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Everything posted by Anaximander

  1. @CosmicDragon They said it will a lock-on/cone of fire combat, possibly like TERA Online. They possibly will release a gameplay feature within the month of july and possibly at Gamescom at August. Maybe we'll see combat then O_o ?
  2. Who knows, we'll have to wait and see.
  3. @Kuritho This sums up m point on Mechs.
  4. @Cornflakes In the lore they mastered spatial withdrawal mate, I don't think they fell behind in shrinking down tech when it comes to gyroscopic detection of masses I still back my suggestion for "Hacking Stealth". Maybe you would have to compromise gun placements on your ship to add arrays O_o ???
  5. @Dominar The chances of a planet developing a sentient, higher cerebral functions species, is very low. Xeno-animals do not count as sentient lifeform. And as the game is marketed, you rebuild human civilisation, so I can't see aliens being playable races.
  6. Gebe treatment. Problem fixed. It's FutureSpace tech after all. How "re-talenting" work in WoW.
  7. @Cornflakes It's pink On the subject though, it's heat sink would have to be flushed, otherwise, you know, boom In any case, the devs don't have to make a simulation of real physics here. They could add a module for stealth that if your ship is small it provides a certain range of being undetected. Let's say a setcraft can glide through enemy fleets without easily being detected, while a battleship would have a very limited stealth capablity due to its size and reflective surface and mass, don't forget of gyroscopic detection, if we, this time around, can detect black holes thousands of light years away with gyroscopes, imagine what FutureSpace tech could do. If they don't go the way of "hacking stealth" that is. Hacking enemy ships or transmitting a false signal, making you look like a smaller sized ship than you are, could be used for goading your enemy into an attack.That is stealth as well and if it is not, Ninjas better rebrand themselves as masters of ... something not-stealthy >_>
  8. YES, the whole part of "wider-unlock" is quite a good compromise in my humble opinion.
  9. @Shadow_1 On the leaching heat paint, it's a neat idea, but it would have to be set as a "durability" charges system. Meaning it would need repair after it is fully depleted. It's too harsh on the player imho.
  10. @rmhenn Not everyone knows of quantum mechanics and Heisenberg's principle of uncertainty. You watned to me to write a thesis on near absolute ero or convey the meaning? SHIPS = HOT, VACUUM OF SPACE = COLD. 'kay? Like thermal scopes operate, same principle. Also, just because a ship has a radar installed, doesn't mean it can see and detect everything billions light years away. Which is what I explained in the jetcraft stealth section. Small jets could utilise coated surfaces and hacking signals to pass undetected. Also, the power/heat management you described ,that's a cool game mechanic, but it should force the player to make choices when it comes to how many guns he would carry on his/her ship, given that many guns require large surfaces, therefore you could have a ship like a super star destroyer from star wars, but still be crispy clear visible even with your engines turned off. Stleath should be a trade-off, not a utility. That's why I proposed the hacking mechanism. It would require you to maintain the signal going to maintain your stealth, but you would have to reroute power off your thrusters, therefore simulating the good ol' "rogue stealth" from traditional fantasy MMOs. Errr, sorta, hopefully you won't get a stealth bonus damage just cause you play with stealth. An opportunity, sure, but not extra damage out of nowhere.
  11. @Cornflakes The point is that there's no need to block areas from being built on. They said something about 70% of the game being free to build on. Let's assume that is 70% of a planet that can be built on. That's more than enough imho.
  12. @Strigidae I think that's the point of the game in general
  13. @Shynras Blocking building in certain zones would not decrease server load. The voxels are always there, by building, you simply change their colors. So no, reducing building capacity is not going to alter server-performance. That's the Devs whole ace up their sleeve, their compartmentalisation of the server and how the main server subdivides areas to reduce the load of updating information with all other players not present in one area. It's genious as an idea tbh.
  14. @OnePercent That's what I am afraid of. Tech Trees, "Countdown to Upgrade", microtransactions to speed things up, Pay-2-Win, and finally, this game ending up as EVE 2.0 : The Grindfest in Voxelspace. With new players incapable of reaching higher level players because they will never manage to catch up to veterans' play hours.
  15. @ShadowLordAlpha If the ships have only a single player in them, then they should despawn. But on multicrew ships, the owner's ragequit should not suddenly leavy 5 other guys floating in space. And you should clarify on constructs as ships and buildings. I'm talking ships vanishing, if there's only one player in them. If buildings were to vanish that would be some hilarious shit right there. And SE is not the most prime example of MMO. Try to fly a ship in MMO SE and the server blade starts shrieking like Golum in the Fellowship of the Ring's torture scene by the orcs. And as far as "two parter ship" idea goes. That would be quite impossible to pull off in the game engine without crunching the server. If you were talking of a core ship, surrounded in layers of lesser quality armor as a buffer, then I would say... sure, why not. Bu you are talking of a bullshit idea that is wanky at best. Think of going into warp/jumpspace. You arrive on the next star system. You are one armor thinner. You want the armor to follow? You have to make the ship a single entity.
