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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by Hunter

  1. I mostly played an online game from Microsoft titled 'Asherons Call' then hung around in Star Wars Galaxies until they ruined it and then moved onto scripting houses in SecondLife while checking out most of the other online games for short periods of time.  Some for a month or two, others shorter than that.  Checked out Eve for awhile but got bored fairly quick.

  2. Pat answer - because you'll kick yourself if it works and you didn't get on board ;)


    Real answer from an "investor" perspective:


    Essentially what you are backing is a startup PaaS company with a patented DB tech which makes problems like >C10K look trivial in terms of how it handles concurrency, ACID and other such things.


    NQ doesn't do content, levels etc - they are building a sandbox which the players then create in - it's a PaaS model. So beyond the kickstart and the game itself, if we get NQ off the ground, the power of the NovaQuark game engine and DB tech will able to be monetized moving forwards - it really can change the entire face of the gaming industry, not to mention potentially applications in other industries requiring high performance/availability/concurrency solutions.


    The team itself are industry veterans - not necessarily the gaming industry, as specialists in their chosen fields - they just all happen to be gamers as well. Additionally, NQ's advisers include the likes of Theo Priestly (http://www.forbes.com/sites/theopriestley/#1279282a5a4dhttp://www.theinternetofthings.eu/theo-priestley et. al).


    And that to me is the selling point of NQ over other investment opportunities (and yes, I do consider Kickstarter to be an investment model) - it is a solid PaaS businesses who have identified a niche which hasn't been filled or innovated on in years, and they are building technology and languages to meet that need, rather than being a group of simply passionate game devs with little to no business experience, especially in running a cloud based operation.


    Key takeaway - for games like WoW or Runescape (10-12 million monthly players) - imagine that potentially on ONE instance/"server" - these guys can do it.

    Great post Anon.  Yep, NQ has a hell of a team.  

  3. I don't know if this will help but I decided to back DU for several reasons.  The NQ team is extremely capable and come from advanced backgrounds in robotics, AI, business development, etc.   It's a 1World Shard. Its a SPACE game!  etc, etc.  So... getting past all the buzzwords and cool things they are proposing, at the end of the day there is absolutely no guarantee this game will fly.  So, you can read all about NQ and DU just as easily as the rest of us can.  My biggest decision was determining if I wanted to put any time into this.  That's your most valuable commodity.   You cannot purchase more of it.  I like space and building enough to make the dive.


     It comes down to a personal decision and how much you care to risk and how many things you have on your gaming or hobby plate.  I do think they have a long road ahead of them.  Good luck with your decision and hope to see you in Alpha.

  4. Hey Anon,  you are a good friend and I enjoy our discussions in public and pm's regarding our gaming history and DU.   I have a hard time believing that anyone within the DU community is hell bent on personally attacking someone based on their ethnicity, color, creed or whatever.  It's so easy for chats to get quickly out of hand and I am of the opinion that no one is that vile unless completely proven otherwise.  I did not read the entire exchange of what was said on Discord but I'll wager that the things said were not directed at you personally but it really bothered you a lot and I'm sorry that happened for you.  This is supposed to be a fun place to come and discuss our mutual interest in DU.   Did the conversation end with,   <jeez, I'm sorry if you got offended, that wasen't my intent?>   If not, then maybe it should have, because it show's a mutual respect and concern and this could have been buried post haste.


    Your Bill of Rights is an amazing document.  If I ever need to have one drafted (or a contract drawn up) for my private island of inhabitants of misfits and lowlifes (lol), you will be my author.  There's nothing wrong inherently with your post content.  I do feel however that the majority is covered already via ToS, Eula, etc. and hopefully common sense and respect.   I  also have a low tolerance for racism, bigotry.   I would rapidly move on.  We have lots to discuss and organize regarding this great game that we want to see materialize.



    @Lethys: We are on the same page...  

    I, LETHYS, will track the goal of harassing, griefing and mocking around with players in-game on a more or less friendly basis where no fucks are given. I will never mock them because of their race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. If offered a chance, I will have slaves, burn down cities and kill people as I see fit.

  5. @Semproser...  they in fact did build a ship from scratch and flew it.  I totally get your caution.  We been burned so many times.  Personally, I think they should have had more to show us before the KS.  I do agree with you on that.  However...  maybe it's the gambler in me... or the sucker in me but the team is incredibly talented, coming from strong positions in business and technology.  It's enough of a hedge for me that says the odds are fairly good this will materialize.   MMO's are never a sure thing but the force is strong with this one I feel.

  6. Personally, I don't like the idea of a public/persistent reputation system, for several reasons:

    • I spend enough time worrying about my resume and work history in real life. I don't want to have to stress out about it in the game too. 
    • It favors people who already have a good reputation, making it harder for other players to get their foot in the door. (Bad for community growth)
    • It traps players who have a bad reputation. e.g. Can't get work because of a bad reputation, can't improve reputation because you can't get work.
    • It create a dichotomy of "good" and "bad", with little room for interpretation. 
    • It mechanically favors "good" playstyles. DU is supposed to be a sandbox game, and if the game is designed to favor a specific type of game play it discourages diversification, making the game (in my opinion) boring. Sure, everyone wants to root out the pirates and con-men, but with out them the game would be pretty bland.

    This is all just my opinion.  I think there should be a personal reputation system, where entities can assign a reputation to other entities but ti is only viewable by them. Thoughts? 


    Good points and opinions.  I got a sharpshooter medal in the military.  It went into my records and I wore a ribbon for that accomplishment.  To my knowledge it never discouraged anyone else to do the same nor was I chosen more often to shoot at something.  Probably not the best analogy but it's similar.  A better reputation, or skill will be favorably looked upon and it may provide an incentive to others.  I may have jobs for people that I'll prefer to hire @ a lower rep cause it wont cost me so much.  Thats where this is cool because it gives me freedom to choose and to 'size up' the person I want to hire for a security detail.


