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no reset talent


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I think they referred only to the mining talents in the first place.
I personally don't see the point of doing it because there will be very very few people who want to get rid of mining talents since you need them for asteroid and if your not legion, time is of the essence.

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There is a LOT of talents that relate to mining and which will now be mostly deprecated. I talent reset woudl be the easiest way to go but it woudl be very nice if NQ finally got around to adding an "apply TP to queue" to allow for us to respec more quickly.  Not that that option has been suggested .. oh, since the day they introduced talents..

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*just so we are on the same page, A reset of talents is refunding all the spent points you have on talents so you can reuse those points on new talents*


This is a large enough change to warrant a talent reset.  At first you might be like, well they are going to need those skills for asteroid mining now.  Thats not the case for everyone. Some people are going to forego manual mining altogether. 


So you might think, Well ok only reset the mining skills.  That player might also have terraforming so he can get through the ground quicker, He might also have piloting skills so he can get to the sites more efficiently.  He might even have basic industry skills so he can refine that ore.  So if he is not going to mine, he is not going to need the terraforming, he is not going to need the piloting he is not going to need the refining skills.  Basically meaning all points should be refunded so he can now go down his new path as he sees fit. 


And there is an argument to for NQ to benefit from resetting the skill points.  This is because many players have set long skill Q's and set the game aside while they wait for a more complete game.  by doing a skill reset NQ can then send out a msg to all these players letting them now a great new patch has come out and they will need to log in to re Q up there skill Q's. Hopefully luring more players back into the game. 

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