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Posts posted by Ryoko_Takahashi

  1. You lead your Organization.

    You own the space you claim.

    You make the laws.


    You punish those who break them the way you want to.

    That's it.


    ^This. I also liked the idea proposed by GalloInfligo where you just simply cut that players access to any of your org equipment and services, impose taxes on that individual, etc. I would think that if settlements are properly defended, and dependent on how the FF system is implemented, that things should just sort themselves out after that. (IE - they get shot down every time they fly near your settlements)


    While I know it would suck to be destroyed/raided by a random player, I think that true sense of the unknown is kind of a thrill. Will it sow seeds of distrust in new players and the like, sure it will. BUT, just like in real life, trust takes time, getting to know someone takes investment, it also makes those bonds and interactions feel that much stronger and rewarding. That, and with ships being expensive and difficult to make, I think (and am hopeful) that most players will avoid and be unable to follow the "make new character, crash spam ships into outpost" method of game play.

  2. Oh cool, I honestly didn't know about the micro angles and such, was kinda concerned myself about following the curve as well. Glad to hear that there are mechanics related to voxels that can compensate for this!


    While the OP might have been more specifically about a raised monorail, I think the broader idea of trains as a whole (regardless of positioning) will be essential when we very first start off. Who knows how long it might take to unlock flight, how far away resources will be from each other, methods of cargo carry, etc. Having an automated rail to help bring all of those things together seems like the right direction to me.


    Besides, trains are cool  :wub:

  3. From something I read at a earlier date - sorry I do not remember where - there will be something like a I beam track system supposedly in the game. - far as I know at-least. 


    That would be awesome if you are recalling correctly :D 


    I can fully see myself abusing that for my own personal benefit! Forget the masses, I need to move product!  B)

  4. Well, hopefully you'll choose BOO Ryoko. I've got plans in the pipeline that I am sure you would love to be apart of. But best of luck to you, wherever you decide to go. :)


    I'll be picking Game Night back up for Band of Outlaws in about two weeks. Still need to get what member base we had from COPS over here, and then start planning from there. I'll be keeping it to Saturdays again, but we'll see. 



    Sure thing, keep me posted! I think I'm like 1/2 a day ahead of most of you though, so maybe your Saturday night is my Sunday morning? Looking forward to it! :)

  5. Basically the crux of my problem with having a more traditional skill path in a game like this is that its a relic of older games that don't simulate things to the degree that Dual Universe will.


    It seems like they want to lock technologies behind the skill trees so that everyone can't do everything at once. But I think the nature of the infrastructure needed for advanced technology and space flight will be enough of a barrier in of itself.


    In Space Engineers for example you technically have the ability to build a jump capable spaceship as soon as you spawn. Except that you're on a planet, with very little refined minerals to hand. And you need a significant mining operation. And a lot of rare elements that take ages to refine. And the rarest elements for the best engines can only be found in space. So you have a long path ahead of you before you can even dream or making that first jump.


    And that's without contending with potentially thousands of other players and their organisations.


    As for skill specialisations. I don't think that handing out skill based stat bonuses is the way to go. You don't become the best fleet admiral in the verse because you have a leadership bonus +5. You get there through experience leading fleets of other players into battle. You don't need an arbitrary number to tell you because you are doing it yourself.


    Likewise tech specialists, artists, and engineers will arise naturally if the crafting system is deep enough to allow for it.


    For combat specialisation I think in a sci fi game your special abilities are better defined by your equipment. How well you fight (and the gods of ping) will be the real measure of how good you are in a fight.


    Honestly this is what I think you need on your character sheet for a game like this:


    Page 1

    Bio (name, appearance, backstory etc


    Page 2

    Assets (money, controlled organisation ships/stations etc)


    Page 3

    Status (organisations, granted tiles etc)


    Page 4

    Contracts (buy/sell orders, jobs, alliances etc)


    When we hand build everything, negotiate with other real people, and fight with our own reflexes, that's all we need.


    I'm interested to see what the devs say on the matter when they blog about progression in more depth.


    Really torn on this TBH. This might be more along the lines of "abilities" rather than specifically skills like you would have on a hotbar, but I feel like having a "the more you do something, the better you get at it" would be good to help differentiate between "classes". I do feel a bit swayed after reading your post, but I think it might only be applicable in certain areas of the game. Though, I guess going the route I mentioned above might be more like an artificial stat buff (no different then a buff potion or something). So from that perspective, I completely understand what you are saying. However, I feel that there should be something to differentiate individual characters and "classes" from each other.


    For instance, clothing and such will be modeled by the dev team and our own personal skills and abilities won't be as applicable as say, designing a ship hull using voxels. Since we cannot attach our own personal design skills to something like this, what would make our product desirable? What is to keep a new player who is gifted the blueprint from flooding the market with the exact same product? If there is no acquired character skills, what will differentiate those goods, from a player who has been crafting that type of product since the game's release date? I toyed with the idea of overall quality for resources and end products in another thread and if we apply that here, the only differentiating factor between those two products would be the quality, which would have to be solely based on the material, blueprint, and assembler quality. Perhaps clothing isn't the best example, but it helps to illustrate something that will be in the game that we as players have (at this time) no ability to design within the game, making no levelable or acquired skills/abilities/proficiencies a difficult pill for me to swallow.


