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  1. Hey so I want to apologize in case someone else has already brought this up or if information about this has already been said as I am rather new to learning about this game and such, however it would be absolutely brilliant in my opinion to have customizable cockpits. In the gameplay I have seen, there has been and insane amount of freedom you have to build your ship and the environment around you, but one thing I noticed is that the cockpits for ships seem to be pre-set, or at least a list of ones you can choose from. Now I could be wrong in saying that, but pretending I'm right, to me it would be amazing if there was more options for our cockpit. Our entire ship, and thus what we spend a great deal of the game in, and what very well might become a part of us, is completely build around our cockpit. We want to make it look appealing and sexy and of course the best space ship in the entire galaxy, but to do that would be impossible with an out of place cockpit. If we could have a great range of designs for them, not limited to the basic one as seen in the trailer. Such as flying saucer dome-like area that allow for 360 degree views just by moving your mouse, to perhaps not even symmetric ones such as the millennium falcon. There could be ones of every shape and size and perhaps even have customizable dimensions and such for the user to decide upon themselves. Even one that's just a glass ball barely held in place could make for an interesting concept. If this has already been thought of, then also one quick thing to add is that the inside of the cockpit is just as, if not more important than the outside. It's where the player will spend all the time piloting the ship (obviously) and it will be alot of what the player sees. To really immerse them I think it would be great to be able to choose where certain items were to go in the cockpit such as the gas and levers and random buttons and such to fly it, as well as gauges and meters and status screens. It would really make the player feel like it was his ship. Perhaps even have sort of like a mechwarrior feel to it where you can look around your cockpit freely as well as seeing yourself use the controls to your ship, even to the extent of getting out of your chair and walking around your ship if thats a possibility. I'm sorry for the such the long post but I feel like this would really add to the game. My apologies.
  2. Does anyone know somthing about the Space in the game (I mean somthing like open Galaxy)
  3. Hey, so I was wondering, what if I get out of my ship, and go take a walk? Can someone just come, jump in my ship, and take off? It would be pretty annoying but it would also be cool to be able to hijack a ship if say, you sneak into an enemy base and need to escape(or something equaly cool). So I play GMod RP servers, and one thing they do is have the ability to lock your car. If you forget to lock your car, then anyone can take it(which is rare because everyone locks their car). I had an idea for DU, since there's so many people that may be able to jump into your ship the split second you get out, why not have a button that allows you to lock your ship while inside it, so it would already be locked the second you step outside. To make the feature balanced so that people might not want to lock their ship is that it would take 5-10 seconds more to get back inside your ship if it's locked. So if you have a fleet of ships that you may need to launch a counter attack at a moment's notice, those 5-10 seconds will really matter, and therefore, you may decide to not lock your ship because you have defences all around the base, it's not like anyone outside of the organisation could take it anyways. But, if you decide to attack the base, and your ship goes down, how will you get out? Well, there's a fleet of ships in the next room. So you run there, hijack an enemy ship, and escape. It would just add so many possibilities for war, while not changing much for the more peaceful side of the game, like life in an urban area, as no one would leave their vehicle unlocked. That's just my opinion on adding a small feature to the game, that could have a big effect. What do you guys think? Edit: I don't think some of you guys got what the point of this thread is, and maybe that's my fault for not being specific. So here I'm going to be more specific about what I want. So I do actually want hijacking to be a thing in this game. I just don't want it to be as easy as jumping into a cockpit and flying away. And like I've said before mrjackobean came up with a system that I think is very nice. mrjacobean, on 20 Oct 2016 - 09:33 AM, said: So while I do want hijacking in the game, I want it to be somewhat difficult and require a bit of a high skill in hacking. I don't want it to be impossible or semi-impossible to hijack a ship. And obviously hacking would take time. So you wouldn't go into a city and go hijack a ship, because people would see you and probably call someone or hit you(I'm thinking that if you get hit while hacking, even if it does 0 damage, you'll have to completely restart the process. But yea, I didn't want there to be any passwords, motion sensors, or anything that you can't see yourself cracking within a couple minutes. CaptainTwerkmotor, on 20 Oct 2016 - 09:55 AM, said: On the other hand, I do want it to be somewhat difficult to a beginner player. And even take time to do for an elite player. I want it to be balanced between being able to hijack, and not being able to hijack/being able to stop a hijack. Can you see yourself guessing the password to even 1 door? No, and also, it would get really annoying to get in and out of your ship. Entering 3 passwords every time. Astrophil, on 20 Oct 2016 - 8:19 PM, said: Also by the way, I was talking about cockpits in this thread but I think we should address doors that would be on a ship. I think it would have the same properties as a cockpit. You hack it. It jams open. Then this creates a reason to use turrets and other defences. Basically, I want hijacking to be accessible, but not easy.
