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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Posts posted by Lord_Void

  1. I agree with the other replies. It's time that they ended the founder packs and the unique perks therein (like the lifetime subscription). Original backers had to take a lot on faith about the game: that it would get funded, that it would actually make it to testing phases, that it would be fun, that the technology would work, that there would be a community who wants to play it, that it wouldn't turn into another endlessly delayed money pit (like some games ...). As time has gone on, these questions have gotten a lot less uncertain. There is still uncertainty to be sure, but pledging today is a lot more of a safe bet than it was a year ago. I think it is time that the prices and rewards are updated to reflect that.


    I'm sorry that you only just found out, but the ending date has been widely circulated for a while. There will always be someone who just needs a couple more days and they have to cut it off somewhere. 

  2. Also, they did mention that they will be adding a contracts system. They haven't fully implemented the economic systems into the game yet. Those will be arriving at the end of alpha and beginning of beta, so they still have plenty of time they are going to be spending implementing a variety of market systems.

  3. Kraken Industries


    (Logo by Alethion)


    Do you use money? Do you sell or buy items?  Are you a member of BOO?

    If the answer to any of those questions is yes, you will probably end up doing business with us. 


    Kraken Industries is a group dedicated to meeting the needs of Band of Outlaws and other groups. We specialize in markets, infrastructure and manufacturing. We hope be the leading supplier for all of our customers' needs. We are here to get the economy working, for you!


    How are we structured?

    We have three departments: Infrastructure, Trading, and Manufacturing. Each department has a Director, and the Directors answer to the CEO.

    • Infrastructure - This department is responsible for building and maintaining physical assets such as mines, market units, stargates, factories, and so on. It is also responsible for making these available to the wider community for a fair price. Joining this department will provide many opportunities in construction, exploration, and negotiation.
    • Trading - This department is in charge of all market and broker services. This includes serving as market makers, brokers, commodity exchanges, bulk trades, consumer markets, and logistics. This group is in charge of making sure you have someone to sell your goods to, or buy goods from, and that other groups are able to get the resources they need at the prices they want. Joining this department provides ample opportunities to practice your spreadsheet skills and rake in the big bucks! 
    • Manufacturing - This department is tasked with building things, with turning raw lumps of rock into the products that consumers want, and materials that industries need. This ranges from refining minerals, to building intermediary parts, to constructing finished ships. This department takes advantage of Kraken's Trading and Infrastructure resources to deliver goods at competitive prices. Joining this department

    The departments structure themselves as needed. 


    What sets us apart?

    • We are a Special Interest Group of Band of Outlaws, meaning that we get all of the benefits of being BOO members. This also means we have a good base of people to do business with.
    • Not only do members get paid for the work they do, but every member also recieves dividends of the groups overall profits. This means you aren't working to make some elusive shareholders or absentee robber baron rich, you are working to make yourself rich! Our shares system means that profits are divided pretty equitably, so even the CEO doesn't make an obscene amount more than an average member. (more detail on this to come)
    • Vertical Integration. By combining and controlling multiple stages of production and service, all the way from manufacturing to distribution we can lower our costs, generating higher profits and saving our customers money.
    • Driven by Data. We believe in innovation and in understanding the markets on a deeper level. That's why we are driven to analyze the markets with everything from Big Data to statistical modeling. Our tools allow us to spot trends and gain insights that can shape our business practices. 


    Want to apply? Join our Discord server ( https://discord.gg/eHdEhBz ) or contact @Lord_Void! Check us out at https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/kraken-industries#tab-description



  4. 56 minutes ago, Shynras said:


    Yes, but I wasn't referring to that when I said "right amount", my bad i didn't explain myself well enough. Even if, as you said 1$ or 100$ don't matter because the value is the same, making it so that 1 copper ore is worth 1.500.000 isn't a great idea, because numbers in the game would be huge to a point that they'll be actually hard to read. While if there's shortage of quanta, and on average each player has 5 quanta each (and you can't subdivide), the economy wouldn't even work. Ofc there's not a single "right amount" as you said, but not the entire spectrum is good either. What I meant is that NQ will likely choose the right amount in the good portion of the spectrum, and then control the inflation/deflation relative to that value. 


    Well I guess we are essentially in agreement then :)

  5. 5 minutes ago, Shynras said:

    The "right amount" is the balance between liquidity and value, and it's the reason I pay 1€ for a baguette instead of 10 €, someone decided to stop printing € when we reached the right amount and tries to keep the value of things stable (inflation) by printing (or not) €. Inflation or deflation are RELATIVE to a certain value per quanta, and the "right amount" is what defines that value.


    That is still not a "right amount", that is a focus on an arbitrary number. With inflation and deflation it doesn't matter whether the baguette costs $1 or $100 because it still represents the same underlying value. The reason to control inflation/deflation has very little to do with the actual numerical values of the goods, and more to do with the utility of the currency. Without having the currency inflate to match the expansion in the economy which naturally occurs as new resources are tapped, we get deflation which results in an increase of perchusing power for the currency. This isn't bad in the short term, and can actually be good for the consumer, but long term the currency becomes less useful for conducting transactions. See bad money pushing out the good money. Inflation on the other hand does the opposite, reducing the purchasing power and turning the currency into a depreciating asset. 


    The ideal situation is to have the flow of money correlate with the expansion and contraction of the overall economy. Since the economy is not static, neither can the supply of money be static. Therefore there is no "right amount". If anything it's more like a "right flow".

  6. 5 hours ago, Shynras said:

    NQ will disable those bots (or limit them) when the economy will reach the right amount of quanta.


    Not possible. There is no "right amount". Resources and money supply are always in flux so there will always either be inflation or deflation, and between the two I'm more worried about deflation. There is no magic number for how much money there should be

  7. Hello! Good to see more eve players joining in :)


    You can always play solo, but it will be a more difficult experience than playing with a group. There are no invulnerable stations in this game with infinite storage capacity like in eve, so storage is more of an issue. This makes it hard to trade in market manipulating quatities by yourself. 


    On death, you lose some of the items in your characters inventory and some stay with you. I'm not sure whether lost items become lootable or if they just disappear. Many mechanics are still under development so that may change. 



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