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Posts posted by Archonious

  1. Interesting discussion.


    10 is a small ships complement, but lets assume automation effeciencies means we can do away with crew and have officer/c-class roles.


    Edit: RL/in game descriptions added.


    1: Captain - makes decisions. Probably owns the ship.

    2: Pilot - flies the ship around. Preferably well.

    3: Navigator - monitors all radar, sets courses, does mappy stuff.

    4: Signals (Comms) - monitors enemy comms, jamming, ecw, does friendly comms

    5: Gunner 1 - pew pew

    6: Gunner 2 - pew pew

    6: Engineer/Mechanic - repairs / tuning

    7: Quartermaster - cargo, decks inc moving things from A to B. Tractor beams

    8: Weapons - reloads, flushing (overheat), torps etc

    9: XO/Watch - watching everything, filtering key info to Cap.

    10: Marine - pew pew in person, offensive/defensive.


    All specialists in that perform a critical role rather then they are experts. In fact you probably will struggle with less than that because sharing roles gets risky.


    And yes, if they are lucky, 99% of most crews job is watching screens. But you want them there for those 1% of the time - battle ;)

    That is the best reply. Good examples, I like it, not just overall words. Thanks.


    "99% of most crews job is watching screens". So the question is this. If 1 or maybe 2 persons can quickly switch and well control all these systems, why it need to be not allowed? Of course, this will require great players skills and resistance to stress, multitasking, and fresh head while under the pressure. This is a way to the progress of players skills (not account in-game skills). Isn't that "Hard to master"?




  2. If you don't have a group, then you fly a smaller ship or be severely gimped flying a larger one.


    But yeah if can't understand why its bad to allow players to solo things that are meant to be group based, then not much else to say really.

    Similar can be said about player skills. If your hand grow from the ass, then yes, you need 100500 players even on small ship.
  3. I answered them. Welcome to a sandbox MMO where you can't do everything alone and you have to wait for others - as already said: you can control a large vessel alone and don't get a team. But that would reduce the effectiveness of the ship by a great deal, otherwise it would not be balanced. If a solo player can have the skills for such a feat then good luck attacking my base - that would just be too op

    If somebody have better skills, reaction and overall do better than multicrew, it is not a reason to ban that. Too OP is if everyone easy can do that only. Can you switch and control 10-20 turrets in few seconds? Somebody can. Can you monitor main systems, control ship and see what's going on around the ship? Somebody can. Can you do it all in proper and logical way? But somebody can. And these who "Can" must be rarity, skillful, master-class players. And not ingame learned skills, but what and how they do as players (player skills).

    And still didn't see any proper role example except control the turret (which will have lock-on system). As example, 10ppl on ship. 1 control ship, 2-3 control turrets, what others need to do? Pay and watch in monitor 99% of time?




  4. Think the language barrier is perhaps hindering his understanding of the issue.


    Its simple: you have small ships, medium, large ships. If the large ships are the most complex, most powerful in the game and oh by the way you can solo play one by yourself, that does several things all of which are bad for an MMO. It reduces the need to socialize and work as a team and it removes the need and purpose of those other ships once you build a large one.

    Don't see any problem, if it is very hard to control everything. Most important it is possible. You will be "f*ked up" by requirements to have all personal everytime, when you need to do something. Do see any single reason to have this OVERCOMPEXITY at all.

    You still didn't answer the questions.

  5. @Lethys

    This list looks as "Skills" list and bonuses, not as player role - "What player need to do". And once again, why it can not be done by 1 player if he/she good enough in multi-task management?



    Why is the game limited to one ship? Why there could not be fleet of other players ships? Why MMO can not be in fleet range, not boring "Sit and manage energy and miss all fun" (as from example above).

    If to speak about skills and multi-tasking. Play StarCraft2 vs Koreans and do the same as they do in 5 seconds after launch.


    P.S: "We'll all be soloing capitol ships...". Let's remove "capitOl", since it will be EXTRA expensive (maybe will take months of hard farm of resources to build and months to build) for everyone, and take just a ship. So you say - people want and will enjoy more to play on their own ship, not serve (run sub-systems, while somebody controls the ship) on somebodies else one? So why do you force other people to do that? What will happens if there would be not enough volunteers to serve (don't expect there would be millions players. I don't say it will never happens, but don't expect)?




  6. They said that automatic turrets will do like 80% worse (can't recall the exact number)

    You could man:







    Power management


    Fleet command


    Giving bonus to ship or other crew members, seeing a tactical map (as nav officer), managing power to shields, weapons etc

    If you want facts then wait for alpha and don't participate in a complete theoretical thread in the idea subforum

    I want examples and fact from your imagination and theory, not just overall words.

