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Posts posted by Lethys

  1. I've been working in the hosting industry for over 15 years. I have yet to meet a single person who's actually read the terms of service. I doubt any more than a handful of people will read NQ's EULA.



    I like this guy. I also like foreplay and rum. Bit of laser exchange to get things goin, some rum to finish up :)

    Exactly, but those people will whine anyway. All I'm saying is: no matter what you/some carebear/some pirate define as griefing - all that matters is what NQ writes in their eula. And I will definitely do everything what's allowed in there, even if it pisses off people. Cause not knowing doesn't mean you're right or helps your case of "mimimimi I lost my ship".


    Its more fun to be the honorable singing-ransom pirate, but if I dislike someone, I'll grief the he'll out of them.

  2. There will be such elements for sure, maybe at a later stage though. It adds much to the immersive gameplay so they will implement those at some point (maybe even as cosmetic rl-money shop for some elements as jc stated)

  3. Saying, "Chill, what I did isn't griefing according to NQ," won't make the other person any less upset at you if they consider your actions to be griefing. In fact, it may come across as smug, and land you squarely in their crosshairs for a mercenary hit.

    If those special snowflakes can't handle what NQ writes in their EULA then they shouldn't play the game. Easy as that. There will always be some cases which have to be dealt with individually because it's not clear if the EULA was broken or not.



    EVERY PLAYER needs to read (I know that 99% won't do it) and understand the EULA and accept it in order to play. Not reading it doesn't give you any right to judge if that was griefing or not.


    That document is everything you will need for the difference of griefing to normal PvP. Otherwise every non consensual PvP is griefing which would kill the game entirely

  4. There's no predefined "this is a ship" object. The game doesn't even differentiate between buildings and ships - they are both constructs, one is simply able to move. Hence you can be as creative as you like with their design, but you will have to build everything and the more complicated bits will need LUA scripting.


    But don't fret, you can still buy ships on the ingame market (from other players) if you find it too time consuming and just want to fly around.



    At 7:50 in this video JC shows us "Adjustors", elements that are essential to give your ship steering capabilities. However, there are no engines at the front (not that he goes backwards) but how exactly flying works has not been heavily detailed.


    You should watch that whole video though, and all the others, they'll give you a good insight into the game.

    Not quite correct because their IS a difference between ships and buildings: the core unit. Either it's a moveable or a stationary so the game DOES know which one can move and which are supposed to just sit there


    And now you have a reason for smugglers and smuggling and voila! Look at all that emergent gameplay.


    At this stage I have no idea. When it comes to the eventual civilisation we establish, I'm at a loss. I've considered many types of roles, from engineering to commanding a starship, to trading and smuggling to communications officer to pilot. I'll see where the wind takes me once we get to that point, I suppose.


    But for the early game, I'll probably keep away from the actual building side of the game and stick to protecting the parties going outside the Arkzone to mine for rarer materials; so a mercenary I guess. And maybe I'll see if the fledgling governments and corporations will ask for some pirate hunting, because I'm sure there will be plenty of you sticking just outside the edge of the Arkzone in the wilderness, waiting to kill everyone and being all self sufficient (until ships get guns and civilisation starts the bombing runs). Unlike the late game, piracy will be really easy here for a while (as it will be on the edges of civilisation in general I guess).

    Piracy (proper one at least) won't be easy at all. But if you do it right and live with the consequences, it'll be good. Even in late game - I think most of the bears who speak of 'our planet' have no idea how vast even one single planet is and that you just can't control every single square meter

  6. Plus hello games never said NO, THIS WON'T BE IN NMS. THAT was the reason why people were hyped because they never told them what NMS will NOT be.


    I agree that other games have nothing to do with what happened with NMS but I can understand people who got burned by it to not trust another indie company pulling something even bigger off. NQ have to go through this mess but imho they do a good job and tell people what this game WILL NOT BE like - that's the most important part

  7. Communities are a natural thing. Ze Germans will conglomerate, the Russians will and so on. Inside they will talk whatever they want but to strangers it will be english. If someone can't speak english - fyl. Perhaps someone from your community can translate, otherwise you're stuck with writing in GT and copy paste it in-game.

