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Alpha Tester
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Everything posted by Anopheles

  1. That's right. Play to your skills. And know your weaknesses. Mine is attention span (i have severe ADHD) and burnout, so I like to make sure there is a contingency for my wandering off and that my fast burning energy is transferred to someone who is a bit slower burning.
  2. Neither do I. I just know that existing orgs will have them and new orgs will be late to the game.
  3. Depends on how lucky you are with recruiting. It also depends what kind of leader you are: Charisma Boy or Organization Boy. The first type makes people want to help him, the second type impresses people. Don't try to be a cold, calculating Charisma Boy and don't try to be a Make It Up As You Go Along Organization boy. You'll be given mixed signals and putting people at unease. I tend to the lucky with people type, this person is good at this and that, would you like to do that? I try to make an organization that doesn't have any real secrets (or I make light and try to sell them to you myself) which discourages spiess and agents and try to be light on centralized goods, which puts off scammers (though most EVE 'master scammers' are people who betrayed trust and try to make it seem warm and fuzzy by claiming it was 'years in the planning'.) I do let people know that X Y and Z do the big decision making, just to save money on painkillers.
  4. Regardless of size, unless the game sets up a ersatz webbrowser in game, a webpage helps to focus players, gives a platform for stimulating the interest of friends who play other games and gives something important to important future and current recruits - a sign that you know what you are doing. Leadership depends on the nature of the organization and the energy/commitment of the leadership. It can range from very loose (a pirate band, with a leader who is the idea man and someone who owns the website) - basically just a band of mates who want to have fun - all the way up to a Japanese Style Corporation/Military Structure with everyone knowing their place and having a set role, even if it is 'meat shield'. The problem is if you want the loose formation but with strict order or a Corporation where no one is in charge. Lead, pally about or delegate, but do something that fits the theme of the org. Practical knowledge is things like (i'm not in Pre Alpha, but I can hypothesize), what landscape is best for defense, what minerals are most efficient to process, if the terrain gives clues to the minerals, that kind of thing as well as having an idea of the most efficient way to produce a blueprint).
  5. There are problems with an organization at the beginning of a Game. The Corp I set up in Elite Dangerous (The Code - nothing to do with Eve's C.O.D.E - that eventually partly splintered to form the SDC) had things in the charter that didn't happen in the game (splitting loot mainly and other things that seemed logical but didnt get put in) so, yeah, some organizations will fail because of that, or burn out or politics. Some won't. The ability to have an organization infrastructure (leadership, webpage, practical knowledge of game systems) already in place is a huge secret bonus for those lucky enough to get into Pre-Alpha.
  6. Seems like every niche has already been filled. New organizations will be minnows and will struggle to survive. Yes, I know Organization Churn is a thing in games, but everything you want to do will already be up and running, so you are under a lot of weight. This will be true even after a wipe. This means the best areas will be found sooner (organized effort), better defended and so on. Organizations shouldn't have started until a relatively short beta or after.
  7. If we build a Millenium Falcon (and someone's gonna, if not already) will we be able to show pictures of it, or vids? Will there be rules against building them in the first place? Don't have a dog in the fight, just thought it'd be nice if we knew before eagles swooped. Apologies if asked before.
  8. It is well known programming in hotas fuctionality is the computer version of building the pyramids with your bare hands and I'm not sure what use it would be anyway since it looks like we'll have a point and click combat system until continents shift and each methodical line of code is brought in by Egyptian slaves at a speed of 1 line per day, apparently.
  9. Good news. I'm a silver kickstarter which means I get Access to Alpha slightly less eventually than the post kickstarter backers.
  10. I've forgotten but am I a silver Kickstarter or a silver founder? I it says upgrade silver founder but I don't know if that's the start or end point.
  11. Every construct will be as rigid and static as a child's toy from the 70's, which seems to defeat the purpose of being in a computer game, but hey ho. Yes, yes, moving parts eventually, construct vs construct eventually, explosions eventually, debris eventually. Like waiting for a Mediterraenean builder.
  12. I know I know. I wouldnt need anything too fancy. Just a voxel block (limited to one predefined cube) that has planes that have a 1/0 sticky or not sticky decision that the player has a switch to. Doesn't seem that intensive especially if limited to X cubes per construction where X is a number between 1 and 4. Imagine the possibilities: sliding gates for cities, gull wings, mining derricks that move up and down and cannons sliding into view.... Du is going to seem like a very stiff universe without something like this.
  13. If we create ships will there be a mechanic that allows part of a ship to move independently of its chassis by, in its simplest iteration, hinges and the such like? For example a car has doors and a bonnet/hood and a boot that move independently of the chassis. I ask because I have ideas for ships that open up like flowers or come in and out of a spiral.
