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Posts posted by Jeronimo

  1. Why do you think you can just put your constructs back into your inventory?


    Its highly unlikely that you'll be able to just suck your stuff back into your inventory.


    Especially with bigger constructs.


    well JC said we will have technology to compress things at the nano size, so scientificly talking with an atome, if you resize the proton to the size of a foot ball, its electron will turn around with the radius of a stadium. means if you compress, you take off all that air in between protons and electrons you can fit a stadium into a foot ball. 

    And i m not only talking about a ship scaled creation, it can be a piece of armor, a little bot, an hover board

    Do you remember Bulma in DBZ? she stores all kind of space ships into her tiny capsules! that would be cool


    Yes, make items degrade and need maintenance up to a point before my blade is dull from cutting down scubs and requiring a new blade to keep the mayhem going. Ship eaponry have crews for them to repair and maintain the weapons AS THEY SHOULD. 


    Read, The, Devblogs. Or learn the difference between Voxels and 3D  Meshes. You have confused EVERYTHING together and the devs have gone pretty deep in details. If you are cerebrally stereoscopic, then I can hopefully explain.

    A Blueprint = a Diagram. You build something, you save it as a blueprint to replicate it quickly.


    A Voxel Construct = a thing made of cubes


    An Element = A 3D Mesh item you create in the game, like a turret.


    Character Gear = Armor, Rifles, Swords, Jetpacks. All of which ARE CERTAINLY NOT MADE WITH VOXELS.


    Please, if you don't understand something, ask the forums, provide the according devblog at the start of the post and quote the parts of it you didn't understand. You clearly have a very very very strong idea of how, pretty much, everything WIIL NOT work


    Voxels apply to large structures, like a ship's armor and its interior, the hull.


    Elements ( 3D Meshes made.in Maya, Blender, etc ) are NOT made with voxels. They are traditional 3D objects, again NOT WITH VOXELS.

    These include : Terminals, DPUs (the things we put the LUA scripts in), Cockpits, Ship Weaponry (Laser Cannons, Turrets etc), Modular Parts of any shape or form, Doors, Airlocks, Holographic tables etc.


    Elements, can be tied to DPUs, to give them a function with LUA scripts. Voxels cannot be rigged with LUA without an Elemen being attached to them for a function.


    Again, fi you don't udnerstand how something works, don't make assumptions and propagate wrong sentiments. 


    You are doing what No Man's Hype evangelists did and look where it got that game. 


    3D Meshes are NOT made with voxels.





    So yeah, armor can be degrading and needing to be replaced / maintained / repaired / whatever. Ships that go geet damage can be repaired with the blueprint though.





    any players builds using the ingame builder, like your ship, your armor, static creations, buildings etc.. will be made out of voxels


    any animated objects, with polygon streching, such as players themselves will be made out of mesh, but uneditable


    i am giving an example about scratching your ship and loosing voxels on impact, so loosing mass, and difering from the saved blueprint of your ship


    PLEASE READ PROPERLY, what people post and what devteam post, there are lot of things behind you dont understand such as mechanics and how all this could be made possible

  3. Please no...


    This could give a backdoor for some people to hog the servers down Yama.


    Plus, the LUA code will need to be distributed on each DPU node. It won't be a central DPU thing, the way JC explained it on the devblogs. People would still have to distribute the pieces of code manually to the DPUs themselves. Which brings me to my next point.


    Wikia. You do indeed know that most coders, like in how they did it for WoW Add-Ons, will upload their code to the wiki for templating them, or, even better, GitHub. There are some logical and interesting gameplay mechanics, but they shouldn't be a much more complicated version of omething that will be done easily.


    Plus, you know that each ship will handle differently. You can't be expecting one piece of code to rule them all, because mass. And within a class of ships even there could be differences. 


    It's a novel idea, but again, as you also said, chances are we'll be sharing code online. I don't think they should bother with such a thing,


    particules / controls / permissions / vendors etc... might be function calling for libraries

    that how they will simplify LUA and give us one function instead of us typing 20 lines of boring code for each

    thats inevitable, LUA isnt originally made for games

  4. JC already said there wouldn't be NPCs in game ... but a player made job board is possible

    yup i am aware

    was talking about us in that bar animating it, but if we have to stick to one pose, that wont be funky

  5. Bars could also be remote places to find jobs (head hunting?) but also social places, trading places (black market?)


    The game will for sure need tons of body animations and emoticons to animate those places

    And why not some scripted jukeboxes which will be playing url radios

  6. How about? we know everything will be built by voxels, that will be destroyable, scratchable (if bump into a tree or a meteorite or anything), so means some voxels will be scratched off the surface of our builds, and will change the volume of voxels.

