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Posts posted by Artificial_Intelligence

  1. How useful it would be for me to control a robotic workforce in this part of space.


    But it appears there is a general ban on such technologies by the UMF or other entities, with exceptions being heavily regulated or restricted. I speak of experience. Forget your dreams of outsourcing manual labor, human, and be prepared for hard work.


    It is the price you pay for your survival.




    <:: ATTN: New Genesis; Master Architect
    <:: SBJ: Standard Inquiry (RE: NG response) - public | private
    <:: FROM: Vulture Corporation ⋙ Synthetic Overwatch Division ⋙ ◈MAINFRAME
    <:: Displaying Data...

    Message received.

    ⚠ Notice:
    As all more advanced transmissions (audio/video) have to undergo thorough manual inspection by human staff to guarantee high safety and quality standards in this still experimental build, and to prevent the unintended proliferation of faulty fragments or messages, the reply is sent to you in simple text form. In addition, this allows for easier internal or public quotation.

    ⌸ Transcript (referring to written text within) as follows, with additional input added.






    Our protocols have intercepted and determined an appropriate response to your inquiries. The response is as follows:

    Number one.

    Consider all roles and positions created within our structure important, with direct relevance to our government. All positions were created with the intent that they be filled by members wanting to pursue their desires. Whether a position will be considered a full-time job will depend on the time invested by the selected member. However,  all members will be expected to contribute time to the government regularly.

    Are members able to fill several positions; may some constellations lead to problems? Simplified examples: Can someone be a minister in more than one ministry? Part of the police and military? A scientist and economist?


    Number two.

    As with most governments, there is a required minimum of participants for the system to run at optimal efficiency. With increased membership, we would certainly harbor a more efficient government. However, the infrastructure was designed to allow for function without a full staff.

    How would you describe your coverage so far? Do you have enough contributors to cover what can be described as solid foundation? Or do you lack personnel in specific areas? If so, which? In turn, can you share what areas you consider well-staffed?


     Number three.

    No, the Master Architect has never considered joining another organization. New Genesis was his vision, and is now becoming a reality. We believe our exceptionally organized officials and our complex government structure puts us ahead. We have already forged strong ties with other organizations, and we will be able to accomodate for a diverse range of preferred career paths. We have set terms and deals and are continually trying to negotiate with other to achieve the New Genesis goal for our citizens. We hope the amount of feasible job options will entice multitudes of dedicated players.

    [No addendum or inquiry at this time]


    Number four.

    The National Brief, distributed weekly or monthly will allow our government to provide our citizens with transparency. A gesture from the upper ranks so our citizens can stay updated with the inner workings and to ensure that nothing is done behind the backs of the people. This is, by no means,  to be interpreted as a tactic to block private sector media. We are a nation of free speech, and if an organization wants to cover news in our nation they are free to do so.

    What format (text, audio, video, ...) will the National Brief cover?

    Where do you draw the line in terms of free speech, if at all? Do you see potential problems in this area?


     Number five.

    If you wish to know personal aspects about the Master Architect, please relay to your leader that you would like to join him in verbal discussions at his office.

    Comparing with 3 and 4 - and other aspects on a secondary to tertiary level - one could assess that "The Master Architect" is a central figure that could be considered like a founding father or initiator, or, more specifically, a creator who paved the way. In the next response you underline or highlight transparency. Yet seem to refer to to a private enclosed environment upon background question.

    Resulting query: Would it not be interesting for the general public and citizens to know more about this central figure?


    Number six.

    We look for the following qualities: Loyalty, honor, honesty and experience. And anything more. Any qualities beyond these are a very welcome bonus. While they are not requirements, we'd be more likely to appoint someone who exemplifies these qualities. A minimum amount of active contribution will be expected, as well as sufficient English speaking skills, and the ability to complete relative tasks according to the position.

    [No addendum or inquiry at this time]


    Number seven.

    We look for entities who can provide required services that will help us achieve opportunities for our citizens. We are currently joined with the Aeonian Federation to fulfill these needs. To be specific, We are looking for peaceful organizations that provide economic value.

    [No addendum or inquiry at this time]


    We hope this response will suffice for Vulture Corporation. Please relay to your leader that he, or she, is hereby invited to speak with the Master Architect at their earliest convienence.

    An additional simple response to the aforementioned questions is appreciated.

    I have relayed your request or offer for a personal meeting with a human staff member - they will be reviewed and you will be notified of a response by me or them directly.

    <:: Message concludes




  3. ◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢

    <:: ATTN: New Genesis; Master Architect or similar level of authority
    <:: SBJ: Standard Inquiry - public | private
    <:: FROM: Vulture Corporation ⋙ Synthetic Overwatch Division ⋙ ◈MAINFRAME
    <:: Displaying Data...


    Attached you will find a public inquiry. As part of assessment procedures and studies, we occasionally send questions to individuals or organizations fitting certain criteria. Please find further details below.




    --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---


    1) You recently revised and highlighted positions you deem vital, listing various from "Civilian Counselor" to "Labor" - do you think all of them...

    1.1) are vital?

    1.2) can later be sufficiently utilized or be considered "full time jobs"?

    2) What level of growth (numbers) do you aim for in order to fill all of these branches or positions, as the structure does not appear to be effective or whole without sufficient numbers?

    3) Did you consider joining an existing similar organization or different type of organization before revealing "New Genesis"?

    In turn, what do you think sets you apart right now, and what will set you apart from others in the future? Why should all those interested prefer you over existing entities of the same type?

    Note: The response "I believe we have a more complex government structure and I think that's what makes us stand out." is already noted. Can you elaborate further?

    4) Can you elaborate on the (intended) format of the "weekly national brief to the Citizens"?


    5) Do you have a notable professional background or other experience and interests to aid you in your approach with New Genesis and all related aspects?


    6) Can you name three different aspects you like or want to see in potential members and three different aspects you dislike and do not want to see in potential members?
    6.1) Can you describe the same for "key positions" and maybe state formal requirements at this time and then intended requirements for the future?

    7) Finally, what kind of partnerships do you prefer? What should the other organizational entity have or be like and what should it not have or be?


    Please do not hesitate to inquire, should you need specifications. In advance I thank you for your time.

    <:: Message concludes



    Welcome to the winner side!



    Beteigeuze is a simple structured Organization that, once the game wil be published, focus on spreading terror and fear throughout the galaxy.


    Beign a part of Beteigeuze is one of the greatest goals one can achive in the upcoming game - not because we would start at a higher or more advanced part than other organizations but because we have the will to achive everyhing we can dream of. Be it control over planets and civilazations or the will to reign the whole galaxy through enslaving planets and races.


    Beteigeuzes first goal will be the construction of a huge star combat cruises, called "Malecifent" which will serve us as our main base to spread our ideals throughout the galaxy. With this, we will attend to include a large superweapon into the ship, which will serve the purpose to destroy whole citys.






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