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Introduction The primary mindset behind our conception is to promote and establish strong bonds through unity and order. Triumvirate functions like a Brotherhood. We teach and learn to cooperate in a Tri-force fashion instead of isolated singular units. Symbolism The three colored triangles stand for individual Faction members and the triarchy among our ranks. Their position inside the circle is a reflection of the teamwork required, to support each other. The circle represents the Faction's Unity as a whole. Everyone in line within will find support and sanctuary. Last but not least, the central white triangle reflects the fruits of everyone's labor through unity and cooperation. Recruitment We are looking for people that strive for teamwork and dedication. If you want to be a part of your own small crew then Triumvirate is the right place for you. Here, all new recruits are divided and organized into three manned squads in relation to their aspirations. Form an application through the Community Portal or join our Discord Server and pm @Armedwithwings directly. Choose your Specialization All work within Triumvirate is divided into three specializations. Members are encouraged to dedicate themselves to work that's related exclusively on their respected profession. Architecture Designer Builders and Architects of all kinds. Members part of this profession specialize in everything construct related. From structure designs to room decoration they are responsible for providing the Faction's living and working facilities. Excavation Specialist People in charge of Ore Prospecting and Resource mining are part of the Excavators. Through their hard work we create the essentials to operate our Faction. They are the heart and lungs of Triumvirate as without them nothing would be possible. Ship Engineer Created for ship designers and haulers alike. The Mechanized Division is in charge of maintaining crafts and run resupply missions. Constantly on the move, there is always something to be done. Faction Structure First Echelon - Triumvirate Company Squad Members - Supervisors ────────────────── Second Echelon - Triumvirate Officer Party Commanding Officers - Administrators ────────────────── Third Echelon - Triumvirate Central Command Chiefs of Staff - Legionnaires ────────────────── Senate - Triumvirate High Command Legates - Triumvirs ────────────────── Tri-Squad Members Tri-squads are tasked to cooperate united at all times towards a single goal. Triumvirate Brotherhood detachments share the same workspace,living quarters and remain unchangable for their remaining enlistment period. They are charged one vessel and perform duties as a single entity, never divided. Each Tri-squad will be assigned an elected Supervisor. Among other duties, they will be tasked of keeping their squad present at all times and conveying orders from their superiors. ─────────────────── Commanding Officers A Commanding Officer will be overseeing one Tri-squad and assign their daily work schedule determined, by either through "job boards"or Administrational orders. The job of a Commanding Officer is to keep a detailed log of his squad's completed assignments and report them to the "Administrator". ───────────────────────── Administrators Administrators are individuals in charge of the Faction's needs by coordinating the Brotherhood's workforce/military. Their tasks among others include holding responsibility for two Commanding Officers,regularly updating their designated Platoon's job board and formulating their activity reports. They receive their orders from either the Chiefs of Staff or the Legionnaires. ─────────────────────────────────────────────── Chiefs of Staff Command of each legion lies in the hands of two Chiefs of Staff along with their Legionnaire. Being the cream of the crop of Triumvirate,these highly skilled individuals hold tremendous authority and equal responsibility. Through their Ranks, a Legionnaire is elected in power though the legion's favor. ──────────────────────────────────────────────── Legates Generals/Senate along with the Faction Leader are the ones who make the plans to shape the Brotherhood's future. Behind any major decision,a council is organized to determine the best course of action. Each General/Senate party will be held responsible for a Major Faction Asset. ──────────────────────────────────── Triumvirs The central leadership role of Triumvirate is in the hands of the Faction Leader and two prestigious legates called Triumvirs. These influencial parties can be elected in power through the Senate only once every year
AEONIAN FEDERATION The Aeonian Federation is an intergalactic umbrella organization comprising both sovereign Member Organizations and Individual Citizens who share a common vested interest in progress and prosperity. But what is it, really? •••Too Long, Didn't Read••• Enrollment: Accepting citizens and organizations - enjoy the privileges of Aeoniancitizenship. Timezones: Global Primary language: English Focus: To promote progress and prosperity among our members. •••The Pillars of the Federation••• A Military Alliance The universe is a treacherous place. We at the Federation hold the belief that military strength and solidarity are critical to our members’ interests in the face of those who seek to violate them. Our Non-Aggression Pact and military cooperation are only part of Aeonian’s firm dedication to security. An Economic Syndicate Operating an advanced and wide-reaching network of markets across the universe, the Aeonian Federation is a key player in the galactic economy. With additional banking and investment options available to members, the Federation unlocks the path to prosperity and financial security. A Visionary Pioneer As a progressive, forward-thinking organization, the Aeonian Federation is always striving to do what has never been done before. We challenge the traditional “guild alliance” paradigm and emphasize the importance of member and organization sovereignty. We push the technical limits of what Dual Universe represents, undertaking bold enterprises such as Project Emberstone. Rest assured: there’s no such thing as “boring” at the Federation. A Community and Family The Federation isn’t the typical dictatorship guild. Although we may appear large, we’re also a tight-knit family dedicated to player cohesion. With our revolutionary Nexus hubs (the ultimate social network) and frequent game nights, the Aeonian Federation offers the best of both worlds: the friendship of a small community and the security of a large, established organization. •••The Administration••• In order to keep AFED running smoothly and its members happy and safe, the Syndicate employs a variety of structural techniques and facilities to ensure the integrity and continued existence of the Federation. These make up the Administration of the Aeonian Federation. Take a look below: Directorate The legates of the Federation, there to maintain the integrity of the entire system. Magistratum The legislative and judicial division, there to resolve internal conflicts/disputes, create internal policy, and oversee diplomatic relations. Grand Assembly The collective assembly of the Aeonian Federation. Composed of representatives from each member organization as well as individual citizens, the Grand Assembly is a place of discussion between the members of the Federation, where actions and resolutions can be diplomatically discussed. Administration All of the various other departments necessary to make the Federation function. Many valuable teams and departments are part of the Administration, including our Development Department, design teams, Defense Department, and Communications Department. •••The Verdict••• Aeonian is a choice. Your choice. Let your dreams take flight.