    In a world like this it's essential to be able to communicate with others and to me (non native speaker) this language is english. It's the language of this world, deal with it. If you can't speak english in a proper way (or at least in a way that others are able to understand you) - you're either ignorant or your schooling system sucks.

  8. In my opinion, skill training should increase efficiency, not "unlock" tools


    You got "Nanoformer Deployment I ", then you can build up to 10 m3 of space at once

    You get "Nanoformer Deployment II ", you get to 100 m3 of space at once on voxel deployment


    Same thing can be done for tools. You got "Blueprint Overlaying" and "Blueprint Deployment" as skill trainings. Blueprint Overlaying gives you bonus on how big of an object you can Blueprint. Blueprint Deployment gives you bonus on how much of a Blueprint you can deploy at once (which ties with Engineering skills for what kind of Blueprints you can put into a Factory Unit to mass produce it).


    Now, the holographic representation of a construct, ala Real-Time Strategy games, could be a neat trick for collective efforts, which would mean that 10 people, may carry the materials for making a wall, with the overseer of the group, setting up the hologram of the BP on a place, and ten people pumping in materials into the construct's Nanofield (since that's the lore name after all) to materialise the constrct, again, ala RTS gameplay, ten peons = barracks get built in 1/10th of the original timer for deployment. This, would require people to have said Blueprint Deployment trained of course, and trained to the appropriate skill level in order to contribute in the building effort. And yes, engineering and Blueprint Deployment could tie into repairing of a Blueprint Grid around a Core Unit, AKA how repairs are most likely going to work (since it makes a lot of sense by what the devs explains on Voxel grids around Core Units).


    See, you don't have to "block" skills from people, you only have to quantify their effectiveness and have them behind a period of time to get to the highest level of efficiency.


    The arguement "make it as difficult as Carrier V" to get, is moot, when you realise that Carriers take about 145 days of training in EVE, but they actually need 234 days of training if you don't want to run from a fight with a frigate. Call me crazy, but if a builder has to wait a year almost to get access to a tool they actually DEPEND on, they will bail on the game pronto.


    Make their gameplay difficult by giving them limitations on how much they can build before their construct becomes too much for them to "carry" with them as a Blueprint. You wanna build an Eiffel Tower in-game? Good, train your Blueprint Overlaying skill to III, because that thing is huge for your Blueprint Overlaying I.


    These are my two cents. Cheers!

    Pinpoint accuracy as ever, my dear sir.


    Carrier V would be a bit harsh, that's true, but in a context of a game where we will most likely spend the first weeks to months anyway on the same planet, it's not that hard anymore. The first titan in eve was built 1k year or so after release - that would match.


    But your suggestion is all the way better. Since it's Christmas I don't have time to think more about it :P

  9. The Boxship of doom is the same as the boxhouse of ergh in minecraft. They will exist. We shouldn't be getting rid of tools so that "less experienced" builders can't use them as that hurts the builders of the monuments and megatowers. As a compromise, we could have the ghost image ability locked behind a skill tree, just as you would keep knives out of reach of toddlers.

    It was more because I wrote the same thing as you did.


    Well tying that tool to a hard to get skill (carrier V in eve terms for example) would change a lot indeed

  10. Just to remind you that you could have a ghost image of it when not in the simulator. Whether you are the only one who can see it, if your friends can see it, or everyone can see it, is a matter of preference.

    My quote:

    - If a BP is just some kind of overlay/UI thing -> more difficult imho because the boxship of doom is lurking in the shadows here

  11. I don't know if this has been considered or not, but I was wondering what the distances between planets and moons would be.  Space Engineers' distances are unrealistically short, but it still takes awhile to get anywhere, even with a warp drive.  In DU, I hope there will be warp drives that can whip us from place to place.  At the same time, I was wondering how large the distance from world to world would be.  Would they be to scale? Or would they be shortened (such as in Space Engineers)?  How effective would the warp drives be?


    Can't find the quote from Nyzaltar (maybe someone more capable can):

    Distances won't (obviously) be as vast as IRL, but the travel time will be considerable. You start with atmospheric thrusters and at some point get access to space drives - with those you can travel to other planets in your system which will take some minutes (moons) to hours (outer planets). At this point you COULD fly to another system but it would take months to years. 

