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Posts posted by Hirnsausen

  1. We place lights, and still cannot see much at all.

    I would like very much to see the illumination system to be improved. Like range of illumination and strength.

    Also suggesting far-reaching search lights of different sizes, some 1x1x2, some much larger. The stone age was dark, but in the age of technology, we really should be able to illuminate. Even the spaceports and markets are an example, how poor the illumination is in DU. Improve, improve, improve.   ?

  2. Please enable custom images on carpets while of course keeping the textile effect.

    Or, while allowing custom graphics, also offer a set of surface finishes, like the fluffiness (crand) of textile, or the mapping of a bamboo floor cover (needs a fitting texture), or other surface finishes.

  3. On 12/26/2021 at 9:16 AM, Celestis said:

    I like the rocks glowing because it means I can fly around my tile in my speeder and spot the clumps of big rocks from the air.

    You have a point there. But I hope for strong improvement on the existing lights/lamps. That would be my first choice.

  4. Some good progress has been made on Jago, check out the ecology there above and below water.

    But I agree with you.

    If you ever have plaid Ark Survival Evolved, you will never foget the absolutely remarkable, very romantic and stimulating sunsets that colorize sky and landscape in colors and deep shades that get out all your feelings and emotions. I even built there a tall tower, just to oversee the wide landscape below me during sunset. Atone point, the entire land was in a golden color until it faded into the blackness.

    I believe, DU is on its way, too, but has not yet reached its own emotional-atmospheric peak. I expect a lot to come still. Wouldn't mind rain and storms, too. Even earthquakes as long as they are non-destructive.

  5. Good points in regards to fragility. I was not aware of the fragility of regular wings.

    In this case, I would go for a higher fuel consumption, as these wings are both - lift and speed producers. Since they move actively, they naturally produce more lift than a regular wing. But we could think about  (only if it really has to be) a not so high maximum speed. Unless the players combines the ornithopter ship with some regular engines, too.

    I wonder if inactive wings are folded back (like as seen with sme helicopters), or hanging a little bit downwards (as seen with resting dragonflies).

    Should those wings be translucent, or be made from a solid material? The peak of visual delite would be, if we could add our own textures to their surfaces. Wow!!!

  6. My dear co-gamers, it seems NQ has heard us! They will have a detailed look at the effects on players he current tax and mining system has. For the duration of two weeks, the tile taxation will be stopped.

    About me: All my coal tiles are on Alioth. I agree, I will give up on 4 of those tiles that are not HQ, and try to focus on the remaining two tiles with their coal mining, and on my outer-planet T3, T4 ore mining.

    I always sold the coal on alioth Market 6 ("You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy."), where the price I got was around 22 Q per unit. Each week, I got almost 2 L-sized containers full, mostly coal, a bit of the other 3 T1 ores. I am a critically endangered species, near bankruptcy. Saw myself already going to follow the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, instead of flying with my own ships then grounded due to lack of fuel.

    Like many others of us gamers who faced Demeter hardship, I am now looking with hope into a future that may be promising again.

    I just do not understand, how other players could sustain their finances with T1 mining on Alioth. My honest respect to them. And my envy.

  7. Dear initial poster, I fully agree with you, and so do many, many other players who are not part of the very organized PVP lobby. Virtually everyoe I talk to ingame, or in one of the Facebook DU groups, has the sme view. And we all do not like that the well-organized and well-coordinated PVP lobby argues so much louder than we normal players who are the vast majority.

    I sign to your posting and statement. Fully. 100%. And so do many others.

  8. On 1/7/2022 at 7:00 PM, Taelessael said:


    Most people know that if they don't play their employees, they are very likely to not have employees for very long, or possibly ever again afterward.


    The point of this thread is that you were asking for a weapon the sole purpose of which is to take away someone else's fun in a game

    Hi. Please do not see it as an insult that I have a very different opinion than you, or that I am a non-aggressive player, or that I refer to your arguments and counter them easily. There is no insult in any of that. Just regular discussion.