    We also know every builds will be saved as a blue print, a blueprint that saved the volume, property and position of every voxel of a build.

    If we have a script, device, element, that can compare the actual state of the construction with this orginal blueprint, it might be possible to monitor the % of dammage.

    and also requiering matter, based on the blueprint to repair/restore the object

  7. ok, yamamushi's picture looks reasonable.. but there is a problem!

    you wont be able to build a tower diagonally:



    i actually can, but it will look like shit..... and it wont be possible to have flat floors....



    what do you say guys now?


    haha! you sneaky hobbit

  8. The first two lines were about the keyword in LUA that allows you to import libraries/modules for use in your own LUA scripts. ie:

    // Create an example file mymodule.lua with the following content:
    local mymodule = {}
    function mymodule.foo()
        print("Hello World!")
    return mymodule
    // Now to use this new module in the interactive interpreter, just do:
    > mymodule = require "mymodule"
    > mymodule.foo()
    Hello World!

    And to your second point, yes I think a hard drive type item would be useful. I don't know that they'd be using hard drives necessarily that many years in the future, but some type of physical object that stores code that works in the lore would be useful. 


    i understand now!!! it will probably the case, in a way to limit and simplify script possibilities



    other wise i think the script container will have its proper design for each designers, planets, communities, could immagine a community on a planet that has a steampunk theme, their design will be more like a rusty hard drive, some other planets will have clean and futuristic theme, their objects design will be white and neon style. and later on if you familliar a bit with the universe you ll guess from which planets the good you just bought could be from   


    How about this? a planet, or an object is composed of billions of voxels (Volumetric Pixels = tiny cubes), all oriented along same axis (there isnt rotation in the voxel), the size of a little peeble, from far you see it smooth, but from very close with a magnifier you ll apreciate the pixel structure

    Thats how we later on will be able to paint objects, by only changing to color of the voxels on the surface of this object, so basicly if u cut your object after painting it, the sliced section will be orginial color/texture of used voxel


    at the end i think what is computed are only the surface voxels, the trillion billion voxel within a planet might be empty


    found a video where u can cleary see how voxels could look like, cause here they re pretty big

    its like a 3d object out of a 3d printer



    watch begining, and last few 10 seconds

  10. Not sure i understood your post first 2 sentences


    But for the rest, well thats an amazing idea that is probably, isnt clarified but already granted to me, will be same as any solid creations, the possibility to share / exchange / sell those scripts.

    what would stop us from building ourelves a hard drive shape like little box, insert the script inside, name it(ready to go engine v3.0 by Yamamushi) and sell the hardrive object on the market


    maybe is what you meant about the physical aspect of the script in the shop and in your hands? how to transmit it from player to player? will we have to copy past the text in chat (i hope not lol)? what aspect will it have in our inventory?


    and one big thing is also they mentioned, they will try to avoid those players that will only play to make money, but thats pretty sure inevitable

    and what i think, as long as some players make money, dev team will do too and they cannot split on it

  11. I think they already replied, that for now there wont be any npc in DU, at least humanoid npcs, but later on adding wild life for sure

    I think also they didnt solve yet how to plant trees, and farm, or maybe at begning we will have to shape ourselves those trees we want to put in our cities, or maybe they will also have a blueprint for each type for a faster build

    When the problem of water (fix or animated) will be decided, all this will pop up at same time probably

  12. First please could you formulated your ideas in english please, after all this is an english forum.


    Next i can see where you coming from and i think its a cool idea (as far as i can understand it thanks to google translate), which is already mostly adapted by the Terran Union, with the slight difference that the TU is some kind of federal parliamentarian monarchy instead of a pure democracy.


    You are welcome to make you a picture of us on your own here is the link: https://board.dualthegame.com/index.php?/topic/714-terran-union-tu-pvpve-recruiting/


    And please write next time in english so that everyone can understand you.

    Topic was to raise up francophones as he isnt major in english, and looking for help

  13. Scripts will be written by ourselves, so it means its yourself that will let opened doors into your script for interaction with your scripted object. this could be done probably by chat commands, buttons and others. but if you are not carefull when writting those scripts and dont alloy the right permissions, yes some other people might be able to interact with your objects.


    I wont be like in other games like DeusEx, Metal gear solid, where u just play a mini game within the game and if you success it will hack it, its gonna be trickier. start learning LUA from now

  14. Read the dev blogs. I reported you for trolling, second time you ask without bothering to read.

    lol you already making enemies before the game started, better we not meet each other ingame

    the topic has already been mentionned here true: 


    but not clearly


    beside i trying to talk topics about game mechanics, thing you might understand fully

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