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Posts posted by OutlandishRep

  1. It's been fun. Fun. Fun. Fun.


    You know. I've enjoyed this. The past couple of months have been fun.


    On the announcement of NQ locking my thread, my original purpose has been defeated. My rule was to not make NQ upset while giving you organizations and people something to argue about.


    Time. It was a good time. Never failed to excite me. 


    It should be obvious. OutlandishRep is a character. A figment of the idea of how to give organizations negative attention. Burst the bubble of positive feedback. Allow organizations to be viewed in a negative light.


    Few agreed. Few approved. It only revealed something else. The sensitivity that people have. The arguments they made at the beginning. Fine gold. Quick. Undefended. Easy for me to prove wrong.


    The beginning showed who couldn't hold their tongue. The end showed the problems people had with each other. The purpose of all this? Supposedly to test these people. What know? Probably nothing.


    That's sad. This is the end. I never favored a person. Attacks were not held off for those I did or didn't like. Your note of how I operated.


    I'll see you all in game. OutlandishRep bids you farewell.

  2. Oh and join cynderfalls chat because you'll be in utter shock to find out they have a channel for spam! They are influencing SPAM lol, don't take my message to harsh cinder fall I've had worse.

    This post was dead. I'm bringing it back because of this comment right here.


    You're apart of Cinderfall. Realize that? Well you do. You're in the channel. I've had reports as well. Let me assemble a montage. 




    Solar Empire, Terran Union, Cinderfall Syndicate, and you're own Solar Secure discord channel. You posted it in over four channels!


    Not only that but this is after your big crackdown. You decided it would be a good idea let Sakej99 back in. 


    Look. I've had enough of your incompetence. As you would say in the Solar Empire, you have failed for the last time.


    I didn't say this in the original post. You've spammed yourself! You're apart of it! That's why you posted that viewpoint telling the community to screw off because of something you did.


    Tell the community to screw off. They aim for you. Very hypocritical. 


    OutlandishRep bids you a unfavorably Outlandish Day.


    Pointing out something. I figure this should have gone without clue. I'm OutlandishRep and welcome to the fantastic barrel of misery and anger known as my posts. 


    There have been some things going around. Noticed anything? I'm sure you have.


    There are spam posters. You know what that means. We have reached the classic point of boards. The people who are doing stuff to irritate others. You know, like me. These people aren't me though. They are people who are purposely causing others some grief. I'm just throwing the grief of other onto their desks.


    The Problem?


    At this time a month ago, there was a user. His name was Sakej99. One day he decided to post some spam. This spam wasn't in a can. It was spam that festered with hate and rhetoric of the stereotypically internet kind. The organization supposedly behind this spam? The Diverse Unified Alliance.


    After looking through their members, there wasn't a Sakej99 listed. Contacting Dominar Diablo, I inquired about this. Minutes of trying to get him to talk without blocking minute ended up revealing that Sakej99 had simply left.


    Useless. This was all useless stuff that we didn't need. But one fateful day on November 24th, this unappealing type of post known as spam happened again! Can you guess the person that did this? Let me give you a hint. It's Sakej99.


    A new line of hateful attacks at both Sakej99 and the organization he posted for began. The organization? Solar Secure. The child of Solar Empire. Another useless post with 44 ignorant and disgusting replies emerged.


    Want to know the funny thing? Both leaders of Solar Empire and the Diverse Unified Alliance posted something to deny their involvement in this spam. That. Should. Go. Without. Saying.






    Both of them publicly apologized or stated they had no involvement. Great.


    Solar Secure had a different response though. 




    Agreement that the community wash harsh on one post. Agreed. Agreement that the community was oversensitive about a spammer that just posted a quick, non-contributing post. Disagreed. This was the community reacting negatively to a post that didn't need to exist. You know, the desired effect. This reaction is better than an upvote haven. The community wants bad posts to be given honor? No!


    Conclusion To This?