    Then there are warp drives with which you make the interplanetary trips in a matter of minutes. With those you can travel to other systems which will take you days to weeks (depending how far away those are).

    In some later patch they will introduce probes and FTL (as stated in the lore: the tech is "some years" away). Those you can send to another planet in an instant, build a stargate there and jump to it.


    Oh and btw: wormholes are NOT in release! MAYBE they will introduce anomalies like that at a later stage.

  12. I am a thoughtful pirate (whoa - that was unsuspected) and I love gameplay ideas. BUT you have to consider everything that is involved and I merely pointed that out. This is a discussion about a topic and I stated my worries - nothing more.


    Now that I know I didn't miss anything about BP production (and yes that is linked to building) lets take your argument again:


    Once someone designs a ship, they will be able to create a blueprint of that ship and then duplicate it.  Assuming they have the resources.


    Clearly NQ will need to balance and limit peoples ability to reproduce Blueprints on the fly.


    What do you think is more likely?  Someone building a fleet from scratch during a battle?  Or someone simply duplicating pre-designed blueprints as fast as they can.


    Which do you think would be faster?


    They don't need to intentionally make building/design harder.  All they have to do is limit where, when, and how fast someone can reproduce constructs from a Blueprint.


    This literally has NOTHING to do with the OP and i feel like you're just derailing to hear yourself talk.


    We DON'T know how the production of BPs will be as I stated here



    Point is, we don't know yet how blueprints are handled (please give a link if I missed anything):

    - Will it be like "buy blueprint, you see what ore/material you need, gather that and just build it automatically in a 3D printer" (like eve)

    - Or will that BP just give you a translucent overlay in-game and you have to build it by hand?


    Depending how ships are constructed from blueprints, you have to balance the process in order to

    - hamper big nations to build massive, blocky ships en masse

    - encourage players to try build something big and achieve that in a reasonable amount of time

    - prohibit the need of building a ship twice, which would just be annoying (like building it for a blueprint and then you have to construct every block by hand again from that blueprint)



    So, as the thoughtful pirate I am, I just think out loud and speak my worries. I just can't see why this is wrong, sorry.


    I was using the wrong terms and words - DU is NOT SE with those blocks we all know -  I completely agree with that. And I get your point about building stuff (which you described perfectly).


    But imho people have to think about the whole game and not just one aspect of it, otherwise this whole thing will be broken.


    So this whole tool boils down to:

    - If a BP is just "instantly" (may still take hours-days, depending how they implement it) produced -> sure, why not have this tool in that "creative space/VR/safe building zone thing" (ONLY HERE! As you can only build BPs). A large alliance with thousands of players can then "only" produce as many ships as there are resources

    - If a BP is just some kind of overlay/UI thing -> more difficult imho because the boxship of doom is lurking in the shadows here

    - In-game (outside that VR zone for BPs) -> more difficult imho because the boxship of doom is lurking in the shadows here too


    I'm NOT against this idea per se, I'm just against this idea being implemented in all instances of the game. It's fine if it's in that "creative space/VR/safe building zone thing" because then you limit the harm it can do to pvp

  13. Once someone designs a ship, they will be able to create a blueprint of that ship and then duplicate it. Assuming they have the resources.


    Clearly NQ will need to balance and limit peoples ability to reproduce Blueprints on the fly.


    What do you think is more likely? Someone building a fleet from scratch during a battle? Or someone simply duplicating pre-designed blueprints as fast as they can.


    Which do you think would be faster?


    They don't need to intentionally make building/design harder. All they have to do is limit where, when, and how fast someone can reproduce constructs from a Blueprint.


    This literally has NOTHING to do with the OP and i feel like you're just derailing to hear yourself talk.

    Since I got no answer the first time, I ask again because maybe I missed something (as already said): How do they plan to implement BP production? No assumptions please, a link is enough. I really don't know and the answer may render either your argument useless or mine.


    And yes, if I could I would clone myself to hear me talk all day

  14. Maybe i can help explain a little better for those who are stuck in a Space Engineers mind set.


    With Dual Contouring we have the ability to create a huge variety of shapes. But getting to those shapes isn't always easy.


