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Posts posted by Cybrex

  1. After conversing with the majority of members in COPS, and reaching out to a few other DU community members, seems that Planetside 2 is a good option for us all to group up and play together! It is free to play, and team oriented. It couldn't hurt to at least try it right?


    Here are the current details for 7/30s Game Night!


    Date: 7/30 Saturday

    Time: 4 PM CST (This should be 10 PM for our UK guys)

    Game: Planetside 2 (Terran Republic Faction)

    Voice Chat: Teamspeak


    If you have any questions please let me know! If anything changes with the plans, I'll be sure to let everyone know before hand. Also, this offer is also extended to the rest of the Dual Universe community. Come pew pew with your fellow DU comrades!


    I really hope to see everyone there!




  2. To be fair, let the aliens be some sort of alien cyborg tethered to a "dungeon" template found across planets. Tie some Dark Souls method of storytelling, with terminals you decrypt to tell the tale. Just don't make the whole thing a "cutscene". Add mystery and go for the "keep looking into the abyss" juggular of RP/PvE.


    I can certainly roll with this. Keeps the excitement of finding alien life appealing and engaging, whilst keeping the actual gameplay player focused without NPC interference. 

  3. I'm adamant against NPCs being in the game as factions. Maybe animals, maybe some ruins of alien civilisations, but not NPCs everywhere, printing money and inflating the economy with nothing stopping them. If we were to need money, we should have a "conversion" of minerals to a credit system, which would give birth to "gold rushes" of factions fighting over worlds that are literally money pits.


    Let the players dictate the game's story, it's what emergent gameplay is all about. Maybe a few NPCs to guide you at the start of the game, but not further than that. Let "reputation" systems be something organic, than just a number you grind day in and day out. Let your loyalty dictate your access to the higher levels of interaction with a faction, not some number on a bar.



    But that is just me. I like organically developed features on that front.




    P.S. : Adama's English are fine,


    Gotta agree with this.


    That said, it would be nice to come across some intelligent alien species for those who are the explorer type. Don't have to be advanced mind you.

  4. Absolutely.


    And, if you're quick enough on launch, be one of the first with a ship that can carry some passengers to help ferry new players to a different planet. I mean, why not? :D


    Start up a business, work with other player groups (Factions etc.) to establish you're landing port on their planets and boom, you've guaranteed yourself business from them. 

  5. From what we know, Stargates will not be cheap and will require a large amount of effort from multiple players. So I wouldn't worry about that so much.


    I can see where you're going with this idea, and honestly I don't see why it wouldn't naturally occur. Why move your own stuff when it's faster to hire someone else to do it? And again, like you said, they may not have the ships to make their movement feasible. I can see some organizations springing up just for the purpose of providing passenger and cargo transport.

  6. I didnt mean to come of as rude, sorry about that :/ 

    But yes, thank you again. Ill make sure if i see you around when the game comes out to keep my distance, haha.


    Don't be afraid of him. He's a big softy. He loves hugs. Really. If you ever see him, just run up to him very aggressively and give him a big hug.

  7. eh i'd prefer wheeled vehicles they tend to be more fun in terms of traversing the ground and well more practical, think about it hover vehicles are essentially flying and would use almost as much fuel and cost as much to produce as an actual ship, where as though a wheeled vehicle probably couldn't go as fast it would be more economical and practical. plus being able to go all dukes of hazard is always a bonus =D.


    You clearly have never ridden in a tank before. Imagine going dukes of hazard in a tank over a sand berm. Now that is fun. :D 


    In seriousness though, I'd prefer wheeled/hover vehicles. 

  8. Not a bad idea at the moment to think of "colony bombs". I can see these being a thing when more organizations get some solid foundation laid out, and want to setup shop on multiple planets. Figure out the necessities to get things rolling, send it on one ship, and let the players do the rest by building. 

  9. I'm fed up with Space Engineers and the dev's complete failure to fix up the game. I remain hopeful that they will finally drop the every amazing "netcode update", but even with that, it has a ways to go. This game looks like everything I ever wanted out of SE, and more. 


    I most certainly look forward to participating in epic sized space battles which utter annihilate a fleet and spending 100s of hours designing my ships. I certainly hope the game mostly lives up to the hype, even if it's release date gets pushed back. Early 2017 for beta seems ambitious.


    Early 2017 ALPHA. Not Beta. 

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