    Idiotic. A word to describe the reaction. Idiotically, members started arguing with each other in this post. Idiotically, it spiraled into a negative feedback loop.


    Spurs of hate spread as one posts something that isn't needed. Personal opinion applies. Community opinion triumphs over personal opinion. Sakej99, a legate of Solar Secure, caused problems that negatively effected the organization. I'll leave the questioning of Sakej99 alone. Spam. Overreaction. Both points that need to be mentioned.


    A non-useful post that contributed nothing. Shouldn't have happened.


    The community festering hate and harmful rhetoric into that post. Shouldn't have happened.


    Want to know something? This community can be toxic. It can birth things like DUExplorers, fan lore, contests. It can birth the opposite as well.


    One step away from a OutlandishRep news segment. You know what the problem is? Stop contributing to making it worse. Both sides.


    A day after, Sakej99 sent a present. A wonderful Thanksgiving Present.




    I accept your invitation to join Solar Secure. You probably don't want me at this point but I'll still join.


    I'll see all of you in the comments. OutlandishRep brings you an Outlandish day.

  4. Attack them Alright, let's call it that. Does that make it less truthful. Trump will be a terrible president because he can't control is temper. It doesn't work

    We all love political talk here on the Dual Universe forums.


    You just got the wrong type of politics.

  5. Cringemania


    One lovely title, I know. 

    I'd like to say that cringing a little bid is alright, but when it becomes so important that you will do anything to uphold some stupid matter.... sigh I am frustrated.

    Yes yes you want me to say wtf is going on.. alright.

    When you are talking about cringe you can't really not mention Cinderfall Syndicate. Man those guys... I was in ODY as a matter of fact, they were not too bad, but holy the moly fuck some are.

    I am just here to share what I know, so the truth about them is public. They say loudly that they wish peace and save space and all that etc etc... I just don't believe them, well they might mean it but comon on, they just can't. They are unprofessional, they take matters too personal, and therfore they have absolutely no chance whatsoever to create anything worthwhile. You just can't become personally involved in matters, because that makes you incapable of judging correctly. My accusation is towards the directors of CSYN, Neopolitan and Astrophil.


    Why do I say this? you probably need some proof. Let me give it to you. I've gotten two points with these next photos... They are from the #administrative channel on the Cinderfall Alliance Discord server. My source is obviously anonymous duhh..

    Here they are:





    Now these photos clearly enlighten some disturbing things. As far as I can tell it shows a deep conflict between Neopolitan and Astrophil, which already is troubling. Now Astrophil gives his all to shout out his frustration about a certain matter? Now this matter, excuse me if I am laughing while I write this... but this matter seems to be about people calling Cinderfall an alliance, when it apparently isn't??? Alright, serious face on...

    I can't even describe how troubling this is! These are supposed to keep order in the universe but they are fighting and yelling about this matter? I can never trust that kind of behaviour, and my point here is no one should. Go your own ways, this path is not worth it, clearly.


    Was that what you were looking for Outlandish?

    Also, speaking like that, probably means losing that so-called playerbase you are mentioning....


    You. I haven't addressed you yet.


    This is heated alright. Full of missing context and you. 


    This interesting fact dump. I'm almost proud. We both know you're not apart of ODY though. That's easy. What's harder is to get you to come out of your little hole. I assume your sleeping. I'll give you about eight hours to address me. I'm an attention seeking person after all.


    You even covered out the time on you post. Not to mention. That image size is a bunch of crap. I can see it alright. Almost like you want to shove it in everyone's face.


    Problem though. Cinderfall Syndicate is an organization I called out on not having proper documents given to us. How interesting is that. I called for them to fix it. You called on them to cause trouble.


    I'm a grey night with stupid articles outlining existent, but problems that you wouldn't normally bat two eye lashes at. Let alone one.


    There's something you might want to take note of. Oversight on your part. Your in an organization. Your account is listed in one. How convenient.


    Do you really care about them? Do you? You didn't even care to hide your traces. Links you left unchecked. Pitiful links. Important though. I'll get to that later.