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The 47th Legion is a military themed, North American based player association. The 47th engages in a wide variety of in-game activities to include PvE, PvP, crafting/trading, exploration, and colonization. The 47th prides itself on professionalism and esprit de corps which are our core principles. We hold our Legionaries to a high standard and prohibit any and all types of exploiting and cheating. Teamwork and collective effort are mantras the 47th Legion lives by. We explore in a squad, move in a squad, and we all do what we can to contribute to the Legion. Our Legionaries provide materials for the crafters who in turn provide gear back to the Legionaries. If you like to go and do things your own way, then the 47th isn't for you. Remember, if you are looking for an active, organized, fun, and professional guild, then you've found it in the 47th Legion! While the 47th is military themed with great interest in PvP our ultimate goal is the creation of our own castrum (fort) and the creation of a multi-national alliance, if not full society, all with a very heavy emphasis on mechanized combat. Tanks, APCs, mechs, exoskeletons, powered armor, fighters, bombers, capital ships, et cetera. It's the future, baby, let's roll with tech on our side! The various play-styles would rank in Legion-wide interest as such: PvP: ►►►►►►► The 47th will be heavily engaged in PvP and it will be one of our primary activities. PvE: ►►► We can't PvP all of the time so while PvE doesn't take priority it's obviously going to be an important activity. Colonization: ►►►►►► This our primary motivating factor above all else and will be heavily facilitated by our PvP and exploration play. Construction: ►►►►► A combat unit is only as strong as it's supply chain. The 47th Legion features a robust crafting infrastructure on our website centered around a functioning supply section which gives our crafters the ability to quickly advertise items and our Legionaries the ability to easily request them! No other nation offers infrastructure like this! Exploration: ►►►►►►► This will be a cornerstone that will heavily influence city building and PvP. Scouts definitely have a place in our Legion. Socialization: ►►► We like people! Someone has to run those shady bars just off post where our Legionaries will relax in their downtime. We have big plans for building an alliance and a cities so diplomats will be needed. We strive to provide our Legionaries with a semi-realistic military simulation environment. This involves some light roleplaying elements but our rank structure, personal awards, training exercises, and camaraderie constitute the bulk of the atmosphere. Additionally, the 47th recognizes the contributions our Legionaries make to the unit. Whether it's something as simple as creating some artwork, recruiting friends into the unit, or capturing a ship single-handedly we have a plethora of rewards to publicly honor our Legionaries with. Our legionaries proudly display their ribbons in a display case on their profiles. If you'd like to learn more about our awards system you can view them and their descriptions here. Professionally built website and forum based on IPS Community Suite; Image galleries, downloads, blogging, and social media support; Unit supply section; Discord VOIP service; Unique rank structure and awards systems; Weekly scheduled operations; Personalized 47th Legion e-mail accounts; Dual Universe newswire service; and Real military leadership and experience. Must be at Least 19 years of age (exceptions considered on case by case basis); Willingness to engage in PvP; Willingness to casually roleplay; and All alternate characters must be tagged with the unit. The 47th was originally established in 2007 as an offshoot of a Star Wars Galaxies guild from the Chilastra server. By the time of the NGE a lot of interest in SWG had been permanently lost. A deployment or two later I became highly interested in Tabula Rasa and chose to start my own player organization for the game with a few SWG guildmates which came to be known as the 47th A.F.S. Expeditionary Force, or 47th A.F.S.E.F.. Around the time of TR's closure Earthrise caught the 47th's interest. We waited for Earthrise for over three years and were finally able to step foot on Enterran soil at game launch. Unfortunately Earthrise was plagued with launch issues, lacked basic and rudimentary features, had an extremely unoptimized client which ran very poorly, had a small community, and incredibly slow patch releases. In June of 2011 we decided to quit Earthrise. Moving on from there we briefly dabbled in Star Wars: The Old Republic though in the end the game was simply the antithesis in design of everything we actually enjoy in an MMO. A few months later we started following the development of the Trion Worlds and SyFy collaboration known as Defiance. We greatly enjoyed the game and show and quickly rose to being the most dominant guild on the PC platform. Unfortunately, Trion World's interest in future development of the title quickly waned and the game is all but abandon-ware at this point. After exiting Defiance we've focused mainly on multiplayer sandboxes such as Empyrion: Galactic Survival, Space Engineers, Miscreated, DayZ, Ark: Survival Evolved, RUST, and various ArmA 3 mods over MMOs. The 47th is an excellent environment for current and past members of the armed forces. Many of our Legionaries are prior service (I personally served in the U.S. Army for seven years as a 19D Cavalry Scout: FIRST TEAM!) and enjoy being around other prior service Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines; we welcome and encourage you to join! At present we are currently gathering intelligence and planning the best path through the game to achieve our goals as quickly as we can after launch. All recruits who enlist prior to the launch of Dual Universe will be entered into our NCO Development program upon completion of their Battle Readiness Checklist. Additionally, all Legionaries who successfully recruit another member into the 47th will be automatically promoted up to and including the rank of Miles Gregarius [E3]. The 47th currently has Legionaries deployed in many titles as we await the launch of Dual Universe. We are currently officially supporting Empyrion: Galactic Survival, Star Citizen, Rust, and Osiris: New Dawn. We also have dedicated ARK and Space Engineer servers. Why wait months to play with an organization when you can join us online right now?
Greetings everyone,i have a question for you. Do you think a Faction heavy on the logistics and micromanagment side is possible to function smoothly in DU? And if it utilized such requirements,would you wish to be part of it or rather avoid all the hassle thinking that it would withdraw from the overal experience? Thank you in advance.