    You say, engineering role, damn what is it? What player need to do? Or shields? Power management, damn are you from medival, special role for that? Communication? What you mean at all?


    That what I mean! You list just a empty words (everyone understand it as imagination allows), but 0 samples how it can works even in theory (by special crew member role).


    Don't take me wrong, I don't saying everything must be 1 players easy controlable. But I want understand what is "crew-control" in your imagination, what and how players need to do.


    Personally, I'm for multi-crew, but not as requirement. If player great in multitasking, game must allow control even huge ship by one player. It must be hard, it must be stressful, but it must be possible. If player can't control everything by him/her-self, then multi-crew is an answer.




  7. no one ever said anything about balance or that large ships should be better than small ones


    Again: this is about LARGE ships. And for them you certainly need crew - that's just natural. You can automate it, yes, but an automated ship will ALWAYS be worse than the worst player - otherwise you never ever gonna need a team. And it would not make sense to advertise DU as multicrew ship and then don't implement any other stations for players to interact with.


    Well it's not the OPs or the poster's problem when people misunderstand information or deliberately forget that this is an idea board - yup that's really not my problem

    I'm not speaking about small or big ship balance. Question is how big difference would be between "automatic" and "multicrew" ship.

    And meaning "Large Ship", as is very vague.


    And one more question, what need to be controlled by multi-crew?

    -Weapons have lock-on system, as I remember. It is still a question how exactly it will work. So players need to controll every turret? Good luck =)

    -Ship control. I can't even imagine that 2+ players will control ship very well

    -Repair. Maybe, but I didn't see how exactly damage will work? Will it be helth bar or ship will lose chunks of blocks?


    I would be happy to get some real info, not just "I think it should be...". I respect your opinion, but interested not in theoretical text. Wanna details, examples. Then it would be easier to discuss =)




  8. Well if people take information in an IDEA forum for granted - that's their problem


    Depends on the ship - as you said, perhaps you only have a 30m ship. Depends also what will be in the game and how many positions can be manned.


    Automatic systems will be possible (yes also stated by NQ - but that's no argument for you) but they will not work as good as a player (also said by NQ) - because that would diminish the MMO part




    Or not as bad as players. Players are different =) Anyway, as I said before, I would like to see a good balance between "Solo vs Crewed" ship with strengths and weaknesses for both types. Forcing players to do something is not a good way.


    Great attitude - if you find information from others as truth is a problem of this member.




  9. @Lethys


    it cool to discuss "How it could be", "How you see/think about that", but how it will be nobody knows, I'm sure, not even NQ.


    Nothing else to add. Simply, there are people who say like it would happen with 100% guarantee and create disinformation in the community.


    If to speak about the crew. How big should it be in your vision? How many players need to be in "sub" to cover possible DC/RL (if to make heavy requirements to have a multi crew)? Finally how big should be a ship? Maybe I find 30m ship as huge, but you speak about 3km ship.



    So for LARGE SHIPS you NEED crew and it's the ONLY WAY of dealing with a LARGE SHIP that has to be EFFECTIVE

    Future. Automatic systems. Even nowadays crew become obsolete more and more. That if to speak about realism.

    If to speak about game side, re-read ATMLVE messages, don't want to re-write his words.




  10. I bet wheels code is pain in the ass. Don't know any close game to DU with great (or even good mechanic). So hovers as main ground movement is great decision (as technical, as futuristic basic movement type).




  11. Too much theory without facts at all.

    We will know how good/bad/possible to do that only in alpha/beta. All the rest is just guessing, personal opinions and possible plans. Even "NQ said" does not mean it won't be changed in future.


    BTW, crew is not that great thing. If somebody has important role, it can be failed and everything could be failed as result (reasons - internet, lag, somebody knocking the door, bad reaction or any other). If there are two similar shios with 2-3 members and with 20 members, it does not mean 20ppl ship has advantage.


    Question about roles in game is open as well, till alpha/beta. There are too much dreams shown as truth. What about lock on system and what kind of control then? What about destruction model and what about repair then?

    So yeah, it cool to discuss "How it could be", "How you see/think about that", but how it will be nobody knows, I'm sure, not even NQ.


    P.S: I would agree with ATMLVE more, over complex structures will have possible negative effect (if it would be requirement). It must not be "Black or White", there must be balance. Possible, but not same. Advantage, but not critical (if speak about same level knowledge players with same other factors).




