
    Well done NQ this kind of change on voxels is going in the right direction.


    With this 3 modifier We will finally have ships with elegant designs, the big ships will have to have smaller weapons to hit the XS and the S rather than stupidly shoot them down with their L weapon or be escorted by XS / S ships which will fight against vessels of equivalent size.

  6. On 7/29/2022 at 7:10 PM, Maliciouss1 said:

    if they had any real content ingame other then a small amount missions...then many things could be made dangerous and highly profitable....remember the fiasco of the wreckage?


    Definitely, you need an area, a sort of Bermuda triangle (of several dozen SU, with asteroids, areas of gas density, etc.) in which we know that wrecks appear randomly.

    Put in these wrecks the new lootable schemas.

    And here you have a dangerous zone in which to go and farm the schema.
    Dangerous from a PvP point of view but also PvE thanks to certain piloting constraints.

  7. Je pense que les joueurs régulier ont tous plus ou moins 1 à 10 milliards en stock. 


    La vente au bot de minerai T1 fait générer de très grosse sommes d'argent. Surtout que la taxe de possession de territoire à du être diminuer pour satisfaire les joueurs.


    Le système de mission à également fait intégrer dans le jeu une quantité monstre de quanta.

    L'exemple le plus frappant c'est un joueur seul qui a pu claim après quelques jour de mission l'entièreté d'une lune. Cela a du faire l'effet d'un électrochoc. On a eu un nerf massif des missions juste derrière. 


    Au début du jeu les quantas été pas utile ce qui fait qu'il y avait une inflation qui n'était pas vraiment à l'avantage des nouveaux joueurs. 


    La modification des schematics va peut être aider à réduire la masse monétaire mais seulement en cas de wipe. 


    On économise tellement de quanta avec le nouveau système de schématic. Par exemple avant pour faire un beacon c'était + 1 milliard d'investissement. Maintenant une poignée de millions suffise pour le craft. Ce qui fait que l'on a vraiment des sommes astronomique à dépenser. 


    => quelques chose qui pourra aussi dynamiser l'économie va être l'échange de DAC d'abonnement contre des quantas. Les quantas au lieu de dormir sur un compte iront chez quelqu'un qui aura besoin de les dépenser et donc faire tourner l'économie. 

  8. Je suis "créateur" alors je fait toujours des vaisseaux. 

    Déjà pris une bonne pause de 4 mois car rien à faire sur le jeu (pas de PvP fast food pour choper schématic et ressources,  pas de guerre territoire, pas possible d'utiliser des vaisseaux avec du design/voxel en PvP..) 


    J'ai repris y a 1 mois pour faire du voxel, jai 2 projets à terminer puis je repartirai en pause en attendant que l'on ai du contenu sur le jeu.

    (par contenu = des choses à faire sur le jeu avec nos vaisseaux).


    Sinon la maj de l'industrie est bien venu ça permet de faire sans réel effort et investissement tout ses items rare & co. 

  9. 3 hours ago, Kanamechan said:

    I think by revamp they want to do like with Jago and Teoma.

    For all planets/moon


    Previously it's was only a reset terrain

    Maybe this :
    "We want to increase the quantity of discovered planets and moons as well as new aspects, biomes and gameplay opportunities, and to produce planetoids the size of big asteroids, much like the Thades belt rocks, but claimable as a territory. "


  10. 8 hours ago, grumpledor said:

    Did i read this correct that I need to make a schematic for FUEL??????   Are you serious I have to pay taxes on land to get the material and have to pay to make a schematic for  tier 2 pure and to make the fuel....  Just reading this I dont want to sign in...   Please tell me this isnt true..


    WTF.. Well  I will give it a day to find out if this correct. B4 i delete my last account....

    What kind of child are you to make tantrums?

  11. 2 minutes ago, Zarcata said:

    You really have great expectations. I see these plunders that they imagine differently. It will be more like the wrecks that hardly anyone was looking for, because it's just nonsensical to put time and resources into it to get less with it. I bet they get less looted from their ships then the cost would be high if they had done those schematics themselves.
    But well, if you have fun with it, have fun.
    It still lacks content for others who are not so easily impressed by it.


    The game is a ship building game.

    Ultimately, to motivate me to build more ships, I need a goal to use them.

    Even keeping the same principle as wrecks, but making a ship appear that is not a wreck but something that has voxels, a little CCS and a shield. + schemas in a container.

    Seems less unrealistic to me than having NPCs shoot me and fly into the system or that sort of thing.

    Perhaps the hardest part will be to put lifeless broken items so that players don't loot too much stuff on the ships, but stay focused on the schematics.