Terran Union on the Community Website Terran Union Surgere, Aedificare, Conservare War, Chaos, Desolation, Despair this is our history and in this state we left Earth, Terra, birthplace of Mankind, our beloved Mother and we had almost destroyed her in our greed and envy, but a Neutron Star was faster. And now we're lost, drifting in space, aimlessly, alone. Delight, Relief, Beauty, Hope our first thoughts and feelings as we saw her, our new home, our new Mother, Alioth. We gave a promise to ourselves, this time we will make it better, we will build a Civilization, greater, better, more beautiful then everything that Mankind has seen till now. And we will take good care of our new Mother. The Union Immigration: Allowed Government: Hiring Military: Recruiting Elections: After Beta Launch Official Languages: English, German Time zone: All Communication: Discord (link to get on the Server) Nation Colors: Blue, Silver, Gold Member of the Cinderfall Syndicate Organization The Union is a Federal Nation and is organized in four administrative levels: National, Planetary, Regional and City Each Level is more or less self-regulating and has an own parliament. Government Leader The Leader is the head of the National Parliament and the Ministerial Council, he is also in direct control over the Military, together with the Supreme Commander. A Successor and Second-in-command is elected by the National Parliament. Candidates for this Position can be proposed by the retiring Leader, the Military Council and the National Parliament. Parliaments The National Parliament is made up of the Leader, the Ministers, five representatives elected direct from the citizenship and at least one representative from each planet. With the growth of population, the planets are granted additional seats in the Parliament, 1 for every 2,500 citizens (Numbers may change after game launch). The Parliament also makes laws that are valid for the entire nation and decide together with the leader and ministers on the future course of the nation. The Parliament will meet at least once a month. The Planetary Parliaments are made up of at least one representative from each Region and one from each City that exceeds 500 citizens. With the growth of population, the regions are granted additional seats in the Parliament, 1 for every 500 citizens (Numbers may change after game launch). The Parliament also makes laws that are valid for the entire planet and elect its representatives for the National Parliament. The Regional Parliaments are made up of at least one representative from each City in the Region. With the growth of population, the cities are granted additional seats in the Parliament, 1 for every 200 citizens (Numbers may change after game launch). The Parliament also makes laws that are valid for the entire region and elect its representatives for the Planetary Parliament. The City Parliaments are made up of at least five elected representatives from the Citizenship. With the growth of population, the Parliament gets additional seats, 1 for every 100 citizens, up to a maximum of 30 seats (Numbers may change after game launch). The Parliament also makes laws that are valid for the City and elect its representatives for the Regional Parliament. The Parliaments will be able to choose their meeting cycle, recommended is once a month, the elections are held once a year. Ministries The Ministries are the Administration of the Nation and are operating on all administrative levels. The only administrative level that will have all ministries, is the National Level. Depending on the tasks of the ministries, they will have branches in the various administrative levels. Tasks that have the ministries, for example, are: Nomination of judges and ambassadors, operating Stargates owned by the government, city and infrastructural planning, tax collection and distribution, i.e. the everyday tasks. Ministries that are likely to arise are: Ministry of Economy Ministry of Finance Ministry of Trade Ministry of Justice Ministry of Internal Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Exploration Ministry of Expansion and Colonization Ministry of Research and Development Ministry of Military Ministry of Defense Each Ministry will be led by a Minister, chosen by the Leader and approved by the National Parliament, the Minister will choose a Second-in-command. There will be also Ministers without official ministries. The Ministerial Council will meet once a week to discuss the current affairs of the nation and to consult. This Council consist only of the leader, his Second-in-command and the ministers. Military The Military is led by the Leader, the Supreme Commander and a Military Council. The Military Council consist of the Leader, the Supreme Commander, the Minister of Military, the Minister of Defense, the Minister for Special Tasks and high ranking Officers such as the General of the national planetary Forces, the Admiral of the national orbital Forces, the Admiral of the national deep-space Forces and the highest ranking Admirals and Generals of the planetary and orbital defense Forces. The Military Council is in charge of all military facilities, including the Military Intelligence Service and the Military Academy. The Council also makes laws which only apply to the Military and provides the judges for the Military Court. A majority vote of at least 75% in the National Parliament is automatically a superior order and the military has to follow this order, neither the Leader nor the Supreme Commander can revoke this order. Supreme Commander The Supreme Commander has in great military decisions, like war and peace, equal power to the Leader, but in the overall military structure he is superior to the Leader. The Successor of the Supreme Commander is elected by the Military Council and must be acknowledged by the National Parliament, when this not happens the election is held again. Candidates for this position can be proposed by the Leader, the retiring Supreme Commander and the Military Council. The Military is organized as following: National Forces: This Forces are stationed all over the Nation, they are the offensive Forces of the Nation, are responsible for the national space and are financed and maintained by the whole nation. The National Forces are split in 3 sub-commands and 4 Support Units, Engineer-Corps, Medic-Corps, Pioneer-Corps and Military Police National Planetary Forces: (aka. Planetary Operations) Leader: General of the National Planetary Forces Headquarter: Location currently unknown Tasks: Protection of military and civilian facilities on planets, which are controlled by the national level of administration, Invasion of Enemy Planets, Combat support for Locale Planetary Defense Forces, if requested or necessary. Military Units: Army, Air Force, Navy, Special Forces, Troop transporters National Orbital Forces: (aka. Orbital Operations) Leader: Admiral of the National Orbital Forces Headquarter: Location currently unknown Tasks: Protection of military and civilian facilities in Orbit around colonized planets, which are controlled by the national level of administration, blockading and bombardment of enemy planets, ground-support for planetary troops, Combat support for Locale Orbital Defense Forces, if requested or necessary. Fleet Parts: (all ships are fitted to be short-range and without Jump drives) Heavy Siege Ships, Blockade Frigates and Corvettes, Anti-Fighter Frigates, Capital ship Hunter (Cruiser), Carriers for space to atmosphere fighters, bombers and transporters, also a small contingent of standard fighters National Deep-Space Forces: (aka. Deep Space Operations) Leader: Admiral of the National Deep Space Forces Headquarter: Location currently unknown Tasks: Protection of military and civilian facilities in Orbit around uncolonized planets and in deep space, which are controlled by the national level of administration, Border Patrol and Defense, Pirate hunting, Escort Missions, Search-and-Destroy-Missions in- and outside of national territory Fleet Parts: (all ships are fitted to be long-range and with Jump drives, if possible) Titan-Class Battleships and