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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by Arctic_fox

  1. Methinks your math is wrong mate. My M core can easily lift 3KT off alieoth, 5KT if i use my twin L rockets. WITHOUT using the AGG. WITH the AGG i can safely lift and land over 20KT before my brakes become the limiting factor in the " safe landing" portion.


    I tend to avoid using the AGG as much as i can though.

  2. Umm no? unless they somehow for some reason changed the server in the couple of hours between the container patch and the current problems then decided "hay this clearly is not working and all of our already shaky customer base is even more pissed off....So lets ignore it and not change back!" servers are likely not the problem. All indicators point to a software glitch I.E they changed X and broke Y and Z. If it was a server error with this many angry people they would have gone to the server farm they use and upped their capacity as they did for the zenith event and shortly after launch. If your some big software guy you should understand that. Looking at your recent posts however i'm more inclined to believe your just throwing a hissy.

  3. If I understand you correctly. You already have a TU down and are moving another? If so then the tax is paid every time you place down that number if TCUs. First TCU is free second is 120k and so on. This is intended.


    So if you paid 120k to place a second TCU down and move it. Then that is working as intended.


    Edit because apparently my phone ate the last sentance.

  4. 2 hours ago, Emptiness said:

    That's not the reason for t1 ore prices going crazy.

    The topic below covers the real reason.


    Actully i already covered that in the second half of the paragraph you quoted. I.E mega nodes are drying up on alieoth. So mass production is becoming less viable as it takes longer to mine regular ore deposits or to truck it in off planet. I.E the easy bulk supply is drying up.


    Its supply and demand 101. Supply is getting more expensive to produce and demand is going up as more and more people figure out how to abuse the bots. Ore prices are spikeing while profit is going down. That doesnt mean we have used up all the ore on the planet though or have even gotten to a dangerious level. Just that easy supplies are gone.


    Edit for spelling after coffee kicked in

  5. I think what you are seeing is a lot of industrialists panicking because super nodes and mega nodes are getting mined out. This is driving ore prices up as people are forced to do more and more "regular" mining. And this takes a lot longer for the same ore. The result is that its getting less viable to mass produce whatever and selling it. This will start forcing them to retool their factorys to produce elements and the like and price them to ore to keep up. Or to be forced out of the market with "useless" factorys.


    This theroy is supported by how many people are mentioning scanners and acting like normal resources dont exist. In the event they do acknowledge they exist im guessing a lot think mining them is just as fast or nearly so as supernodes. People forget alieoth is HUGE and is easily 240KM or so iirc (there was a news artical where they quadrupled the size from 60KM). They also forget that "normal" mining is fairly slow. Additonaly having scanned over 200 tiles myself they average around 500KL of T1 of each type and around 25KL of T2.


    Granted we WILL eventually hit a point where ore is a problem. But that will require either a huge influx of players or a heavy long term concerted effort to strip a planet or a long long time. There are also super nodes off alieoth that even with warpcells being around 12k a pop make a huge profit to warp in and can keep us suplied. More if they can slowboat. Keep in mind many of us dredgers have large ships and even AGGs now. I for example can boat in 7KT of T1 easily if i want and even at 1000 warp cells to do so. thats easily a 40 million profit and i have and done and do this on a fairly regular basis. This will ensure that even if we somehow strip alieoth that the system will last easily through at least a year or more.


    This is even before the consideration we are getting autominers and astroids here soon. We know nothing about the plans for them. For example will an astroid be basicly a supernode in the pvp zone? will their be smaller regenerateing fields in the PvE zone? Will auto miners collect existing resources or will they generate new "core" resources? and how fast? And this all disregards the fact if things get really dire they can add a second alieoth/more moons/other ways to get resources. Hell they can even do a "rouge planet" passing through the system or a jupiter like planet with many moons/planets. Or even dwarf planets.


    Honestly this panic is silly and is again mostly a lot of people upset their easy cash cow is drying up.


    Edit because i forgot to cover this.


    Also for those thinking T3+ will dry up in short order. This is also unlikely, On moons where it was scarce to begin with...sure. On most planets not likely. And again if things get dire they will introduce other ways to get it. We have a lot of mining mechanics coming up so it would make sense to have T3-5 in astroids and if it gets too scarce or common they can simply add or remove more roids/add new moons/planets.

  6. My guess is that astroid mineing will be the big "out" for the alieoth starter system. Have a small roid field that regenerates T1-3 ore in the safe zone for noobies with t2 and 3 being progressivly more rare within it set to only give enough ore for at most a small M core ship in a reasonable time frame. Then have a belt in the outer system in the pvp area that spawns good amounts of ore.


