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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Posts posted by DrFrigoPorco

  1. SO...we need in game chat with proximity! Do they want this to be a social game? Avatars would also be nice...but really, proximity chat, ship to ship chat...is what makes sci fi games. Make it crackle a bit for ship to ship! These are the things that would immerse players in game much more. 


  2. So no one is talking about the elephant in the room. The money model. The 'subscription fees' model. I mean, a friend of mine said it correctly...."What if I like the game? What if I play it for 5 years, then I will have given these people a thousand bucks, to play a game...hmmm" (that's a PC upgrade, and yes, I get it.....coffee is $2 but, as far as modern gaming goes, this is an outdated model, when you need a page on your website to defend it, it's outdated NQ) . And my friend has a point. MMo's with new content every week are charging $7.99 a month.....and this is beta, and no new content. So a look at the subscription model is needed. Yes, this is the only game in town as far as voxel builders, but THINGS CHANGE and someone out there will make a voxel mmo for $39.99 flat price and sell 40 million copies on Steam. Tick tock...NQ...tick tock. 

  3. 1 hour ago, krateria said:

    Yes, but JC's vision is more to the Eve side. They are still committed to deliver JCs vision of the game. No indication of any PvE. It would easily make me return to the game. That alone. 


    THINGS CHANGE! This is a fact of reality. Let's hope sooner than later. Like I said earlier, these people need to go play 'Empyrion: Galactic Survival' for a weekend. 


  4. This game would benefit greatly from PvE. It would also benefit from Avatar vs Avatar combat. It would also benefit from 'STRUCTURED PvP'. So I really hope the DEVS are all playing 'Empyrion' (the real 'daddy' of this game, not Minecraft or eve) and learn how to do this properly and transfer it to an MMO. If Empyrion was an mmo and had voxel building, this game would not have any players because everyone would be playing that. So far: This game is fun and addictive, and its the ONLY voxel builder in town, so it has no competition. THAT WILL CHANGE! 


  5. On 4/9/2021 at 2:54 PM, Veygan said:

    This game is a piece of junk don't buy this trash reasons

    1)no graphics nothing ! you must have a pc like mine 4000$ to play with low settings with 35 fps CRAP

    2)I just manage to buy my first spaceship with 649000h and boom i lost it all because with absolute no physics i stuck in side to another ship and i just need to respawn and BOOM i lost it all

    3)no npc no players nothing.....   don't see videos with a lot of players ships around the place its because they never de spawn  even if the players don't play anymore SCAM

    Like Star citizen they will get your money and someday BOOM 

    Wow...this game makes people soo....EMOTIONAL! Can I have your stuff? 

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