  14. Late late Summer thats actually in Autumn it is then.
  15. Summer now. Do they mean late summer or Autumn or maybe very late summer in December for the road map?
  16. King in The Dark. Assassination Broker. Information Broker. Inventor of Aesthetic Shielding (ships too pretty to destroy)
  17. Note: This is spiritual corruption, not architectural, though that would be nice as a side effect. Nor is this attempt to bring religion, real or otherwise into the game. It would be more like a Buddhist thing with various sects interpreting. -- The creation if 'corruption' would do the following things: Give an organic solution to the worst of griefing. Make DU stand out from other hard scifi universes. Give a 'get corruption clear corruption' game loop. --- What is it? In my idea corruption would come from doing various acts such as; Murdering without provocation or 'bounty state', 'war state", etc Destruction of property without reason. Visting certain locations (to seek if you want to be corrupted) Fencing stolen goods Mining certain materials --- and have the following buffs and de buffs Increased prices in 'decent' starting hubs and good prices in official black markets Darkening of the colour tone of building materials. Increases and decreased abilities Access to and loss of access to certain schema And so on. Corruption could be cleared by acts of repentance or time. --- Don't shoot me, I'm just thinking out loud.
  18. Game has almost everything I ever wanted. Building your own base, Interfactional conflict or co-operation, Political scubaggery, etc. Elite Dangerous without the soul sucking grind, Eve Online with building or Star Citizen with something. But the cherry on the cake for me would be dog fighting. Ideally this would be at Elite Dangerous level. I know it will start with a ridiculous, immersion breaking method akin to a point and click adventure but I hope they want to move to a dog fighting phase. This will not just favour Pew Pew but imagine being known as the premier builder of fighting ships? Imagine fighting for that number one spot by fair means or foul? Get us to dog fighting soon, please, NQ, and be as close to the God Damn Perfect game as you can be
  19. Regardless of how many hunters worked together the bounty will be paid to one nominated person who is then utterly responsible for the fair splitting of said bounty and Sub Rosa will take no further part in this matter unless it should lead to the issuance of new contracts.
  20. This thread is not intended as a place to discuss pvp/griefing. Just use it for declarations of interest or queries. Don't query the queries or we'll soon be in a quagmire made out of dead carebears. Time Zone: Any Language: any (but questions in English please) Style: political/roleplay/optional combat *** If you are willing to be a Sub Rosa Agent state your interest and whether you are in pre alpha or not. Sufficient interest from pre Alpha or alpha 1 players will see the boards up sooner than my own dazzling entrance. This depends entirely on it being possible to hire people to kill people which is should be if the game is kept free form. It may be limited if being in a safe zone prevents violence as well as theft, but still workable. Sub Rosa agents are (not necessarily) assassins or bounty hunters but rather brokers. If you want to be an assassin and a broker that's fine. Please note you will not receive any protection from communal acts of revenge from the organization until such revenge can be deemed griefing. (And we'll know it when we see it, but mostly repeated attacks, successful or not, over a shortish period of time, out board harassment, etc). If someone wants someone or something dead then you contact a known Sub Rosa Broker/Agent and request a player/s deathe by bounty hunter. Payment is to be up front by whatever method of transfer is possible. No coin. No listing. A listing request should be be sent to any Agent (contact info will be published once we know how non direct communication is implemented) with the following information. Missing any of this will lead to delays and or cancelling the contract at the Agent's discretion. Regardless of your relationship to the issuer no bounty will be paid before the listing appears publicly. *** Contracts issued entirely at an Agent's personal discretion. Limitations of contract are stated at the bottom. Every Contract will have a unique number (usually Agent's initials/target's initials/contract number in this format xx/xx/0000000). You can see if it is a genuine contract by comparing it to the public list within 24 hours (agents have busy lives) of issue. Probably by Google doc or forum post. Where possible you should state contract number before engaging target of contract. Target Bounty offered (minus small listing fee, usually no more than 10%) Last known system Level of danger (good/bad pilot, part of big angry clan, etc) Amount of kills (max 3 with an equal multiplier of bounty - 2 kills means you pay 2x the amount stated above). If you want to pay different amounts for each kill, for some reason, say so here. Anything else: base destruction/theft of blueprints, etc. This should be reflected in the size of bounty. Start date (date of payment received if not stated). If the bounty runs out (2 week limit) you will need to put up the bounty again by paying another non negotiable 10% listing fee or it will be taken down. Bounties will be paid if bounty is still listed at time of collection. No quibble. *** First confirmed kill/claim gets the chicken dinner. Feel free to join or form other groups (i will be setting up The Code pirate group (from Elite Dangerous not c.o.d.e from eve)) as Sub Rosa will be politically neutral with no alliances beyond non-aggression pacts outside of wars of survival. We will have no bases, own no territory and pay no taxes) so wars of survival seem unlikely. Well also have no secrets as contracts including Ultima Contracts will be publicly listed. Apart from issuer identities which will only be known to the contacted Agent and will be kept confidential. To prevent griefing by proxy no contract can be for more than 3 