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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by GalloInfligo

  1. Code24, well dont forget they limit to 1K high too, but i agree the mountian tiles will probably be some of the first territory claimed.
  2. Thats Great Peregrin, i cant wait to read what you write up.
  3. I am still waiting to find out if its from a set point like sea level, or the point you enter and start digging. Makes more sense to have a common start axis.
  4. Yeah I just don't see the point yet in joining to many organizations but friends always get my help.
  5. Trigun, i am willing to work with anyone, not necessarily a member, but i like to see myself as a free agent....that usually hangs out with my friends The Outfit.
  6. All of the devblogs are also forums posts
  7. They said somewhere that you can only dig 2km down
  8. I know that is what they said, I just hope they do something to give us more options for the look and feel of our ships than a few cookie cutter elements required for all ships so that they ALL have some similar looks.
  9. I think a lot of people are missing the face that because of the elements being a set shape and design, all of our constructs using them will have the same elements look. I love this idea of making them look like a construct, I hope the Devs could do this. for small ships, we will have, https://www.facebook.com/dualuniverse/photos/a.303621166476929.1073741829.247958025376577/542722355900141/?type=3&theater which they gave an idea of how we could use them differently here., https://www.facebook.com/dualuniverse/photos/a.303621166476929.1073741829.247958025376577/547120528793657/?type=3&theater
  10. I love the idea of tractoring in another ship to board it, makes you also want to join crews of larger ships to avoid this.
  11. see the search bar up top? see the gear symbol to the right of it, that will let you search for words inside posts. if you want official posts, search by author as well and put in NQ-Nyzaltar
  12. I would love for a moderator to come up with the size limitation, so I can edit mine to the proper size, and do it once.
  13. I would hope that when you use the hologram, it then shows you the screen like you are referring to. just a fancy terminal that might also show some important information on the hologram.
  14. you mean something like this??? http://www.dualthegame.com/marmoset/Holo-Table.mview
  15. they said somewhere that they will have NPC vendors selling basic modules so people that don't know how to code can buy one and get a ship flying with it, no mention however on if they will buy things.
  16. The Devs have mentioned this as well, but I have been wondering, HOW is a new player going to afford one of these new ships, say a year after launch, I can see the start planet being mostly striped of anything of value at that point in time. Unless they implement an auto-replenish to the dug out areas in the start zone, but since the rest of the planet should be claimable, how can they justify replenishing an owned area, what if it was dug out for an underground base etc....
  17. It looks like we will be able to scan systems and see what is there before sending a SG probe to it, so we can send them to the systems we want to go to.
  18. I think it would work just fine CaptainTwerkmotor, if you look at how it works there, you cant transport througb a shield, and orginally it had limited distances, and couldnt transport to a ship in warp. So as long as the diatance was limited and the shilds still blocking it,i dont have a problem with it...
  19. Thanks Ryoko! Keep us in mind but i wish you well wherever you may go.
  20. From what I understand, all laws, and enforcement will be player driven, I don't see a way to do a jail system, and would not support one if there was. The way I would see this being done is, through the tag system. Player X breaks a minor law or rule, you add a additional % tax to player X. He breaks a Major one, you either raise the tax rate, or ban him from using any of your organizations constructs. That would include any start gates, or space stations. That IMHO is a pretty severe punishment, depending on how big your Org is, and all the things you will be denying player x. IMHO a small Organization has no business making laws or trying to enforce them. On your other point, Respect is earned. if your admiral loses his fleet in your example, it is probably because he was a schmuck and didn't command respect. I great leader doesn't need more than what I provided above. So my advice to any large Organization would be pick your leaders carefully, and avoid the power hungry type A personalities.
  21. You missed the other reason they fail When they piss off a player group with the nerf bat, they tend to leave and never come back....wow is famous for this
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