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Everything posted by carijay766

  1. Your level argumentation and presentation of evidence to underline it is amazing. Are you french by any chance? Your simplemindedness is kind of contradicting itself already. Because of you consider "configuration error" a bug, then the players who stole via RDMS theft from that other org must have been bugusers aswell. You see, however you twist and turn things we end up at the same point. That you dont make any sense.
  2. Yes its a blatant lie - it has been reported to a staff member who was online at that time. Later on it went public on reddit and was openly discussed and acknowleged by other staff members but no action was taken for hours and hours even after it was out in the open on all official discord channels luring more people into it (who also were perma banned). Some people support NQs lies in ignorance.
  3. I dont know how to word things easier. Youre really having a hard time to understand basic definitions. I cannot fix missing intelligence. definition of bug ="A software bug is an error, flaw or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways." Which did not happen at any point in this case. All systems worked as intended, as much as you want to turn this into a bug it isnt. It was pure ingame neglicence within a self declared rule that would put all the responsibility and consequences of ingame neglicene onto the negligent agent, within an even bigger promise of a "fully editable" and "boundless world without limits". Not to forget that NQ has been openly tolerating way more extreme examples (and in this case real exploits and bugs) that were actually not intended systems. And we even had the recent example of a giant RDMS theft where NQ clearly stated again that RDMS theft is legit. Neglicence is rarely actively intended, but it most certainly doesnt justify the overly harsh reaction in a completely nonsense direction in any way. NQ has shown theyre incapable to react appropiately, incapable to take responsibility and incapable to be a good example. While this randomness might be within the power of NQ, it is the worst possible example you can set and it makes you a tyrant if you want it or not. There are a lot of tyrants and dictators who acted within the laws they made, would you defend their actions because it was "legal" within a made up system disconnected from any reason, responsibility and moral? I dont want to bring politics into this but defending NQs actions based on flawed and vague (sometimes even absolutely contradictory) rules which are constantly reinterpreted to weasel out of situations caused by NQs mistakes and dont give any direction for the project or consumers is not acceptable - this is primitive circular logic/reasoning and doesnt consider the broader picture. NQ isnt even afraid of blatantly lying to all of us about things to make them fit their propaganda (and ignore every evidence there is). There is no way this wont inherently hurt or isn't already hurting the project and playerbase on the long run.
  4. Dude this is per definition not a bug this is a human (maybe unintended) mistake and severe negligence and they blamed it on the players instead of sucking it up and solving the situation like adults. If developers spawn something and then perma ban players for taking it its the worst possible approach you can have. Any other solution would have been reasonable. Aka removing the items that were gained from the mistake (I know it sounds crazy that the devs would actually fix their mistake). The system behind this was the RDMS is worked perfectly fine. Exploit = abuse of a system that doesnt work like intended. The system behind this was the RDMS is worked perfectly fine. Using the system like its intended = no exploit. Blaming your own mistake on the players = hypocritically amateurish and childish behaviour
  5. Thats the issue fully summarized. Permabanning players who lived up to the theory is the is just a sidenote of this.
  6. You are correct every bug is a developers mistake, but not every developers mistake is a bug. You dont seem to understand a lot.
  7. The problem is NQs structure are part of the so called open world sandbox and in no way separated from this. They parttake in the events and proceedings of the game. Its a horrible message if you want a living dynamic open world to punish players for acting within the given system even if NQs structures are involved (and to make things worse NQ failed to set the RDMS correctly, so they even participated in the game with the game mechanics) Lets have a look at their game pitch and promise to the players base (the main reason many of us joined the game and even backed it in blind faith): The only part of this that is actually is true is that I've never seen such a mismanaged project before.
  8. The RDMS was 100% working as intended tho. They just failed to set it correctly or maybe intentionally set it wrong (you can only judge that in hindsight now if you want to believe NQs proganda). Also there was no advantage, the open market was avaible to everyone. Their own law stated: if you leave something unlocked and its stolen, its 100% your responsibility. its absolutely our intention and the intended game mechanics. there will be no interference by the game designers.
  9. I'm just applying Mooses flawed logic in his arguments.... Thats my point the comparisons dont make any sense as taking apart construct with open RDMS are absolutely within the intended game mechanics therefore not an exploit or bug abuse. Its completely irrelavant if its vandalism, murder or whatever if its not breaking the game mechanics.