kills or longer than 2 weeks max whichever comes soonest. There will be no Contract Tennis. A victim of a contract may ONCE put a contract on the person who put a contract on them (if known, obviously). At the Agent's discretion multiple contracts on the same target from different issuers may or may not be staggered. No contracts will be accepted from the victim of a contract on the Bounty Hunter who tried to collect on that contract, successful or not or any known Bounty Hunter tied officially to Sub Rosa (yes, this does mean protection from our contracts but, yes, we will know if you are gaming us). If a bounty hunter fails in 3 attempts on a contract (primarily because they are defeated in combat) then he must stop attacking. He may try again one full week from his last failed attempt if the contract is still live. Unless it is specified directly in the contract nothing of the victims must be damaged apart from what is necessary to collect on the contract. This will principally refer to the ship or single building they are in. No excuses for destroying a 5km diameter base!) No other individuals are to be hurt unless in self defence or to collect another contract except where it neccessary to collect a contract (otherwise being a crewmember would be insta-sanctuary). If it it's not possible to collect the bounty without injury to unconnected parties (same crew on a small or medium ship wouldn't count here, citizens on a liner would) or damage to unconnected property then you should not try. Bounty hunters should obey all local law that is not directly an impediment to collection. Repercussions from the disregard of local legislattion are taken at Bounty Hunter's own risk and issuance of contract is not endorsement of the Bounty Hunter's behaviour by Sub Rosa. The following will get a shiny Ultima Contract (all the restraints stated above are removed and the bounty will ve generally larger): Anyone bating or harassing a Sub Rosa Agent, contract target or bounty hunter on any board that is not explicitly in character roleplaying AND is moderated solely by NQ staff on NQ boards. Anyone killing the target more than the contract permits except in self defence (and going to the area where the target is within 48 hours of successful claim will invalidate self defence). Proven griefers at our discretion. Anyone claiming to be a Sub Rosa agent who isn't signed up. Scamming by Agent's. Feel free to take a screenshot of a pre confirmation message - it's good practice to see if your contract is acceptable before transferring funds. This also also includes failure to pay out on kill confirmation (make sure you have video/link ill proof before claiming). Naturally, this will need to be investigated first. Anyone claiming a bounty with no proof of kill (scamming). The owner sheltering a target in a bubble once notification of contract has been given by a bounty hunter. The owner/s of bubble preventing access to a bounty hunters seeking to collect on a contract once notification of contract as been given or any prevarication or time wasting until contract runs out. Time wasting. Giving and removing a contract several times a day, for example. Knowingly giving a false impression of the target. (You said he was a bad pilot in a small group but he's the best pilot in the game and leader of a sprawling multilayer alliance). Issuing Troll contracts (including but not limited to: non game entities (Barney, Dr Who, etc) NQ staff, 'myself', celestial bodies, abstact nouns (fear, sadness), all Sub Rosa agents, etc). We may have a public board for japes and tomfoolery. Gaming our system. Other behaviour we would seem sufficiently heinous but which cannot yet be specified. If you are willing to be a Sub Rosa Agent state your interest and whether you are in pre alpha or not. Sufficient interest from pre Alpha or alpha 1 players will see the boards up sooner than my own dazzling entrance. There is no need to give a false name as a Sub Rosa Agent as you are not the issuer of contracts (barring the Ultima punishment contract) nor the initial supplier of the reward. This may be edited because of the time limit thing, which is why it's a bit sprawling.
  21. Assuming a wipe at beta/release all areas outside the newb base will be lawless until someone puts some law there and that law will only extend as far as people are wiling/able to control. Over time the area of lawless space will shrink (barring deliberate setting up of 'anything goes' regions by player groups and natural decay of ownerships) which will last until the devs extends the space again. I don't see how it would be anything else?
  22. Yes they should get away clean. In areas with no law. In a place with no death revenge is a thing hotter than in real life but the satisfaction is lesser because there is no death. Any consequences (short of permaban) n a game eithout permadeath are not permanent. Perhaps the answer is permadeath. Or at least generational death, that is you due and your, secured, holdings pass to you as your son or daughter. I hope for a dynamic universe were there are gradations of safe from total to absolutely not. Not only that, but those gradations fluctuate irregularly so that the player is responsible for his own research and safety. I can see the benefit of a safe bubble for newcomers (even 2 or 3 if the universe is large enough to support multiple new spawn zones) but we shouldn't be bumping into absolute null violence bubbles in the middle of nowhere.
  23. I don't want any kilright systen to be restrictive because I can see a legitimate use for it in game. Namely, you are in a resource rich but personnel poor group that is in conflict with a larger group for whatever reason. You place 'letters of marque' against members of the larger organisation at an attractive rate and suddenly that group is involved with a lot of minor skirmishes and can't concentrate on you which gives you time to relocate your base or have a recruitment drive or what have you. You could even do it Sub Rosa to weaken that group before a play. Which has given me a brilliant idea...
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