  12. 28 minutes ago, blundertwink said:


    This reply got lost in translation I think. I'm not understanding what you are trying to say here, but again...you're making assumptions that I feel a certain way when I don't.


    Nothing "triggered my discontent" and seeing as how you don't know me at all, it's weird to make any assumptions about how I feel.


    I've explained what I think about these changes. Any other presumptions about my state of mind are irrelevant, baseless, and live only in your imagination.


    If you have something to say about the reasoning I've presented, great.

    Otherwise, the way I feel is both none of your business and entirely outside your ability to know or speculate about. If I feel a certain way, I will let you know. Otherwise, don't make assumptions for me or for other players. 


    Not saying this is the case, but these sort of assumptions undermine any argument you make because it makes it seem like you can't articulate a reply based on reason and are instead trying to frame my stance as being unreasonable or emotional. 

    I think you are going way too far in your analysis and are totally off topic.

    I didn't want to get into a philosophical debate with you. Please understand that was not my goal.

    Getting back on topic (if you want to talk about it), you said :
    " Now industry...it's still a feature, but with these changes, it limits how much time you can really spend on it." 
    "At this stage, things should be progressing the other direction. Instead, development is going backwards...making the game less and less feature-rich and engaging with every patch in the name of cost."

    I can understand that the game is not progressing, I myself am waiting for basic and central additions which do not arrive (and may never arrive).
    But tell me what you find that has been removed from the game and that reduces the player experience compared to what was offered 2 years ago ?

  13. 21 minutes ago, blundertwink said:


    No, I took a lot of time to outline my reasoning, which you didn't address.


    You don't get to tell me what my motivation is. If you have an opinion, you're free to articulate it and I welcome it. I have nothing but respect for other opinions. 


    However, you don't get to tell me what my opinion or motivation is just because it's something you believe.


    So by all means you can disagree with me, but do so with reasoning and not by telling me what I "really" think. 


    But suddenly what did NQ remove and who was present in the game and who is no longer there now?
    This which seems to trigger your discontent.

  14. 12 minutes ago, Zarcata said:

    Let me get this straight....you really think that with the new Schematic system you'll get more players into a PvP room than before?
    How should I imagine it, once a month a PvP battle is called between the PvP organisations or pirates, the rest of the month is then worked towards that everyone has also earned ship and ammunition for it?


    If schematics are lootable in ships that can be found in the PvP zone, either near planets or in predefined zones with a few SUs. Yes there will be interaction.

    I'm not expecting massive fleet battles there. Just small clashes which should be the basis of the PvP in game.

    And even if no human player is found, well I will have at least shot some stuff, taken out my ship and used up fuel and ammunition.
    And would not have returned with empty pockets.


  15. 4 minutes ago, blundertwink said:


    Maybe speak for yourself instead of explaining other people's thoughts and motivations. There's a lot more opinions than the simple dichotomy you're presenting. 


    do see how this change makes it easier on new players...but also see how this changes the nature of industry at scale, which removes yet another core pillar of the game, reducing overall engagement. 


    Exploration isn't a thing, anymore, because mining is gone. Wrecks obviously don't count as a real exploration mechanic to anyone that's tried. 

    Mining isn't a thing anymore, it's a timer. 

    Missions are mostly NPC missions slowboating, that's not fun to me or to most people. 

    Now industry...it's still a feature, but with these changes, it limits how much time you can really spend on it. 


    To be clear, this change wouldn't be a problem if DU was like other MMOs, overflowing with other things to do.


    If that were the case, I'd be far more open to this change, because I understand (very well with a lot of real experience) why scaling factories is difficult. 


    But...DU isn't that game. It's a game that's always suffered from a lack of feature depth, which NQ's recent crop of changes have made far worse. So we can't scale factories anymore...okay, that wouldn't be a huge deal on its own...but then, what can we do? Build bases that don't do anything? Fly ships that don't need to go anywhere? 


    They keep talking about cost and making changes to reduce cost....but where are these resources going? There needs to be something to do at scale -- it isn't industry, it isn't mining, it isn't missions, it sure as hell isn't PvP. 


    Looking back on when this beta launched and thinking "hey, there was actually more stuff to do then than there is now" isn't a great sign that this is an MMO that can grow and expand. 


    That's the fundamental issue I have with these changes...it takes a game with little feature depth and makes it even more shallow.


    At this stage, things should be progressing the other direction. Instead, development is going backwards...making the game less and less feature-rich and engaging with every patch in the name of cost. It was NQ's job to design and develop a working game knowing the limits of infrastructure, as every professional engineer in the world does. 


    This is one of the most basic and obvious facets of developing an MMO and isn't something you think about only in the months before release. 


    There is no more thing to do than at the time, however.

