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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by JohnnyTazer

  1. Seems your issue is more with NQ, and how they made their game in a way that allows anyone to go shoot anyone at any time, in the pvp zone. Might wanna direct your criticisms there, not at the people "playing the game as intended".
  2. Now here me out guys, I got a great idea for a game. Its a single shard universe where everything happens in one game world, and its all player driven. Now it might be a bit too hard for builders to give them the materials needed to make epic structures, so we are gonna put a another single shard where you have access everything, and can test your builds before putting it to test in the other single shard. And we know some people like pvp, so we are gonna put another single shard where people can freely make events and get a fun pvp match, and not worry about the griefers showing up. Now we all know this game will take time, so we are also gonna add a single shard test server so we can test new content we put in the game. The player driven possibilities are endless.
  3. I mean shit talking is one thing. But raging over a video game (where the party you yelled at truly did nothing wrong) and using certain slurs doesnt paint a good image for you. But no one is perfect and we all make mistakes. But if you make a meaningful apology here (for the slur, the shit talking was ok) then I will consider it all water near a bridge, and we can move on.
  4. What names did you call me? Surely you can repeat them here.
  5. You do that quite well yourself. You got a lot of pent up rage. So much so that you sling homophobic slurs and curse crying to someone (BOO) who is just logging in to play dual universe. Ya you dont sound like someone unhinged at all.
  6. If that were true, why did they make the guy change the name ingame from Stargate Command? thats his artistic expression right?
  7. NQ should tweet that video. A good video, and good watch.
  8. Can you tell me about the time you made someone ingame change their ship names from Stargate Command? And why when someone put a screen shot of an ED ship on twitter it was taken down. Why did you guys promote ship expo's in game, but did no promotion on this STAR WARS event? Have you guys ever posted a screen shot of a star wars made ship on your official Twitter? Can you send me a link. And if not, why havent you? Would be a great way to promote the game since millions of people obviously love star wars, you can show them that its possible to make star wars ships and fly them just like in the movies!! A good way to boost subscriptions to your game.
  9. There is a Star Wars Galaxy Emulator still out there, that has servers still up I believe. Seems like that would be a good environment to roleplay out your star wars fantasies.
  10. Yes, its the SW people who are using the homophobic slurs. If you wanna really go with the civilization building thing, every single civilization there has been in real life, is a result of pvp. Did you even pay attention in history class?
  11. It is relevant. I'm not asking NQ to take any action as it was in a 3rd party app. But that doesn't mean people shouldnt know what type of person he is. So they can distance themselves from him. and not support bigotry like that.
  12. Are you gonna tell people about all the homophobic slurs you shouted out in the meme server discord?
  13. Maybe you arent in the meme discord server. Someone who was in the SW event, came in and started cursing at BOO. They even started repeatedly hurling homophobic slurs at BOO and even me, just because I said it was "cool BOO showed up to get content". And more of the same in this form. BTW if you wanna know it was that InFiDel guy. Repeatedly was calling people homophobic slurs. So you got a bigot amongst you guys in that SW event. Maybe should think about excluding him for future stuff.
  14. Nothing wrong with people having fun. What is wrong is when BOO shows up (in a game with open world, single shard server) to ALSO have fun, that people cry like little baby bitches, and shout out words like griefing, and toxic, when in fact BOO has every right to be there to shoot and have fun too. And my stance is its even better for the game that BOO did show up. Ask any of the ATOM guys, they said they had a blast shooting at BOO. Unpredictability is FUN, letting the players choose is FUN, and BOO exercised their right to show up. All good things. If you don't care that BOO showed up to try and shit on the SW ships, then I am not talking to you, its the people crying about it saying they are ruining the game.
