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Everything posted by blazemonger

  1. @Hades 1. no you did not, you copied the second sentence only. I added the full paragraph in my comment for context. I never said what you claim in your first point 2, I said "PVP as I see it will be a means to an end with the purpose of settling disputes if all else fails." There is no reference to that being simple, easy, irrelevant or unimportant. Will there be people with different ideas? certainly and frankly I stated as much in the post you responded to so you should know this already. I am not saying my opinion is right or wrong, just that that is my opinion. One does not attack an opinion (although your wording there says more than you may want it to) as it's not fact and attacking an opinion to me means you have no intention to actually argue your own, you just choose/want to shoot it down. You can disagree and argue a different opinion sure and I have no issue with that at all. About your second point 2. I am also not saying what NQ writes there is irrelevant, I am talking about the needless bickering just to start or maintain an argument on this which is the thing I will leave as it is. I thought that was pretty straightforward English but I could have been mistaken and hope this clears that up.
  2. Here's what I said: Leaving out the first bit of a paragraph may be convenient but it does misrepresent the context and thus might invalidate your argument. The first part is a statement, the second an opinion. A mentioned source would be to reference a statement not an opinion. To then try and invalidate the source by referencing it to the opinion is rather silly and I'm pretty sure you know this but I'll give you credit for the attempt .. Now that we're nitpicking anyway, your quote is not on the front page, it is part of a text which refers to a component of the game a few pages down. But yes, that really is not all that relevant so let's leave it where it is.. Obviously there will be an ongoing point of discussion and contention as some would like to see nothing more than PVP be the cornerstone of everything that happens in DU. And in all honesty, when taken in the literal sense, it will be really as nearly anything that happens in game will be one player's creation/service/business/action versus another. But I think we all know that that is not the angle generally used to consider PVP and most will just refer to PVP as in combat/aggression/violence. In that regard I do not believe PVP will be a predominant as some would like/hope for as it would basically turn DU into just another MMO shoot em up and we have plenty of those around. And yes, the game webpage front page mentions 'conquer' as well, as a combination of factors "Explore. Build. Trade. Conquer." As such it validates (IMO) my point that combat is a part of the whole, not the pivot point. IMO and unfortunately safe zones will be needed because there will be a lot of players out for just the pewpew, especially at the start of the game because at that point it's easy targets and easy money. It will be just too much of a temptation to pick off new players starting out before they get their grounding for many. Personally I really do not care either way as I will be able to steer well clear of the hotspots and pewpew crews to do my business the way I believe I need to (together with my org mates). We will operate as we do in other universes; Never instigate violence, not support it, make every effort to avoid it but do end it (in our favor if at all possible) when we have to.
  3. The community by definition can't be impartial and/or unbiased. In itself that is fine but it excludes the option of the community policing. I think those who hold territory will deploy and maintain security/law&order forces to uphold their laws and regulations. Outside of these areas it's basically a FFA/wild west environment.
  4. Your typo may make this more or less valid but anyway I don't think that is the case here. NQ has been fairly clear and open about their vision for the game. It's the groups of players who are already drawing lines in the sand as far as this needs to happen or that needs to be done. NQ intends to build a universe that provides us as players the tools to use and shape it as we want. They intend to basically stay out of what happens after they hand it over. Some seem to want to make this universe about war, violence and aggression while others seem to want to make it about building their dreams. Both will have to co-exist and while the worlds will be big for each to find their way, in some cases they will clash. DU is not about either, it is about building civilization and community. As such (and as I said previously) I believe that overall and in general combat will have a place and a time to be used. In the bigger picture though it will not be a major factor in the game but 'just' another factor we will need to take into account as we build our stories and lives in game. Pretty much like real life.
  5. Creating a notion that nothing will be 'safe', that the 'evil PVPers' lurk everywhere and that you will have to arm yourself at all times to be prepared for anything is a silly, nonsense and stigmatising attitude that will only cater to the very people you are afraid of will be predominant in the game. People need to create their own play styles and way of life in game, not one that i advance will benefit those that seek to only take an aggressive and destructive position. As mentioned the universe of DU is huge and sure, the pewpew hungry will possibly initially have many opportunities to get their way, if normal and social playstyle is followed and maintained by the majority these will rather quickly become a factor yes, but nothing more than that. We all need to play the game the way we believe we should and forge alliance with those who enjoy a similar playstyle. That by itself will over time build a strong and sustainable model where we can all do our thing in relative peace with the occasional incident. War- and Scaremongers should not be allowed to gain the upper hand and by nature those will often fall back to in-fighting and bickering between themselves, leaving the rest of the universe for us all to enjoy and explore.