    If you're talking to me about mining on planets it just moved to asteroids.
    With the new industry system you can do a lot more than the system that was there since 0.23

    I don't see what was removed and not replaced.
    If it's not better, it's certainly not worse.

    It's just your human instinct resistant to change and filled with nostalgia that speaks.

  16. 18 hours ago, CptLoRes said:

    Regardless of server load/balancing issues being uses as an excuse for changes, the main problem still remains.

    There is hardly any fun way to make quanta in this game. Everything is a chore. Mining is a chore, missions is a chore, industry has been turned into a chore.. and so on. So unlike when grinding in other MMO's, there is no sense of achievement or progression. Just mindless tedium repeating the same tasks over and over. And that is just bad game design, no matter how you look at it.


    I don't lose hope.

    It's never been easier for NQ to add something a little fun:
    - They have single-use schematics
    - They know how to spawn NQ PvE ships

    => Spawn PvE NQ ships with some schematics in the containers. Force people to shoot them to destroy and loot them.

    And here you have just created a game area where people will come out with weapons to go and collect loot.
    And potentially meet other armed players who are there for the same reason.


  17. 7 hours ago, Squeakity_Squeak said:

    Was this game ever fixed after the utterly game breaking .23 update?

    Loved the utter schiznit out of this game early on and had high hopes.

    I'll never forget the day I logged on to find that I could no longer play the game the way I had been playing up to that point.


    Anyhoo, I followed some Youtubers for a minute hoping things would improve but eventually even they began to despair and I gave up.

    Anyone here who has ridden the entire wave care to comment on whether or not an old school, sky's the limit approach player would be interested in taking another look?

    If you felt limited by schematics, the wall just fell on this patch.

    You can now craft everything very easily with very little initial investment, maybe 1% of the amount needed beforehand to manufacture 1 higher tier engine for example.

    Research times and quanta cost at a high enough ceiling that a solo/casual player is never really limited.

    Those who no happy are either the usual guys who no longer play at the game and are only there to see it fall and be able to say their bad "I told you so". Or the mega industrialists who parasitize the entire economy and the overall performance / financial health of the game in the long term which expresses their dissatisfaction.

    People seem to prefer going into the wall and having everything stop rather than thinking that having a game is better than not having one...

  18. On 7/11/2022 at 4:49 PM, NQ-Nyota said:

    Hey everyone, please use this thread to discuss the announcement made about Schematics here. Thank you!


    Hello here is my personal feedback on the industry changes (and a retrospective of the evolution of the changes).

    - Who I am ?
    I've been playing since the Alpha phases. I have always played in a group of 10 to 20 active members.

    My history with the industry on Dual Universe:

    Alpha location:
    Alone and with time constraints of access to the game I had been able to build a good number of machines (it was perhaps already too much at that time). We have gone from a very limited nanocraft production capacity to an unlimited production capacity and in very large quantities. At the time we were not aware of the problems that this would cause later.

    Beginning of Beta phases:
    I managed micro factories on distant planets at the beginning, I mainly left the hand to another player to build the mega factory without schematics of our organization.
    With hindsight, it was a huge waste of time and resources because the whole thing was far from optimized, but it worked and that was the main thing.
    With thousands of machines for a group as small as ours (20 active players), we began to understand that this was going to lead to problems down the road.
    I also took care of setting up specific lines to supply equipment to players who weren't in the industry.

    Added schematics 0.23:
    This addition was a great thing for our group of players. I personally redid our new and second totally automated industry with the drawings we are committed to producing very quickly up to item T4.

    Merger and move:
    After the massive player departure, we merged with another group of players.
    I handed over to another player who built our new industry on our new base.
    One-time purchase schematics don't limit us, the factory has grown and grown and grown until it caught up to the one we had before 0.23.
    We were fewer in number and had a bigger factory (and growing steadily). There too we could see that this was going irremediably to problems.

    Update of this week:
    Our small group of players welcomed the change with relief. We know that for the sustainability of the game it was no longer possible to continue as before.

    However, some balancing may be necessary:

    - Overall high tier items may be too easy to access. But I don't think increasing the price in quanta or locking them behind talent points is a good idea. Perhaps it will be necessary to play more on the difficulties in obtaining supplies of T3/T4/T5?

    - With the decrease in the price of blueprints, industry factories are really too cheap.
    The advanced and the rare cost almost nothing to produce.

    - Some things seem strange regarding the number of schematics needed to start a production when you have talents that reduce crafting times.

    - Items seem out of box:
    Why does the Expanded basic container XL schema cost as much as the basic container XL?
    The light scheme does not seem too expensive given the usefulness of the object?

