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Everything posted by Zen001

  1. Not so sure I will play SC when it comes out as I see better things on the horizon like Battlescape and DUAL Universe - especially DUAL Universe! This game really piques my interest more than any other I've seen in years.
  2. I couldn't disagree more on the Star Citizen's banning practice - when Wingman gets banned you know there is a problem, and when he gets unbanned in less than 24 hours then there is even a deeper problem. And the banning of a woman for wanting to start a women's corp was one of the more egregious acts - as soon as the media picked up her story she was promptly unbanned. Anyway, I have seen lots of innocuous comments supporters have been banned over and they hardly warrant a warning let alone removal. As for Smart, he clearly had a bone to pick but that still doesn't mean some of the things he said were't true. I myself have stated that a 2017 would be a reasonable time frame for release, but of course I was attacked ruthlessly by fanboys for not towing the optimistic line...and of course I got targeted by moderators. Meanwhile my prediction is getting closer and closer to reality - and I still stand by it. Of course we can go on and on about the banning practices of Star Citizen, but enough has been said on the subject. I just hope that Dual Universe doesn't get caught up in generating hype at the expense of supporters losing their right to be heard. At the same token, I hope DU doesn't isolate itself and ignore the community as did Battlescape - for nearly 7 years to be exact. Fortunately they now get it but it took a nearly disastrous kickstarter to wake them up. So while we can fault no transparency, we can also fault too much.
  3. To be honest, I like cloaking but not at the expense of gameplay. So if I had to chose between non-clocking or cloaking that can be abused, I would pick non-cloaking. But really afk cloaking isn't hard to fix - unfortunately we are talking about CCP and they have made an industry of shooting themselves in the foot.
  4. Wondering what Dual Universe intends to do about enthusiasm. Having survived the white hot, fanatical in your face fanboyism of Star Ctizen and the sleepy, ho-hums of Battlescape, it appears finding a healthy medium is nearly impossible. The only one that seems to have come close, and I use 'close' hesitantly, is Elite Dangerous, though I stopped playing that game a long time ago so can't really say what state the community is in. That said, I think DEVs can go a long way in either creating enthusiasm or stifling it. They can either go the Star Citizen route: ban everyone and anything that undermines enthusiasm (ie profits); or they can go the Battlescape route and remain completely open (much to their credit!) but uninvolved in player generated content. Or is there a third way? I really do hope so because I have never been a fan of extremes - it's the middle that attracts me, where enthusiasm is appreciated and encouraged, but not subject to ulterior motives and fanaticism. Anyway, just some thoughts as I am new here and not sure how this community will evolve. But I have to say I like what I am seeing so far.
  5. A really good solution to the AFKer would be having a few hours of cloaking ability before needing to reset cloak or add fuel. This way they would need to actually be in game to insure their ship wasn't decloaked. I'm all for cloaking but it has crippled gameplay for years in EVE.....which is probably why CCP has mentioned a decloaking mod to add to citadels. But I have to wonder why it has gone on so long in the first place? I assume it is because CCP wants it to look like there are more people online than there actually is....unless you include being online as going on a fishing trip for days and leaving your computer on.
  6. I couldn't agree more on 'increasing awareness and develop countermeasures'. This is preferable than uber control over every aspect of the game.
  7. I'm prepared but you had me at sandbox first-person MMORPG set within a seamless Sc-Fi universe made of millions of planets.
  8. I have played a lot of space genre games and the one thing I like in particular is the ability to cloak. It's very cool and can sometimes be a welcome relief from being hunted all the time. Unfortunately there is one flaw to the cloaking mechanic - the player who simply uses cloaks to disrupt commerce so everyone ends up sitting in station thinking about other games to play - and often do. If you have played EVE you know what I'm talking about. So I am wondering if Dual Universe will have the ability to cloak. And if so, I pray they have a mechanic that will not allow a player to abuse cloaking by sitting in a system for days on end, even weeks in some cases. It is nothing short of being a griefer and ruins game play for the vast majority of players.
  9. Yeah, sounds interesting - and exciting - but at the same time people may not want to team up to produce. I play EVE and they have lost a lot of players not only owing to the type of game play but because it often requires corp membership to reside in the more dangerous lucrative areas which is advantages. Of course it is still possible to advance on your own but it is difficult which partly explains why EVE has been stuck at 2008 player levels for years. In fact, CCP is pulling out all the stops to get and keep more players by changing and adding new game mechanics (ie citadels and easier skill training). Another solution of theirs to offset stagnant player count is to produce 3 separate games: Eve, Valkyrie and a first person shooter. This will fail in the end given technology, the same technology you are using, will be able to produce all 3 in a single seamless universe. Ooops, sorry, got side tracked a little. As I was saying, not everyone wants to be forced to team up with others to play. That said, I have no problem with a coder building my designs - if they can withstand the embarrassment. Hopefully though coding will be strictly design focused and will not include performance because that would definitely give a small segment of the gaming community an advantage. Anyway, as you said 'we are not sure how deep the GUI will be in what it allows', so it may not be an issue.
  10. Hi. New as well. Love the international feel here.
  11. The only fear I have about coding is that it would allow a small segment of players to dominate gameplay. I mean how much of the general public can code, let alone code well?!
  12. Good call on switching engines. This is going to be epic!
  13. I love to build stuff and really hope this game allows us the freedom to design ships and structures, although I imagine they probably will have restrictions. Anyway, some of my stuff: http://futurescaper.imgur.com/all/ Would love to see other builders post their stuff too!
  14. Hi everyone. Saw this game and it is the exact thing I am looking for. As a supporter of Elite, Star Citizen and Battlescape, I have to say this is really something I can get behind. Looking forward to meeting everyone and exploring the galaxy - or blast my way through the galaxy - which ever comes first.
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