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Ser_Aison -currently gone-

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Posts posted by Ser_Aison -currently gone-

  1. It is a pity that Tab targeting will be the main method (at least from my understanding of all devblogs and what I've gathered thus far. Personally I would have much more preferred options such as soft targeting or arc fire which would draw a little bit more but shouldn't kill the networking as badly as physically based targeting - https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/621-firing-arcs/


    The main issue I see here is that while the game offers more then EVE in terms of building, exploration and player community, it is shaping up to be very similar to eve in the fighting department and that would mean a fight of macros instead of a fight of skill. I hope I'm wrong, but Tab Targeting in space offers less skill based combat in my opinion then for Example the more modern MMORPG where you have at least dodge and block mechanics ect on top of Tab Targeting making the fight at least that bit more entertaining (I still don't class any tab targeting MMORPG Fight system as fun or overly skill based. I've played GW2 for a while and once my Necromancer build was done I could defeat almost any monster (excluding dungeons) with simple press 1,3,4,6 dodge here and there and rinse and repeat...). Tab Targeting also decreases any need for multicrew at least I can't see where multicrew comes to play in terms of combat when the fight is tab targeting.

    While arc fire and soft targeting may be not as worse for networking, you have to take in mind that the devs are aiming for battles with hundreds if not thounsads of players and ships on BOTH sides.


    Multicrew would be nice to every single cre member having a number of turrets assigned allowing you to spread the damage between the enemies

  2. That is if they plan to add that sort of exploration :)

    It has been confirmed multiple times that exploration will be main part of the gameplay for the first few months


  3. I also have a hero complex, at least i call it so. What i mean is, i always try to be the good guy, who is helping the people and wish for all a long, happy and prosperous life. If someone works with me then i'm usually very generous, open-hearted and forgiving, but if someone tries to exploit me, it makes the contrary really fast. And should anyone violate my deepest beliefs (for the most part, simply the human rights), for example slaveholders and raiders, I have no qualms to track and destroy them until no remains are left.


    Oh god we will have fun times, you and me. Welcome to the community

  4. I'm not sure how to vote on this. My first idea is the game is supposed to be after we leave earth cause of the impending destruction from the super nova so we are on a new world and We are thinking of wreckage and ruin found on the new world? If that's the case then there are definietly alien design. Even if it would be considered homosapien type beings they are not human as we think cause of cultural differences and the buildings would have a perhaps different design cause our unique history. Unless you're taking in the wreckage is from our "landing"? 

    Wreckage both in space and on the planet also of course there should be no ruins and wreckage in the alioth (starting) system but in the other systems you cant be sure if someone from your ark hasnt been there already, and remember you were asleep for 10.000 years in the ark that is a lot of time, whole civilization or even races can rise and fall in that time and it is possible that some other humans from your own ark where already there

  5. The arkship would have woken many people before you (the player)

    The game lore states that we are the first ones to be awaken

    But i agree with your opinion we should avoid spawnkilling at all cost

  6. After rewatching alien and playing quite a bit of starcraft (them zerg).

    I came up with the idea of a parasite-like alien species, basicly they would live on large ships and be a minor annoyance but could grow to a larger one if unattended.


    How would they work? Basicly they would be small fast creaturs dwelling in the shadows or small unused shafts of your ship, they could use transport pipes (if implemented) or other components that are probably hollow (containers) or/and simply walk through your ship trying to avoid any player contact.

    The way they would add to the gameplay would be by having them "eat" components (slowly damaging components they hide in/around) or energy (think the weird alien things Han and Leia encountered in the Space Worm in Star Wars the empire strikes back) increasing the energy maintenace of your ship, if they stayed unattended they would reproduce and start increasing the energy cost so much that you ship would start to lose function. This would create a need to start "Bug Hunts" clearing your ship/station of the parasites.


    They would spread by entering your ship if you land on a planet and then start to spread through that ship and even enter other ships/stations when you dock with them, resulting in entire sectors beeing plagued by a parasite swarm.


    I dont think they should be a threat to the player simply trying to run away from them and hiding but to effectivly find them they should require a special "Bug Scan" Skill allowing for players or groups to specialise in removing parasites form ships adding more gameplay.


    Or we go the Alien and Aliens route of things and have them be a horrible nightmare taking out entire ships, stations or even colonies.

    Imagine the need to quarantine a planet/sector because of large amounts of horrible murder machines.

    IF these (nightmare) kind of parasites exist they should only spawn in wreckage/ruins (nuke it from orbit its the only way to be sure) and should have a high risk/reward ratio to justify exploring or even returning to the site they live in.

  7. Scare Recources should be a important part of early till mid game pvp, in late game territory/really advanced recources should be the main drivers


    I personally think that recources for basic ships should be more or less "common" while advanced components (FTL drive/strong weapons/shields) should need really rare recources comming up only every few systems, the recources for Stargates should be so incredibly uncommon that wars will be fought over sources

  8. I always liked the idea of a news system to state that x/y was happening in system/region a/b. They do it in EvE, but to a limited degree with only updates to war, Incursions and bounties. The ability to customize your own feed via a form of RSS would be ideal though to get rid of things you don't want to see or really care about.


    However, I would also enjoy seeing the ability to write news, possibly, so that you open up an avenue for people to report on wars, successful stories of colonisation, etc. It could make things either interesting or I could have just suggested something terrible.

    The only suggestion that is terrible, is the one that suggests another one is terrible

  9. Basically if the loot a player has is valuable, then that player's life also gains value. This reflects real life where the rich are made targets by thieves and hired killers.