Carriers, Battlecruisers, Cruisers, Destroyer, Frigates, Corvettes, Small Carriers and Corvettes fitted for pirate hunting and functioning as packs, Patrol ships Local Defense Forces: This Forces are stationed only on their planets, they are the defensive Forces of the Planets, they are responsible for their planets and the orbits of them and are financed and maintained by the local planetary government. The Local Defense Forces are split in 2 sub-commands. Local Planetary Defense Forces: (aka. Planetary Defense) Leader: General of the [planet name] Planetary Defense Forces Headquarter: in the capital of their planet Tasks: Protection of military and civilian facilities on their planet, which are controlled by the planetary level of administration Military Units: Army, Air Force, Navy Local Orbital Defense Forces: (aka. Orbital Defense) Leader: Admiral of the [planet name] Orbital Defense Forces Headquarter: in the capital of their planet Tasks: Protection of military and civilian facilities in Orbit of their planet, which are controlled by the planetary level of administration, ground-support for planetary troops Fleet Parts: (all ships are fitted to be short-range and without Jump drives) Anti-Fighter Frigates, Capital ship Hunter (Cruiser), Carriers for space to atmosphere fighters, bombers and transporters, also a small contingent of standard fighters Cinderfall Syndicate As a member of the Cinderfall Syndicate, the government of the Terran Union will actively work with the Authority Council, so that the citizens of the Union and members of Cinderfall will have a pleasant time in the universe. Economy The Economy of the Terran Union will mainly be consisting of private ruled companies, but there will also be government ruled facilities, such as shipyards and trade posts. Companies Be a Company in the Union (means the headquarters will be on TU territory) Your Company will be part of the Union and it would be gladly seen if your employees would also be Citizens of the Union. The Company will follow the law, pay taxes and sometimes the company will be offered contracts by the government (conditions in Gameplay/PvE/Building | Designing | Scripting | Engineering). Military contracts are mostly given to companies that are within the Union. Your company will be allowed to have contracts with other factions and even branches in other faction’s territory, you can also call for help by the TU, be it diplomatically help to establish trade routes or military help to defend your property. Companies in the Union: Be a Company that works with the Union (means the headquarters will not be on TU territory) You will be an independent company and the company and their employees can make whatever they want. If you want to work with us you can ask for a contract or we offer you one, we will also search for friendly relations and offer to establish branches or mining rights in our territory. You will have no rights to call for help by the TU, but any kind of help can be part of a contract. Companies with a friendly relation to the Union: (having a branch/multiple branches in TU territory) SilverLight Industries Chromion Industrial Companies that are currently working with the Union: Vulture Corporation (Relation will probably change with time) National Bank Banks are important facilities in the economy, so the Union will provide a National Bank, that will offer following services: Rentable Safes The protection of your valuables is an important task, so the National bank is offering safes for a small fee. Here you can store whatever you want and it will be under the protection of the government. Loans The National Bank will offer loans for Citizens and Companies in the Union. Markets Basic Markets An item market for the everyday needs. Established in cities exceeding 50 Citizens. Advanced Markets An item market for advanced elements and materials. Established in cities exceeding 200 Citizens. Capital Markets A market for everything your heart desires. Only established in planetary and regional capitals. Ship market included. Will have Government Trader. Orbital Markets A market for everything and in huge amounts. One per planet. Ship market included. Will have Government Trader. Society Libraries Public Libraries We will have public libraries, where all the unclassified knowledge, exploration data and recipes, that are gathered by the Union, will be stored for the access of the Citizens. Government Library This Library will be containing all the information that are be considered as classified by the government. Including recipes/blueprints for weapons of mass destruction, blueprints for military ships, locations of important/very valuable resources and so on. Access to this information’s are only granted to employees of the government with corresponding release level. Schools Public Schools We will have public schools accessible by Citizens of the Union. Here you can learn a profession of your choice. Experienced players will teach you what is important for your chosen profession, providing recipes and blueprints and will help you to increase your skills to a certain degree. Government Schools We will have schools accessible only by employees of the government. Here is the choice of profession more specific and more challenging. Experienced employees will teach you what is important for your chosen profession, providing recipes, blueprints and resources and will help you to increase your skills to a degree of your liking. New Employees of the Administration will be also trained here. They are taught how the government works, what their duties and if necessary the handling of tools outside of the game, for example Excel. Military Academy Here will be trained the military personal in courses such as, basic training, advanced tactics, fleet maneuver or advanced officer training. News Public Service Announcements We will provide Public Service Announcements for each administrative level, in our forum (once it is released) and on in game bulletin-boards. Newspaper We will provide a nation-wide newspaper, published by opinion independent journalists (I hope this makes sense, what I mean is that they will get a salary from the government, but they will be free to write whatever they want, would I write “opinion-free” it would probably indicate the exact opposite. Terminology is really difficult please help me someone with this). About what the newspaper will report, will depend on the news priority for the nation. It is also possible that there will be more local-oriented newspapers. Newscast We will provide a Newscast with the most important news regarding the Union and the galaxy, such as wars, peace treaties, politics (mostly TU but also galaxy), government decisions, new colonies and sometimes a bit propaganda for example the completion of a new TU Capital ship. The newscast will be provided via YouTube and in game functions. Gameplay PvE Exploration We will finance exploration missions of different sizes, reaching from single ship missions, to long journey convoys with multiple ships. The only we are asking for is, to share your data and discoveries first with us, before you sell it to others. Mining We will offer regular trips to different mining locations, including a military escort. Depending on where the location is, how valuable are the mineable resources and how often the trip is made, the size of the convoy will reach from just a few, to dozens of ships with hundreds of players. But we require for the protection we provide 10% (5% for citizens of the TU) of the resources which you have mined. We will also have continuous mining missions with Motherships or Stations, of course also under the protection of our Military. If you're a freelancer, you can mine in the region where the mission is and give us 10% (5% for citizens of the TU) of your mined resources or we could buy the resources but for a slightly cheaper price as on the free market. If you're a Newbie or just need some cash, we offer salaries to mine for us and you can decide if you prefer your own ship to mine with or if you want to borrow a ship from us for free. (this will probably be limited due to the limited space on board the motherships and stations) Building | Designing | Scripting | Engineering We will offer different contracts to make something for us, that could be a Script, a Design Concept, a Mechanical Contraption, a Ship, a Building, a Megaproject or just a simple beautification of a city. The contracts are split in 3 main categories: 1. Employee-Contract: We'll pay you a salary and providing the resources for the work, to which we assign you. 2. Freelancer-Contract: We'll pay you a fixed amount and provide or pay for the used materials. 