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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Posts posted by Dhara

  1. Oops, didn't know I wasn't allowed to admit that I know stuff on these forums!  Wow.  So, sorry!  I'll keep that in mind next time and only post on threads that I know absolutely nothing about. My bad.  


    Wait, will someone hand me my "God-complex and illusory superiority" cloak laying on the floor over there?  I should probably take it with me on my way out.


    Thanks for the hug Lady :) Much appreciated.

  2. As much as I hate to be in any kind of agreement with the twerkmonster, I don't think that this is going to be the issue that some of my comrades think it will be.


    I understand your point Kik and I do agree to some extent.  I do not want to be an elite that tries to intimidate others from scripting.  I actually might like to be involved in helping teach others what I can.  I just have to try my best to convince you that Lua is not what you guys think it is. It is not some high level programming language. Scrpiters won't have some mysterious God powers and be able to tap into the server at will and gain any info or anything that they want.  It's just not going to be like that.  Coders will only be able to manipulate what the developers decide to let them manipulate.  And I don't think the devs are stupid enough to make it so programmers can code everyone else out of the economy. 


    They WILL have brains though. And if they are creative enough, and come up with something awesome that no one thought of before, then they probably should allowed to shine?  Right?  I mean, we're all here to have fun.  What if I build the bestest voxel hideout ever and it sells like hotcakes and I  become filthy rich right off the bat.  Might not other players accuse me of taking advantage of MY skill?  I mean heck, I've been building in LM for two years now.  I'm betting there will be some who would think I have an unfair advantage.  But how do game programmers program a player's skill out of the game?


    Look If we find some God-like scripter out there who is wreaking havoc on the universe, eating up all the money and resources and cutting everyone else out, then to me  that just sounds like a really good target to pursue.  Take out his resources.  Reverse engineer his creations and undercut him.  Take control of his territory and stop folks from shopping there.  I mean if he's really got a monster hold on the market like that, then I'm betting that many other groups would find him a tasty target too.  There will be many ways that we, as players, can effect the balance of the game too.  It's not all up to the devs or the coders in the game. 


    Well, that's my two cents anyway.  And now I think I'm going to run and hide before my Legate catches me and strings me up. 

  3. Ma'am, there's something better. It's called Skype. Totally encrypted against code-peasants across your screen in the game. Also, Teamspeak, Mumble and, Cthulu forbid, Ventrillo. There's no need to hog the server in my opinion with a feature like a voice comm.


    Actually, I can think of several scenarios where secret messages being sent ship to ship could be useful. 

  4. To me, the Lego example looks more complicated than code. ;-)


    The Scratch example looks quite interesting, only the garish colors hurt my eyes.


    Perhaps  a system like this could even speed up things for experienced coders; they might use it to get the backbone of a script done and then switch to the code editor for details.


    Learning the code is very often MUCH easier than figuring out the UI.  UI's take away a lot of the problem solving skills that you can develop with learning how to code that one day, you'll be stopped dead in your tracks when decide you want to REALLY dig in and do something cool.  Then you find yourself having to learn the code anyway.  Save yourself the time and frustration.

  5. Well, IMO, something like this would so next to impossible that it might not be worth the effort.  They only exist for a fraction of a second and we would have to harness such a great deal of power, bordering upon an impossible amount, to barley be able to squeak a small ship through.  Maybe if they have it as some sort of  "discoverable" tech after enough experimentation.  But it shouldn't be easy or cheap, or even common enough to provide any kind of reliable transportation.

  6. I became interested just hearing about the game through word of mouth.  I've popped in a couple of times over the past six months or so.  I finally joined up when I was invited to join up with COPS.  I didn't realize this game was getting close to showing off anything, let alone less than a year from Alpha. 


    The building is why I am here most of all.  Been messing around with voxels in another game and this one looks like a LOT of what is missing in that one will be included in this one.  I"m very excited about the freedom it looks like we'll have in this game  concerning how large we can build, where we can build, being able to team up and build with others...and so on. Very excited.

