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PvE Missions: We've Got Numbers!


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Greetings Noveans!

We've got some numbers/data to share with you today, all about PvE Missions and what Noveans have been up to in them for the first 15 days after 1.4 was released. The data you see below is from June 20th, 2023 to July 4th, 2023 inclusively. We asked NQ-Lasius to dig deep to find us some numbers to share with all of you. One thing is for sure, you've been pretty busy out there! 🎆

PVE Mission Statistics From June 20th to July 4th (2023)


Total number of missions attempted (taken, failed or successful): 1,470


Overall Failure vs. Success Rate: 

Failure: 51%

Success: 49%

Mission Success & Failure Rates per Difficulty Level:

Mission Success & Failure Rates.png


Very Easy: 57% Failure Rate / 43% Success Rate
Easy: 43% Failure Rate/ 57% Success Rate
Medium: 58% Failure Rate/  42% Success Rate
Hard: 71% Failure Rate / 29% Success Rate
Very Hard: 90% Failure Rate / 10% Success Rate


Most popular planets to start missions from:



Alioth: 88.4%
Thades: 4.3%
Madis: 4%
Talemai: 3.3%

Total quanta earned (all successful missions):  933 095 000

TotalQuanta (1).png

Average time to complete a mission: 26.03 Minutes


image (13).png


Average time to successfully complete a mission by difficulty level (minutes):

Very Easy: 19.04

Easy: 26.08

Medium: 27:02

Hard: 34.07

Very Hard: 34:00


Shield Types Used:
Extra Small: 31%
Small: 48%

Medium: 17%

Large : 4%


Weapon Types Used:
Cannon XS: 36%

Cannon S: 46%

Missile XS: 15%

Laser S: 5%


We hope that you've been enjoying PvE Missions and that you will continue to fight the good fight! :)

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