    People naturally get better at something by doing it, so where appropriately applicable, that should apply to our characters as well. But ya, no +5% dmg squad buffs because I hit the  *battle cry* skill button, that just seems silly to me.

  6. I was always partial to how the original SWG did crafting. Starting with resources for the crafts; meaning different resources had different quality. Though in DU, the resources are being procedural generated, finite, and not re-spawning/relocating over time. Perhaps having different concentrations of specific elements in the resource being mined, and then placing the focus being more on the refinement (character refining skill level, quality of refiner, concentration of elements) which determines its overall end quality. Higher quality elements could then be used and experimented on during a specific tech's research to try and unlock it. Having higher researching skills, access to better materials would ultimate lead to better quality tech, allow for better quality crafts! Maybe just a pipe-dream, but I really prefer the idea of having to work for the tech knowledge rather than just waiting for a timer to finish. I'm just thinking resources will be king in this game, so why not tie that into everything else and make gathering, refining, designing, and experimenting the time sink, rather than a literal clock. 


    (Posted Friday 8th of April 2016 on the DevBlog
    So what's the conclusion?
    We have synthesized a bit all the things that were taken into account, but you have here all the main reasons why we are aiming toward a Pay to Play model. In a nutshell, here's what we have planned:
    • Free Trial period: between 2 and 4 weeks.
    • Monthly subscription (optional with a PLEX-like system)
    • Possible (cosmetic only) Cash Shop. If deployed, we will make it in order that every month, players who have paid a subscription will be able to get some cash shop items for free.
    Of course, we will remain open to discussion on this topic like any other: don't hesitate to give us your feedback on the Social Media and/or on the forum! :)
    The Novaquark Team.



    I haven't really been happy with P2P games for quite some time, and don't think I've actually done so since I invested something like 3 years into Lineage 2 a decade+ ago. That being said, I am actually REALLY happy to see the route the devs are deciding to go with this. Having a free-trial (especially one the length being suggested) will give everyone a fare shot to try before they buy and decide if this is the game for them. This also eliminates the pay-wall that has been mentioned by so many that might deter someone from even giving the game a shot. IE - help consumers (it is a business after all) have a sense of confidence without having to shell out $60 for a product that may not meet their expectations *cough cough, No, cough cough, Mans this cough*. Ultimately giving access to more people, hopefully winning them over with the quality of their product (and community - hint hint), bringing in more money, longevity, and prosperity for the server/game. It might also help to get people who feel they've been burnt in the past by B2P/P2P games, interested and onboard. As for the cosmetics cash shop, I have no problem dropping cash on that as well if it 1) quality vs. cost seems worth it to me 2) items can be acquired in-game with time/credit investment. 


    Just so we are all clear on my stance; if the game is everything I hope it to be, I would happily B2P and then P2P it, but first I want to try it. I would also like to ask that the dev team make payments available via multiple currencies possible for those of us who live outside the USD & Euro bubble :P

  8. The ideal of there only being 2, "end all be all" types of space engines doesn't sit well with me since this game has so many advancement and progression based themes as part of its core. So some cool ideas you've got there. I like that you are adding progression to the ideas that the devs put forth so far, and I would love to see some of your ideas implemented, even if it literally takes IRL years or longer before someone can finally research the tech for it.


    That all being said though, in reference to the FTL Jumpdrive you suggest, I do have some concerns. If one could, al-la BSG, jump to another star system instantaneously, I worry about the extrasolar jump-gates ultimately becoming unnecessary. Perhaps making it only for shorter jumps, such as distances inside of a star system? Even if the range is far shorter than what you were originally proposing, I think having an engine like this would give any org. a HUGE tactical advantage as they would literally be able to jump in and attack a rival at a time and location of their choosing, as well as still keeping the currently proposed jump-gate system intact. If it follows the inter-system route, we might even be able to make the drive for smaller craft to utilize as well; but make the (for lack of better terminology) "size" of the drive determine the distance it can travel (could base it on waste heat or something). Heck, you might even be able to utilize it with the hyperspace drive to sort of leap frog towards a distant non-jump gate system, using hyperspace while the jump drive recharges or something. I don't know, I feel like I'm just babbling now, but wanted to add my 2joy. ^_^v

  9. If the game ends up being capable of having trains and subways and the like, I would love it. Seems like they should be much easier (tech research wise at least) to be able to create initially, and probably for more useful for moving large amounts of materials/people as compared to using multiple wheeled vehicles. Think having trains also adds a sense of realism and touch of character to our settlements and installations. Good idea, I hope that it's feasible :)

  10. First off, let me just say hats off to Cybrex for picking up the torch and running with it! Even though COPS disbanded, I'm happy to see that you got the spiritual successor up and running so quickly with BOO. Great job Cybrex!  :) *shameless bump*



    There is so much good stuff in here, but too much to try and run quotes on! lol. so I guess I'll just jump in. <('.'<)


    I love the idea of having a "pirate bay" (possible pun intended) of sorts for us to all be able to meet, greet, and do our dirty. Regardless of which org I ultimately end up being a part of (still tossing around some ideas), I would happily devote time, resources, and credits into trying to build something like this with you guys. Knowing there would always be a home for the likes of us is reassuring to say the least. 