3. Company-Contract: These contracts are awarded only to companies and will be negotiated. After the completion of the contracts, the created blueprints are passed to the Terran Union. Trade | Transportation We will regular offer escorts to trade posts that are far away from the TU Territory. To participate, a fixed price is estimated, depending on the duration and dangerousness of the journey. We will also offer missions and long-term contracts, to transport goods and people for us. Science We will offer positions in our research facilities for scientists and engineers who are more in development than maintenance. As an employed researcher you are free in your choice of research, but sometimes you will get requests, which you can reject, but consider your reputation. In case of war, a rejected request can lead to a dismissal, depending on the importance of the request and your current research. This will be an employment; you will get a salary but your discoveries will belong to the Union. We will also offer Freelancer and Company-Contracts, if we need some specific tech to be researched fast. Maintenance We will have a lot of civilian buildings, ships and stations and they must be maintained. If you considering such work, we will offer you an employment and a salary. Other As the development of the game is progressing, there will be probably other career branches and as soon as we know it we will offer employments, contracts and missions. PvP Mercenaries We will offer missions and contracts to people who don't want to join the military, but be prepared this work will be dirty and probably more on the unofficial side of things. Events We will organize different kinds of competitions, for example building competitions in various classes reaching from art, to fighters, and we will probably have dog fights. We are open for suggestions. Interplanetary Tournaments Once a year we will organize a great national tournament, where every citizen of the Union can show his skills. The participants will compete in various disciplines, such as building, dog fight, racing, strategy, and so on. The tournament will start in the cities and every citizen can register there. The winner on city level will then compete on the regional level, the winner of this are going on the planetary level and after this we will have the grand final on the national level. General/Social/RP Holiday Events We will try to organize Events timed and themed to real-life holidays and we will try to get other factions and maybe even the devs on board for this. Roleplaying RP is welcome but not necessary. We will try to create events and special areas for roleplaying and we look forward to receive ideas and suggestions from you. Joining the Union Warning If you want a position as high ranking official (Minister, Parliament representative, General and Admiral) you should be aware that this means a lot of work for you and you will probably receive phone calls in the middle of the night, because of some catastrophe or enemy attack. If you want to be a member of the administration, you should be aware that this means work and you should have some skills in office software. Even after you finished your work you will be a contact person for the citizens of the TU. If you want a position in the military, you should be aware that this means discipline and to follow orders. If an officer ordering you to jump, you will jump and not ask why. You will us also tell fixed times in which you are online and at least half this time you are on duty; in the other half you can do what you want. Next topic is that you've committed yourself, just leaving is desert and will have consequences, but you aren't bound forever. The Contract will have a runtime of 3 months, 10 deaths on duty or 50 dead enemies. I know this whole thing sounds not really good, but here is the good part, you will get a very generous salary and we will take good care of you. The above mentioned jobs are 18+ exceptions considered on case by case basis. Ranks (currently available. with time it will be more | To pay taxes and to follow the law, are duties for all ranks) Citizen: Your only duties are to pay taxes and to follow the law, otherwise your freedom is boundless and well protected by military and law enforcement. Government employed: You are an employee of the faction and as such you get a salary and you have in some cases access to the resources of the faction, but your work will belong to the faction. Soldier: Pretty good description above in the warning. Who we accept We are a Nation we accept all as long as they follow the law. How to join If you want to join, simply leave a post that says that you wanna join and we will contact you. (this method will probably change later) At the moment we are searching for a capable artist for emblems and pictures for the description, if someone feels like "I want to help" please send a PM to Darius Sanguna !ATTENTION! This Site awaits further refinement in the future. All numbers mentioned here are subjects to changes, till the Union is fully established. All features mentioned here, will only applying, if they corresponding with the game mechanics and we can find someone who is willing to take the job. The Terran Union isn’t related to any other Terran Union outside of Dual Universe. Version 3.4.5
Imperium is a faction that aims to be one of the top organizations in terms of military. Military is Imperium's #1 priority, however our main goal is to be powerful all around. We hope to have a strong sense of community within our organization as well. So if you want to be a part of an organization like that, then go ahead and apply here: Our arms are open to anyone who is interested in joining our organization. We don't have any certain specifications for applications right now, so just give us some information about yourself, and maybe why you want to join Imperium. Anyone who applies will most likely be accepted as long as they take their application seriously. Thank you for your time.
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- Recruiting
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The Union Who Are We? We can be anyone. We can be anywhere. If you choose, you can be one of us. What Can We Offer? Protect your brothers, and they will protect you. In your time of need, the Union is indebted to offer you any and all of the services its members can provide. The aim of the Union is to provide a universal support network for any such member of the Union that requires the services the other members can provide. What Do We Want From You? We ask not for an army, only for a union. Mere might is nothing in the face of brotherhood. All we ask is that you are there to help one on of the Union as they would help you. You are free, even encouraged, to pursue your own goals, your own desires, otherwise. How Can You Find The Union? Simply follow the symbol of the Union (∪). When the time comes, we will find one another in the Universe, and we shall become legion. What Does All Of This Amount To? Each and every member is just as important as the next. Under the Union, you can expect to find a welcoming community that can help you on your journey in Dual Universe. We look forward to your joining, and if you want to know more, you can message the Legates of the Union. Addendum (14/4/17) The Union does not require you to solely be a member of this organisation. It is completely possible to be a member of another organisation while also being a member of the Union. Addendum (18/4/17) The Union now has a Discord channel! Click here to see what we're about.
