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Everything posted by 0something0

  1. Obviously, we have reached a point where we are disregarding DU's game mechanics, lore, or NQ's vision. Please get somebody to move this to Agora or Off-topic. To refurbish/renew the systems asteroids and small moons are an obvious choice since they require little energy to get to and have plenty of resources. The same resources can be used to establish colonies all over the solar system, in orbit and on planets, and create a thriving systemwide economy.
  2. @Precise_CalibreI disagree. Why throw away a giant ship, the energy to build it and,the "spacefaring civilization" title into a deep gravity well while you can re-use it and set up colonies on other planets and in orbit? Also, handwaving is done by handwavium.
  3. 0something0

    Raming ship

    --scan log Fri. 2017-10-3 EST -- TARGET: Domain: board.dualthegame.com --scanning-- RESULTS:Salt:60% TREND:Rising --end of log-- In all seriousness, thread lock please?
  4. Whats the difference between attack and invasion? The latter is taking the tcu i presume?
  5. The problem with refining materials as a form of compressing them is that you probably can't reverse the process which is a problem if you needed to raw material.
  6. From what I read in this thread, you guys seem to be talkin g about asteriods that are kilometers long or wide. But what about asteroids a couple dozen meters long in radius? I don't think such small asteroida shouldn't couny as celestial bodies.
  7. A lot of the contraptions will require mechanical parts though.
  8. I was thinking that there could be Unpowered personal transport such as bicycles, skis, wingsuits/hang gliders, and the like. Possible usage of these items include: Covert Operations: I assume while constructs stay when you log out, player avatars and their items/equipment don't, allowing for spies to hide their tracks more easily. Even if they don't, this might make for a much more discreet method of getting around undetected over longer distances. Open Military Operations: In cases where armored vehicles and other powered tools and the logistics train to support them may be unavailable or limited, such as getting a foothold on a hostile planet(think orbital paratroopers), or just regular paratroopers, equipping soldiers with means of personal unpowered transport may be a good idea. Personal transport: In rough terrain or in crowded areas, using cars or aircraft may be unfeasible. Sport: see DICE
  9. Please post on the other thread. I was thinking that there could be Unpowered personal transport such as bicycles, skis, wingsuits/hang gliders, and the like. Possible usage of these items include: Covert Operations: I assume while constructs stay when you log out, player avatars and their items/equipment don't, allowing for spies to hide their tracks more easily. Even if they don't, this might make for a much more discreet method of getting around undetected over longer distances. Open Military Operations: In cases where armored vehicles and other powered tools and the logistics train to support them may be unavailable or limited, such as getting a foothold on a hostile planet(think orbital paratroopers), or just regular paratroopers, equipping soldiers with means of personal unpowered transport may be a good idea. Personal transport: In rough terrain or in crowded areas, using cars or aircraft may be unfeasible. Sport: see DICE
  10. I mean, there could be an in-game version of the International Standards Organization created and run by players because one of the core concepts of DU is emergent gameplay in a player-run universe.
  11. Of course, the problem with fighting annoying people for me (on anarchy minecraft servers) was that there is no way I can catch people that didndamage. So it would be nice if there was some sort of device that logged all the players that enter a certaim area, especially without having to get a TCU.
  12. I have in mind a concept ui for a balanced system that allows for multiple turrets per person that basically forces micromanagement of turret subsystems. I havent been able to find time to work on it though.
  13. There is that small group that ruins the fun for everyone(that homicidal group of EVE players, the griefers on 2b2t, etc)
  14. So, to not get griefed, join a big org or be a griefer yourself?
  15. Yeah, but in EVE your assets are quite well protected compared to DU where somebody can destroy all your assets not in a TCU or safe zone(and TCU might not even protect property fully, just five an alert). I mean, just look at the 2b2t spawn.
  16. 0something0

    Raming ship

    Stop being so salty.
  17. 0something0

    Raming ship

    Im pretty sure its fairly easy to do 2 out of 3 but not all 3 But lets stop the salt and get back to the topic.
  18. 0something0

    Raming ship

    Of course, knowing it in theory and putting it into practice are 2 different things
  19. To be fair, any interstellar colony in real life will probably be ruled under a command economy instead of people wandering around doing whatever they want to do.
  20. I'm honestly not that worried about big orgs. What I am worried about however is the people who do it "for the lulz/because they can". I don't really see any way to guard against them without joiking latge orgs or spend a lot of money hiring mercs 24/7 (assuming we dont have autoturrets)
  21. But what if its your base that gets blown up?
  22. @NanoDot Probably should have posted the diagram in the original post Its edited now so...
  23. what do you mean this isn't a shooter when it comes to ship to ship battles
  24. 0something0

    Raming ship

    Ramming mechanics would make the Kessler Syndrome real... There could be specialized jobs to harvest space junk to minimize the effects of Kessler Syndrome. Or, some warring nation could deliberately induce it to blockade a planet.
  25. Haven't really kept up with DU politics. I thought the entity exists but with a different name? But yes. Any org without hundreds or more members will probably get ganked out of existence unless: They are the ones who are ganking others They are spread across all timezones(but that brings a whole new issue in coordination) They remain independent but have the backing of said large org They don't have any physical assets(i.e. they are infantry-only mercs. This may change if there are auto turrets) Which basically means you and your group of friends playing together as if this was Minecraft(2b2t anyone?) probably isn't a viable option.
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