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Posts posted by OnePercent

  1. I believe the question we should be asking to NovaQuark is; Are we going to be dealing with an entire periodic table of elements for our materials or will you use a simplified or Original version of material sets? 


    If we're dealing with the former, than the ideas you have can potentially be created. 


    Judging by the path DU is going with its narrative, I can see that they'll opt for more simplistic approach, "civilization is destroyed, The ark ships travel and end up in Alioth system etc etc" Seems they will simply have prefabbed Power cores or something like that with a tech tree we have to farm to progress. Not allowing us to create our own nuclear reactors but I wish there was a game that existed like that.

  2. You have a far higher chance mining U238 in the crust's of planets than in outer space o.O


    Nope, U238 is the naturally occurring isotope of uranium found in the earths crust, It's also what you call "depleted uranium"


    Uranium 235 is also naturally occurring in nature but makes up less than 1% of the naturally occurring more abundant Uranium 238.


    Enrichment is the process of mining tons of Normal Uranium and Isotopically separating the small percentage of Uranium 235, the fissionable isotope of uranium from the Fertile isotope of uranium (U238) This is done in several stages in Centrifugals, Repeated again until the level of enrichment is established.


    For nuclear reactors, Enrichment is around 2-5% Uranium 235 to Uranium 238 ratio, For more military oriented tasks, they enrich fuel up to 90%+ so they can reach critical mass in nuclear warheads. To get Plutonium, Uranium 238 is bombarded with neutrons which transmutes the Uranium eventually into Plutonium 239, Which can achieve a lower critical mass than Uranium 235 and is thus; More suited for weaponry.  


    Depleted uranium is a thing for Military reactors, Which run at about 25% enrichment as the military have more tricks up their sleeves, Once the U235 is used up the depleted uranium 238 can be used for armor and alloys as you said. 

  3. If the game goes the way of logic and science (and stuff), would it be a good thing having an economy path based on creating things like uranium-238 ( a very basic example ), by running "farms" of said isotope harvesting devices, which in turn could be manufactured into the fuel spaceships require to function? Cause I'm tots down for running a gas station in space :P


    You have a far higher chance mining U238 in the crust's of planets than in outer space o.O

  4. I don't really think you have to plan anything for it, as long as there is the ability to damage the voxels on ships as it is in space engineers, boarding will happen automatically, which is good. Its the duty of the players to design their ships in a way to make it as hard as possible, but i don't think there needs to be a seperate mechanic implemented for it.


    Just allow us to target different parts of ships and thats it :)


    You have to keep multiplayer performance in mind, If you allow each little voxel to be destructible aka Space engineers, Then the server must keep simulating each and every tiny voxel in that ship, I believe the game should have an "integrity" system, Where once a collection of voxels are constructed to officially form a ship then the voxels suddenly glue together as a backbone of whatever system they were intended for.


    1. Structure, These voxels then form a rigid body and thus the server only has to worry about rigid body mechanics


    2. Shape, the skin of the ships, the server only has to worry about hitpoints of the surface of the ship, and can assign whatever damage model the devs choose for this system


    3. Subsystems, Modules and voxels within the ship that can suffer secondary and Splash damage within. 


    For things like boarding enemy vessels, A pretty straightforward mechanic for this should suffice, rather than just blow a hole in the enemy ship.. Have boarding pods that a "torpedo" tube can launch and another system where ships can dock - Automatic docking on ships that provide consent to docking, or a forced manual docking mode where a specific module can allow a peircing motion that opens a path into a ship. This can lower server overhead and smoothen the process. As well as making the whole thing more bad ass and immersive. 


    You could even resort to explosives on specific Detonation points throughout ships like windows etc. You can program your ship computer to make an emergency decompression scenario, Where bulkheads and airlock doors close around the problem section of the ship to prevent atmospheric evacuation. 

