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Posts posted by TrihXeen

  1. It is completely understandable how this would not work, but it is at least food for thought.


    Anyone in Ninja Clan Fu, including MatzaJew and myself WILL BE P2P from the beginning. This is purely an idea/solution to the want of the game being F2P to some extent.


    This is not us wanting a F2P version of the game.



    So I have been discussing the subject of everyone posting about the subscription dilemma plaguing the forums with @MatzaJew


    I got the idea when we were discussing other games sub models. I have played Runescape for about 12 yrs. For those who don't know, they have two types of server. F2p and P2P servers. Now, DU is one shard so that wouldn't work. But, what would be the possibility of sectioning a solar system or two that would be a F2P zone on the same shard. A zone that would keep F2P in THAT zone and P2P would be kept out of it. You could get into it from P2P, but you wound't take anything with you. Your character would become the F2P equivalent. There would also be VERY VERY limited contact between the zones. 


    This zone would have a lot of limiting factors:


    1.) You would only be able to build so many cubic meters of voxels. So you would only be able to build either a small ship and small building, or either a medium structure or medium ship(still be limited to one person). This would allow people to experience the building aspect of the game, but be limiting enough so that they are experiencing a small percentage of what awaits them in the P2P universe.


    2.) You would be limited on what materials you could use to build. i.e. bronze for ships or wood for structures.


    3.) You would be SEVERELY limited on the amount of resources your character can carry. As well as how much money you can make. This would keep from grinding for more than the trial period and pay for P2P with in-game money.


    4.) Skills would also be SEVERELY limited to basic knowledge. Things like forges, refineries, smithies, stoves and what not would be found around the F2P arkship, much like Runescape, they would work for multiple people at one time.


    5.) The F2P zone could also be a non-PVP zone to some extent. Maybe the weapons in the area have limited damage they do, so PK-ing would be very difficult.


    6.) Organizations would be limited to 3 people, if there are any. This would allow people to see how the mechanic works, but they still aren't experiencing the full version.


    7.) As well as the F2P zone having its own market. While it could be a part of the whole games market, you wouldn't be able to get into or out of the zone to collect your stuff. Also as mentioned before, F2P would be limited on how much money their character can have. So it would make sense to have their own market, if the even get one.


    Some other options to consider:


    1.) Being stuck on the planet, and not being able to traverse space on your own. But, you could pay an NPC to fly you to another planet, moon or what not. I would be expensive, or only possible once P2P members have been able to leave Alioth. This would keep F2P from experiencing space travel before P2P members.


    2.) Not having a F2P global market, but you travel to certain areas to buy/sell what you need.


    3.) Only having a limited number of play hours per 24 hour period. i.e. only getting to be in the F2P zone for 8 hours per 24 hour period.


    4.) There could also be a F2P zone "wipe" every 2-4 weeks, so that the zone does not get completely destroyed and over run. How this would be accomplished would need to be figured out, but could be an option.


    We decided to put this together to give a possible solution to the argument of F2P vs. P2P since not many people have many out-of-the-box ideas for solving this dilemma.


    We have talked back and forth for hours about this before I decided to put this post together. We understand that some people are happy with bare minimum, so removing certain aspects of the game would make it playable, but you wouldn't get the full experience of the P2P area of the game.

    Thanks for taking the time to read and consider what we have come up with. OVERALL, we feel this gives someone enough of an experience of the game outside of the 2-4 week trial, while limiting the amount of time the could possibly have to play this F2P area.
    Thanks again for reading!  :D
    -TrihXeen & MatzaJew
  2. I would actually prefer something more agile, but anything that helps me gather resources and explore would be nice. Something besides flying around a planet in the ship would give more immersion, IMO.

  3. How about this. Instead of logging out in cryotubes/beds, you set them as your log in point. You may not log into the game inside them, but next to them. That way you can log out where ever. On a ship or planet. You would only need one per ship/base or what have you. I think this would have the most benefit for most situations. You wouldn't have to worry about your ragdoll falling through structures, or have to worry about building around you or digging a hole under you. As well as not allowing travel between them, as you would need for it to scan your "DNA" so to speak, so you can spawn there on log in.


    BUT, there needs to be things to prevent abuse, like you would need to be logged out for a certain amount of time before it took effect. Also, maybe you can only have a limited number of inventory items on you. Unless its a lost connection type of thing maybe? Also, if you are tagged for combat, maybe you drop most of your inventory if you combat log, or you log into a different, maybe random location. Maybe combat logging is ragdoll?


