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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by blazemonger

  1. lol.. 20? I have a very decent server running and it barfs when we'e co-op building with 4 players with all sorts of weird things happening.. And it's always fun to take a seat at the bridge, then get up and find yourself outside the ship.. Or try using a jump drive while not in a seat ..Poof.. there goes your ship while you stay behind adrift in space .. lol..


    It's been worse though.. much worse..


    And doing a daily restart of the server would generally not be a bad idea and is basically common practice (I would expect DU to do the same).

  2. 21 minutes ago, CaptainTwerkmotor said:

    Hey, instead of the Devs spending money on Vegas and circle-jerking conventions to showcase the "Alpha 3.0", how about they actually spend that money for, you know, developement? Maybe have a game before the conventions start, yeah?


    Never said NQ needs to fund anything.. 


    Actually will be in Vegas for EVE Vegas in a month.. While DU will be on the laptop it'll probably be under NDA so restricted to the solitude of my hotelroom :P

  3. So now that pledges are done and we're all waiting for the 30th (Are we there yet?!), can we start talking Dual Universe Player Meetup or DUCON '18 ??


    Can't start planning soon enough IMO.. Somewhere somewhat central.. and affordable .. or just fun.. Vegas maybe? London? Paris? Latter two not so much affordable I guess.. Doing Vegas will probably be cheaper than either even when you travel from Europe (I'm serious.. been there done that several times)  .. Dublin would actually also be good as it's central to both US and EU, has good facilities and is not crazy expensive. 


    So share your thoughts.. and ideas..


    Is there any information on whether we will be able to import 3D models and then build the needed elements into them to create a construct and make them work in game?

    I am guessing this will be something arriving by 3rd party probably after the game goes Alpha at least  but just wondering...

  5. On 8/29/2017 at 3:51 PM, killabits said:



    I have to say this game looks amazing and I am very interested to play it. I do have one HUGE concern though.


    The rude answer here would be that if this is a concern to you a game like this probably is not for you.


    But seriously; as seen in other games such as EVE there will always be griefers, gankers, those out to only cause harm en seemingly find enjoyment in that. It is part and parcel of the way these games work. What you do about it is the same you would do about preventing people from breaking into your house. 



    HTFU ;)



  6. I doubt we'll go to alpha this year. There will be so much feedback and things to do and fix there simply is no enough time. 

    And no, that is not a bad thing. NQ needs to take their time in the early stages above all other as this will set the foundation for the game going forward.

  7. 11 hours ago, yamisniper said:

    yamamushi - Today at 12:36 AM

    80gb ssd
    16gb of ram
    960gtx 2gb - this could b the mobile version since they do test with that gaming laptop
    I5 processor


    decided to post this so people can get more ram if they need to and yama did say you can try to run on lower specs


    Quoting whole spec as we're a bit down the thread by now ;) ..

    I'd say these are minimum specs for the (pre) alpha with optimizations probably not done yet.

    This also more or less limits you to 1080p, you'll quickly run out of steam otherwise..


    Personally I am running i7, 32GB RAM and a 1070, probably going up to 1080 as I run a 4K and two 1080p screens..

  8. 13 hours ago, Briaireous said:

    Greetings fellow forum dwellers, just to put a question out there since I'm completely new to the pay2play format of games. (Did try out Eve once, for 2 hours tho...  7 years ago)


    Bit of a sidetrack, but I would expect DU to have a fairly steep learning curve like EVE. If you only lasted for 2 hours in EVE you will probably find DU to be equally challenging. That said, today a new EVE player will be able to get into an exploration frigate as an alpha (f2p status) and make enough to pay for a month playtime within a day if he puts the effort in. That may not be so easy in DU, I have 50 DAC is my package so I can take my time and would expect the DACs will not be used during alpha, maybe during beta (with reset once game releases) ;)  

  9. I got to SE because it will allow me to get used to working with Voxels. I know the DU system will be quite different but it's a good starting point IMO. 