    You might not have expected me to post this. Clarify things. I never intended to try to attack them in a brutal, medieval, Box News like fashion that you did. So how about it?


    Anyone who wants to go chat with this person, this is the organization discord that he's in.


    This organization is one that he joined. Too bad for them.

  6. Some of you are aware now. What has gone on in Cinderfall.


    Allow me to assure you though. This is just a simple thing. Oh darling.


    So this Kaladin guy has infiltrated Cinderfall Syndicate. How lovely of him to drop on by.


    To think that you can actually take down and outclass me? How foolish.


    So I reached out to both Astrophil and Neopolitan for a "inside scoop" of how they were handling all this. Matter of fact? What I posted was a threat. A threat to actually get CSYN making some changes and posting more to the public. This has indeed happened. Although through a random post by a unknown member. How funny....


    But how ironic indeed. See. You failed to account for the fact that I have got information from both Astrophil and Neopolitan about where those chat messages came from. One was from a channel. They call it the administration.


    Uninteresting, except for the fact that it consists of these members.







    Darius Sanguna

    The Wonderous Bat


    Tander Coxic

    The Kool Banana"ie. The Blunt Banana"


    All of those people were in CSYN chat when this had occurred. One of these idiots had actually made an alt account. Oh the ironic changes that take place. One of these people. Containing or Organization Members and CSYN officials.


    Want to know something interesting though? 


    Astrophil had sent me the chat history leading up to that. Specifically, the administration chat.




    This is what caused that that ill sent line of messages. A frustration over making the CSYN charter.


    Exactly what I had called upon them to do. They were frustrated over trying to "perfect" the CSYN charter. This. This is what I called for origninally.


    I had something to do with this as well. This was about the time that this post was originally made. No wonder the frustration. I had threatened them.


    I like juicy, tantalizing stories. I don't like people trying to make me look bad. I'm sorry. I'm OutlanishRep, and you. You Kaladin are one of the people I listed above. Not likely Astrophil or Neopolitan though. You can bet all the money in the world that it's a person on that list though.


    Have fun with that image.


    Astrophil Clarified as well in this direct quote, 


    "We were all frustrated when we messaged. Neopolitan was having a hard time dealing with the senate, and I was trying to balance all the viewpoints."


    Petty. The person who made this alt account is quite unable to process how they could get caught. If they don't care, well props to them.


    Either way now. I have just put someone out of a job in CSYN and maybe even an organization if it's a leader. Fun.


    I am OutlandishRep, and the tides have changed.

  7. That last post isn't anything to the rest of you. I'm addressing Astrophil and Neopolitan to tell them that I've gained access to some of their documents. I've also known about the huge debate that went on about CSYN. It means nothing to anyone else except them.

  8. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b5ATojg7UWW5JmYNc6xo9k2ZI5wZWGhg14R2uKySRWM/edit


    Exclusively from the CSYN Senate chat. Don't worry though. I've made a copy of it.


    By the way people. I'll stop doing this once I get an answer from either Neopolitan or Astrophil.


    See. I'm the antagonist in this story. Dual Universe. The only thing I'm doing is simply causing those who aren't talking to talk. I don't care if it's hate or honesty. Talk about it or else we are not nearly done.

  9. I've brought this all to your attention. I'm going to now put what I've found right in front of your eyes.


    Someone wasn't careful and this document got leaked. I'm sure the person who leaked the document didn't think twice about it. What a blunder that was made.


    This is a leaked excerpt from a document that was "given" to me. This is not classified information. Just to show that I'm serious though.




    • Responsible for internal conflict resolution and diplomacy through a court or tribunal system, as well as external diplomacy.

    • One upper council of High Magistrates (small number of HMs - maybe 5-7-9) that oversees the operations of the Magistratum.

    • A lower registry of certified Magistrates (there will be a process to become a certified Magi for interested persons) who can be called upon by the upper council to resolve internal conflicts or witness, validate, and register treaties and agreements between members.