  4. Forgive me if I don't really explain this concept properly, I'm usually a quiet lurker (especially this one where a lot of people seem to be very experienced with these types games and I'm more of a starry eyed dreamer, haha). Anyways, I'm not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but what are people thinking about for ship-to-ship space combat, specifically how damage to ships will be visualized when made out of voxels. So, I was wondering how different weapons would affect a ship's hull especially exteriors constructed of voxels. So, for example, would plasma weapons "melt" voxels away and expose hallways to open space? Would ballistic weapons leave dents in the hull or chip away pieces as it impacts the hull? I guess I'm wondering what other people have seen (maybe in other games or even design concepts) or consider as something interesting to incorporate in terms of weapons damage and resulting impact on hull condition. Edit: Some typos.
  5. Just thought about a gravity element to rule the UP and DOWN in space. This element could be scripted and given a force vector to setup gravity within a spaceship Gravity could be then canceled, turned up or down at will When first deployed in a construction it would give the default gravity force vector, so what ever you build around you would be sure which voxels compose the ceiling and the floor of your construct in space gravitation. Turning up or down the gravity would allow spaceship interior configuration for the diferent gravity forces And canceling the gravity force might be usefull during an enemy assault, and disabling the enemies ships landing possibility
  6. All May I present https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/bureau-international-des-poids-et-mesures Yeah - I know - it's not the right place to post this. Ha!! Not really - pretty much the sorts of people who should be in it are here. Basic idea - this is a pre-alpha thematic org, set up expressly to: a) talk DU and standards - what would need to change from the world we know to the world we're going to. to note, discuss, propose and ratify standards as a community (using the forums etc) which can be passed to NQ for consideration. c) Write a bit of pre-history/lore to go along with all this. Because something has to be fun in stuff like this Now, because I've not tested this yet - if you are already a member of another group and the system won't let you apply and join - send me a DM and I'll add your name to a standing membership roll post - either way it's not a big issue as we're such a small community so far anyway that everyone knows everyone. I'll come up with some sort of psuedo-structure people can have fun with later on.
  7. The Mothership is a gaming community originating in the Homeworld Universe (Homeworld, Homeworld 2, Deserts of Kharak). We currently support Company of Heroes (1&2), WarThunder, Elite: Dangerous and a selection of other titles. As you can see we play a lot of sci-fi, flight and strategy games. That is basically what this game is about and I am very excited for its release. We are supported on Teamspeak3, and host our own website via Clansweb. In the game world we will try to establish our organization in a star-system and probably first focus on building our own mothership. So the focus is on building our first large cap ship. You can find us on our website or join our teamspeak: theMothership.ts3.cloud Website http://the-mothership.clansweb.com/welcome-to-the-mothership Organization https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/the-mothership
  8. Sorry if it repeat theme, but I can't find something same. Core of idea - Game chat must have different properties on different distance. I think we need 4 levels of distance. 1) Close distant (0-5km) - everyone can read and send massage, and every one can read this. Massage will be send full and immediately. 2) Low distance (5km - planetary system) - Massage can send only from ship, but player can read when out of ship. Massage will be send full and immediately. 3) Medium distance (star system) - Massage can be send and read only from ship. Massage will be send full and immediately. 4) High distance (between star systems) - Massage can be send and read only from ship. Massage will be send with "lags" (ex.: 1 light year - 1-3 sec) and can be randomly damaged (short massage have more resistance for this, but if it damage u have chance for fully unreadable massage, long massage have lower resistance for damaged, but more word can stay normal). It must work with public and private massage (except mail - it must have very low speed, but it will be invulnerable for damaging).
  9. As seen in other games such as space engineers, there are multiple types of propulsion. These range from atmospheric (electric jets) to hydrogen (gas fuel) and ion (energy only). This being a game largely about getting up and out to space, what thrust types are there and would we need fuel for each of these thrusts and will there be some form of aerodynamics like drag and lift/ wings. Improvised thrust is also there such as using artificial gravity and artificial mass to create a self-propelled mechanism. Thoughts?
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