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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Aesir

  1. Point Is, i have a birthday party to attemp tonight, if they delay it too much I will not even have time to put a feet on ailoth :'(
  2. Could we have the full weekend as an apologize ?
  3. Thanks but no, that's a different topic Alpha City is not an organization for long term or anything more than just building up the city. You can still register in both.
  4. Hi everyone, I created an organization to regroup us, please join if you said yes to the straw poll https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/alpha-city
  5. Would be nice to have a way to change a bit the properties of the weapons, but this is indeed very risky. There is 2 possibles ways: - either you add modules to the weapons in order to improve them. This is "easy" to balance. - either you make flexible properties, with rules to fix the edges, and drawback to compensate the bonus. for example: you increase damage but you reduce range, you increase fire rate but you reduce precision, etc. You can also combine: You increase damage by x2, you reduce firerate by 3.5 and increase the size of the module by 4. You need to have consequent drawback. You need a "base module" to modify. But this is very heard IMO to correctly balance and will ends up with a "meta" prefering very few type of weapons. Which is the exact opposite of the original goal, ie propose a lot of different weapons. Anyway, you can still start with normal, stats fixed, prefab weapons, then go latter on customization.
  6. This. I think, whatever the quantity/mass on the asteroids, even 1 "raw" voxel unit of asteroid and you will break on it, whatever the thruster you have. Raw voxel from planet/asteroid/moon cannot be moved, they can later on be in perpetual movement, but they won't be movable by something. Even if you create a ship 3 times bigger than your asteroid and ram on it, your ship will suffer damage and the asteroid will absolutely not react.
  7. Very nice answer, I may give it a try, even if I'm a way to creative to build twice the same stuff, could be a very dangerous tool for me.
  8. haha indeed Don't take them seriously, I'm kidding on those answers Just take the one which looks like the closest to your thought.
  9. here : "No, I have no time for fun, i'm here for sucess" If you feel like you just don't want to spend time on this project or No, I prefer to play alone and be alone forever If you feel like you prefer to do your stuff alone, ie not build with the others. First, let's see which tools we have, then we will see accordingly, probably be a bit of FFA, as long as we don't have people destroying each others building, we are ok.
  10. @Squishimus It looks very good, yet this scene would probably needs months with a large team to get built. But well, we will figure out soon what we can do
  11. I read somewhere that we should be able to build in the ArkShip safe zone, so if we can it would be a good idea to start here, if we can't then I'll try to grab a TU asap and put a Big panel "Alpha City" so everyone knows Anyway it shouldn't be far from the Arkship if possible.
  12. @huschhusch Ja, natürlich ! Es ist nein mein Stadt, Es ist die Stadt der ganzen Welt.
  13. Indeed, thanks for your participation. Later on, if the project is a success we can still plan to redo it for beta/release, but that's another story.
  14. The idea is simple, we alpha players, have the opportunity to test and try before everyone. So why not build our own city, as an experience ? Anyone can join and build is own stuff, no need for big. So, who's in ? Why this ? -Do a social experience -Strengthen the community -See how much it's doable or not -Test the game, and see if we have to address issues to the dev, or new ideas. It would be very nice if the major organization participate (even with few members) to this and have their own quarter here. I do not want to own the city, I just want to do a prove of concept, see if it's socially acceptable, as well as doable. It has to be a community project, and it can be done because we are not yet a huge amount of players. We are all here as tester, so let's do so and see what we can do with this game. Thank you for your vote, whatever the answer. EDIT: I created an Organization for convenient reason, it will just let us build together under the same zone and have no other purpose than rising the Alpha City. https://community.dualthegame.com/organization/alpha-city
  15. but gold can be robbed Do you know where you gonna stack it ?
  16. Sure but open hundreds of faucet and ... you know Ha nice, I thought salvage won't be their until some game extension. We will see anyway, yet I feel like I will stack money as much as I can because I expect deflation
  17. Yeah I thought about this also, would be nice to use gold or precious minerals to trade directly Most likely, yes, but in EvE you have both a way to reduce the money quantity with taxes and a way to increase it with NPC, so player will regulate this by just playing. I mean there is an in and an out. I strongly believe it's not just a matter of game design but a matter of money regulation. We will see, but I could bet a huge quantity of coins that they will need to inject money Just because if you lose your bare new starship you just bought on the market with your pocket money, then the said money is gone so is the starship, or the other way. Or maybe I miss something ? I thought if you get kill only a part of what you have will drop and the rest will disappear ? (like EvE right)
  18. agreed, but definitely not a priority
  19. I guess they will figure out another clean way to inject money after that. You always need to inject money, even a little bit.
  20. Ha didn't know that, cool, yet still I hope their will be enough You mean like me right. Ok for the holes, what about the rest ? Does NQ will do only buy order on the market to inject money ?
  21. Did NQ said something about limited amount of mining materials ? I think they said so. That means if a NQ bot buy those limited material, they will vanish from the game I know there is plenty, but I already see a holes planet... Also, they will constantly need to inject money in the game, from one way or another, because of player turnover, they will be constantly new joiner without money and people leaving the game with money. Plus, they will be people stacking money, limiting money circulation. I guess the whole topic is a very tricky things, that's probably why EvE hire professional to regulate the free market.
  22. You didn't get it, it's ok. The only thing you can send is "where did I fire", Hostlist does not expect anything else from your client. You don't chose your Hostlist, they don't chose you neither, they are selected by the server. HostList are not your organization mate, they are not necessarily someone close to you, it doesn't matter where they are on the map and who they are. HostList may be a wrong name I should have said "ListOfClientWhoGonnaHostThePhysicsComputation" but it's a bit long for a name. I will nerver say that Cheers.
  23. You don't choose who you are voting for, obviously... neither you choose who is voting for you. But you don't do have to do that to simulate a bullet hitting boxes Well I do know the pro and con, we talked about it already I'm not arguing it is the best model ... it just have pro and con, you clearly don't like it, but it doesn't make it "always crap", saying it's for 1995 F2P games is a but rough. For Honor is in P2P, their is a nice post explaining this choice bellow: https://www.reddit.com/r/forhonor/comments/5u8jlh/why_forhonors_p2p_is_preferable_over_dedicated/ Anyway, thx for the talk mate, i'm done. See ya.
  24. P2P is something, letting a person involved in a fight doing the damage calculation of this fight on his own computer then send the result to the server, is something else. You assume that it has to be like this, but no, you can send the physics calculation to tiers computers who have no clue who is fighting who and will give a result, you cannot cheat that, you don't even know who gonna compute your fight. Plus it's not 1 other computer who do the math, but several, and majorities give the result. That's kinda the basic of blockchain. A and B are fighting, A fire at B. C, D, E ,F are computing the physics for A and B. D say: B didn't get hit. C, E and F says: B did get hit. "B did get hit" is the majority, and so say the server. A and B can say whatever they want, they have no vote here.
  25. No you can't, you are not the one deciding if you get hit or not... That's actually a good reason, I knew about it, there is probably a way to avoid it correctly without setting your own VPN. But well, that's part of the things to fix, you could use a part of the server to redirect the messages betwwen P2P co, but that's kinda heavy. Anyway yes, that's not a perfect solution, it needs more encapsulation and so on to deal with this kind of issues. You mean because you may have latency with people from your target list, ie if you're in EU and they are in Australia. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM yes, that's the argument, can't see any workaround from this fact
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