    Additonally linking a single ore reset to a STU or magic TCU to get them started helps ensure noobs can at least get off the planet. Can even include a blueprint for a basic space worthy craft that the tutorial can help them build with their ore reset.

  7. 4 hours ago, Ater Omen said:

    Before talking about how to kill this meta, can you explain why it should be killed?

    I think in this case its because non cubes are heavily punished via the current meta. While you can build a viable non cube ship. It will always have a nasty handicap as opposed to a cube. This makes pretty or intersting ships pointless or sub optimal and you end up with ugly cubes everywhere. Additionally theres very little incentive to do anything else I.E fast strike fighters vs heavy bombers. This means you end up with a monostyle of gameplay that gets dry and dull in short order.


    Killing cubes will in theroy encourage diffrent and more varied playstyles then "cube with more guns and more engines"

  8. Another point is that you can also use light materials in most areas and armor "strips" and/or element protection to protect vital areas. For example if your fuel is all in one area, having a steel bulkhead and/or your cargo crates between said fuel (including warp drive) and the hull might turn a destroying shot into a damageing shot. Good for freighters as loseing and needing to repair a bank of cargo boxes or your 6 layer thick steel bulkhead beats losing the ship because you couldnt accelerate/warp away or flee to a safe zone.


    Also ALWAYS encase your core, res node(s) and flight seat in the best material you can if there is even the slightest chance you may eat a round. and lastly get a space amd atmo radar for all your ships so you can at least see what is going on around you.

  9. This is a tricky one to solve regardless of your opinion of the devs. PvP no matter the game is always tricky to bring to a point where its balanced. Even games with decades under the belt I.E starcraft, wow, D&D warhammer you name it. They have had things broken and take YEARS to get right. And to add onto that woe is the fact we get to build out our own ships and the devs want to incentivise pretty ships. This means that IMO the MAIN problems boil down to three main areas as i see it. Armor, weapons, Power.


    In this case we are in a situation where armor is basicly free. There is very little downside to more. Weight is really not a concern, there is no power draw, no structural integrity and it takes a metric butt ton of armor to actully protect anything or a huge pile of rare materials or both. Ergo cubes make sense. 


    This is further exasperated by weapons as they stand now. A pretty ship is a vulnerable ship because it has less armor, less surface area for weapons and is far more likely to get 1 shotted as stuff will be more clustered. Right now to protect against a L railgun takes a CRAPLOAD of armor and missile splash can damage/destroy multiple elements at once. That pretty engine bay will likely go poof from a single rocket depending on how big it is. So to protect things you need to spread them out. Once again ergo cubes make sense here.


    and then we get to power. Right now you can stack moronic numbers of weapons and armor on an XS core and have near solid cubes and it only takes an extra engine or two to push you. The cost in fuel is laughable and there is no downside at all worth considering. Plus a bigger footprint means you can fit more elements in to further offset the one or two extra engines and fuel tank you need. So once again cubes make sense.


    Problem is there are a lot of ways to fix them and all of them have downsides. Let me give you a few out of my ass very basic examples.


    First lets look at armor. There are a few things we can do here.


    Increase mass to a point that cubes are no longer practical and armor strips become the norm for example. Good idea on the surface. In practice it just means hollow cubes with armor strips inside. All the other advantages hold true.

    Shields. No go here either, Even if size adds power draw or gives less shields it just means cubes with more power systems or smaller cubes with higher tier materials and/or floating light elements that can eat shots.


    Weapons? reduce damage? means armor is even more important. Increase damage? same as reduceing damage. Larger splash? cube is the answer to spread elements more smaller splash? Cube is still the way to go as your elements can be packed more densely and more of them.


    Power? higher weight means more fuel? who cares fuel is cheap and this punishes cargo ships. Engines have power draw? cubes give more interior space for generators with minimal armor loss. Reduced engine power? Just add more engines requireing a bigger cube. Generators have a core size cap on how many/how much power you get? smaller cubes or hollow cubes with armor strips.


    And these are only the very very basic problems given as food for thought. The only way to balance things and encourage actual shipbuilding is to detach PvP damage caculations from the ship entirely. Armor? add armor plates you can only have X number of per ship size with voxels being more decoration or adding laughable amounts of HP i.E pretty ship 8k HP. solid cube? 12K HP, armor plate? 100k HP. Throw in a mass debuff I.E larger more massive ships are easier to hit and small agile ships become the meta.