  15. I didnt even attend the Event, im apart of ATOM who held SECURITY for it. so what did I do?
  16. Simple minded response from a simple minded person. I actually do like star wars, tho I prefer Star Trek TNG (season 2-5 were amazing to me and quintessial Star Trek, tho Im sure its different for everyone since there is so much Star trek content out there to choose from). Im going to try to get down to your intelligence level so I can make you understand, though it wont be easy. Why was the Star Wars event "stupid"? Because of how the game currently is, and because how they went about hosting it, and how it doesn't help further the lore and game experience of DU. Majority of star wars ships cant stand up to any battle, even from other "role playing pvp ships". There are no "shields" or other mechanics, only voxels and elements. Those ships die in 1-2 shots. Fights that go that fast are rarely fun. You need a little time to actually maneuver, fire your weapons, do some dmg, stuff like that. So that if you are on the losing end you can be like "well that was fun!!". Second, you are hosting it in a game where the pvp zone is 100% open to anyone who has access to the server. And you are posting public coordinates for weeks ahead of time. What did you fucking expect? The people hosting this event dont dictacte who can and come be in an area of space, or pvp space in this instance. That is unless you have the capabilities to shoot them down. Which they didn't. So BOO showed up and shot at some ships. Its their right to do so. They are playing DUAL universe, and are paying memebers. They are also representing the game, and wanting to be pirates in the game of dual universe, not pretending to be some other IP. The actual health and sustainability of DU will not, and never will, hinge on a few fringe events held by LARPers wanting to fantasize about some other sc-fi franchise. And there are many better games that are suited for roleplaying in that created universe. DU in its current form just showed you its not a good candidate for that type of shit. If DU is to ever compete with other sci-fi mmo's its better served creating its own lore, and real events surrounding the game (maybe someone trying to take over an outer planet, attempting to enforce their rules and regulate trade on that planet ) and let the players react to it. (Probably why EvE online has been around 20 years. It creates its own lore and own stories. It doesn't have to STEAL shit). Lasty, ask yourself this. Is this star wars event, or anything similar using someone else's IP, really the FUTURE of DU? Like, is that how JC and NQ will promote their game. "Hey guys, its 2023 and here we are again for our monthly Star Wars pvp event, where it will teleport you to an area and let you choose which side to fight for, rebels or empire!!" No. And it wont "get new people into PVP" at all. Because those pvp ships dont work in the current meta (we all know pvp is broken and needs more love). What will get new people into pvp is a very cool and dynamic enviroment to pew in., And reasons to pew pew. Along with mechanics that make XS and S cores ACTUALLY viable in the meta (think EvE online how even the smallest frigates provide very real pvp roles that are vital to certain fleets). THOSE MECHANICS are what will further the game, and make pvp fun, and videos show casing that will draw even more people in. Especially when the cost of fielding a ship goes down significantly so that a loss or two doesn't hurt you. If DU actually succeeds as a game, and makes it to release, This stupid star wars event will be forgotten. And its already proven by BOO showing up, and all the cry babies that poured salt over it, that it generates way more interest and things to talk about. And shows how open world PvP is the one true way, and that letting the players use ingame tools, and ships to shape the ingame world is vastly superior than any stolen IP event.
  17. This is dual universe. Not star wars universe. Stealing intellectual property should not be condoned by NQ. They need to step up and ban any further events. NQ doesn't own or have rights to star wars. And I'm here to play dual universe not star wars. Hopefully NQ steps up and does the right thing.
  18. The star wars "event" was stupid anyway. Has no place in DU. Like, is that what DU is gonna be? Hosting stolen IP events once every 2 months so you can circle jerk over a different franchise? I'd rather see DU progress, no regress. And any measures taken by NQ to sanction a stupid ass star wars event and regulate it is straight regression. Move forwards not backwards. This game isnt star wars.
  19. Im comparing pvp to pvp. BOO is better for the overall game than Star Wars events. Always will be. This isn't star wars. It will never be Star Wars. And you keep talking about the EXPO, when I never talked about it. EVER. Nor did I ever say it was "bad for the game" or didnt promote DU. So keep making shit up I guess, only thing your good at.
  20. Man, I wonder which one sparks more interest? Stuff that is DU releated, or mock replicas of someone else's IP. If only we had some way of knowing....some sort of numbers to look at...
  21. An EXPO isn't the same as stealing Intellectual property, tho im sure some ships there were replicas. Many more were unique designs, promoting DU. So I have no problem with that at all. And my Talemai forum thread had 5k views. A lot more than 500 likes on twitter. You do understand how an ingame DU ship EXPO to show off your DU ships is 100% completely different than hosing a specific IP star wars event?!??!?! The expo did not say "bring us your best star wars and star trek ships to show off!!!" No it advertised as bring your "ships" to show off. You are not a very bright person.
  22. Also NQ commented in the thread. And 2 NQ devs where there (you can find shamsie's stream of the event I believe, where Devs were on each side of the battle monitoring it and gathering info. I do believe they even chatted in Twitch chat briefly.
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