    From what I have seen so far SE is great for 'messing around' and building personal stuff. It does not really offer much in multiplayer interaction instead of maybe building bigger things together. weapons really seem extremely inaccurate and crude, with graphics obviously well behind the 'polish' of the rest of the game. While I can certainly see myself remain active in EVE, I think SE will be left behind fairly quickly once I get going in DU.



  10. JC mentioned in the dev diary today that your designs will remain as you can make blueprints which will carry over between wipes. That said, you would have to restart to the point you can rebuild these. Personally I would not be surprised (in fact I would expect) that, especially during early alpha development, these blueprints may become incompatible and need tweaking or even may not be usable.

  11. 2 hours ago, Neopolitan said:

    No, it will feel very different from EVE. The focus has been heavily on the voxel manipulation of terrain and buildings, with customization, pvp, market simulation, and other fascinating game play taking a backseat to mining and building.


    I think you are describing Space Engineers here.. DU will have full player driven economy. Politics and commerce will be an integral part of the gameplay. In that respect DU is very much like EVE. On top of that add what looks like much more detailed VOxel based building and 'real world' physics  (a dash of KSP).



  12. From early on I had the feeling DU is very much like a cross between EVE and Space Engineers. EVE is great for it's persistent single shard universe with deep and complex mechanics, economics and politics but IMO lacks the first person immersion Space Engineers offers by being able to actually walk around a planet or be in space and build your own environment/ships/tech.


    From what I have heard so far it seems DU is pretty much going to be able to merge the two concepts into one universe and add a touch of KSP op top which will open up so many fantastic options and possibilities. It will be a while (I very much do not expect DU to be ready by the end of next year), I believe the vision and 'roadmap' will allow for fairly steady progress with a clear point where the game is good to go 'public' which is something some other projects seem to lack (Yes SC, I am talking about you here).


    What NQ is working towards is very complex and hard to do well but I think they have the right attitude to pull it off.

  13. 23 hours ago, Lord_Void said:


    Wow. I hope that is just with "early ship tech"


    You send probes/drones out to a distant system and have them build a stargate/portal.

    Interesting dynamic here would be the potential of 'toll' gates and ownership claims/politics/combat including destruction of gates..


    Another potential development would be Jumpdrives once the universe gets mapped.

  14. On 2/1/2017 at 8:35 AM, CaptainTwerkmotor said:

     "oh, no melee in the game, at least, not at launch", 


    Good example of how a well meant comment basically misrepresents facts.

    No one ever said there will not be melee at launch, it's not there a the start of the first Alpha sure, but launch is quite a log way away..


    This may be a good point in time to once again put emphasis on the fact we are starting this journey on an unfinished (pre)alpha build of this game where a lot can and will change and even more can and will break, crash, do unexpected things and make you lose work and things.. There will be wipes and more wipes.. 


    We're not getting ready for the game, we are getting ready to start testing, fixing and expanding what will eventually be a full on rocking and rolling game.

  15. 17 hours ago, Lord_Void said:


    Then again, playing devil's advocate here, if we assume that footage will leak and people will rant about it, wouldn't it be better to let all the other people having wonderful, positive experiences speak too be a good thing? The best way to drown out 'bad speech' is with more good speech


    That is not how these things work in the world of YouTube and Reddit. Sensible voices will quickly become 'fanboiz' who will try to mask and hide the 'horrible bugs and issues with the game'. The negative parties will ignore the fact this is (now a) pre-alpha and troll away at the game with no intention but to cause enough damage and make claims of wasted money and demanding refunds.


    The more I think about it, the more I feel releasing now is a mistake which will cause more problems than taking the hit of delaying it.


    Obviously still be playing the game as far as it can be from day 1, I have the 30th off anyway and will fly out to Vegas for EVE Vegas the week after so plenty of time to test and try stuff out. I do hope there will be a solid and constructive feedback channel for anything we find.



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