  10. And did they get permabanned for that? I mean we all agree murder is way worse than vandalism. It's common sense. And murder (killing a player) plus vandalism (destroying their ships) in combination is the worst by that logic.
  11. No its still an exploit by their own definition. It's tolerated in h i n d s i g h t, they might as well have considered this a bannable offense and then all the white knights and fan boys would be "omg it was so obvious".
  12. This would for example would be absolute common sense and a first step. Everything this company does feels really half assed to me and then they abuse their half assed attempts to turn them against the players. I've seen hobby modding teams who did a more professional job. It's so annoying when you're trying to play a game and the company behind it is so unprofessional that on the one side they spread terror by misinformation/no information/contradiction and on the other side don't provide your money's worth or keep up with their own standards.
  13. Wellp tbh I haven't seen any thought thru system in their entire product. I hope you guys get your money back, I got mine back for several accounts directly from the credit card company after providing enough proof of NQs unlawful behavior.
  14. Wanna be white knights to the rescue. Apparently your wish for censorship doesn't happen here. And yes we now all this talk will not lead to something unless NQ makes another mistake and sees a Chance to blame it on the players. Their silence now is out of fear obviously. This is exactly the kind of behavior you see in kids - overreact then try to let it blow over by keeping quiet.
  15. Yeah I agree an astounding amount of pleb/mob in this community.
  16. Can you also quote the word murder and how would you call destroying anothers player ship you genius?
  17. Again a nice example of NQs unprofessional management instead of swiftly fixing all the persisting crashing, lag and performance issues in a reasonable time they fix the symptoms. Their badly programed game (which doesn't even deserve the beta title) causes unnecessary effort to the players and create unnerving situations. Many people in the chat have a legitimate request.
  18. Errrr beating around the bush like that?! Not being able to give clear statements at where this game is going if something will actually happening or not, JC jabbering inconsistent nonsense etc. etc.
  19. And because they have no vision for the game, theyre playing it by the ear. Which from an game development point of view is again very amateurish - we all have seen what their spontanious and panic driven decisions lead to.
  20. There is even screenshoted proof that it was reported, despite the "official claims" of NQ.
  21. "When you flaunt the fact that you exploited a bug." youre forgetting that even people who just took even one voxel - after it was known and public for hours and NQ did not react even tho it was reported in the discord server and the GMs even acknowledged this - were permabanned apparently.
  22. No one knew this was a permabannabl offense it was never clear and not obvious. It was obvious that it would be provocative to play by NQs rules sure, but no one expected them to be this hypocritical and twofaced about such issues. We had a similiar issue before where people fucked up there RDMS and NQs was like "its your fault". That was the only example we had on mismanaged RDMS. " video game doesn't mean common sense, morals and ethics should go out the window." if anywhere then games are the place where you should be able to be immoral, unethical and a murderer..... and not outside of games eg. overreacting and out of proportion real life punishment by NQ qed - but again what about disassembling a market is immoral or unethical?! its a building basically no one used and if NQ hadnt implemented their storage in an absolute nonsense and amateurish way it wouldve been a matter of 1 minute to fix and replace, youre making it sound like they kidnapped someone for 2 weeks and tortured the victim sending body parts each day to NQ... but what actually happened is NQ freaked out about their fuck up and nuked curious players who found something within the legal and intended game mechanics that was NQs mistake and their "gain" was marginal (a couple of XS lights an some plastic voxel and unusable error items wow) - im sure the alpha backers (mostly the people who defend NQs action) who took over their whole bases, ships and more as magic blue prints from alpha really are in a huge disadvantage now, not forget alpha backers (again NQ fucked up to launch of the website and beta key distribution on time) sold vastly avaible t5 to the market bot for insanely high prices in the early bird beta gaining several hundred million quantas before the game even really started (but lets ignore the bigger picture for convenience shall we - no one complained, no one was banned then even tho it was clearly not intended... everyone just rolled with it and swept it under the carpet) Pro: it was within the games intended system - while surely provocative or gray zonish (but perfectly fine in sandbox sense of way) not an exploit or buguse at any end. Contra: NQ was pretty butthurt about their own mistake, panicked, overreacted and now cant swallow their french pride to correct things and flatten the wave (their sad attempt atm is to censor and silence everyone)
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