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The Salt Syndicate Who are we? The Salt Syndicate is an emerging faction based upon the more questionable business strategies. Throwing in game ethics out the window, we offer a variety of ways to help the faction and your self thrive in Dual Universe! What can we offer. This all depends what you want, and are willing to do! The more involved we are in the development of the faction, the stronger we can get. We will primarily focus on pirating and bounty hunting to start. But then we will continue to grow and focus on economic control. This can include patrolling shipping routes, blockades, and more! We can also offer resources for construction of new ships and ultimately, profit! How to Join? Just apply! It's as simple as that! Just look up "The Salt Syndicate" and apply to join, and we will try to get to your application as fast as possible! We only ask that you contribute to the development of the Syndicate in any way you can. If you apply, we guarantee you will be accepted! Of course, we have rules. Be respectful of all members of the group. We may not have sound ethics, but we have standards. Also never harm the development of the group, in game or out. If you follow these two basic rules, you should be fine! So apply for The Salt Syndicate Today!
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- The Salt Syndicate
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Website Organization: Military Corporation. Objective Driveyards is a leading security and industrial corporation-state providing innovative spacecraft, solutions in autonomous systems, command, surveillance, strike, and logistics to government and private customers on Alioth and beyond. We hold ourselves to a high standard of quality, both in the products we deliver and in the way we conduct ourselves from fleet operations to customer service. We are in the business of securing a great deal more than just our place in the market, we are here to secure our customers future in Dual Universe. Our mission is to be at the forefront of technology and innovation, delivering superior capability in tandem with maximized cost efficiencies. The security solutions we provide help secure freedoms for our Corporation as well as those of our allies within the Cinderfall Syndicate. Squarely meeting our obligations, fiscally and technologically, isn't just a business goal, but a moral imperative. To that end, as we evolve as a corporation, the responsibility we feel for our customers and our members grows with us. O.D.Y. focuses: -Organized PvP/ Fleet Ops -Industry/supply -Ship/Weapon Contracting -Security Contracting -R&D O.D.Y. Provides: -Organization and cooperation -Command structure -Voice comms Structure The Corporation relies on organization to succeed, and is thus a strict meritocracy. The corporation is controlled by the CEO and a Council of three directors. Corporate assets are divided into three main branches; each responsible for a major aspect of Corporate operations, and manned by specialists with appropriate skills. Each branch is independent to a degree as each is controlled by one of the three directors, but ultimately answer to the CEO. The branches are: Objective Navy: As the military branch, the Navy is responsible for protecting Corporate interests from external threats. The Navy is lead by the Strategos, one of the members of the Corporate Council and the highest ranking officer within the fleet. The Navy controls the majority of the Corporate Fleet, and draws from Corporate personnel with skills particular to any and all aspects of combat. These roles can include: Pilot - Pilot specializing in either strike craft or larger warships. Commander - Officer in command of a large, crewed warship. Crew - Entry level warship crew, manning the critical stations on larger vessels. Security - Infantry unit skilled in ground combat. Combat Engineer - Field engineer skilled in building/repairing constructs in combat situations. Intelligence Agent - *REDACTED* Objective Industries: The circulatory and digestive system of the Corporation, controlled by a Director who is part of the Corporate Council. This branch is responsible for mining and refining raw materials, manufacturing components and equipment, and ultimately constructing ships. While the Navy controls most of the Corporate fleet, Indi Ops controls most of the Corporate shipyards. Ships and equipment produced by this branch are first researched and designed by the R&D branch. Indi Ops can also manufacture hulls and equipment to be sold on contract to other factions. Indi Ops personnel fill the follow roles: Miner - Raw resource extraction. Technician - Refining and manufacturing. Engineer - Industrial construction/development. Shipwright - Shipyard operation, starship construction. Objective Dynamics (R&D: The scientific branch of the Corporation, lead by a head Technocrat who is part of the Corporate Council. This branch develops tech and designs blueprints, conducts exploration, and tech mining. Blueprints can be designed on contract to be sold to other factions, or strictly for corporate use. Roles include: Researcher - Develops new designs and blueprints to be tested and refined. Explorer - Lone wolf pilots looking to explore under a Corporate Charter. Tech Agent - Specialist skilled in capturing and reverse-engineering tech and blueprints. Recruitment O.D.Y. is currently recruiting players interested in flying under a Corporate Charter, and eventually becoming full members. The lucky few who prove yourselves in the early days of the game will go on to shape the organization that Objective Driveyards will come to be! If you are interested in one or more of the roles described above, and feel you have the vigor and ambition to forge this path, contact one of the Corporate Council members: CEO: Code24 Strategos: SgtToothpaste Director of Industry: BliitzTheFox
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- Objective Driveyards
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join now the phoenix confederacy wants you join here for honor if you want to talk join this link to join in our alliance chat this link but if you want to join our faction click this link About we defend our home planet and kill all of those who think they can take our home-world we are the phoenix children if we die we are reborn and rise from the ashes and destroy our enemies. we seek to defend those who are to weak to defend themselves and we make peace if we can but will destroy if we are forced to. we hope to grow and defend those who cant defend themselves and become one of the big corporations,our new planet will be named the eternal flame TO ALL WHO WISH TO BE REBORN OUR LORE is that we were forced out of our home-world due to the human ark ships from earth we were forced to leave due to there laws and government and slavery. but as the last phoenix came on bored one of there transport ships he vowed to return one day and take back what is rightful ours and he became our amazing leader who has Ben trying to make our empire great but he died and appointed his greatest general and asked him to make our civilization great again and so we call to all who wish to be reborn and ask them to help us grow and be great again.