    Weapons? Size requirments i.e 1 L gun on an XS core with no others and/or a pentalty for reload and accuracy (sorry but a ship firing a cannon half its own size should have moronic levels of recoil. This is why we dont see jeeps toating 120MM cannons irl). Again it changes the meta forceing small agile ships which will have an advantage over huge lumbering cubes.


    Power? power restrictions. Generator on XS ship can only power 1 large railgun if you want full engine speed. More guns = less speed or no shields.


    The above again is a VERY basic example and should not be considered a fleshed out idea. Ill say again i used those as EXAMPLES and food for thought. Not as a "DO THIS". But this is all just my opinion.

  10. 3 hours ago, Elrood said:

    After i started flying with radar - I'm constantly astonished i never crashed into anything. And anyone. Yeah, they are roomy. But sheer hours of flight time i have makes probability of crashing into something very real. FFS I actually nearly crashed into another player ship while flying with radar and looking in wrong direction yesterday. Distance was in dozen or two of meters with solid 200+ speeds... I hope i didn't give him hearth attack cause i nearly had one. 

    Heh i ended up buying a radar after i buzzed some dudes large core ship at mach 1 at less then 10 meters. Not sure who had the bigger heart attack there tbh.

  11. Id love to see them open up a handful of blocks that correspond to some elements. Keep the collsion box the same or larger than the stock item and allow people to custom design a "skin" for that item that changes how it looks even if not its function or properties. I could see a huge market for custom engine skins.

  12. 1 minute ago, Promulgator said:

    If you don't think paying customers so engaged that they are discovering bugs are of value, your social worker should take your computer away because you're too disabled to use the internet.

    lul and yet your still here crying like a toddler screaming "ima run away" and throwing insults like a village idiot. You and people like you tend to stomp around screaming and waving your hands around. But you are usually all talk and will soon be back to moaping under your bridge until the next thing you can throw a tantrum over comes along. And if you do leave well, im sure some rust group will be more then happy to take you.


    So again bye!

  13. 11 minutes ago, Promulgator said:

    Weak. Scapegoating. Poor leadership. No accountability. Bad communication. Terrible decision.


    I'm out.


    Next time you fck up, man up, take responsibility, have a laugh because It's a game, and keep people who are so engaged in the game that they're curious and exploring every possible aspect of it. These people finding bugs are the ones you want. You're going to be left with some boring ass vanilla gamers who want to stay in their bubble and not touch anything, and this whole game is going to be bugged to shit and will become unpopulated.

    Reverse the decision and show you've actually learned from YOUR mistakes, and I'll be renewing. Otherwise, I'm not putting another dime into a game with immature devs who blame their users rather than take responsibility.

    K bye then. Nothing of value will have been lost.

  14. 9 minutes ago, nottheuberjuice said:


    Not trying to attack you mate, hopefully you dont take it that way. But this IS the internet, better to trust but verify then to jump on a band wagon. Besides having a nutural 3rd party check stuff is always a smart idea. That being said this is the first i have heard of anyone being banned for say taking lamps and such. Was there a post about it i missed? (This is very likely as i work over 70 hours a week and tend to miss a lot...)


    Id just like someone else better at looking into these things to cross refrence times/dates and check if the SS posted was edited. If it checks out it helps your position. If not /shrug

  15. so has anyone been able to PROVE that the guy that got ban hammered didnt just exploit the RDMS then play dumb afterwards "well durr i r hit B and thought it ok to steal market" or are we just taking his word for it because "individual player good, corperation baaaad"? Also has anyone checked to see if the so called report was actully sent or is a photoshop? For the ones claiming they could access it as well, was it before this dude killed the market? Namely, did the access pop up at the same time as he started messing with it i.e he exploited and set it public and others could access it? Or was it buildable for a while before that point?


    Not accusing anyone, i just want to know if its been fact checked or not? If it has then can someone post the link? if not then why has it not been fact checked and why does everyone just assume its correct?

  16. Honestly the mining itself is fine and makes sense. The problem lies in how long it takes combined with how MUCH you need to get anything done and compounded by lack of any varity. Its Basicly "find ore, click ore, hold until done repeat ad infinitum". Theres no suprise finds to excite you ime a vien of coal among the iron or some gold mixed in with silver. No gems, no variation in the purity ect.


    How to change this in a productive way that doesnt break the system i am unsure, But there needs to be at least some varity in it.

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