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Aaron Cain

Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Aaron Cain

  1. Aaron Cain


    Agree on that, but on the other hand i do think some form of personnel transport should be in place, If restricted, no problem but give it workable restrictions. If not people might start using multiple resurection nodes as fast transport, just empty all inventory, drop dead, poof what Resurrection note to use. Technically possible dependable on what is meant with unless configured specifically " Unless configured specifically, you will respawn at the last one you have activated. If you have no activated Resurrection Node anywhere in the game universe, you will respawn where you appeared the first time in the game: in the Arkship.
  2. For some reason you keep using this passive aggressive way when the discussion is not going your way. A discussion should be more open minded but in this post that's lacking. I hoped to find an argument other then, "if you do it like that people cannot conquer it and i dont like that" But it comes back to that point every time. Been there, seen it before, not gone fall for it. Good luck with your post. Greetz Aaron
  3. I think that if you pay enough there will be people that guard your border. Simply said, Well I am in BMC, a mercenary group that will take up jobs as a neutral organization, and a job is a job, as long as it pays right. Same for building your city, you can do it yourself or hire people or mercenaries. With the right payment it can be build. Ill sent you a pm. Greetz Aaron
  4. Aaron Cain


    Nah just a smaller gate placeable planet side. so @Lethys If the gate would be solo placeable, like a TU, and lets say we restrict it to not be placeable on structure, so it has to stand "not on/in " a structure. That would already make it less safe to travel to and from it but still would make the travel less long, and if someone wants to take down a base they could take down/ take over the gate too since its less defended. Any other suggestions to make it workable?
  5. Aaron Cain


    - has to be restricted to UA, otherwise it'll be abused heavily: Yes - if you build such a gate then you're pretty much invulnerable on both sides as you can "ship" or transport ppl across the galaxy instantly: Not much more then using the other "Space" stargate. But it would make the game more dynamic, and to build the base and mini gate on the other side you will have to do that as well, And there is indeed difference between doing it in a safezone or in a pvp zone but in your oppinion what would make this a feature that will not break the game? Suggestions?
  6. Probably it is, i even think its in one of the development notes but not sure which one
  7. Well placing the TU underground is a game mechanic so then lets stop discussing it as an exploit and focus on real exploits. So as it is a game mechanic that is actually on the news page And in development notes of Dual Universe, please remove the underground item of the exploit list. Common sense can never be an exploit, and if its is there is something broken ingame.
  8. Aaron Cain


