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Everything posted by JoeKing

  1. after seeing other posts by the person i responded to, ive removed this comment.
  2. Get rid of repair limitations to elements on ships build with x-small cores (for newbie learner flyers) Suspend damage to all elements until all the bugs are out - I darent fly at the moment after a game crash wrecked my ship. Only require schematics for larger, more complex, higher-value items. Increase the container range to minimise the drudgery of mining and the often inability to land within container range at a busy market. Increase nano pack containment volume to reduce boring , repetitive mining trips and help newbies get established. Implement a flying tutorial in the piloting hub for newbies and make atmosphere height information available in planetary data. Implement a lua tutorial in the building hub. Reduce overall boring 'waits' for things like non-warp interplanetary travel and travelling to a market in the early stages of the game. Improve introductory tutorials with better explanations and de-bug it! Clean up markets and make the landing platforms larger. Implement an industry 'buy back' scheme for those of us who have invested heavily in this prior to the 2 day patch notice. Improve voxel engine with more scope - we should be able to build with angles and curves. Include a table of which talents unlock what core allowances in the codex. Improve and update the general marketing around the game to make it clear exactly what the state the game is in and what youre signing up for - currently it is misleading in its scope and gives the impression the game is more complete and stable than it is, especially if you dont know what a Beta is (not everyone is a gamer/programmer). Improve the market interface. Add more variation in content - ie. Other ways to generate income, ways to involve collaboratively with other players & orgs, more exploration & story.
  3. what’s wrong with you people..? theres loads left to do: press ‘W’ and the left mouse button for 2 hours, admire your post-industrial landscape blighted by defunct machines, or live dangerously with the unending thrill of daring not to lift off the planets surface incase you're stranded in the a-hole of nowhere with a 2su 400kmph joyride back on your campactible to the nearest market to not buy a replacement core or scrap. For a racey change, why not spend 3 hours flying each way to a planet with some ore so you can crash upon return and lose it..? Or why not while away the hours between your government hand-outs to browse the markets and imagine what your grand kids can buy, assuming of course you dont die of boredom before you procreate. honestly... now shut up and get back to that rich, rich vein of worthless quartz you think you might find.... W click W click W click W click W click W click W click W click....... ooh wait, plateau...left or right...oh god, the thrill.... lets go left...W click W click W click & hold, cant get through, click everywhere...W click W click W click W click W click W click W click W click... directional scanner says -12, -56 degrees...W click W click /w click /w click W click W click W click W click W click W click, click and hold....cant get through.... OMG, better stop, too excited....ill never sleep tonight. Total adrenaline.....
  4. well, thats something at least... but an email to subscribers would’ve been better than a tweet that not everyone would see...they managed to send one out about the patch in the first place.
  5. I think the silence from NQ to PAYING subscribers like us is deafening. I was unaware that the game was so underdeveloped when I signed up for it, I assumed (I know, Ass of U and Me) that if it was being released, and charged for, its core mechanic would be pretty much rock solid, with 'enhancements' and new content coming in iterative updates. Even though I despise this patch with a passion, I would be willing to continue to support DU's development if we had a clear acknowledgement from NQ of the general feeling of the players and some glimmer of hope that it will SOON become playable again for new, unestablished players - with a clear and well developed plan that wont mean me paying a sub for 6 months with absolutely nothing to do but re-skill my talents and collect my daily Q's. But as it stands NQ just seem like an arrogant bunch of rip-off merchants, so the balance between my love for the game (as it was) and my annoyance with NQ at their lack of consideration, responsibility, and an accessible public response has made me unsub too. I may come back in 6 months or so and see whats developed, but to be honest, I feel pretty ripped off...
  6. Have you, or do you plan to, actually evaluate the game experience for new players? Have you considered that the marketing around DU is now misleading?
  7. I dont need to be lectured by you. I am NOT stupid. I know there are goals to reach, Im not expecting to 'just have it'. No where do I state that I expect to get everything now - I am simply explaining what it is like for a newbie player, right now after the patch. There is literally nothing to do but mine. It sucks.
  8. That wasnt the point I was making, I meant that most blueprints are totally out of reach of new players. I dont/didnt expect to be able to build anything high-end for a long time anyway, even without this patch. But just how exactly are you, as new player, able to reach any of it? Ive been playing for 2 months and only have a modest collection of ind units and about 1m in the bank. And that involved a LOT of tedium as it was....
  9. Not all of us are au fait with what a sandbox game is, and we PAID to came on board soley on the basis of the marketing and what was promised. It WAS fun until this patch. Now its C H R O N I C.
  10. I’m a new player, I started about 2 months ago as a way to escape the drudgery of the current endless Covid lockdowns. When I signed up for Dual Universe, I was inspired by the idea that I could take the game at my own pace and build a world for me, in the way that I wanted, that I could explore space and build amazing things. I don’t class myself as a gamer, I’m not interested in PvP or combat, but I I love sci-fi, enjoy escapism and being able to create. Your game seemed to have everything I wanted, and although some elements were a bit tedious – mining, unrelenting crashes whilst learning to fly and the subsequent repairs to name a couple, I persevered because I was progressing. It felt that possibility was always within my reach, I just needed to do a little bit more, work a little harder, and that’s what kept me reaching and growing. This new patch has, in one stroke, removed all the joy, possibility, fun and scope for new players like me. I don’t want to be part of an Organisation – I was sold the idea that ‘I could be anything I wanted to be’. But that’s simply not true anymore. I implore you NQ – PLEASE think about the experience for new players, this game had such possibily and was truly inspiring. I have absolutely loved playing it and even though I couldn’t compete, or wanted to, with the big orgs it was truly great to immerse myself in this world. You’ve created a perfect storm for new players: Building your first ship is now out of reach. Even if you manage to build one, core & component damage now means learning to fly a ship will be impossible. Travelling to and from markets is long and dull with your free speeder as there are no territories near any markets on Sanctuary with a shuttle. Even if you do want to spend ages trailing backwards and forwards, you cant carry much. Blueprints are ridiculously expensive, so now you cannot invest your money in industry to convert your ore into usable money, as all the lower price blueprints will produce products that will no doubt flood the market, have little value, and therefore have no profit. Assuming you can get off planet, you have hours of flying to reach anywhere with ore of any significance, assuming you make it there and back in one piece now warp drives are so utterly unreachable. I didn’t sign up to a space-mining, economics simulator game - I wanted to engage with what was sold to me through all the marketing; and that’s certainly not hours of doing nothing interesting to get nowhere. Unfortunately, you’ve made it utterly dull, with the potential for fun so far out of reach that its honestly not worth the time or money for me. I really hope you fix this – it had huge potential, and I honestly cant remember a game I enjoyed as much as this, but I think you’ve just shut the doors on new players and shot yourselves in the foot. I genuinely, genuinely hope you listen to everyone and you make a success of Dual Universe, it is (was) special, I’m just gutted its been ruined for me.
  11. I literally smashed my ship up EVERY time I re-entered Alioths atmosphere for weeks - just couldnt get the hang of it. This will literally ground every newbie and then theres no way to be able to afford to replace them. There definitely should be a flying school in the tutorial and some indication of the atmosphere heights on each planet, assuming of course that all new players wont be doomed to a life gathering rocks on Sanctuary....
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