    For example say you wanted to make a long curved ship that tapers slightly to a point at the front. There's no way to create that shape one block at a time. But what you can do is create a huge 1000 voxel sphere with the sphere tool. Then cut a slice from the center to create a flat round disc. Then cut a piece from that disc to create the curved outline of you're ship.


    This is all done by copying and pasting, and filling and deleting HUGE selections.


    You just don't build one block at a time with an engine this powerful.


    I'm sorry but they aren't going to limit creativity or force people to build slower just to balance combat. That can be done other ways.

    I don't know how they will tackle the problem of huge alliances building huge ships very fast and just overrun everyone else. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    To me, this is a balance problem with builders. But then again I'm a special snowflake

  15. "Who are you? What org? Never even heard of you lol"


    I'm not that active in the forums. I'm the founder of the Vortrex Mining and Science Inc. Maybe you misunderstood me. my company is on place 16 worldwide, but many of those before us are states, empires etc. We're on place 3 in the designing/manufacturing sector (Silverlight, Objective Driveyards, we).

    I haven't presented me in the Arkship Pub yet because i want to do this as soon as i buy the gold pledge.

    Fair enough, gl ;)

  16. I think you're misunderstanding what the OP is suggesting.  He just said.



    That would be incredibly useful just for laying out the design of a ship.  In Landmark I had to constantly use the selection tool as a ruler to measure things out.


    What you're describing sounds more like a separate 3d design program that would let people import their designs into Dual and use them to stamp out a voxel shape.  That's a totally different subject.  It is an interesting discussion since we know it's possible because of those huge ships in the videos.  But if that is what you are talking about i agree that it's a bad idea.  The building should be done in game.  But that's a topic for another thread.


    What the OP suggested is an excellent idea.  There is so much math in designing things on a grid.  Being able to set the dimensions of the building tools and the selection tool by entering numbers would be really useful.  


    Also being able to set the location of elements and voxel selections in the world using an x,y,z coordinate would be amazing.


    Yup, he wants it to build the ship - as he said - so he doesn't have to count tiles. I perfectly understand that. I'm fine with, as suggested by mrjacobean, with some kind of translucent figure or even a solid 1x1x500 tiles plate for example.


    I'm just against some tools which allow players to quickly build huge constructs. Large ships, bases, cities and the like SHOULD take a while to build. It SHOULD be hard to master those things, it SHOULD take manpower and organization.

    I can tell you now what will happen if this would be implemented:

    - gather/buy resources to construct your 1km ship

    - build a box with 100x100x1000m in 5secs

    - slap some engines onto it, distribute weapons, cockpit and essential elements

    - wreck havoc


    Guess what happens in an org with 2000 members - they just build 400 of those real quick and overrun everyone.


    Yes I know this is exaggerated and won't likely happen.


    Point is, we don't know yet how blueprints are handled (please give a link if I missed anything):

    - Will it be like "buy blueprint, you see what ore/material you need, gather that and just build it automatically in a 3D printer" (like eve)

    - Or will that BP just give you a translucent overlay in-game and you have to build it by hand?


    Depending how ships are constructed from blueprints, you have to balance the process in order to

    - hamper big nations to build massive, blocky ships en masse

    - encourage players to try build something big and achieve that in a reasonable amount of time

    - prohibit the need of building a ship twice, which would just be annoying (like building it for a blueprint and then you have to construct every block by hand again from that blueprint)


    IMHO this topic involves more that just "it would be nice to have a mechanic where I can build a cube within seconds because I want to build stuff". You have to look at every aspect here which involves PVP, competing players, huge alliances, player behaviour, balancing mechanics and much more

  17. Remember some of us will be pre-alpha testing in a few months. It'll only look that good / be playable ok if we're getting in the upgrades we may need. I'm sure I saw something suggesting 1060-1080gtx range. Makes pledges look a snip.


    Well if you can't play the alpha because you have a Radeon HD6850....not the problem of devs. If you buy into a game via kickstarter to be able to play the alpha you better have at least a gtx970.


    confirmed ores: coal, copper, aluminium, tin, iron, zinc, gold....looks like normal ore so far. Does that mean we could get duralumin? who knows - exciting times

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