  6. button on your profile page https://community.dualthegame.com/accounts/profile
  7. @Borb_1 lol.. that's a lot of words to kind of make an agreeable statement
  8. @ostris You yourself write the last paragraph as a summary for the post as you start it with 'In short' so commenting on it would really only need a quote of that part, even when a response is to the post as a whole. You do not have to agree with me and I do not have to agree with you. You are reading way too much into it than what is there, seemingly on the premise of personal bias. If I mistake your summary for what it's intent is then yes, please clarify. I am not saying you are supporting or disagreeing with how combat will turn out, as I read it your opinion is that if NQ does not want to create a PVP centric game they need to change the PVP combat system of which you seem to claim you have knowledge as far as what that will look like as you state (and I quote) "If I had no knowledge of the pvp system in this game and i looked at the feedback in this thread I would assume..". However, there is no PVP system that we know of yet, not even a concept. So which PVP system do you refer to? It seems you base your opinion on what some are sharing as what they believe PVP should/could be like (which in itself is fine). NQ has not shared any details on this as they themselves do not yet know where they want to take combat mechanics (which was pretty much what was shared during the recent E3 interviews). Now, to get back on topic. I think the idea that DU will be 'a pvp game with pve zones' is not accurate. DU will be about building communities and civilization (again, source; the website frontpage). I do believe that combat as a form of PVP action will have a place in the game obviously and will be a main driver for a lot of people in or coming to the game no doubt. I do however not think that for the game itself combat is a major driver, it is a means to an end, a tool available to achieve a purpose when it is needed. Pretty much like it is in real life. We as members of the DU community will build this universe through shaping it to our needs, be it by adopting and adjusting our environment, making alliances, battling those that stand against us or defending ourselves or those we feel need defending.
  9. As we do not really know how NQ intends to implement combat, while we can express preference anything said as to how PVP will work is speculative at best. While we know that combat will be lock and shoot and not free fire, that really means little in that regard. We'll know more in a year maybe when the first signs of combat mechanics may start to appear.
  10. Very true. It's IMO also true that many that are into PVP are in fact carebears. For me a carebear is basically a risk averse person who will go out of his/her way to not take any risks, avoiding any situation where loss may be an option. For me, and my org, we do not instigate, support or promote aggression and will make every effort to avoid it but when we must we will be prepared to take defensive action to the point where we would certainly end a conflict in our favour if we can. Personally I see the desire for some to be in a constant state of conflict and be protagonists of aggression for the smallest of reasons even when to me that is not anything I could ever see myself engage in. I do accept though I could be on the receiving end of such action and this do need to be prepared to responds as needed. Where my opinion may be different from others is that I do not believe that PVP is a main driver for this game, it is much more a supporting mechanic which has it's time and purpose. How that all plays out remains to be seen. Violence and aggression do not build (lasting) communities or civilisation, thus they go against the main vision for the game by nature is what I believe.
  11. I could see the NQ server tech being much more like a SpatialOS competitor, in fact I could see Novaquark as a company actually being founded around building and marketing a SpatialOS like product on top of which they are building DU as a showcase product with the OS/architecture underneath being the actual asset. It would 'explain' the interest of VC investment much more than any interest for the game itself from that corner.
  12. download link will be on your profile page on http://dualthegame.com once you have access
  13. @Takao There's always more than one server and I am guessing you know what was intended. It's the same as that the 'single shard universe' is really just buzzwords.
  14. This is the big one.. SC has yet to show/prove they can actually make their intended server tech work and from what I have seen they do not even know how to make it work. DU is built around/on top of the server tech.
  15. He does? He has basically been on the same horse in like forever. And SC does not do bullet calculations, that is Squadron42 which is a separate game and not the same as SC nomatter what CR says.
  16. Actually no, it's a server mesh. SC is not going to be a single persistent universe.
  17. They are required to claim your sanctuary space on said moon. They are placed by players thus the safe zone is player made.
  18. https://www.dualthegame.com/en/pledge/
  19. Dual Universe is not an open world PVP game, it is an open world civilization/community building game. PVP is part of that yes, but is not the main driver in my opinion. PVP as I see it will be a means to an end wit he purpose of settling disputes if all else fails. (source: the DU website front page) Now, obviously (and queue the proponents of this commenting) there will be those that just want their pewpew and so consider PVP to be the holy grail and expect PVP to be the main focus and driver for the game. I believe this will not be the case to a large extent because from what we know so far (large scale) PVP will not be as simple as jumping into a ship and raising hell. Players will have access to tools that will create personal safe zones and sanctuary but those tools will be (very) expensive.
  20. I have it on good authority Goons are already in too .. Hey.. There's mining so what's not to like
  21. It sounds like someone did not really get the idea behind OP 's post..
  22. Let me just hit "qoute" on your essay and add two lines of my own in reply
  23. Still knee deep into EVE and it is a very enjoyable game for me. While DU would seem to offer a really good extension on some EVE concepts it will also IMO not be the saviour of EVE bittervets and carebears. I expect DU to be way more unforgiving and harsh than EVE was, is or ever will be. DU will never replace EVE for me and I will happily remain active in both. The EVE community is second to none and DU will have quite a long way to go before it gets close. Right now there's way too much saber rattling going on coming from people who seem to not really know what they are getting into. This will become apparent quickly once the game gets going for real. EVE is a mature, strong, self sustaining universe where players actually do create their own destinies and stories. DU certainly has the ability to do the same but will need to prove itself over the next 5-10 years to do so. Progress in DU will be much slower and interdependencies much more required. I am not sure what to make of what seems to be a rather distinct dislike or disdain even for EVE around these parts of the wood. Many of the sentiments I read seem to me to show a lot of people setting themselves up for disappointment here in advance. But we will see how things evolve.
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