    - Items of smaller sizes seem harmed compared to the largest. The price of the schematic quickly reaches half the craft price for certain items from XS to M, while it is only a few % of the L version.
    Also I don't think it's a good thing to increase/decrease the price of the schematics. But maybe think about implementing a system of cost / energy capacity to avoid that the best alternative is always the biggest item.

    - The progression curve is totally suppressed. It's very easy to get access to everything now, we expect the big dreagnought L in PvP in less than a month.
    It is more than urgent to implement PvP balancing before the wipe and the release.

    - You have to do a few things for the plasmas, it's not normal for an XS weapon to cost as much as an L weapon in quantity...

    => Overall, the objectives seem to have been achieved, the big solo industrialists will no longer be able to kill the game on their own. And players will be able to very (too?) easily produce everything from Tier 1 to Tier 5. This puts an end to the whole gaming experience post 0.23.
    But beware, we are going to have a release as fast as during the Beta launch. If you think you can save time on development to make new additions, you will have very little time.

  19. 4 hours ago, blundertwink said:


    Cyrille Fontaine...their lead designer. 


    To copy from another thread, his credits include: 

    • 1993's "Pac in Time" by Kalisto
    • 1993's "Fury of the Furries" by Mindscape
    • 1997's "Nightmare creatures" by Activision
    • 2015's "Trivial Pursuit" by Gameloft S.E. (yes the board game)

    The will might be there, but he isn't an experienced designer for big or complex games...never mind MMOs. I think the will might be greater than the ability. 


    I don't intend that to be harsh...arcade/simple games are not easy to design for. When mechanics are simple, there's nowhere to hide. But clearly these types of games are radically different than big, complex games or MMOs. 


    So...I wouldn't hold my breath that these concepts ever come, especially since these features would have to arrive post-release, and I don't expect the player counts to be high enough to support the game's ongoing dev. 

    The important thing about atmospheric PvP and territory warfare is much more technical to allow us to be able to do it than subject to a game design skill.

    Let them work, coming here to read each other's pedigrees is useless.
    You are in no way constructive.

    And just because you think future changes won't happen doesn't mean they should stop improving and developing the game right now and walk away with the crate.


  20. 7 minutes ago, IvanGrozniy said:

    Except for added crazy amount of tedium and nonsensical mechanics for "gameplay" reasons. If you had a hard limit on factories per account it would amount to the same thing you were alluding to: people would create manufacturing lines dedicated to only specific parts or very small production chains, actually forcing them to interact with other people and buy/share their production lines. The benefit there is any new person can come into the game without having to be burdened with the schematic system and its high costs for building anything worthwhile. Instead the player would have to make connections with people in order to buy the parts needed due to their dedicated production chains.

    In some respects limiting production units per account is also a nonsensical mechanic for "gameplay" reasons, but arguably a more elegant and much simpler solution than a system that does not value your time at all.

    Limiting the factories per player would be a bit forcing each player to have their own factory running, otherwise the game will say "oh look, your factory isn't running, you lose!"

    And the game is already full enough with quotas quotient mining unit and other stuff...

    The version looks much better.

    Ok you want to produce 6 billion items? And well assume puts in the market buy orders for the necessary schematics, takes out your quantas.
    The player is therefore not blocked, he can use the share of others.

    Then we don't have the time/skill/possibility visual left by the game.
    If this solution takes 2 weeks to make compared to another that takes 12 then the 2 week solution is much better.

  21. 4 minutes ago, blundertwink said:


    Why would you think that this is going to happen? There's no indications at all that atmospheric combat nor territory war in any form are coming...or even planned. 


    I get that this is what the KS "promised", but Kickstarter funded less than 5% of the game, so I don't think NQ particularly cares about what was said there, as many recent patches have shown. 


    One of the most resource-intensive features that we have to tackle is planetary warfare. It brings significant change to the game and, before we can achieve it, we have to bring PvP in general to a more mature state. We know that territory warfare is an important game system to many of you, so continue to help us improve PvP by engaging in fights to generate data for us to analyze and continue to improve the system. " 

    Will he make it? Won't they get there? We don't know, but the will is there.

  22. 59 minutes ago, Hecticus said:

    @Knight-SevyWhen the game is only fun for pirates, there will only be pirates.


    And yet 2 or 3 hunters in our organization must have killed a hundred mission transport ships.
    (proof SNS JUNKYARD)

    But the game does not boil down to an interaction between a pirate and his victim.

    The objective is nevertheless much broader at the community level.
    When the influential organizations can take complete possession of a planet (as the game has promised since the kickstarter phases) then we will be in another level of play.

    Carriers who complain about pirates will become on the wrong side of the law and will be treated like smugglers ;)

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