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Welcome Prospective Players! Dual Universe provides players with a unique opportunity to create a universe completely made and designed by our own choices and decisions. Through such processes as territory control, a player-driven economy and editable surroundings, we can now interact with the world in an unprecedented way and we at Astralis Industries (ASI) intend to take full advantage of that! What Is Astralis Industries?Astralis Industries will represent an in-game company that will take full advantage of the player-driven economy and blueprint system. Working together with each and every member to create a unique environment where each members talent and ingenuity can add to the company's overall success. Focus: Astralis Industries will primarily focus on construct (ship, station, city, probes, drones....etc) construction and programming to design and showcase the most advanced constructs in the game. By creating unique ships that will be used by all types of organizations across the galaxy, we will be able to watch as the face of both Military and Civilian work changes based on the ships Astralis Industries releases to the market. This construction will require many different parts of our organization to work in concert with each other in order to make our designs a success! Mining: Ship construction, testing and eventual mass production will require large amounts of resources to perform. This means that our efforts in discovering and gathering precious minerals will be of top priority during all stages of the game. This will be the backbone of our company as we would like to maintain control of where we get our resources from to build all of our constructs. Trading: As we expand and begin to mass produce our ships in between release cycles, we will need talented individuals to take up the call to take sold ships to their respective buyers. Traders will also be the backbone of our resource transportation fleet, especially during testing and construction. Combat: According to the developer there will be 2 types of combat FPS and Ship-to-Ship, we will need to take advantage of the best of both to set ourselves above the rest and protect our assets. As we grow and expand, its going to be important to watch over individuals/groups as they go out and explore the planets we find ourselves on. We will need to not only protect our explorers but also defend our secrets and protect our assets as we develop into a more profitable company. Through this, combat will play an important role in all aspects and through all phases of the game as we begin to establish ourselves as one of the dominate organizations in the galaxy. Testing: These pilots would be the first to receive our top-of-the-line ships straight out of the drawing board and would ensure that what we produce is of the highest quality. Testing all systems aboard the ship from flight mechanics, to the custom scripts programmed onto them. GoalsAstralis Industries ultimate goal is to create an organization that has a large impact in the in-game economy and can provide for its members, the fees required to pay for the subscription. I know this is a far off goal, but I believe working together, with all the above in mind, we can achieve this and have an awesome time in-game. Prospective Applicants Here at Astralis Industries, we are always seeking amazingly talented people to add to our ranks, if you feel that your skills are unparalleled and that you would enjoy playing with the type of individuals that we represent, then feel free to drop us an application in the format presented below. To help the processing of applicants, we will provide a list of roles (that are subject to change based on game features) that will help both parties (Yourself & Astralis) figure out what play style you prefer. Which in turn will help us create and run events that cater to each of our members. ** None of these are final and don't represent you locking in a role, you can play however you want no matter what you choose, but will help us create fun events and projects around what people like to play ** Roles: Builder: As you can imagine this person would love to just be let loose on an area to build a base/city/spaceport. Ship Designer: This person loves the concept of designing ships that could potentially be used by all sorts of differing organizations. Miner: Resources are required for everything we do, and some people (Including myself) enjoy this type of game play. Search for and finding the rarest resources and having the satisfaction to look at a ship or building and know that "I'm the reason we were able to build this" . Combat (FPS): According to the developer there will be 2 types of combat and the first of which is FPS style. This person is going to focus on watching over individuals/groups as they go out and explore the planets we find ourselves on. They will be our champions and protectors as we journey out among the stars. Showing our strength when necessary and being the shield and that protects us. Combat (Ship): The second type of combat in DU is supposedly, EVE-esq ship-to-ship combat. These individuals will make up the backbone of our fleet. Commanding our ships and organizing large scale campaigns in times of crisis. Understanding that though we are a company at heart, we will not shy away from battle. Offshoot Roles: Programmer: One of the unique abilities offered by DU is the ability to program our ships and structures to be able to do custom actions that aren't native to the game. As a result, having individuals who would love to test out different defensive and offensive programs as well as potentially passive (mining drones, etc..) programs, will help Astralis Industries stand above the rest. Traders: I'm going to be honest, I love trading! However, i'm not entirely sure how it will work in DU and what infrastructure will be in place to support this occupation. Regardless, in whatever facet trading will exist, we will support those who, like myself, love the idea of transporting goods to our partners. Being quick and flexible about delivery runs as well as maintaining diplomatic partnerships throughout all trade deals. Policy/Governance: To be honest, I was hesitant putting this one in. But the territory control and organization structure, offer a unique opportunity for players to dictate and enforce policies and govern controlled territories differently. Due to this mechanic, i'm going to classify this as one you can pair with your primary choice. I'm also opening it up to a broader meaning, in that it will stand for the player's desire to work towards a leadership position. Again, I want to make sure that anyone potentially looking to applying to Astralis Industries understands that these are not roles that you are locking in, but roles that will give us an idea of what the majority of players will want to play and allow us to create and run events that cater to these choices. For instance, if a large group of individuals chose ship building, then we can hold a ship construction competition and have the best ship chosen to be part of the next line of ships released by the company. These would be build and test, so you could potentially pull in a pilot to test it out and even a programmer to customize the capabilities of your entry. Application Format (Copy & Fill): ======================================================== In-Game Name*: Desired Role: What Excites You Most About DU?: Why Astralis Industries?: Primary Language: Voice Communication**: ======================================================== * - Your desired name when the game launches ** - Not required to play or join ======================================================== Current State of Astralis Industries: Currently, i'm working on a variety of different projects to get the back-end of our group up and running. This includes looking into having a logo made, building a website and i'm in the works of setting up a discord server that we can all potentially chat in as the group grows. I'm a perfectionist when it comes to things like this, so I really want to make sure it's all setup correctly and done with a touch of professionalism. I'll keep everyone updated through the posts in our organization as we get things up and running. If you have any suggestions or ideas for really anything, feel free to send me a private message and we can talk about it there