    As soon as I got the idea, the ways to abuse immediately came to mind, lol. So, my idea would HAVE to have ways to prevent abuse. 

  4. YES YES YES! Everything about this post YES. I appreciate everything the devs have done! And will do in the future! I was sold on the game before even being on the forums or seeing more than one video!


    I can't wait to see everything that comes from the devs and the community!


    +infinity to the devs!

  5. Personally, I'm worried. It's starting to sound like you won't have much control over what and where you shoot. How is combat going to be? Will it even be enjoyable if most of the work is done for you? I don't want to spend a couple hours designing a badass ship to then go attack some pirates and find out my guns have a mind of their own and they are not very cooperative, let alone smart.

    From what I understand, it depends on the size of your ship and if you have AI controlling your guns. The targeting system was talked about in another thread, I just can't remember which one.


    But, its either:


    You have a small enough ship that you can control everything.


    Your ship is too big for just you, so you use AI


    Or, you have a multi-crew ship, and other player man the guns/turrets.


    I'm sure we will have control over them, we just don't know specifically how precise they will be.

  6. Most of the things I would have said.... Have been said. Also, WOW and EVE are old mmos. They are both monthly sub. Any other game that I've seen start P2P that goes F2P or is a B2P game practically dies after a year or two.


    Yes, they are a business, and businesses are created to make money. If this was just a group of people in college, making a game for a project, it would be different. But NQ is made up of people with different educations, who have been planning the game out since 2014. So they have had 2 years at this point to think about their monetization model. 


    They did say it is still up for discussion in the dev blog. But, you need to think from a business perspective as well as a consumer perspective. You need to think GLOBALLY not LOCALLY. You need to think about what will help protect your product from griefers. IF, you could come up with some ways to allow them a steady flow of cash, for this type of MMO, as well as a way for the community AS A WHOLE to be mostly happy(you can't please everyone), then it would be of benefit. It would, how ever, most likely need to be something that hasn't been done before.


    I would never spend years of my life making a game, then make it F2P or B2P, then have the community turn their backs on it because people are just making account after account to mess with those who actually want to play.

  7. I am pretty sure that if this game goes as planned, we will have the drama of EVE and the approximate saltiness of a million noobs, crying for nerfs.


    Ergo, I suggest the following.


    Step 1 : Create a designated area on the star map, give it a catchy name to signify that shit goes down there, like "The Sizzlestars"


    Step 2 : Make the Sizzlestars an area where only two things can survive. Salt and conversations on who slept more with whoever's mother (you know tese things happen >_> )


    Step 3 : Jack up the prices on minerals and profit from all the testosterone pvpers who will pay hefty prices on resupplying themselves with new ships.


    Step 4 : Don't marry Sansa to Ramsey Bolton.


    Step 5 : Stay on the path of the original plan by marketing pvp areas and repeating the scam -- I mean masterplan. Yes, totally not a scam to rip off them pvpers.


    Step 6 : ??????


    Step 7 : PROFIT

    HAHA I like this!


    You need a new ship? Ok, 15k space bucks. Oh, its for PVP.... we have an additional fee for that.... yes, 1mil space bucks is a lot, but look at what it can do ;)

  8. Probably you'll be able to target stuff, hopefully not like E:D (kinda crappy). Still they mentioned the possibility of partial damage and to board the enemy ship, so how do you open a hole in a ship if you have a target on the entire ship? You can't choose where to open the hole? Probably you'll be able to target let's say, the hangar door, and do it that way. 

    Since we don't know if you will be able to fly AND shoot at the same time, although I imagine we would in smaller ships. Let's say you have AI manning your guns. They might shoot at ships in general. Want to punch a hole in the ship? Go man the turret yourself and use precise aiming.


    They have said that they will be using some form of TAB targeting for enemies, we just don't know if we were to get close enough, would we be able to specifically target different components of the ship. Honestly though, you wouldn't know where to hit, like a door, to be able to get into a ship. what if they don't have any noticeable doors? What if they have an arm the moves pieces of the ship to allow the doors to be accessed?


    Specifically for boarding, I think grappling onto the ship and cutting your way in would be the best option for raiding a ship. 

  9. I could see it as, you target the ship, and your bullets/lazers and what not are put on a random course. So it would be random hits across the target. Unless you had a weapon that was used for precise fire.


    I would consider the voxels as hull, and the core components as what needs to get hit to actually damage the ships HP so to speak. There is a game called From the Depths that does a similar thing. The guns/turrets target a ship, and hit at random spots. After certain parts are destroyed, the ships go down.