  12. Overburned, happens. Find another hobby, interest, game or fun to refresh your mind =)


    P.S: Join us in SE. Find new relations which could be similar in DU. Practise in building. And everything with people from DU community (and not only).




  13. Got it. So the only reason someone would buy a DAC from NQ is to sell it for in-game money since the month-to-month subscription is cheaper.

    Not only. It could be the help to friend (more rare, but possible). It could be a reward for players who make some kind of competitions (made by other players/streamers).


    I would point on big difference from buying "ingame money" directly from developer.

    Player A (spend real to get ingame money) make request to player B (spend time to get lot of ingame money) to trade DAC on UC (Universe Credits - if I'm not wrong that how NQ called it at least once). So Player A buy time of player B, who made most of the work. Main thing - NOTHING become from nowhere! It is job! 1 player work for another and get paid for that.


    So if that would be pay to NQ and get from them - it would mean "UC become from nowhere". Like EVE (partly) - you get money from player and then buy ship from nowhere. If you get money in DU - this is just saved time, you need to buy resources or ships from players who spent time to get/build them. So everything is about "Time for money".


    Not perfect, could be abusable, but without it would be worse. No farm-to-play, black market gold-farmers and as result same problems + some more.




  14. How much different you plan to do the server?


    -New resources + planets separation

    -Special limits

    -Items changes

    -IT/coding knowledge to improve server


    If you plan run basic server with few mods, then much better to join somewhere, not just waste time and money. Support DU instead.


    Of course that is your choice, I also vote "Yes", but it is not that necessary if you do not plan to improve it. IMO.




  15. Why not just let the Devs worry about their own advertising?  I'm here to play a game, not build marketing creatives.  Been there, done that, didn't even get a T-shirt.

    Without offence, but if follow this logic most part of forum need to be clised/banned. And nobody force you to do anything. Want to play? Then close forum and wait ~2019

  16. Well many will only start building in alpha...and I don't see anyone claim saying they made wonderous things already

    That is reason mainly. To create something looking good (not great, just good) is not that easy as it could looks like in beginning. Designing and art building requires good imagination and (very important) good practise. Or player need to be talant in this =)


    I practise my design skill in SE (about 1 year) and built some nice looking crafts in Robocraft before. And I see massive progress with what I did in my first experience and what I do now (and it is far from limit). It is hard to create something great. But people love to see some great objects in advertisement videos.

    Yes, there is chance to catch great art designer in alpha-beta testers crowd (I don't believe it is big chance). But if majority of build would be typical boxed crafts (most craft builders make boxes)? Craft without shape with max gun spam. I am in crafting PvP games since Jan'14, Art/Creative people is very rare here.


    So overall, this is just one of the ways to get easy/free art works in future, because many art players would be happy to try new project. In return they build good quality objects (which could has specifications required by NQ).


    P.S: As I said before, personally, I do not care about this (accesses), I have all I need already. And unfortunatelly, do not have creative designers in friend list =(




  17. there is no need to specially invite "artist" to the alpha, the alpha is for bug extermination :P

    Might be good for popularity in the late beta tho.

    Yeah, you are right. I already said, it would be more actual for beta (mid/late), to make great advertisement program. It was also actual before kickstarter, but there was no opportunity to do something like that.


    P.S: It was said there are a lot of great works already presented. Could you show at least few constructions (made by author of the post), not just pictures from internet?

    Honestly, I didn't see any examples of great works made by anyone from this community in construction game.




  18. It all depends on what type of contacts you wish to cultivate - however do be aware there is a terms of service that you must be willing to accept in order for us to be available to hire.


    It is nothing about services or hire. I speak about contacs only. It would be good for future negotiations in game (like trading preferences, any kind of agreements, technology share/cooperation agreements, defence agreements, coop-operations and other. Depends on level of trust and experience in cooperation between factions).


    P.S: I do not offer anything yet, want create contact only (Discord or something else) for both sides. Like embassy in real life.

    I would send PM bit later.




  19. That's the point. They don't want a player who's played since launch to be able to build their own personal capital ships while beginners are stuck building starfighters. They want the capital ship advantage to only belong to large organisations, just like in real life.

    Actually, it could be very nice, if we would have some kind of small drills on ships. Even if difference would be few % only, I would prefer do it on ship. It makes much more fun, it makes atmosphere of sci-fi.

    It also helps with inventory / storage (if it won't be unlimited like in demos).


    So this won't break plan to keep balance between old and new players.But will add one more step of development for players.




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