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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by Cybrex

  1. Have you seen my new cowboy hat? Doesn't really do anything, but it makes me look like Clint Eastwood. No, "cosmetic items" do not affect "gameplay". If you want to be a "hoarder" that's between you and your wallet. Does it affect me? Nope. Not one bit. I'm also all for a cash shop on top of the pay-to-play model if it's purely cosmetic. Because, again. It does nothing to me, or you, or anyone else if they don't have that special glam item. If you're that worried about looking fabulous, go to a mall.
  2. Great game! Devs really put a lot of love in to it.
  3. Sounds like Community Goals from Elite: Dangerous. I like it.
  4. Well, I'm certainly happy to see we're on the same page in this regard! Keep us posted!
  5. If a game requires you to have multiple accounts to be self sufficient in most tasks with the game, then the game itself has failed. This is something I have always hated about Eve. That said, the type of game that Eve is encourages having multiple accounts to do said tasks. It's just the nature of what it evolved in to (and many other games). I still do not agree with it, but it is what it is. NQ are taking several ideas from Eve Online with developing Dual Universe, so this account necessity may be a thing as well here, who knows. Will certainly need a response from Nyz to give us an answer.
  6. Cybrex


    I understand buddy, just a matter of differing perspectives.
  7. Cybrex


    Or... learn the concepts now and then be one step ahead? Learning LUA scripting now is not a waste of time. You learn from both. If someone wants to go out of their way to learn about now, it only gives them another tool on their belt to work with when he/she actually applies themselves in DU. While you're busy trying to teach yourself the core basics, someone else who went out of their way to learn/understand it ahead of time will merely be a few steps ahead of you. No harm in that. That said, do I care to learn it now? No, not really. I don't even have any desire to learn it either. So if so and so wants to learn it now, and start pushing out scripts for everyone else to buy when the game releases, by all means, be my guest. Point is, don't discourage the effort. Unless there is a valid reason presented by NQ to warn against doing such (which there isn't, and probably won't be) then knock yourself out.
  8. I've been playing a lot of Elite myself lately, alongside some XCOM 2. Glad to have you with us friend, welcome.
  9. New website? My face right now.
  10. Cybrex

    The Economy

    I'm glad NQ seems to be approaching this from the angle of letting players establish the market, and not the other way around. A functioning economy driven by players can mean a very long lasting system that requires minimal effort from the developers to maintain, and remain fairly autonomous. Thanks for the information as always Nyz! I'll dissect this stuff later today when I get off work.
  11. It's the internet. It's going to happen. And once NQ launch their crowd funding campaign, it'll get even worse. It is what it is. No reason to get angry over it, not like their comments mean anything. Either the game will be, or not. The final product will be whatever NQ wants to do with it. Neither me, you, or anyone else really has any say over that. So just ignore the naysayers.
  12. http://massivelyop.com/2016/02/01/dual-universe-promises-a-seamless-galaxy-on-a-single-shard/?platform=hootsuite I see DU is starting to get some more "publicity". Very brief article, but boy is that comment section busy!
  13. Cybrex


    Accidental double post? Neat idea though!
  14. Welcome! You'll find like minded individuals here!
  15. Likewise, fortunately GW2 supports that style of gem play. In most cases, to reach the higher tier end-game stuff it's far easier to join a guild. They tend to be territorial if you aren't in their guild and trying to run a raid etc with them.
  16. Hit the nail right on the head. I'm actually playing Guild Wars 2 right now, and put Eve Online aside for a bit. Hah! Been running solo for a while and have been thoroughly enjoying it, and joining random groups for the end-game stuff. I'm really liking their system to just drop in and out of groups on the fly while you're running around.
  17. Cybrex

    The Economy

    Awesome! Can't wait to see what you have for all of us!
  18. So what your saying is, I can have my Deathstar.
  19. Cybrex

    The Economy

    Thanks! I think we can all agree early game will be a little shaky since space flight wont be common among players. Though, it would be neat if their was a main plot which new players would go through as their tutorial and building their own starship then cutting them lose afterwards. I also hope Alioth will have an NPC faction, with an orbiting space station but that's just me. I just want to see a welcoming, and easy to adjust to starting zone/planet.
  20. Most "pre-launch" communities created end up being a multi-gaming group which circumvents the issues you bring up in determining attitude and play style. What in fact kills most pre-launch groups are the players finding out the game isn't what they expected. But, it is possible to create gaming communities even now far in advance. I created one for Star Wars: The Old Republic two years before it's launch, and it is still kicking around as healthy as ever (Called Pax Republica). Just requires dedicated leadership and generating content for your member base to partake in and play with each other. RP groups have it even easier, as besides gaming, depending on what lore DU will have those groups can also create their own community based solely around RP.
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