    I am, in real life, actually an employer. But I never do play my employees, as I respect them. For me, I have better ways to keep employees than to play them. I am not a triky person.

    And in regards to "taking away someone"s fun" - do you really think, it is fun when another player unprovokedly starts to destroy your ship and take away all you have? I think, your argument here is a very selfish, and indicates a highly self-centered way of thinking. It may come to a surprise to you, but it is not all about your own fun. A good game must give fun to ALL players. Take a minute or two, lean back, close your eyes and think about it. Could it be that I am right..?

    Fly and stay safe and healthy.

  9. I am not understanding a number of things you are mentioning.

    You said I should pay money. To whom, and why? Do you mean I must pay money because I am using public space? Like the "protection money" that criminals demand from their victims?

    You also indicated that you are a pirate who - somehow - looks down to other priates, you would feel "insulted". You act like a pirate, yet you feel insulted when compared with a pirate. It may come as a big surprise to you, but it is the actions we do, not where we do them, that defines us as what we are. Did you know that? Though I give you a point - in real life, we have organized criminals who also don't like to be called "criminals" but see themselves as "honorable". Somewhere in Italy, I think, are many of those, but als to a good extend worldwide.  So I kinda unerstand that while being a pirate you don't want to be called a pirate.

    But I am seeing that you mention you are currently running missions and not actngin piracy Well, my respect here, and my above argument won't be valid therefore until or unless you do piracy (again or first time).

    There are many more points I would like to refer inside your last posting, but #metoo need to do some mission now ingame. So see youl later, looking forward for your next posting. Stay safe and healthy.

  10. Dear NQ, a number of players I spoke to (here and on Faebook) wishes for ornithoper wings. Rapidly vibrating, solid or transluscent wings that give a good amount of lift (more than a fixed wing) but are also, on the downside, extremely fragile. When they beat, they do that so fast that we see them only as a blur. Purely atmospheric, of course. If you look at my image, you will se some dragonfly-alike speedboats. And many other players have insect-alike boats, too. So, it would be nice for the game universe to have them. Real science fiction!

    X2 - 001.png

  11. Might be nice if we had some image competitions where NQ can select winners. They can be edited, but must contain DU contents.
    Winners get prizes / NQ uses winning images.

    X2 - 001.png

  12. 2 hours ago, Taelessael said:

    Pirates already face risk in the form of people shooting back.

    So, because they face risks if they would attack armed ships, you want that we unarmed, peaceful players should be the easy dish for you with no risk? Come on, you can do better. ?

    When Somali pirates attack peaceful, unarmed bog ships with their arms, those ships use water to fight back, being able to siink those small pirate vessels. I know you do not like that these big ships fight back pirates, but that is how it is. They do not use weapons like the Somali pirates do. And there is no one whould tell these big ships that they must not defend with methods that are not using weapons.

    So, you could of course write to the UN and too all ship owners and try banning that they defend themselves as that would be unfair to pirates.

    But meanwhile, while you probably do that, I will go on and let the developers know that there are unusued options to put some hot chili pepper into the existing PVP. Self-destruction devices are a cool way to defend oneself, or just to make you Somali pirates think twice. It would surel add much needed spice to the game, and distribute the risks more evenly. A good game needs a more evenly distribution of risk. No "easy dishes" for Somali pirates...   ?

  13. I am getting maily ore,but ore is low in earning, only 22 Q at the moment. I have 8 tiles, of which 5 are coal, and 2 are petalite. After 4 weeks, what I have in petalite is just 1 0.8 million in Quantas,  The coal each week gives me 6 to 7 million Quanta. Each week, I have 1 million Q less available. My skills are almost all at L 5 (new mining skiils), one skill on L 4.



  14. 8 hours ago, Taelessael said:



    PvP players like a fight, but this will remove that fight for the pirates. Someone will fire a shot, someone will trigger an ssd, and it will all be done. 



