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Everything posted by CDEEKS

  1. So true,my friend who returned a few weeks ago has already taken off again because every morning he logged in his L hauler went for a stoll off his station landing pads and would be 100 percent broken on the planet 😆 🤣
  2. I would never discuss such subjects on this particular matter, howver i do think it would be in the intrest for the community to see the way a GM is treating customers who only seek to help to circumvent the games many technicall issues and bugs. but i will try resolve this issue using the ticket system i just need assurances the GM in question wont see this complaint as i want a senior manager to get all the information first.
  3. I think i would rather speak in a 121 with anyone except the NQ staff member in question, i have not disclosed any identity or details of wich staff member for this reason above. a ticket will potentialy be looked at by this member of staff so this is out the question. ty for advice i will follow up on the discord.
  4. Hi, this is not a bitch post but more of seeking advice. I only recently returned to DU in the past few weeks and as much as I am trying to enjoy with my friends who also recently returned, we have experienced many tech problems and died due to various reasons . Mostly lag or constructs not rendering in etc. But every single time I ask for repair or help in chat I do get it . Except, this one GM who I will not name has been very very bad attitude with me and tells me the issues are my PC and the server is 100 percent pure, he has me doing all kinds of ridiculous things to test my pc and then he gets angry and very dismissive to me in the DM chat. He tells my I have to make a ticket and potentially wait 24 hrs for something tht takes them seconds to fix. Now I get there busy and probably stressful for them but this is no excuse for the terrible attitude. I have great help and amazing service from all other GM whatever the issue but this one dude I think has something against me because no matter how polite or patient I am with him he just constantly gives horrible service to me. Inwould like to appeal to any senior moderator or manager to PM plz I will provide logs and details . I don't want to feel I can't ask for help in game and this is how I feel atm. Thanks for reading NQ.
  5. I thought with a new CEO things would get better but yet to see this
  6. They won't because no matter the decision there going to loose.some players and there not going to do that until last minute to keep the players guessing 🤔 (and paying sub) For me it's the skill points if I go to 0 from 65mil I don't think ad have it in me to start from scratch.
  7. So the solution here is a simple one. " : Extremely complex to put in place properly without the known loopholes interfering (such as piling up Resources and Elements on existing Constructs before a wipe and removing them after to sell them) Before wipe You tag every single construct existing at moment of wipe with a unique I'd or watermark and then blacklist them on néw servers markets and can't be resold but can still be used only on that construct. Secondly I believe the the tone of this writing suggests to me NQ are writing this in a tone of convincing us , wich could suggest NQ already made up their minds and a decision has been reached and there fishing for response from community.
  8. Just sounds to me like now we need to mine and grind ten times harder now. this wouldnt be an issue if ore was not bugged on almost all planets except alioth.
  9. As long as they don't adopt the shady business practices that CIG have among various other controversial issues they're at the helm of. but that's a discussion for another time on another forum am not bringing the toxicity to here there is plenty of that over at CIG.
  10. I fully understand what you're saying, thank you. I was naively thinking that the key was, in fact, the same as the 3rd package and granted me access to the game once per week. Since that's not the case i will just wait to a released date is announced for the beta and ill buy my key the real way Keep up the great work guys and shove this project Down CIG's throat lol
  11. Screw EVE TOS am done playing that game and as for NQ they have nothing to do with how i get my beta key. if a backer decided to gift me a key then there is no rules being broken.
  12. From what i understood it to be if you got the $180 pack you get weekly server invites. I guess the person who buys that gets it but those 3 keys they gift wouldn'?
  13. Hi, i have decided to stop following SC and focus on DU, it looks like this may be released long before SC but i won't get into that topic on this forum. Unfortunately, I don't have the $ to buy the packages yet thus are looking to rade anyone who plays eve online. as i understand it if you buy the $180 package you get 3 keys to share, I am willing to trade Eve online isk for one of those keys. i currently, hold about 60b isk and if anyone is an eve fan and has keys to share i would be willing to trade.
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