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Alpha Tester
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  1. Nice 👍I always wanted to explore that whole star system on my own 🙃
  2. At this point, they can better add a PayPal button with the quote, "Buy us a coffee to keep the server running." 😏
  3. image.jpeg.833edc73e6f093cc166221fd6403be3d.jpeg


    I started to sell some stuff. You can find this on Market Alioth District 5. Will slowly expand, so I will post regularly. So, if you are the lucky one who visits this post, maybe it's useful to you 👍

  4. Hello guys, 


    I wanted to post a new one when I got my first 100 million, but sadly, I stopped when I saw that I entered the fifth month, May, and ended with just 80 million. I played once a week, gathering all the stuff the mining units had produced. As you know, it's not a fast-money business, lol. 


    With the money, I built a tower with a landing platform at 1 km height; it's much easier for my gravity ships. I still don't know why they created that system that way; it will only motivate players to develop high structures that are a pain for many flying pilots, and now I have also joined this club. I plan to build a ship, an L-core and M-core combined, with a gravity system, but I will use it as a permanent flying base. Sadly, it will be a brick if it's on the ground, so I'm thinking of using a rocket system to get it off the ground whenever that happens. 


    Until next time


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    Welcome to 2024, my new fresh post this year. I'm back for more self-punishment...


    My struggles are just not ending with this too-high-level game for me (partly noob).  I built a more compact, overengineered spaceship that doesn't use too much fuel, can fly faster than 1000 km/h, and, at last, can use all the plugins linked to the chair.  Also, I found out that having seven tiles for mining is overrated. It doesn't make you very rich 🤷‍♂️, and calibrating each week takes almost an hour, ugh.


    I managed to install a script for the cockpit, but I'm not too fond of LUNA programming (I hate it), especially since I found out there isn't a good script for automatic landing gear. Since the update for scripts, they are all not working (what I found on the web), and I have no idea how to get it working. (Why the heck is it replaced with Raycast?)  I don't know why they didn't just add a fast function for the telemeter, just like they did for the lights. Just add a value, link it with some logic, and we are done, just like I did with a door. But, no, you need to script it. Not easy for a noob like me. It's a missed chance if you ask me.


    Cya guys 



  6. Restrictions and restrictions, disappointments and disappointments.  I'm at this moment not a happy player.  I don't know which target audience the developers had in mind, but I think it is a tiny group. Why? Programming is necessary when you want more, but I have no talent for programming. The building system isn't for beginners. Getting money isn't easy, and the unstable player-driven economy doesn't improve it. Everything takes too much time, from factories to talents. And Uncle Scrooge has a big hand in this problem. Even the talents are influenced by Uncle Scrooge. Nothing has a wow factor. 


    Most of the time, I'm confronted with a problem of the limit of plugins.  Because I use a lot of fuel tanks, it will take up too many lines. I guess it can be done with a personal LUA script, and yes, that is a problem. 


    I found out that bigger and faster also need a lot of fuel.  I am not motivated anymore to build a bigger one. It would hit my wallet very hard. 


    The last straw that broke the camel's back was the latest talent that I got.  'Calibration Charge Efficiency Level 5' Since I got this, I see that I'm more unlucky than ever with calibrating my MU's. Getting the 100 spot is very difficult now. Why? This isn't improving; this is trolling!


    At this point, my financial situation in the game is also uncertain. So, I'm unsure If I want to go on or stop playing this game. The most fun was building the spaceships, but now... bankrupting is on the horizon unless I go mindless grinding for rocks again or sell the stones of the MU instead of creating fuel.  Is this fun?


    Cya guy, maybe...














    My ship project is almost done. The hull is practically completed, and I'm happy with it. I don't know what you guys think of it, but for me, it gives an old retro vibe, but I like it. It's something new for me, who always worked with less-rounded ships 😁


    Nonetheless, this project gave me a lot of trouble. Many disfigured blocks were and are a pain for me, and I often needed to copy-paste to correct the shape, especially a straight wall against the round hull. 


    I'm still working on the interior and need to recolour parts of the hull. But as I said, it's almost done. I called a carrier ship, but it's too small for it. Just call it my flying home base 🤷‍♂️ It has everything you need, from repair options to search for an asteroid (but I never will take this ship for that job!) 


    This is a new milestone in building for me, but man, it's tough. It's not my cup of tea if you would ask me. Too many problems with the voxels! Incredibly complex forms like round things! I needed to use prefab forms from a third party for this; I can't create these things by myself 🤷‍♂️


    Hopefully, it will prove his usefulness in the coming jobs, 


    Cya guys





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    This is a small update on the progress of my small carrier ship.  The ships can be parked directly under the bridge.  It's looking nice, but because the length is a bit small, I'm almost tempted to name this ship "Stumpy". It would be more impressive if it were longer, but you can't have it all. The weight will probably increase, so more engines will probably be added on the sides. I hope it will not look too ugly with that. 🤷‍♂️


    Cya guys






    My new ship project is going slow but good. It's a small carrier ship with many tools, warp, gravity, and more. 

    It has two stairwells just for fun (I know elevators are quick and easy), and I'm working on the corridors and chambers now. The hull is also less blocky. Still thinking about how to add more variation to the hull.  Together it has 7 floors, but because of all the additions, there is surprisingly less space for rooms etc. 


