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Posts posted by Anaximander

  1. Well, plasma projectiles would need to act like raindrops, that have a particle of dust in their epicenter so the water can stick around it and drop, only with plasma, you replace the metaphorical dust particle with an overcharged piece of metal that its magnetic field contains the plasma until its delivery or fizzle out time comes (cause plasma ultra hot, vacuum ultra cold, hot goes to cold, yadda-yadda thermodynamics, science)..

    Pulse-cannons though, let's keep them high-powered disco lights as laser weaponry :P

  2. @Cornflakes

    I guess you do have a point to that. A coil around the length of a railgun would work more aptly. And what I meant by parcle beams was using te railgun itself as a "hose" for plasma. A coilgun would simply make the stream of plasma denser (in an abstract way), but when it comes to ships, the name of the game is range. We'll have to wait and see how the weapons' attributes go in the game. Perhaps some maniac will make a giant moon with a penis'shaped railgun with a coil around it, pulling the ultimate dick-move when it comes to space combat. Who knows ? :P

  3. i spent seven years learning electrical engineering, i know how solenoids look :P

    and memory metal? expanding when under current? 

    i dont know what kind of wiring you use, but my copper wires never deform when i put current through them.

    yes, coils have a tendency to expand under high currents, but thats not from memory metal effects but because the magnetic fields push the wires apart.


    and torque whichs rotational axis is parallel with the direction of flight never provides any linear momentum


    also, if coil guns had any significant rifling effect on their own peope wouldnt design coilguns with rifling-like effects especially designed in.


    The keyword is stability. And when it comes to cone of fires, stability out of the "muzzle" makes or breaks a guns.


    The way I understand them coilguns, they are essentially rail-guns (two tracks) that go in spiral to give the rotary motion to the projectile and torque (which would require a certain bullet architecture come to think of it). In any case, as I stated, a spirral magnetic field could be more effective as a mass-driving and ejection system. But since we talk about the vacuum of space, any given mass-driver would work as fine.


    You may have a railgun that can fire with an X amount of acceleration, but if the projectile comes out of it without torque to makintain its stability on the trajectory you put it to, you'll end up with a wabbly chunk of iron that  goes illy-willy, losing momentum left and right. In any case, my opinion. The only real advantage I can see on railguns over coilguns is as particle cannons, as railguns could possibly maintain a stream of particles being ejected at high speeds for a prolonged period.

  4. I think what you are asking is possible in voxel engines Wardion. It's a simple "paint-job" so to speak. You have the material you want, you only add dirt over it and trimm the dirt voxels until they bake over the fortification material.

  5. Apart from a multiple negative statements you still fail to provide a valid argument, and then you get a personal card out "you are so bad at gameing" - how constructive.


    p.s. I have never ever said anything about being "fair"  - it's and MMO you do not have to  fight 1 vs 1


    So, you wanna spend money to have an "unfair" advantage. Tell me again how multiboxing is not Pay-2-Win.

  6. Sir, coilguns are shaped and function like suspensions do in cars, only they are usually made of memory metal that expands with the flow of electric current and contracts in its absence. Such a coil is shaped as a cone-shape, that allows for stability on the bolt being projected and the spiral itself provides rotary motions, which turns into torque, which enhances forward momentum, which in the VACUUM of space, translates as raw power. I know so, I used to build magnetic slingshots with my father when I was younger. Not powerful sci-fi non-sense, but still, I have seen the effects of such devices in motion. 

    PLUS, you can name your coil-gun arsenal out of snake species. Bola-shot firing coilgun? Whipsnake. Huge-ass boulder? Python.
    Corrosive container? Viper.


    What are you gonna name railguns after? Choo-choo? Chugga-Chugga? :P

    EDIT : Australian players may name a huge-ass railgun as "Road Train".

  7. @vylqun



    That's the point of multiboxing. So people with no skill can compensate with money. And let's face it, if they buy 5 accounts, they will ask for real money marketplace, cause multiboxers dont farm and shit. The ''minin'' multiboxing is a bullshit arguement. It's like saying you need a bazooka to hunt deer.