  5. Not to be a nerd, but you have confused railguns with coilguns :P 

    To put it bluntly in a way Second Amendment lovers could understand.


    Railgun = Slingshot


    Coilgun = Rifle (see Rifling on a barrel for more info).


    So yeah, coilguns = armor penetration.

    Railguns = Ye... well, it flings things.


    What? I don't see OP confusing anything with his railgun statement.. Please elaborate. 

  6. Lineage 2, Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, Aion, Tera.  Though the player base for Lineage 2 and Aion are almost entirely in Asia now.

    Games that are all 2D maps about fantasy and RPG, Perhaps a niche such as a FPSRPG4X Empire builder as DU would not benefit from the payment models of those fantasy games where you can buy cloths from cash shops. DU in my opinion is trying to be above this entire concept. 


    Players make all the content in an emergent way, All that the NovaQuark team does is provide the back drop (a Seamless Procedural Science fiction galaxy) and the tools (crafting, Loot, Constructions, AI, Resources etc) But all the creative work is done by the players and the backdrop depends on the empires or groups that play in the game. 




  7. For the love of god, do not make yet another monthly sub game... There is no legitimate reason to do this... And the only people who defend such a model are gamers with more money than sense, or greedy game developers...

    Make it buy to play, with an in-game cash shop with cosmetic and convenience items, like all good MMO's these days do... Its a fair business model, and you will earn what you deserve, based on how good the game is. Which will give you an incentive to improve it further to make more money. You already have a game which is basically Star Citizen/Elite Dangerous meets Space engineers, that already sounds pretty damn good to me... So you would still rake it in cash wise. And bare in mind whenever a good looking game is free/buy to play, knowledge of it spreads through the gaming comunity via word of mouth like a lightning bolt...

    Monthly sub business models are only utilized by greedy developers who want nothing more than to exploit and rob the gaming community... The monthly sub needs to go the way of the dinosaur, because there are better business models in existence these days... So please, do not use this business model... I want to play this game when its released, and while I have more than enough money to pay for a sub, I will not do it... But if it was buy to play, with an ingame cash shop, I would buy the game, AND spend money in the cash shop if you gave us interesting worth it items to buy in there...


    Please list us some "Good MMO"s" that are either free to play or buy once play forever... Enlighten us.

  8. What's the point?


    Would be so awesome to get fully voxel stars?  so we could siphon power off them...  or after a supernova go back in and with the strongeset of armors sample the core of the neutron star..  


    if planets had a voxel molten core... it would be possible thru mining or tunneling.. or beam weapons from space to punch holes down to it releasing the lava voxels...  it could change pressure and raise volcano's on the planets surface


    if you can provide the most realistic galaxy ever,  in voxels..  then i think the players can handle the building for you.


    Sounds like it will be incredibly laggy trying to simulate a very complex mechanic such as fluid simulation. 


    The question I would ask is, Would hundreds of playing all viewing this data simultaneously in the same area whilst such a cataclysmic event took place, would that be possible to simulate server wise? I'm already just skeptical on the fluid 100's of players in ships already. Time will tell. 

  9. I notice that you say interested parties can PM the FWA and be added to the list of "free sovereign states", but I wonder about individual membership. Can an individual exist as a member of the FWA, or is this for states, organizations, and/or collective entities only?




    We share our militaries for the purpose of civil defense, War time purpose's and Espionage against other Alliances like that other one on this page..*cough*


    Could you please clarify as to which specific organization you are referring? 


    Also, to voice some specific concerns of mine, I'd like to gather a better idea of exactly what kinds of benefits a player would receive should he or she choose to assign him/herself under your interstellar nuclear umbrella. Perhaps the one thing I see is the "rights and freedom of individual(ists)", but an individual easily is already granted this inherent right without joining any alliance or organization, and undoubtedly to a greater degree at that. I'd like to gain a sense of any further benefits members would receive upon joining; if there are none and members would join based on a "cause", what might that cause be?


