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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Posts posted by Kurock

  1. Realy good idea. Make a corporation or many corporations who take all the tracks of the galaxy one time or else by year. After take the best tracks of the universe, one or two by galaxy and for califications and after that the championship. Make a leatheer board to let our name in the legend. Of course there will be money and other rewards to win. Make corporation is a part of lua. It is not an obligation to make wars, something more intelligent can be done, in peace. Of course there will be violence and peace and a little both of them. The choice is ours. There is a lot to create

    This is exactly what the Intergalactic Hovercraft Racing Committee DICE is about.

  2. I would use invisible tags to track your online activities and shopping habits then sell it to advertisers without your consent or knowledge

    Brilliant. Have a cookie.



    This has somehow become a bit far removed from my original intention. Perhaps I didn't explain it properly to begin with. But then again I could not have foreseen the overwhelming negativity, however justified.


    Tagging is not necessarily connected to inter-player dispositions (blue, orange, red etc.). It could be. But that is a property that could be added to a tag. It can just as easily be left off. By adding a few sentences to a tag, this could be used to recreate that EVE subsystem but it can do so much more.


    The distance at which the tags can be "seen" and/or activated should be a really close range. We are talking tens of meters. Not thousands. Though I can see the use of extending this, with the correct skills, to hundreds of meters. Again, not thousands. Also I see checking for the existence of a tag much like scanning for resources. In a cone or sphere, there may be one, some or many in the area but a detection will only return a yes or no. It was never meant for pinpointing over huge distances.. also that would not be viable with the server architecture as it is.


    The biggest driver here is that tags can be seen only by those that have rights to see them. Which is why RDMS works for this idea. And hackers with sufficient skill couldcan see them and potentially remove hidden tags. Hidden tags would not be able to have duties on them since that is effectively a contract entered into willingly.


    I will concede that completely hidden tags is a bad idea simply because a player does not know what is going on and this goes against the idea of fairness of the game. A hidden tag counter might solve this: A readout of the total number of tags, hidden or not, on a character. So a player will know there is a tag, but not what type of tag it is or whom it belongs to. This can be used as a prompt to go visit the local hacker cleaner.


    Will NQ implement this system? Unlikely. Is it fun to think about? Definitely. If this in some way inspires a NQ dev, then this thread has done its job.

  3. Lets remove it from the RDMS for a moment.  Think of a generic tagging system that a player can place a tag on another player and that tag can be hidden or visible to that player.  Lets also ignore the fun that hackers can have finding and removing such tags. What could we use a hidden tag for?


    Keeping state in an in-game game: For example a maze puzzle where you go about finding locations. each location you visit gives you access via a hidden key to another location you could not access before.
    Assassins trap: Have a mole mark a target with a special tag.  This tag could trigger a LUA script that acts as a trap.  A personalized death machine

    Bounty beacon: Could be used as a way of tracking a bounty's target via LUA scripts.


    These are just a few of the uses for an invisible tag.  I am sure others can think of more.

  4. Rights and Duties Management System (RDMS) will be one of the very powerful customization systems in DU. Read the DevBlog here if you have not already. Effectively tags can be used to give access to assets etc etc. I assume that in the current RDMS system, a player will know what tags he/she has.  Effectively these are like keys to a spaceship or passcard for a door.


    The suggestion of this topic is that a tag can be placed on a person without their knowledge. These invisible tags would not be able have duties connected to them because this could lead to a player losing money without knowing about it.  


    The uses for this are also quite broad.  For example: it could be used to not only tag intruders but to keep track of the intruder long after they have left.  This has an additional effect that invaders would need a hacker to look at their hidden tags and clean out any unwanted ones. 


    What would you use invisible tags for?

  5. ... instead of being forced to just punish someone because there was no way to ask nicely!

    If people keep blocking hailing attempts, you got to assume they are hostile. Without a way to say otherwise of course punishment will happen.  But it depends on the circumstances.

  6. RDMS will be able to set rights.  I certainly hope this extends to doors by tagging the rights to "use" the door. And a LUA script to close it again after a few seconds and when the doorway is empty.


    Automated turrets are still undecided.  They will hopefully be in, but how exactly they will work is still anyone's guess.


    I honestly don't think there will be fluid mechanics anytime soon if ever. But I can hope we will get some rudimentary fountains.


    I do expect lights to be LUA scriptable, but again, we will have to see.

  7. It's fine as an option but personally I find it a bit distracting. I actually find voice can spoil the immersion, especially when you can here people around you talking about random stuff.  


    This is why I really like the idea of hailing a player or a ship (pilot/comms officer on a construct).  And having the comms patched through to other interested people on the same construct or within telecommunications range.


    People that don't want to listen can just not pick up the phone.

  8. Resource mixing... and or pockets of rarer stuff surrounded by less rare stuff.


    I like this idea.  Firstly because it could lead to extra discoveries for example the prospector found rare resource X.  But in inspection, resource X is surrounded by a large deposit of resource Y.  What a nice surprise.  And it also works the other way around.  Digging through less expensive resource Y, a few nuggets of a rarer resource may appear.


    This brought on the idea, what if you change the settings of your morpher manually?  The default setting is to just dig everything equally badly. But with a bit of fine tuning you could set it to dig out specific resources more efficiently (faster, more resources obtained) but everything else takes longer.  This also leads to situations that you are collecting multiple resources, you need to choose which one you favor and have the morpher set to that one.  Though technically upgrades could also fill this role.


    Though I still think the "puzzle" of maximizing a vein by digging along its changing 'grain'/strata is a more interesting problem to solve for miners, though these ideas can all work together.

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