    Cya guys






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    Building a ship with prefabs was a solution that I came up with.  It was so easy with Space Engineers; it was just made up of premade blocks. It was easy and fast. But with DU, that is not that simple. Since then, I've been building blocks I can use with copy-paste. 


    But one thing is that everything looks smaller than it is when working from the first-person perspective. As you can see from the screenshot, you will make things bigger than needed.  This corridor block can easily be used for a capital ship but not for smaller buildings. 


    Another fact is that the ships are not big. If you build cubes, then yes, they have a lot of space, but in length, they are small, laughable small. 

    Here are the numbers in length:

    XS = 15.75 meters 

    S = 31.75 meters

    M = 65.75 meters

    L = 127.75 meters

    and XL would probably be 255.75 meters


    The M version is a small Boeing 747, not even the biggest one.

    The XL (if it would be possible in  DU) would probably compare to an old carrier ship. The modern ones are longer. 


    Cya guys



  11. image.thumb.jpeg.97bcc4b69dae956ed31b143dbf9914a4.jpeg


    Talent points, achievements and Uncle Scrooge... what do they have in common? They are all stingy!


    It is some time since I posted something. Seriously, I just lost steam and motivation because of this, especially about the talent point system. I have three tiles on Alioth now, and I know they cost more money than the mining units can produce.  And I have 19 MU together on that planet, which is still insufficient. That's because I can't calibrate them each day.  And that means I have to put even money into it. So this system is working with money loss. But my goal is still to be a Fuel seller, even if it costs me money for now. The reason why it is on Alioth is pure logistics. Too much travelling between planets that will take hours of my time. 


    But my point is I focused my talent points on the things that needed to be improved to produce Kergon. Refiners, miners and the factory that produces the Kergon.  But all together is still 59 days of twiddling with my thumbs for me. And that's only a fraction of all the available talents. Do you see the problem? Too much time is needed. I want to bet that it will take more than a year, maybe years before you gather all the available talents. I don't think that most players have that much patience 🤷‍♂️


    And the big joke is the achievements. It would have been better if they were just achievements. But no, you get points for them, but they are nothing! They are a joke. Just seconds for what you need for the cheapest thing you get for a talent. It Is like somebody didn't know what to do with it and thought, 'Nah, just put some numbers in it'. 🙄

    Better would have been more points or opening a hidden talent. (even if it cost you talent points). This is just a missed chance. 


    By the way, I have seen many of these mining units on tiles that lost their claim. They probably thought to get some money out of it, but it probably failed. 


    Meh, enough ranting, 


    Cya guys 

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    Yesterday I 'worked' a few hours on the South Pole. As expected, it's at this moment always dark but not too dark.  But I can imagine this will be tiresome if you have a base here and get to see this every day.  And you would be in for a long trip if you are from around the Alioth districts.  It will be shorter to fly higher and travel to outer space around Alioth. But I will go to the North Pole again next time, too much travel time for me.


    Cya guys



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    Crashed and burned, that's how the state was of a ship I encountered in the middle of nowhere in a rocky desert.  The pilot has probably died, too, seeing the state of that thing. I can only guess what happened: overloaded or just bad engineering? 😂

    Interestingly enough, you can repair it but not claim it or whatsoever in this case.  A nice option to give a stranger or friend a helping hand.


    Yesterday there was a nice event here at DU, but it was almost 12'o clock midnight, a little too late for me. I had to leave...


    Cya guys





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    If you need some rare honycomb material, you can it find at Honeycomb Central. Today I visited this place and bought some useful stuff. They have practically everything, from tier 1 to 5. You can find it at  

    (  ::pos{0,2,37.7106,109.2352,62.5194} ) not far from Market 6 on Alioth. It is good for me, so I don't need to waste my time waiting in my factory. Well, get your fat wallet ready at least 😆


    Cya guys






    Visited today Alioth marktet 16. Bought there a container L. Nice building there btw, smells like money. Can you get a tour there? Playing a big corporation, 😂






    I see a lot of high-sky buildings. The big goal seems to seek the limits of building here on Dual Universe. Sometimes they are so detailed and big that It even lags my computer. 🤷‍♂️


    Btw, it seems I hit the limit on how much I can gather and sell. Also, very nice; I can gather so much ore until my large container is full, and my ship still flies around if it is nothing.  I found out at last a nice formula (F=m.a) on how to figure out how much my ship can handle. At last, for the next time, I know how to build my next ship without over-engineering it.  


    But talking about the limit. My gathering stones talents are maxed out. That means I can't work faster than it is. I can gather in one hour around 80.000 basic tier 1 ores, worth around 0.8 million quantas. But there isn't any growth potential anymore. I guess maybe the asteroids, but I don't like risky jobs.  So, that's it 🤷‍♂️. If I want to give Dual Universe a scale of 1-10, I will give it a 5 closer to 4.  Everything is limited and slowed down to the point I can call it painful. The limiting potential is especially the time that is needed to get the resources.  Most of your hours are spent gathering resources. (and waiting until your stupid factory is done).  And remember, they expect you to pay real money for a mind-numbing work simulator; this is crazy!!! 😠  Even a Trucker simulator is more fun because you're actively busy driving through the streets.  In space? Wow, nice nebula and stars? While twiddling your thumbs while flying almost 50.000 km/h?


    Ah well, the building is great, but the gathering, ugh. Thumbs down for that, especially if you're a paying player; my condolences to them...  


    Cya guys





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