    Thankfully DU will not be a level based game.  A reputation is one of several indicators that can add so much more meaning to my character.  


    As to the concern regarding someone who got a few negative points by maybe stealing or bailing on the job, there should be an avenue to for that person to redeem them selves. Community Service at my house perhaps?  or... negative rep people will be highly valued by Pirate organizations.  (arg)   I think the system should be viewable by anyone.


    What you are suggesting is privacy.  You have no privacy son.  You are living in the future.


    @GalloInfligo, yes this could be 3rd party implemented!  


    !---Get the community involved---!


    I appreciate your current transparency a great deal, but what you're holding back is simply too much of a worry for me to get myself invested in this game. 


    What are they holding back?  They're doing interviews every few days, inviting ppl to the office.  So, if you get Scott Manley interested you will no longer worry?

  8. Off the top of my head, a few of the kinds of jobs could be 


    - Hauling a commodity from 1 location to another

    - Hiring a security firm to accompany a transport

    - Gathering a much need resource for a project

    - Hiring to negotiate a trade or pact agreement.  

    - Destroying something as bounty


    Is the discussion more of a reputation system?   Or a player driven smart contract system, or a combo of both?  I think a contract system with a reputation marker is the wtg. I really like this a lot.  Anything that removes the npc aspect and drives the player to interact with the world (and other players) is a win.   Has anyone seen what Chronicles of Elyria is building into their new game?  They really take contracts quite seriously and there are player penalties if you break a contract, etc.  

  9. Im tired of hearing about emergent gameplay concerning DACs, if you want emergent gameplay, how do you justify DACs existance in the game world? Its a real thing to sell,trade that gives you game time to play. Your emergent play should only care about real game items that you use. All of your arguments to promote the stealing of someone elses game play time are completely ridiculous.


    I honestly hope they do not go to this play style, and if you guys drop over i wish ypu well in eve where you can do this.


    I am sick of seeing this community attack the new members, and i am also sick of you all thinking that your idea is the only way this game should work. Guess what, a lot of people dont want to steal a 12 year olds month of game play, and we think it should be protected from scum bags trying to steal it.


    i had a funny feeling i would regret involvement with this topic.  it really does bring out some very strong opinions and emotions which is understandable but I don't recall anyone being attacked.  I think I'm the newest person here and I certainly don't know how things should work, but I do enjoy reading (and sometimes taking part in the discussions) regarding the early evolution of this project.  There's a lot of knowledgeable and experienced ppl in here (much more than myself) and its interesting to see all the different viewpoints.


    i'll elaborate on a couple things then i'll excuse myself from this topic forever more.  How do you justify DAC's existence if you want full emergent gameplay?  You don't.  We are discussing how we deal with DAC's being in the game (as a done deal) and how it should be handled.  That is a decision by NQ, for better or worse.  I would like to think that no one associated with this forum would be using the DAC shortcomings for stealing.  Maybe there are scumbags among us but personally I have had a very positive experience with everyone I've met in here so far, but here was the point regarding a lootable DAC:  No one wants to take anyone's lunch money so they cannot play DU next month.  Jeez, at least I hope not.


    Buy your DAC, put it safely away (NQ needs to ensure this is possible), and use the dam thing to cover your monthly fee.  End of Story right?   However....  if you are going to use the DAC for another purpose (actually I can think of many) such as transporting a bunch of it somewhere so you can make a huge profit with another corporation or player... then yes, imo it's fair game.  


    I hope that no one gets too stressed or assumes the worst regarding gameplay ideas and opinions.  If so, then I will bet that was not the intent.  Have a good evening everyone.  :)

  10. "They do not do content."


    Yea... I think they do.  They created the DAC.  In effect, they created a commodity for the game.  In fact, they labeled it a 'Dual Access Coupon' commodity.  It was not created just for a coupon game time ticket.  I had to think about this today after taking a very small part in the DAC debate via Discord.  Initially, I was very much against having this item lootable if acquired from the KS but there's no difference between purchasing the DAC via KS or doing an advance purchase or whatever method.  A purchase is a purchase.  


    I think it should be a fully lootable item and one that can be destroyed.   When there is little to be lost, people don't care.  We see this over and over in other games where actions have no consequences.  Would you be driving through a really bad neighborhood in your shitty Jeep that has no working tail lights and have a paper bag of 20k sitting next to you?  As long as there is a way to safely store the item...   If I want to take a chance and transport a cargo of DAC's with the possibility of losing it, well give me the freedom to make that decision. 


    There will be other features that will come up on our radar that we won't agree with or will think that NQ has lost their minds over.  We have a responsibility to give the company feedback and tell them if we are not in agreement with a game feature.   If it makes sense and the feedback is vocal enough, they will listen because they don't have to answer to a big publisher and so far this company has demonstrated an open door policy to fan based feed back.

  11. Haha yes.

    That is if you can kill them in the area.


    Going to the market might be maddening. Just imagine the crowds of people and the amount of noise... :P


    Though I'm sure if NQ implements it at some point they will be sensible about it. Unlike some other developers...



    I would also be totally onboard with pushToTalk.   Markets and anyplace there are groups of players can be a challenge but the biggest downside to open mic is the break of immersion if you have someone that's got a lot of r/l stuff going on in the background that you don't want to hear.  ie, cnn, etc.  


    I've played too many games where it's just not implemented correctly.  I'm confident NQ would do it right but I don't recall it being mentioned yet in the dev logs or phone chats.  

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