    Thank you for any advice or light you may be able to shed on the preceding topics.


    1. Individuals and groups can choose to be their own Nations/Civilizations, But they come under our nuclear umbrella for protection

    2. Individuals can also join the advocacy; Recruitment and Diplomacy ventures are their directives.

    3. Don't worry this joke thread isn't aimed at you or your group

    4. The benefits of joining the Free Worlds Alliance is protection from Seal clubbers, Security from trolling and prosperity for CareBears

    5. In the event where people do not see a benefit of joining the FWA, They can join the Illuminati and help our cause. 



    If you've ever heard of Elite: Dangerous lore you can see our initiative akin to the "Alliance" in that game. 


    Free Worlds Alliance
    The Free Worlds Alliance is an active community of individualists who respect both personal freedom, Liberties and Ideas, We Applaud Those with the same ideology where people are free to go about their way of life, be it but not limited to the following:
    - Anarchist
    - Democrats
    - Dictators
    - Monarchists
    - Nepotists
    - Communists
    - National Socialists
    - Technocrats
    - Theocratic
    - Any other part of the social spectrum when dealing with a civilization(s) and their peoples...
    If you are any of these, The Free Worlds Alliance is here for YOU!
    That's right, We support the right of FREEDOM, The right of Individualists, 1 man empires and the such to be protected under the mighty Free Worlds Alliance!
    If you are interested in assigning yourself under our interstellar nuclear umbrella feel free to join up, And be protected by the combined military machine of the ALLIANCE! F#CK YEAH!
    Here's how it works.
    We share our militaries for the purpose of civil defense, War time purpose's and Espionage against other Alliances like that other one on this page..*cough*
    But we respect your authorityyyy* as you are in command of your own empire, how it runs and the likes. 
    Our duties will regularly evolve around spying on people, The governmental structure will be as follows; 
    The Council 
    - The Council will be the combined heads of each empire state, Here matters such as war declaration**, Shenanigans**, shenanigans**. shenanigans** and more shenanigans and maby butthurt** will take place. Oh and also Diplomacy*, Should never forget about lolplomacy**.
    The Military
    - The Military will be the combined armed forces of the Alliance, Each Empire will contribute a different field of technology as their focal point. e.g. Dictatorship A will Be specialized in shield technology, Republic B will specialize in unit tactics and Strategy, Banana empire C will like to rush the enemy and launch a blitz of missiles. etc etc.
    - The Advocacy will be an External Civilian Organisation that strives to spread the beautiful elegance of this system to other empires, here we will strive to recruit empires into our Union. Until our Alliance will become a galactic peace* bringing gestalt of different civilizations...
    - The Illuminati are the combined intelligence services of all of the sovereign states, They will have diplomatic immunity and supreme authority over war time matters and butthurt matters, They are involved in finding information on suspects - And other empires - Are involved in paranormal matters including, but not limited to:
    - Lost Souls
    - Missing Wives
    - Women who turn into little girls
    - Buildings that vanish and reappear
    - Sustained virtual Realities for people in custody
    - Special flag shapes
    - Bot empires
    - People who question our ethics
    - And a range of other unorthodox methods
    If any of the above interests you, Feel free to PM me and we can add you to the list of free sovereign states. Long live the Alliance! 
    *= Things that are most likely never going to happen 
    **= Things that are most likely going to happen


  11. If any game comes to the point where waterworlds are involved, I'm more interested in encountering giant underwater animals like whales if not bigger, Now that would make a cool scene whilst inside your underwater refitted space craft!

  12. I am Intrigued and Curious how Novaquark will tackle Galaxy shaping in a way that can host a multiplayer environment without loading screens at least between star systems.

    We know Space Engine is capable of simulating space with a 64 bit engine from universal scales all the way down to a few meters on a planet without losing floating point precision, BUT, Can this be done on a multiplayer server full of player created assets? 


    Only time will tell. 

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