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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Everything posted by vylqun

  1. misunderstood you on the ID part then, but still, you can't force people to use the same name everywhere in a game, there are a lot of rp-players who enjoy to play several characters. And ppl with bad reputations probably dont want to be recognized everywhere either.
  2. that would be ok i guess, the question is if that should always happen or only if you someow identify the attacker.
  3. why? the game ID is the half login, and do you really ask why people should be able to chose if they're recognized or not?
  4. 1. You shouldnt be able to see the game ID anywhere 2. People chose if they want to be recognized or not, it shouldnt be forced
  5. correct, but how will you limit it? If you create a hard limit then people will just jump between "air" and "space" in battle, dodging shots. If its a soft limit depending on the range of the weaponry then its hard to realize it, because most wepons will work more or less within space and atmosphere. And the range of the weapons can't be really short because space combat wouldn't be feasable then, thus the surface of a planet would be well within striking range.
  6. going to space first isn't that rushworthy tho, far more important is it to get to a different solar system first, ebcause everyone knows where those planets are and will go there, but for solar systems they probably need the coordinates.
  7. early on? jc estimated that it might take 1 month or longer just to leave alioth, i'd expect that scenario to happen after more than a year for the first time. i can accept the reasoning with the respawn tho.
  8. the core of DU is do whatever you want, you have to deal with the consequences yourself tho. Its like a good old rts, if you expand to much without any defense you'll suffer. In the end DU is a game without any rights and rules, thus you can't really forbid people to kill and rob. But with mechanics like bounties and similar you might make them reluctant to do so. But that will depend on the "peaceful" part of the community, how much they'll try to secure their selfproclaimed rights.
  9. I'd like to discuss another aspect of the topic, talked about in this now locked topic: The point i took from this topic (ignoring all this large orgs vs. newbs stuff) is that some large orgs can and will try to get the territory surrounding an arkship. While that might sound bad for new players if you think about it superficially, its the contrary in my opinion. Getting enough territories on a planet to dominate will take an extremely large effort, its not something that should be punished or disregarded, it should be praised and come with some benefits. The solution for that conflict between rewarding the org and not restricting the new players is actually quite simple, if an org really dominates a large area around the arkship, they should be able to gain ownership of that arkship, which means they'd get a large base with advanced fabrication units (maybe some of the best ingame) and a large amount of still stored, unused resources in the arkship, there should be enough benefits that orgs definitely try to claim it. After an organization claims ownership of an Arkship no new players will be able to spawn there. After that point, any new player will spawn at a new arkship on a planet that wasn't discovered yet (remember, there were several arkships launched from earth) and the cycle starts anew. Of course that system can be reached with the normal ftl method from any other system, thus after some time it will be connected to the populated space by stargates or whatever. What do we gain from this? Organizations have a goal in mind, if they can claim an arkship it'd give them large benefits and prestige. New players on the other hand can start on a new, not yet mined out planet with open claims and close planets / solar systems where they can enjoy the feeling of a fresh start without being on a different server. For DU itself that mechanic would be an (more or less) automatic regeneration of the enviroment for new players, thus removing the worry that latecomers have nothing to do or are forced into organizations.
  10. didnt we have exactly the same topic a few days ago? its even still in the top 10 topics ...
  11. the transition between space and atmosphere is seemless, so it wouldnt work to seperate combat for both of them.
  12. vylqun

    Cloaking Tech

    pls, dont quantify things so easily, its certainly not 50/50 and its definitely not random, its a combination of sensors, inertia, speed of the attack, reaction speed of the targets system etc. etc. Its complex but absolutely not random!
  13. vylqun

    Cloaking Tech

    i can just repeat myself again and again, no magic tricks in a hard sci fi game ! CLoaking means technology (shape, surface, fields etc.) that reduces the signal close to backgroundnoise level, they don't get automatically disabled when someone attacks. What could happen is that a scanner on the other ship picks up the direction of the attack and thus look for minimal signals and lock on in this way, that would require another module again tho. Also cloaking doesnt magically disable upon being attacked, only when the module/structure was destroyed. i hope we see heat sinks, anti radar plating, mass cloaking fields etc. but please, don't suggest those fantasy mmorpg mechanics that are highly illogical. (and especially nothing like a 50/50 chance, any random chance mechanic just destroys good pvp)
  14. The ancient chinese won't agree with you on that, within their 36 proverbs they have a stratagem that means "Do nothing and let the others fight"
  15. vylqun

    Armour ideas

    sounds slightly sarcastic to be a little more exact with what i wanted to say, i don't talk about giving some random attribute like strength, perception etc. but reasonable attributes for those pieces. Helmets can have different light sensitivity, special visions (nightvision, infrared, internal close range ore sensors etc.). Chest pieces can have different ranges of energy production which defines the total amount of energy your armor can use or they can have additional inventory slots. Boots can give movement speed, jump heigth, noise while walking, there are many reasonable attributes that parts of the space suit can have which help different play styles.
  16. vylqun

    Armour ideas

    If its just cosmetics then meh, i'd prefere if they design more decorative elements or alternative art for functional elements. If Armor pieces have specific effects/attributes/energy consumption whatever, then sure, give.
  17. You can discuss everything in the internet as long as you stay with facts and don't get offended if someone has a different opinion. Having to moderate discussions about any topic, as controversial as it might be, shows only that either the community members are unable to control their emotions and have a proper argument or that the moderators suffer from the "I'm offended because others might regard the topic as offensive"-syndrome. No topic by itself is offensive! If you want to test if a community is able to have proper arguments just ask them to list some positive points about something they most likely hate, be it a different religion, the third reich, genocide, communism or whatever. If they can give several positive arguments despite being absolutely against it then you can proper discussions about most topics. If you get answers like "nothing is good about that" or "you can't talk about that" then you're in presence of people who are unable to be reasonable and you should probably try not to be to engaged in that community.
  18. vylqun

    Cloaking Tech

    we do, some are cloaked as tv sattelites while in reality they are and send just garbage^^
  19. vylqun

    Cloaking Tech

    In the end, if people invest a large amount of work and wealth into detection components they really should detect every ship that comes close, but i'd imagine that all the necessary components will be quite big/heavy/power hungry so you would need a dedicated "radar-ship" if you want foolproof detection.
  20. vylqun

    Cloaking Tech

    sensors and jammers can also have different tech Levels, so just because a fleet includes every possible sensor it doesnt mean they'll detect everyone.
  21. vylqun

    Cloaking Tech

    i absolutely and fully support that.
  22. it doesnt make sense that static force fields have a higher member requirement than dynamic ones in your answers, static techs are always easier to archieve than mobile versions. Besides, I dont think there will be something like "org skill tree" Ultimately everyone will be able to build everything, if he's able to get the required tech and components, thats a different question.
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