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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Posts posted by Shockeray

  1. Really? you didnt learn a language until 12? Most people learn at least one by the time they are 2-3. Some know 2-3 by the time they are 5.

    :P  yes, yes. With all of my grammatical errors, you can see that I obviously still haven't learned English.

  2. I may just mention here that LUA was the first languages that I learned. I was only ~12 at the time and was able to write decent codes and my ~16 y/o brother was writing several ~50 page codes, so I don't think it's one of the harder languages. Not at least like C or C#, which is what I am using now.

  3. I would agree other than the issues of what has to be done with these extra cores. If you build to max with one core, add another core, and then add a bit more material, what happens when you try to move/remove the core? Can you not until the material drops below the single core limit again?

  4. I would hope that they have the cores limit the size of your construct (the largest being infinite sounds good). It would seem strange to have a pocket sized core tucked away somewhere in a capital vessel.

  5. Would everyone be traveling in a single ship for the most part? I guess I don't see what being an organization together actual does other than give you a name if you are not close enough with other party members to interact. Not that it is a bad thing, just curious what you are thinking.

  6. ...

    Don't get me wrong, the idea of sieging people from orbit is amazing... but no orbital weapons or super-spaceships, please and thank you. 

    I agree, the ability to destroy someone else's hundreds of hours of work in seconds with something that you bought with real money isn't going to make that many people happy.

  7. I would suggest you add one thing, whichever dot you hover over you sahould have it display the name or org without having to click on it.

    I would consider this except I only built the data-retrieval method and uploaded the data, the display is done completely through Graph Commons, so I can't change it. They may be interested in that suggestion though.

  8. EDIT: Maps by date:

    Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.1 6-25-17

    Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.2 7-7-17

    Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.3 7-20-17

    Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.4 8-1-17

    Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.5 8-19-17

    Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.6 9-16-17

    Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.7 9-27-17

    Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.8 10-2-17

    Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.9 10-21-17

    Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.10 11-11-17

    Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.2.1 12-04-17

    Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.2.2 02-24-18

    Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.2.3 04-18-18

    Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.2.4 06-05-18

    (newer images found in the last pages of this board)



    Hello everyone, this is Shockeray, GM of Soul Nebula.


    After waiting for an updated version of the original community map to show itself on the forums for a long time, I finally took it on myself to create my own up-to-date version. After a lot of original set up, my method now requires little time and almost non-existent server strain, allowing me to refresh it many times a day if there ever was a reason to. Due to my limited knowledge of this type of undertaking, TheGreatSardini helped me with the start up. Unless I missed one, this map should contain every organization with at least two members.

    (Although Graph Commons may not be the best available method of displaying this node map, it is the best that I have found available to the public.)


    Shockeray's Dual Universe Community Map 1.1.1 6-25-17


    And for those who can't load the page, I have attached a completely oversized screengrab below which will give you the general idea.


  9. It is a cool idea but that means the transporter takes all the risk and not their employer. For example i could send my goods and get the initial deposit followed by using it as insurance money when the transporter i hired gets robbed along the way. The transporter would not only have paid the deposit from his own pockets but also lost the goods and now i as employer did not really get that hurt but the transporter got royally screwed.

     You could always change the percentages that you give until a acceptable balance is found. Bartering is always something that can make the universe richer.

  10. I definitely want to see popular hangout spots like space bars and such become a major thing. Where you can either frequent a major bar where there could be 500 players at all times or find yourself some place out of the way with only 10 players that you get to know.

    I think these would have a bigger reason for existing if you have some kind of consumable buffs or even player proximity buffs.

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