    I'd also love to hop into some games with you guys while we're all waiting for our chance at DU. Looks like I missed out on the Planetside 2 again this weekend though. Maybe next weekend ^_^v


    @Neo - thank you very much :wub:  Yes it is Nishizumi Maho from GnP and using Deunan's armor from Appleseed:EM, and the emblem I made myself

  11. I was thinking about it the other day; having a cargo ship smuggle in tanks and soldiers and unleashing them on an unsuspecting organization. What fun!  :D


    You could also smuggle people out of someone's space. Maybe they got trapped there or captured and they want out. Or perhaps they had carried out a sabotage mission and they're now looking for a ride back home. Think of the possibilities! 


    Love your Signature btw. Maho Nishizumi FTW!!!  ^_^


    Oh that's a good idea too! Since we don't know how the FF (Friend or Foe) systems will work in game, having to hire an outside of org. (yet trusted) smuggler to help you get where you need to be undetected might be a way to get some of those sneaky ins and outs taken care of.


    I'm really curious and wonder if stealth tech on your own org. Black Ops ships would be more "stealthy" than say a local "traders" cargo hold? Just thinking along the lines of when a rival org. is made an enemy, how a ship might be red flagged, vs. a neutral cargo ship that would have to be found and scanned per se? Of course, outsourcing a Death Squad mission (as Cpt.Twerkmotor mentioned) would have to have a smuggler of exceptional discretion and reputation. I can imagine some players selling out the "cargo" , and delivering them right to the rival org. for a quick payday, lol. If something like this becomes possible, I would love to play as reputable, gets it done right the first time type smuggler for just such occasions.


    Course, moving: nacro, weapons, and "outlawed" goods (as have been mentioned in this and other posts), could be my side job while waiting for those more lucrative "deliveries".  :P


    Glad you like the sig! :wub:  

  12. Hmm, wonder if I'm the only person who thought of smuggling players? IE, helping to sneak rival organization members into enemy controlled territory for loads of joy.


    On topic: I love the idea of being able to smuggle contraband (vote 21 for narco!). Though, I don't know how I feel about stat modifiers as I would hope this game doesn't turn into a magic potion by another name sort of thing. That being said, I do like the negative consequences ideas being put forth, but do have similar questions (as many before me) about how we might actually make something illegal. No NPC cops to enforce anything, and I can't see why an organization would bother trying to stop players from moving said substances.


    Who knows, maybe smuggling in this universe might just entail sales of goods inside another organizations territory, somehow bypassing their tax system? I can see an org. getting really upset about something like that as it would directly cut into their profits. Black market, tax free goods from a rival org/character, lol. Maybe out the back of a ship, behind said rivals market building? In and out, quick sales to screw with the opposition org's economy, lol. 

  13. Just from the prealpha videos showcased so far, I am hopeful that DU will be the end all be all space game/life for me. I have been waiting for something like this, pretty much forever. I truly hope that all the tech they have put together will work the way they have invisioned to give us the experience I am sure so many of us are craving. Riding the hype train with hopes high!

  14. I would see this being completely possible. Just looking at the sizeof the world they showcased in the video, there is a lot of land there. Gotta figure there will be more than 1 planet per solar system and many star systems. Nothing indicated so far states that people will have access to your warp gates, so whos to say some doesnt hide thier gates, build bases underground or into large asteroids. Even on worlds small like in SE, if someone is trying to hide, it can be really hard to find them if you dont know where to look. Initially getting away from the group might be hard, but as people start to build and arm themselves, not being found might be a good strategy.

  15. The MP part has a classic team deathmatch component. Comparable to any other old or modern game with said component. On one map we were once able to enact a ceasefire for the heck of it. In a game or mode where the purpose is to combat the other team, we somehow enacted a ceasefire, met up in some place and "hung around" for the duration of the round.


    Perhaps that is a little example for motivation in tackling things that seem "exotic" or similar.


    I once had a similar thing happen in one of the old FPS games I used to play (I don't recall the name). We called a ceasefire, everyone hung out for awhile, then someone threw a grenade into the group.... Whether its because people have a reason or not, inevitably, someone will always throw a grenade into the mix.


    From what I've read about the game, it sounds like there will be safe areas for everyone to propagate. Outside of that, due to the cost of building ships and equipment, it would be a risk/reward scenario for those who decide to toss that "grenade". Also, it would seem weapons will all be elements, and in some of the dev commentaries he even said that people won't be able to make Death Star type weapons. That being said, I only wonder if people will be able to drop warhead elements, similar to what some people do in SE. Either way, I'm really looking forward to seeing how things develop for DU :D

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