    Any action must have a risk, not just on the side of the victim. So why bothering then to unprovokedly attack peaceful ships? Stick to attacking other armed ships, and nothing like that will happen to you. As surprisingly simple as that.

  15. Through the Facebook groups about DU, I am aware of players that cancel their subscription now because of the unexpected hardship of the new tax and mining system. It affects me, too, in a bad way, so bad that I calculate I will be fully bankrupt in 4 to 5 weeks and not be able anymore to act ingame. If I am affected, then many many many others are, too. I am open-minded, alwas saying that DU sets new industrial standards for player-made ship and base designs. I gave time to try the new changes. But now I have to activate the Alarm Bell.

    Here are my suggestions, and these are very URGENT suggestions to Novaquark just to stop the rising bankruptcies of a vast amount of players:
    - increase the amount of fully calibrated mininung units a player can have at the same time by 16 to 32 from whatever it is now.
    - re-calibration only needed over time when the match was below 100%, but at 100% it stays calibrated as "disturbing forces are eleminated"
    - the weekly teerritory tax needs to be lower, maybe half of what it is now

    Besides, to limit territory occupation "en masse" by some big organizations, there are other,probably better ways to counter that.

    Dear gamers, please show that you agree by posting positive answers to this thread. NQ need to see a wide and general agreement t become aware of the problems and make swift adjustments.

  16. It would be extremely useful, if we could switch on with a key the "x-ray view" during Build Mode, that would allow us to see where the elements are by blending out any honeycombs from the view, or blending them out to some extend (slightly visible). This would ease a lot the placement of elements in tight places that are otherwise hidden behind walls.

  17. Yes, after some weeks of observation now, I still agree with the initial posting. The current taxation brings me slowly closer and closer each week to bankruptcy. Today is the first week I cannot pay anymore in time for all my territories, and I need them because of the mining I do on them. In around 4 to 5 weeks from now, I will be totally bankrupt and unable even to fly around because the fuel amount I need is too big for making it inside my nano crafter. Already now, I just stay ingame for a few minutes only to calibrate the MUs, and since ay other activity is too costly, I just leave the game after those few minutes of calibration.

    I renew my former suggestions again (one, some, or all should be implemented by NQ):
    - increase the amount of fully calibrated mininung units a player can have at the same time by 16 to 32 from whatever it is now.
    - re-calibration only needed over time when the match was below 100%, but at 100% it stays calibrated as "disturbing forces are eleminated"
    - the weekly teerritory tax needs to be lower, maybe half of what it is now

  18. I just refer to what PVP lovers in this thread here stated: that they prefer the challenge to hunt and kill ships with weapons, ships of other PVP players. That unarmed vessels are not really their focus. Unless these were lies of PVP players, my idea would be a good one, as the SSD would make just unarmed ships in PVP space safer. The PVP players can still kill each other, and I won't ever stop it. So, I do not see why the PVP lobby has so many fears of SSD-equipped ships (which actually equals our fear of armed ships so it is just and fair). Unless, their arguments were just lies, and with lies you can't have a proper discussion.

    But i want to trust them, and so I accept their argument that they not really look for unarmed ships. So, why so much resistance against SSDs if that would not affect at all their main target ships - other PVP ships? And thus I continue to promote my suggestion.

  19. It would be useful, if the search phrase inside the market search field could handle the * sign as placeholder. This way, we could search in a more effective way for items.

    - Gamers, if you support my suggestion, please post your support - only then the developers can see the big interest in our community -

  20. Small MUs as T2, T3, T4 and T5 variant are needed, as the yields of those ore categories are very low.

    - If you agree, please post your agreeent, only then the developers can see the interest in the community -

  21. Many speeders, due to their attempt to achieve low drag, are very slim. The smallest retro rocket we currently can get, is the S size. Too wide in its dimensions.

    I suggest the Retro Rockets XS.

    This would close a gap open since a long time.

    When agreeing, please post that you agree. Only then the developers will see the need. Thanks, stay safe.

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