  7. Sounds great! I haven't dealt too much with voxel building tools in a while, but I certainly plan to do a fair amount of "city building".... if my nefarious, scally wag ways don't take up too much of my time. 


    I feel like we're going to need some classes from those of you who are more versed in these areas before and after launch! :D


    Now that's what I'm talking about!  I have wanted to build a city ever since the old days of UO when I found myself limited to a single tiny little plot.  And I have been limited like that ever since. I just can't wait.  :D

  8. I was planning on providing some tools once the documentation is out. Something of a widget maker that has drag and drop components, add your own graphics, maybe add some LUA and it spits out the code required (most likely some form of XML) for use in game (widget). Basically a Design Your Own Interface application. Now I just need to be in game and get some documentation when the time comes.


    Aside from that I'll mostly being scripting in this game and handing them out like candy to be reviewed, used, and improved upon. =)


    I'll probably doing more building than anything else.  The tools I saw in the video they released yesterday got me really excited.  It's such a nice, clean interface and so far, the tools look quite user-friendly.    So I'll probably be using a lot of your widgets. :D


    You might actually get along pretty well with my brother, FryCaptain.  He is a programmer IRL and jumped on LM's L&T and had a lot of fun with that.  He just joined COPS the other day and I think he's actually working on his signature banner as we speak.  He's planning to pop in and add to the discussion soon.   He's already talking about scripting an AI.  So he's pretty excited to get in too. 

  9. Things are moving faster than I anticipated. I think a private place will be good for us, but at the same time I think it is important for the rest of the world to see positive activity on the official Dual forums as this helps to educate new people to Dual especially because Dual is such a unique game. I have absolutely no issues with an offsite forum but I think we should be careful to that and not remove ourselves from this forum.


    I think I would prefer that for now, if we need to talk as a guild that we get people into chat of some form. Give a weeks notice let say,  on x night at x time or something. Probably a Friday night or weekend or a time when most might not be working due to our many EU members. Most "official organization" chat is going to be dealing with internal stuff anyway.


    That being said. As the days count down and we get closer to alpha, then beta, then launch and especially at launch I think a guild only site that is locked down to only members will be a good thing to do exactly what you described with style guides and coordinating some of the larger projects...but due to our nature this will not be forced on anyone and only a suggestion for those who want to work on larger projects.


    I have had a number of offers today for web hosting and team speak hosting and I would like to have a  meeting with everyone at some point to ensure we are all on the same page before I commit to anything, we are in this together.


    I am glad so many of you are taking up responsibilities to help get this ball rolling. As I have said to many, right now I am just waiting to see what happens but these offers and suggestions will be accepted and moved upon soon.


    I'll tell ya what I really want right now, an online editor for people to make their own signatures in our format. I love working on these, but I am going to have to make them a bit more generic as the days go by due to how many I need to crank out. Outside of the fact I would like to see personal builds from inside dual on the signatures in the future. I think its the most honorable thing to do, to showcase the work the individual as done from inside Dual Universe.  I don't know if such an online editior is possible and I am sure it would be a boat load of work, so really its more of a dream than a desire.


    Anyway, I am ranting now. I need to eat. Be back in a bit.



    Ok, I'll just continue on with my own thing then.  Let me know if you decide to take me up on my offer for the site and/or to help with signature banners.  I would like to participate, if possible.

  10. I was thinking about this sort of thing yesterday.  I would LOVE it if we could have a custom song playlist that we could broadcast on our ships.  Kinda of like an intercom system. Be great for ambient sfx in our settlements too.  I'd pay for that in a heartbeat.


    We could do that in second life (at least years ago when I played we could).  We could also put webpages/videos into monitors/screens we made too.  So say if you walk into our organizations headquarters we could have a pc sitting on the counter with the website on it so our visitors could get more info, or even apply from in game.


    Then of course, editable signs, banners, etc.  ANY of that kind of stuff that could be added would help make our worlds feel a lot more realistic and immersive and I would be inclined to purchase.

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