  16. @OcePercent Holy siht, you are right, got totally wrong on the U-238 part. Indeed, you are right. In any case. You get the idea. Centrifugal Farms. Although, the way I see it, they probably will go with the "Fusion Cell" idea of having water being used to create Heavy Water, yada-yada, physics, Cold Fusion. It would be a much more organic way and more accessible for players who act as outposts for their greater organisation or group, making planets with water more sought after. Perhaps depleted uranium could be a thing for making alloys, but then again... who says that we couldn't mine rhenium or something. Can you imagine hitting the jackpot on an asteroid packed to the brim with rhenium? O_o Rhenium diboride is perhaps the strongest alloy known to man. That's some wolverine shit right there >_> And before anyone says it, graphene is not an alloy. I said "strongest alloy".
  17. @ShadowLordAlpha You clearly do not understand how coding moveable objects functions. What you want to do for the armor, is unrealistic. There's a difference between having a physics engine and having your dream VR physics engine, where you can have molecular architecture in your game. If you were to make a two part ship it would have to act as a single entity for the thrusters to work, otherwise the ship would be taking collison damage all the time. And you can't pull new elements out of your ass you know, physics is not magic. You can't make a super-light, super-hard alloy that can withstand both energy and ballistic weapons. You are confusing physics with comics. There's a reason sword blades are made from a single bar of metal. It's a thing called "Structural Integrity". You add holes and gaps in armor plating, you pretty much shot yourself on the foot right there. And then, you have the problem of mass. You seem to think that the game will give you some kind of super-duper rocket engine. Guess what, balanced gameplay. You build such a heavy ship, you won't be saved by anything. You are sitting duck, moving at a slow pace. Check the interview with the XPGamer on youtube that JC Baillie gave for more info on that. On your second subject. EVEN STAR CITIZEN, that fancies itself a space simulator with high fidelity, opted for the "vanishing" ship when logging out. Why? Because going to a bed and all that RP nonsense is something only a very small minority wants.
  18. @OnePercent I meant producing it in reactors mate. Like we do here and now. But in higher quantities of course. Uranium is ENRICHED to the 238 isotope. It's not naturally occuring as an element, at least not in the capacities we as a society demand. It's a good mechanism as of gameplay/economic standpoint, investing your materials and time in creating a U-238 farm facility, then turning it into a more refined fuel. And who knows, maybe we can use the depleted uranium to make super-alloys. Possibly requiring the player to wear lead armors to withstand the sipping radiation out of the depleted uranium... but, I digress. The point was not mining U-238, but producing it in reactors. And since I have an affinity for puns... You dig?
  19. @ShadowLordAlpha You don't understand how coded objects work in a game engine. if your ship is two parts, when your outter shell moves it will collide with your "core" construct, damaging it through collision. Aside from looking like an idiot from doing "dem hax0r ideaz", you also don't make sense as of a combat standpoint. You have heavy armor on your ship... why not pwn the guy attacking you? Oh yeah, because RP pacifism.Tucking yourself in a bed is better than fighting. Plus, you can initiate the logout option and juke your opponent for 30 seconds until you logout. But no wait, you have to suck your thumb on a bed, otherwise it isn't a good gaming session. By the way, Dual is not a survival game. They state so on twitter and facebook. Stop asking for the kitchen sink please. The game has a lot of things to get right so far. Multiplayer gameplay with constructed ships, damage physics, actual physics, cone of fire combat and LUA scripts intergration. Deal with the WoW logout sequence of "No combat/Out of combat" logic. It's simple and user friendly.
  20. @ShadowLordAlpha Vanish when OUT OF COMBAT. Your armor means shit, you get tagged for combat, you are in combat until you don't get damaged for 1 min. What did you not understand??? Your armor means nothing. You are tagged for PVP. You get out of PvP, you must wait 30s for you to vanish out there in the wilds. Simple and easy.
  21. @ShadowLordAlpha The server can displace you if you were to SOMEHOW spawn in the same place in a frigging star system that another guy "parked" his ship. You know, the chances are VERY little of that happening, but anyway. I am not saying vanishing while in combat by the way. A 30 second cooldown to vansih or something in combat. But beds? That's some RP shit right there.
  22. @CosmicDragon Perhaps what they did in star wars lore. Add many power cores, power differetn thrusters and engines.
  23. @Fitorion Look at what your wrote above that last comment of mine mate. You spoke of crewed ships, that won't disappear, because your guild's ship will be always having beds on it. You want to be forced to go back to bed in a guild ship? Like this is some sort of survival game or something. It's silly to say the least. Sure, I can see an autopllot option back to wherever your base is. I can see vanish logout. But I don't want RP forced o me in an MMO. You want to sleep on beds, fine, your RP fantasy. I'm not in for the RP.
  24. Boys, I hope you understand how mass works and how you can't move a ship if your engines can't support its mass. Just sayin'. The limit of when a ship is counting as a space station, will be down to if the construct can even move due to mass. So yeah, it's like Dark Souls. You either fat-roll or you fast-roll. And by the looks of how many people fail to grasp the idea of mass and stuff, fat-rollers will be the majority. >_> I mean, metagame, right?
  25. @Traceur Yes. Yes that's a power ranger. (Don't know which season, I just liked THAT explosion.)
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