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I REWROTE THIS FACTION a lot has changed The Unified Systems of the outer Belt [uSOB]: REVISED WHO are we? We are a pirate group with a little twist: Unlike most pirate groups that have a hidden base and operate locally, we are speed thinly across the universe and operate entirely ship based. This allows us to be highly mobile and operate with most effectiveness as trade routes may change or trade hubs may rise and fall, we are always sure to be near the money flow. Further we involve in a few more delicate activities that require medium or higher ranks inside our faction (view below for ranks and security clearance). Furthermore we are part of BAND OF OUTLAWS WHAT do we do? While pirates may be accused as griefers and mindless destroyers, we are far from that. Our goal is much simpler and yet (arguably) better, we are after money. Lots of money. “I want to have enough money to allow me to just buy some random dude a deathstar and not feel it” –Aison Bold (actual quote from the community discord) How we acquire that money is unlimited in forms, ways or grade of illegality. WHY do we do what we do? It’s simple, in Dual Universe you do not “Do what you want” you “Are who you want”. I want to be rich. That’s it, it’s really that simple. HOW do we do what we do? Well a good pirate wouldn’t tell his prey how he strikes now would he? We raid and steal. And may or may not indulge in other secret activities. Organization: Our organization relies on cell like structures. This diagram explains it better: Explanation: Bottom -> middle -> Top; lowest -> medium -> highest The red lines represents the security clearance: Any one below them only knows about the rank above. Example: An employee/brute knows only (ONLY) about his supervisor, he/she does NOT know who the other supervisors are, what their orders are and where they operate. Example 2: Supervisors know the orders of their “twin” (the other supervisor under the SAME manager) and of their manager NOT of the other supervisors/managers. This is done to make sure that information stays in the faction. How an order is issued: 1. The Executioner tells one (or both) of his speakers that there is a certain (main-) task that needs to be done and assigns it to one (or both) (tasks may stack/one manager may have multiple tasks). 2. The speakers assign one (or both) of their managers an (sub-) task to either fulfill or help fulfilling the main task the executioner assigned. 3. The Manager briefs his supervisors, who then brief their respective employees and brutes who then get respective orders to fulfill the sub task, thus also helping to fulfill/fulfilling the main task. Specialists: Specialists are people who have focused themselves singularly on one task and are mediocre too horrible at any other (due to their skills) They assist the executioner who may assign them to somebody or directly supervise them. Gameplay: we focus on money and player freedom thus these laws apply: 1. Anything we do is in some form responsible for a profit gain, this may be direct or indirect. 2. Players won’t be limited to doing something they don’t want to do, if somebody doesn’t want to fulfill a task he is free to say so without fearing penalties. 3. Supervisors (and above) are free to go on raids or other activities with their sub ordinaries. 4. Dont be an asshole Community Portal: See you in the game
Long have we waited, and longer still shall we continue to wait. My friends, in this chaotic world we find ourselves in on Alioth there are no empires or factions left standing. Due to certain events it seems that no force is capable of establishing itself as the leading directive over us humans. And as such, there will be no NPC factions for us to join as you would in E.VE. So all these independent guilds of any style, little corporations to giant factions, are going to be using market nodes. It hasn't been well defined how a market node will work exactly, if they are going to be regional, who decides the regions, if they just have a sphere of influence that makes some some sense but not entirely, for instance can multiple Market Units be placed inside of each others sphere of influence. Will the market units communicate with each other prices, is that something players could link together if the Market Unit owners are friendly. And on the Note of the market units, how could players from a different guild peacefully go and buy something from some other guild without just being blown up on sight for being an unknown. I'd like to merge the ideas of E.VE and SW.G, with a reputation similar to the first, and a status declaration system similar to the second. Leaving it to guilds to decide what a good reputation is, or even adjusting it by regions or specific Territory Units. Naturally pirates wouldn't care to obey the laws, but they'll also have to establish their own networks and way to get to any said system, Rogue Gates essentially. Anyhow, allowing guilds to establish these settings, they can have tags automatically apply to players to come through their stargates. Just for instance, you are this trader and you fly up to this other guilds Stargate and it asks you: 1.) Do you want to purchase faction reputation 2.) Turn in faction tokens for reputation 3.) Use gate (requires X reputation level) So you go through the gate and are automatically declared a non-hostile player by whomever administrated that gate, because they have it setup to do so. Now that you have this non-hostile tag (akin to being a On-Leave player in SW.G) you can't be attacked by players unless you commit some sort of crime. Now you are free to join up and do missions from their terminals. Use their market units without fear of being murdered. etc. By allowing players guild to use this variable that could be adjusted by region, or TU, and thus creating the allusion of Security Ratings throughout player empires. (Stargate) <Any Player> <action (use)> <requirement> <reputation> <greater than or equal to (+-0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)> A major benefit would be that Factions can organize the construction of the expensive stargates, and it grants access to a shared network. The bonus of a Faction, or a Nation / Empire running the networks over just independent guilds, is the comfort of knowing there is a standard and uniform central authority running the gate networks. Not just some pirate group running a gate that's free on one side, and then charges a toll to go back. ------ An idea for distributing guild tokens -Guilds be able to create a blanket tag for <Any Player> <Kill> <Target> <With> <Reputation> <Below> <Amount (+-1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)> <Receives> <Item (Guild Token)> <By Mail> ------- It would be really nice to have some real information on just how guilds are going to be able to function. Do you intend to create a graphical user interface to easily manage the relations, hierarchy, legates, tags, and options of guilds. Will we really be able to use the tags and RDMS to create a guild that work akin to a Nation. Is it too early for NovaQuark to provide an Alpha example of the options in the RDMS, and if tags will be player made or chosen from a list of premade ones? Some of the things that are important to making these systems work, as I believe it, is to allow players to assemble all the building blocks themselves. Having no limit on the number of guilds and players in an organisation. And creating a mix of the RDMS and Tags that allows players to assemble virtually any link they can come up with. Before we players are able to finalize our ideas on what, might or might not be possible though. We need to know about those Tags. If you are going to create the list of tags then can a NQ post be made on the options players would like to see in the RDMS and Tags.
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