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Alpha Team Vanguard
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Posts posted by ShinyMagnemite

  1. Heyo!

    I think JC also mentioned how nothing from Alpha/Beta will be saved, so people are going to test out the craziest methods to: dig, blow stuff up, and fly spaceships.  I'm going to personally enjoy digging straight down and patching up together a horrible hovercraft to ram people down, since it's for science!


    Seeing some people create makeshift cannons to shoot other people to the moon or at the arkship will be great.


    On a more serious note, it'll be a nice chance to see how the player skills can be learned in the fastest possible matter or how the skill will affect what you can do.

  2. From what little I've played from EVE and combining it with what Dark said...

    In eve there is the "Customs Office" that orbits every planet and so put that mechanic in DU, the player would then have to send it around an already set "orbit" where it would begin to scan the planet's surface.

    So to limit what the player can do, there could be different types of offices and modules attached to the satellite that allows it to upgrade the scans of the planet.  


    For example, a Small Survey Satellite will be relatively cheap and be able to do the basic scanning of a planet, allow just enough info needed to see if the planet is worth any real time for a large org to begin mining it.  Bingo, this planet looks pretty good after waiting some time.  Lets upgrade the satellite to... idk a Medium Kyrium Survey Scanner which is pricey, but allows much quicker results and is specifically for finding rare Kyrium, as opposed to a large clumps of low grade materials.  Uh-oh!  Some pirates showed up and want to blow up the scanner while its doing its thing, well that's why you were smart enough to attached a simple array of Small Hybrid Turrets that can rid those pesky pirates if the satellite is attacked or the shield around it is depleted.  idk

    Fuelblocks could be a thing if you used Large structures that allow for many more features and such, or perhaps some "Solar Panel Array" is needed to be equipped and if that is damaged then nothing on the satellite works so a player could essentially steal it without damaging it?

    Here's a pic for reference:


  3. This could also be a way to spread some lore bits throughout the game, such as some debris from other ark ships scattered around other planets.  Such as in Assassin's Creed or SWTOR.  Then you spend hours on end looking for all the damn lore objects to please yourself and get a title/rank?

    Pretty popular in WoW still, I believe...

    In EVE, don't people use cargo containers or something as bait or in-game ads for their corp?  I'd rather not see this exocaching system abused and have a +million Minecraft-like signs around the starting zone.

  4. Heyo


    Hm... I think space stations will be stationary objects because the starting planet will be in a fixed position.  Then as far as having a huge km or larger ship would be moving slowly enough to be able to render all players without much difficulty.  I'm also sure that the devs are hoping people try all these crazy ideas during development to test out the physics of the engine/servers before launch.

    Good thought tho!

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