    If you have ever played Starmade, it is more of a point and shoot. The ships in Starmde have a core and other components you can add. The only way to completely destroy those ships is to destroy the core. I could see DU having similar mechanics as Starmade.

  10. I'm not sure that it should really matter. I have played a lot of MMO's through steam, and I still have to make an account on the MMO's website. I usually also have to download the game from the launcher that downloaded from steam.


    For me, it's an extra step in what I have to do to play the game. On the other hand, steam would help get it even more attention. So, it is up to the devs to determine what they feel is best for the game and community.

  11. I guess it would have to come down to the durability of the resources we can build our bases out of. I think that maybe there should be an option that a lot of games have, where if you don't log into it after so many days, maybe the protection starts fading. Or, have it to where you would have to pay resources to keep the protection.


    Even if their are "PVE" zones, I think it should only protect the structures, and still allow for player or ship combat. That way people don't take refuge in these zones. Or, have the game set up where if you do enter combat, you get tagged and cannot enter PVE areas until the tag has gone away.


    I do like the idea of the simulated space, but I feel that people would spend all their time in there and not in the world of the game. Now, a virtual world that is just like say, a large warehouse environment, where you build structures to iron out details would work. BUT, not allow people to make blueprints that are for sale from said place.


    Overall, you know the risk you are taking playing the game. So, be prepared to defend your stuff. As much as I like just building, I don't believe anyone should be completely immune to being raided.

  12. It's all good. I didn't intend to sound offended. I welcome feed back when it comes with what I'm looking for as well. I think you were the second or third person to offer feed back, but no other information was given in regards to the questions. But, YOU, did offer up another question to ask which I appreciate! and I will add it even though it should be common sense to just say such things. haha XD 


    My intent is to write a backstory, much like there is a backstory to the game, that players could say things like "someone tried that before, trust me, it's a bad idea".


    Like I have said before, it would be more information to help develop characters in this game where the only lore we have is of one persons experience getting on an arkship, waking up 10k years later, then finding alien crazy things happening.


    So this is where my backstory would come in. Say I wrote something about 2 organizations. One of which wanted to meet aliens and further their knowledge. The other, wanted to enslave any aliens they find. That's all, more or less, that people would have to work with. There would be no story being told by one person. There would be no restrictions. Just a backstory, that people could choose to have their character be linked to.


    People will already be doing that to some extent with the lore of the game, so it shouldn't be a big deal for someone to write some other lore for people to have the option of saying, yea, I wan't to be a part of that or I want to RP with that being part of what my character believes in. It's much like those who want someone to start a religion that they can say they are apart of.


    Once again, I don't intend to sound offended in any way. I just tend to over explain myself sometimes. XD

  13. I think your questions are limiting your ideas about Role Playing.   If your intent is "Give a scenario and and have players interact with each other in said scenario."  This is Role Playing.  If your intent is "Have someone tell the story of a character in the Dual Universe setting."  This is also Role Playing though in a different respect.  In either case they both could encompass all the questions you put forth and more.  Role Play tends not to limit itself that way.  I think a better question is "What would you want to Role Play?  Ser_Aison_Ironfist_Bold previous post is a good example.  Though I must say from his other posts I've read.....  I think he was Blackbeard in a previous life.  This has me worried. :mellow:

    Look, I'm just wondering what people like doing in their RP. REGARDLESS of what I plan on doing, I just want to know about what people like about RP they are currently doing or have done. I'm not looking for feedback on my ideas(right now). I just want people to answer my questions so I can get a feel for the community. This isn't a time for "constructive criticism" since I haven't presented you with any content or ideas. 

  14. So don't allow uploading it to the actual game servers - think of it more as an early demo, possibly a kickstarter reward after contributing a certain amount. It could also e useful to lay the PR groundwork before the kickstarter, it would help make the game feel a lot more real for the space sandbox audience, and help disperse some of the vaporware claims. People will build things and dream of the moment they can fly it in-game, meanwhile word to mouth gets an early start and they can use some of the creations as showcase pieces to demonstrate some of what they can do.

    MatzaJew was referring to the fact that, only allowing us to build in game removes a lot of legal risks. If it is hand made in a game, no worries. If one of your players imported a 3D model, then the owner of said model or copyright comes forward, the devs could be pulled into a lawsuit.


    Vylqun Is on the right track!

