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Alpha Tester
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Posts posted by Scruggs

  1. Aside from the starting area around the arcship, I feel like if you're logged in you should defend your stuff. 


    I think if you're a small group of 1-5 and you're all logged out then perhaps there can be an offline protection in place so you don't come back to find all your stuff destroyed. Maybe include a structure limit for this small group, so that after a certain point you should be expected to have some sort of player created offline protection.


    IOW, we need a symbiotic relationships, not just pray or be prayed. When you have a symbiotic relationship game balance, you attract players from both ends.



    I agree with this statement, but i feel that symbiotic relationships should be community created and not forced by the developers. 


    This is actually what most of the people in this topic are talking about, PVP players and factions provide protection for the PVE players who are creating or mining the resources they need for exploration.


    PVP players will likely be the main ones exploring, they can sell the new materials they find to the PVE players who can use it to create something that benefits the PVP players.

  2. As a mainly PVE player, I usually try to avoid direct PVP as much as possible. I do understand that being on the supply side would make my city/setup/factory a target for opposing PVP players, and understanding that potential threat is part of the fun.


    This potential threat makes it so that I have to think of ways to defend what I make, by hiding it better, defending it better or using alternate locations to sell the things I make. It is just one more thing to consider when creating. 


    Destruction of the my creations just means that I can look for a better way to defend it next time. As a PVE player PVP inspires me to create smarter.



    Does anyone have any suggestions for how a player created PvE zone might work? Ideally, one that could be destroyed by players with enough time and effort (hacking, explosions, etc.)...


         Buildings outside of the initial Arc "safe area" should not immediately show up on the map or as a marker on screen (as it does in Empyrion), you should have to visit or scan the location.


         This will allow players who are a little more cautious time to work out smaller structures or mine, relatively unhindered.


         Once you have gained the materials to build larger constructs and buildings, I believe that we should also be able to make shields. These shields could either be stronger (powered) or weaker (non-powered).


         Powered shields would consume energy, need to be maintained and would be dual layered, provided general protection within a radius and building protection if a ship flies through the radius.

         These shields could be destroyed with enough firepower, multiple ships several minutes, or through destruction or temporarily turning off the shield generator by a single person or group of individuals (mercenaries, special forces and/or anyone who wants to play a ninja)


         Non-powered shields would consume no energy, but would prevent the modification and destruction from hand weapons. Non-powered shields are not destroyed if a ship destroys a building. They would only be destroyed when the generator is destroyed by ship or player.


          Placing multiple Powered Shields will not stack or strengthen the overall shield however it would make it more difficult to disable with a ground force, as they would need to either break through with ship firepower or disable all Powered Shield generators.




    Arcification Tokens would be rare and still provide the protection outlined in the Devblog.


    As a Builder this will allow you to protect your own constructs with enough time to call for additional assistance, should you not already have turrets and weapons to defend yourself.


    Protect yourself and your constructs, or live small in the middle of nowhere where you will not be bothered.

  4. I feel that instead of an indestructible shield, we should instead have the Arcification tokens allow for the "protected" area to be invisible to scanning technologies, so that it doesn't show up on the map as a base unless you are in control of that site, directly or indirectly.


    This will make it so that it's less likely for someone to just show up and start blowing the city apart just because it's there. If you want to destroy a "protected" city you have to find it the old fashioned way.

  5. While scrolling through this I clicked on the Nostromo ambient engine noise video Yamamushi posted, forgot to turn it off and then clicked the Graveyard video that Saffi posted. The 2 sounds playing together, made the perfect background for flying your ship close to an alien ruin... at least that's what I pictured when hearing this. 

  6. Thanks for the warm welcomes  :D


    Welcome. and yeah im trash at building stuff normally, short attention span and all. but the beauty of this game is you don't have to create anything. you can aid others in creating. or shooting or what ever!! but welcome none the less lol


    Definitely glad that there are lots of options when it comes to this game. 

  7. Hi Everyone,


    I heard about Dual Universe from E3.


    While I don't have a large volume of technical knowledge, I do enjoy creating. I've been spending some time playing games that have voxel based creation tools to get a feel for them (still horrendous at building anything other than a lump of poo shaped rocks)


    I'm looking forward to being part of the DU community!

  8. In the Q/A section of the website it was asked about Rift compatibility. And while they said this is on the distant roadmap, it probably wont be in the Earliest of Alpha's for sure. But as for which platform I would prefer to have the VR on, that would be the Vive. (By the way I don't own a VR headset yet, waiting for GTX 1080 Ti for that)

    -You get way better tracking through the laser cameras around the room watching you.  

    -Your able to walk around the room very easily

    -2 Hand remotes vs a XBone controller. Imagine being able to use arm movements to create voxel elements (/Drooling)

    -Vision pass through of the headset is nice to keep you from constantly taking off the headset to see things.

    -Software support is WAYYYYY further along than the Rift. The Rift effectively has all 3rd party programs trying to duplicate what the Vive does out of the box.


    But now for more reasons I'd love VR in this game. 

    Being able to virtually grab the throttle control and joystick in-game instead of using a proxy joystick IRL, pull your ejection handle in emergencies, hold your welder / grinder physically in front of you while looking in different direction (weld and recon). * Being that its a voxel based game, being able to create objects 3 dimensionally in the air infront of you is akin to the Iron Man films where Tony Stark creates his suits via hologram before making one for real. To me its like using a paint brush on canvas. Using your whole body instead of limiting yourself to just the accuracy of a mouse click. 

    This Could be Awesome!


    *This is exactly why I would love for this game to support VR, specifically the Vive for the ability to physically move around your creations. Creating anything would be more intuitive and immersive.

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