    Yes but in real life the rich born get punished if they die... because they die

    In a game the guy who dies should at least have some consequences, it would be quite boring if the freighter im robbing rams me because his death doesnt matter

  10. So after thinking a bit about ways to convey and tell stories in DU, i though about Wreckage and Ruins you might find that arent result of player interaction (combat).


    First Wreckages: The Idea is very simple, the game would spawn wreckage in a system/orbit of a object, that could be discovered by explorers and salvaged for recources, components and technology.

    So how would the game create wreckage?


    First option: The game takes predefiend already damaged models and places them randomly across the system. (allows for alien AND manmade objects)

    Second Option: The game takes normal player made models from the ingame market that are actualy aviable to be bought by anyone and damages them randomly before randomly placing them across a already discovered system to explain why the system hasnt been scanned already.

    Third Option: Player made AND predefined Wreckage


    Second Ruins: For Ruins we have basiclly the same options, if structures work like ships for the market. BUT structures open more gameplay options because they could trigger safe areas around them, be an automated market, a tomb that goes through the whole planet that you have discover and explore or just a simple trap.

  11. I just noticed something that could explain the way he turns in space here is a picture:

    Im not allowed to post the picture here is a imgur link: http://imgur.com/xWmUI2g


    The thing i circled looks like a RCS thruster to me, this could posibly be the explaination to the way he turns in space


    Another Question i have is: In the trailer everything was black and withe, will we be able to colour our ships

  12. Talking about death it is importatnt to know if we are limited to one charakter or can play multiple ones (see Wow OR Guild Wars) if we can play multiple ones perma death or a skill loss would indeed be a nice mechanic, but if we are limited to only one charakter the loss of our work could be damaging enough.


    Maybe the game also takes the approach Space Engineers tried (and failed) that you can place respawn station, that heal you and that you use to respawn and if you have no more stations to respawn all ships that you own arent owned by you anymore.

    Dual Universe could do this by removing your faction tags and affiliation or/and even forcing you to take a new ingame name which would mean that if you dont respawn at your own medical/respawn station you are considered a new charakter.


    I hope it doesnt turn into a arcade like system where death isnt punished and only a mediocre annoyance...

  13. What? Do you even know what team speak is?


    While this idea is cool, most groups will just use team speak for voice chat. Easy to setup, and easy to use. 

    i know exactly what teamspeak is, im saying that getting members of other factions into your teamspeak channel will be a uneccesary hassle and you cant expect every single person to be in a faction resulting in the need for a in game communication method, preferably both voice and typing chat...

  14. This whole mechanic could be easily bypassed by third party voice chat.

    good luck getting the leader of another faction on exactly you teamspeak channel and then room to talk to him for about 2 minutes about some kind of treaty

  15. I have been thinking about a way to do communication without teamspeak and thought about a number of ways to do it,

    some ways would be

    via voice and chat channely deicated to local area, groups, factions, global (system), galaxy/universe wide


    the second way would be allowing you to create completly custom chatrooms both for typing and voice chat (like teampspeak where you can create extra rooms on a server


    another possibility would be a basic chat completly used via chat commands (minecraft chat/stellaris chat)


    the last and in my opinion best way would be to do it like the "acre" (advance combar radio enviorment) mod for arma, creating a itam that allows you to join specific frequencies and even using speciall encoding procedures to avoid being spied on, this would allow for a great diversity of gameplay from factions using multiple frequencies to have a strictly organised comm system, for example group a has 2 comm officers a and b, a is responsible for commands from the higher ups and relaying them to the group leader, b responsible for leading orders further down the command chain.

    Or a radio station opening on a frequencie broadcasting news and playing music all COMPLETELY player driven.


    Basic functions of acre demonstrated:



    wow ingore this while i edit it

  16. Keep in mind, that if somebody takes apart Spaceship X and then makes a manual copy, there is no way for the game to know that it is a copy of Spaceship X, so there would be no way for it to know that blueprint A is 10% better than blueprint B.  Voxels are voxels, so I am not sure there would be for the system to tell that two builds are exactly the same.

    This could be done by either keeping track of what kind of ships you use and buy and comparing them to ships you build, this would require for you to actually be able to build something you would need to modify the original design by some extent (the game could track model, look, used block count, how blocks are placed and more, if to many things match its considered "copied" and get the maluses applied or the bonuses NOT applied, further more a creation date on blueprints could help with copy cats

  17. The Source Engine does it and handles it pretty well and there is a mod for Space Engineers that adds live camera feeds to LCD and its also working even though the devs said that its impossible...

  18. Talkin about Ship WeaponryI would enjoy a (a bit more complex) rock, paper, shotgun playstyle with (expensive) hard and (cheap) soft counters



    Gatlinguns-> Cut through shields, weak against armor

    Rocketlaunchers-> AOE makes them effective against armor, shields are very strong against them

    Lasers-> Long Range, Very accurate, either weak but penetrating OR countered by shield AND armor

    Missiles-> Advanced Expensive Rockets, can be pinpointed to exact impact location resulting in them trying to reach that location, allowing to target engines/weak hull points

    Bombs-> Anti Shield and Armor Weapons, Extremly slow and only work in Gravity, anti ground can be fought off by Anti-Air


    By Adding a complexer System OR adding enough off this variants making OP Ships would be so expensive that its either impossible or a fleet spreading the abbilities across its ships would be effective

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