  15. How about this. If someone's money comes up tight and they can't pay, but have some time to get on(if you have time to play, you have time for another job IMO) then maybe, limit them to the planet of Alioth with only limited building rights in certain places. Maybe also add in a limited global chat feature, so we don't have bots spamming chat, if there is one.


    BUT, also make these options available for a limited time. Maybe a month or two. I wonder if anyone will be making an organization for people who want to use in game money to pay for their sub?

  16. I think the point here isnt can we make them but why?We are alone on a new world, perhaps worlds after a while. Who do you need to fight? Do you need a mechsuit to hunt deer or bison? I think not. If there were aliens with advanced technology trying to throw us out of their systems, maybe, but other than that mechs would be not needed during the exploration and domesticating of a new world.

    Yes, I need to fight. It's a mech suit! I would bring in such a huge haul if I hunted with it. On the contrary, they would be perfect for everything you are saying.


    1.) Cheaper defensive options, compared to turrets and the such.


    2.) Hunting with them might be overboard, but with the tech, you could camouflage it to look like a tree. Then, use it for a perch to shoot from.


    3.) They would be perfect for exploration and domesticating. Specifically, cheaper to explore with. Instead of ships/cars or what not. Could you imagine the work that would get done if you had people in mech suits helping you build and move resources? 


    If you could actually write a script to do this for the in game AI, realistically, said person would actually be worth millions in their knowledge.  Keep in mind any mech game you see is not actually doing any real calculations for movement or balance.  It's all a facsimile.  If you actually manage it.  Post me.  I have some people in exo-skeleton engineering and robotics who will want to talk with you.

    EXACTLY I was throwing the idea out there, not as something for us to code in game, but something that exists that can be altered for looks/functionality. I've already gone through the thought process you guys have, and I think if they were in the game, it would need to be pre-made. Unless..... We had it controlled by..... a.....










  17. I saw a twitter post that got me thinking... What would be the possibilities of having mech suits in the game.


    Anything from exo-skeletons that help with explorations, to mechs like those in Mobile Suit Gundam, or the Gardes from Knights of Sidonia.


    I specifically like the Mechs from Knights of Sidonia, since they are able to link together to travel through space faster. I believe this would add yet another play style to the game, whilst making it a harder thing to achieve. Maybe some super rare tech in the game.


    More coming of this from me, once I get my thoughts on it together. Got some other things I'm focusing on at the moment.

  18. I don't mean to sound like an ass but I rather have any form of conflict come up from in-game interactions then because of a backstory, roleplaying characters pre-launch is also an option.


    I prefer my own backstory and honestly I really like Social RP.  Like talking, banter, arguments and such.


    That is why I SOOO want cantines and like, where there can be barfights and much more xD

    Hmmm, well, I never said anything about writing a script. Just a backstory. Where it goes from there, I don't care. Everyone fights? Go for it. Reverse everything I might write in the story? Sure, go for it. I like coming up with stories, and writing. No one would have pre set roles and everyone would come up with their characters.


    I guess I will edit my first post so this thread stays on topic for what I'm looking for.

  19. I like this idea, and I'm all for it. I wanted to spend some time just flying through space. As long as we construct a statue to be put in place next to the destination, I'll do it. This also means I may make a secondary account for this(yes, ill pay for two accounts), and keep my main at the place of origin. I would only be playing my main for a shorter time, but then it would have a better start than flying through space for months.

  20. I like where this is going. Maybe add in that there can only be these tokens/artifacts can only be so close together. That way, people can't just form a grid of them and keep each other protected. Or, maybe have a multiplier on the weakness of it, based on the number of people in the organization it is affiliated with? Unless there is a super rare one for PVE zones, that is huge, then limit it to one per planet? As well as not allowing the other(not so rare) tokens/artifacts in the same hemisphere? I would personally like the protection for a zone for building/RP, even if I have to share with others. :)

  21. Has anyone heard the OST previews on soundcloud? They are fantastic!


    I'm a bit of an audiophile. Music can make or break a game for me. It can make even the best moments in games even better. I don't have a favorite yet, seeing as I'm currently listening to it, but I will post as soon as I find one!


    Link to their soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/dualuniverse


    What is everyone's favorite track?

  22. It has already been stated, that to arkify an area, you would have to find an artifact from alien ruins and what not. This means it is an extremely rare find. They also said that it prevents PVP in the territory it is used to arkify, but they aren't quiet sure how to add it to make it obtainable by people. I'm hoping it will be just like the explain it in a dev blog.


    Dev blog on this subject:


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