    Most of us know there will be massive star-gates in space to sent our ships to far away places. What i want to propose is a smaller base located gate. It should be large enough to sent people, small hovers and small fighters but small enough to block big hovers and big ships. The placing should be in a base, planet or space bound, and transport is only possible if you own both sides of the gate, so you need to build one at both sides. Since this is the same technology as will be used for the large gate it should fit the lore. And because you already need to have a base on both sides of the gate you have probably already used the large gate at least once but to be sure this is not gone be an easy thing to build a training should be there that makes this only craft-able after you already studied the building of star-gates in general. An option is to make these scale able just like the shown hangar doors, although i hope the star-gate idea will not be a circle to fly through but more a set of "rails" or "beacons" guiding a ship into the flow. Your thoughts?
  9. Option 3, Any blueprint that is made of your design will cost the person who blueprints it some cash that flows to you direct. But i think i read somewhere that the bleuprinted ship will have some form of blueprintprotection. But if you fear for this to happen, sell the ship With a blueprint Copy fee. What i mean: The buyer already pays for the right to copy paste it.
  10. That would be a good idea, but then you also need training for "on the ground" building since you need constructs to not collapse there too, and also energy and water can be a problem with no training, So it would be good if any training is necessary for all constructs, or maybe a system like the creativerse system where you need to be able to craft something in order to craft the next. But both systems will limit the speed of the game, on the other hand, is that a problem? It would mean you really are specialized, If this system would work like this for everything, mining, need to mine this before that, etc
  11. So technically A player can set his/her TU to Ful Non-PvP and that is No exploit, it is a game feature
  12. And then i guess you didnt even read this yet: https://devblog.dualthegame.com/2015/07/24/territory-control/ One last very important point about territory tiles is the notion of “arkification”. Arkification is the process by which you could turn your territory into a non-PvP area, similar to the safe area around the Arkship. Arkified tiles would be incredibly powerful areas, as they cannot be hacked, conquered, destroyed or tampered with in any way. No need to say, this notion is a very sensitive gameplay aspect, and we have not yet decided precisely how and if it can be integrated in the game. Alternatives to it is simply to say that you can hide your stuff deep underground on a remote planet, or within the heavily guarded castle of your powerful organization. But these ideas are not totally safe.
  13. Thats not an exploid, thats a game mechanic. Maybe one some people dont like, but still one. Lets give an example. A nuclear shelter that houses the government and national gold reserve deep underground is: A-good thinking B-exploit And now some offical NQ texts to show it is not an exploit: "A Territory Control Unit is the physical asset through which a player or organization can claim ownership of a tile. TCUs can be placed anywhere within a neutral territory, even underground; they just have to be within the boundaries of the territory (see above for territory boundaries). The creator of the TCU can then share its rights (to dig or build[1]) with anyone they choose, notably those in control of the territories around them, if they don't own those territories already. This centralization aspect is intended to encourage the growth of nation-states where a central defensible capital can be established to maintain control over several tiles at once. At this time, not much is known about the TU asset itself, other than it will be fairly expensive and difficult to construct, with some of the resources necessary available only outside of the Arkship's safe-zone."
  14. It works in the whole zone. Its not that is doesnt work underground because some think that with all the space we have we have to raid every base we see. And with that said i would like to see more positive community building ideas in the idea section and not yet another version of how to undermine the safezones. I think this is now the 4th or 5th topic started this month in which you can read between the lines "how to undermine the working of the TU/STU", NQ didnt add these units for nothing. So calling the use of it an exploit, although between lines, is kinda the same as calling the use of fighters to go to space an exploit because "fill in any reason".
  15. If you want this, i would propose to add another unit. Instead of building a shield unit, build a stealth unit. Does exactly that but reduces your actual defences, so its still claimed and all the stuff that goes with that but the stealth has a negative impact on total defences, not talking about actual armor or concrete boxes but about shieldings or defence units. With stealth on all other electrical defence units are off to hide the location. Would that work for you?
  16. Welcome here, and Hope to see you ingame soon!! The potential of DU scrapes the blue of the sky and can safely say: you will love it. See you soon!!! Aaron
  17. So in the end, the way it is now is not so bad?
  18. you are right. So I hope that there will be a message "there already is a base in this territory" when you want to add a TU. And then When you place it anyway it is your fault and noone else is to blame. There was a choise Not to put it there with another base already in the territory
  19. I can understand, but it was not an idea i had but the way buildings work for all i know now. You need to actually take over the core else its still be someone elses. In my case, What would you offer me to leave? and else, good luck with destroying my base . I would want complete compensation And a fee for leaving. You want this spot while there is a whole planet, then pay for me leaving.
  20. Totally agree with Shioristein. This will be perfect for trolls and loads of drama, the original system is good, the solutions provided here do also work. And to be honest, if someone builds a base over my underground base, im sure i can find a way to rob them or make their life "complicated" Lets begin with adding perimiter defences while they are offline, add a boxed in bunker over their base and that will be funny. It is stated that property and builds will not be destroyed by placing a TU or something and the base will stay in your possession, so any invader will have an incursion incoming asap
  21. Just loved your post. No comments, Brilliant!!! Keep up the good work!!!!
  22. 1 should be evenly expensive, there is no reason this option would be cheaper as it has the same function in general 2 simple solution, you cant build within feed of existing base, and existing bases are not deleted or destroyed by placing a TU 3 so then im gone place about 100 of these on all hexes around my base, lets break the game, and they are cheap so its easy peasy to do it with a large or semi small org already. The original problem can easely be fixed by adding a limitation on the TU that all builders of bases in that hex will keep their rights and are automatically transfered to the TU with no chance of change in that. with a "aprove: Yes/No"box
  23. Would be more fun if they don't remove the arc, but abandon it. With that in mind, the second power is gone all functions will stop. You could even put a timer on that. With that the arc components are salvagable in a non safe zone. Could give some nice battles over those resources.
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