  8. I was hooked when I saw Bluedrake42's video called "GG Dual Universe...GG" and got stunned of how much brass the devs have and confidence in their work. And I second the notion of pushing people who are toxic or haters off the forums. 

    I mean, let's face it, EVE has one of the saltiest communities I have ever had the chance of looking into. Second to theirs is Planetside's. Then goes the Souls games series' blokes who spam "Git Gud" at anything. Let's face the haters and the trolls with the simplest, most powerful notion. Not-Careing. 


  9. Ya know as a side note to this, it might be funny to follow up with the subtle and hard references to minecraft theyve made.


    This reference by having some analog, or old style monitors on the arkship that look like "steve" in first person playing MC.

    I personally, will name my patch of land as Notchland. Just for shits and giggles. XD

  10. There should be patrols, as you wouldn't want people landing an army of soldiers in your back yard without you noticing. Not out of rolepaly perspective, but as a logical standing point. 

  11. Not to be a nerd, but you have confused railguns with coilguns :P 
    To put it bluntly in a way Second Amendment lovers could understand.

    Railgun = Slingshot

    Coilgun = Rifle (see Rifling on a barrel for more info).

    So yeah, coilguns = armor penetration.
    Railguns = Ye... well, it flings things.

  12. While I am frustrated of lack of the proverbial "meat and potatoes" of my appetite for more info on the game, I can understand of the devs not running their mouth and promising us the kitchen sink as well. I'll keep visiting the forum daily, getting my fix of the Q&A section and wait until another Youtuber talks shit just for the Devs to shoot him/her down with the power of facts. :D

  13. @Cornflakes

    When you create something in a voxel grid space, you replace the colouring essentially of a voxel to make a whole set of them.
    If you make smaller voxels, not by virtually shrinking them but actually raising the number of them by making them smaller, the game will literally take a proportionally amount of hinderance. Let's say the game is an image. An image has pixels. Let's say your image is 2048x2048 pixels. Each of these pixels is a color square. Same applies for Voxels. Now think of amplifying the resolution to 4096x4096. Sure, you got a more detailed picture but an also heavier picture memory-wise. If they figure out a way to make virtual voxel shrinking, then cool, it will change the aesthetic of the game, but amping voxel count in the grid to make "cool multi-voxel construcs" is, in my humble opinion, a pointless endeavor. Perhaps in depth of time, when everyone will have GTX 1080 like me, we could have an amplification of voxel-count in the grid, but for now, let the Devs figure out how to pack more players in an area and just wait to see if the voxel building system they have in mind can satisfy you.


  14. @Neopolitan

    Given that ANY MMO has griefers, you think having also robbers a good idea as well? We will already have trading ships to carry goods from one planet to another with all the hazards that come along with it, having vending machines being able to be cracked open is an icing on a cake nobody needs.

  15. The point is for the game to be able to function. If a feature is hindering the game's smoothness on your scree, then said feature should not be implemented. Perhaps something easier, like the ability to shrink voxels, sure, but something more eleborate than "connect A to B" is quite the challenge on the technical aspects of the game.

  16. Well, I'm up for physical space inventory (Diablo inventory system for the layman), but having transactions terminals with physical inventories could lead to some pretty hilarious heists. I mean, I used to live in an apartment building with an ATM and bank on the ground floor and one day I woke up to see the ATM missing. Apparently some guy jacked up cables on his tractor and pulled the darn hing off. Hilarious? Yes. Could have been avoided? Absolutely. 

    So let's not make automated selling units, either terminals or NPCs, have an inventory. It could end up badly.

  17. And on the notion of "Why make a group of 5 people when you can be all 5 people".

    Yes, some people seem to not give a flying flamingo when it comes to the MMO part.And since they said you can program your A.I., I don't see multiboxing being a thing, since the game will allow you to have a mining vessel, ran FOR you by your A.I. 

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