      • If the Magistrate is unable to reach a decision, the case will be bounced up to the High Council

    • A separate Consulate office (diplomatic body) to act as a contact point for external entities. May handle external negotiations, answer questions from outsiders, help the initiation process for a new member.

    This is something from a CSYN document. Maybe now Cinderfall, you'll realize my outreach.


    And BOO, don't think I've forgot about you either. 



    Hello all you board members. I'm OutlandishRep, only the most outlandish of posters.


    I've amassed quite a bit of hate to those in BOO and have become a meme. I can not wait to hear your responses to this though. This story has been in development and is more of a fluff article. Your going to appreciate this though. It's important to hear.




    Cinderfall Syndicate :: Why do I care?


    Cinderfall Syndicate is currently one of the largest and most developed organizations. It is a powerhouse that holds enough influence to possibly create mass wars. Problem though. They at one point couldn't start war.


    I'll get to that later but let us begin with what we know right now. Cinderfall is an ever expanding organization with large goals and a huge vision. There is one problem with that vision. 


    That vision is not released to the public and the members inside Cinderfall have stated that it is very rough. Very rough indeed because after I had began to reach out to the contacts inside both Cinderfall and the organizations enlisted in them, I found there were some problems. The vision of Cinderfall is ill spread and the average knowledge of it is hardly acceptable for a PvP organization, let alone a high power holder containing organizations such as the Terran Union and SilverLight Industries.


    Until some point in time though, that was all we had to go off of. The vision was not spread well and you couldn't define what they would actually do till they were in game. Just a couple days ago, something had come up.


    Secrets about a senate meeting were spilled out and my informants had notified me that things we at unrest. Everyone was uneasy about the current state of Cinderfall and that nothing was decided. This is because of my next point.


    What had become of CSYN?


    Evidently a number of truths had arisen. About how the structure of Cinderfall was fluctuating and not set in stone. This normally wouldn't be a problem since other organizations had done this all the time. This was different from the small parts of information that had been revealed. Cinderfall had barely defined any of the structure it had permanently.


    This information was tediously picked from small comments but it had been made clear just from the unrest from what CSYN calls "organization representatives". These organization representatives had evidently been in a meeting during the weekend. Their arguments were about the structure from what I gathered and how it was relatively non-existent. The unrest of the organization representatives had just tipped me off though. As I dove into their documents that were available and at my disposal, I had found that the structure of CSYN was in flux. Constantly changed and nothing definitive written, as it was under revision time and time again


    Some of this was in public documents. Some of this were in documents that I came across. Even more of this was in the comments made by some people about what they viewed Cinderfall as and what they want it to become. 


    All of that changed overtime and non of the views ever were the same across all the different people. This lead me to conclude after research that Cinderfall Syndicate is currently in disrepair and not fit for anyone at the moment.


    You want to get it together?


    I think it it about time we finally hear what has been going on in CSYN. We need an answer to what your goals, structure, and ideas you seek. Otherwise what can we trust from you? If it changes, we have no documents or structure to fall back on. Give us a for sure representation of what you stand for, and we might just change our view of you.


    I've been OutlandishRep and this has been another article on another organization.




    Some of you are aware now. What has gone on in Cinderfall.


    Allow me to assure you though. This is just a simple thing. Oh darling.


    So this Kaladin guy has infiltrated Cinderfall Syndicate. How lovely of him to drop on by.


    To think that you can actually take down and outclass me? How foolish.


    So I reached out to both Astrophil and Neopolitan for a "inside scoop" of how they were handling all this. Matter of fact? What I posted was a threat. A threat to actually get CSYN making some changes and posting more to the public. This has indeed happened. Although through a random post by a unknown member. How funny....


    But how ironic indeed. See. You failed to account for the fact that I have got information from both Astrophil and Neopolitan about where those chat messages came from. One was from a channel. They call it the administration.


    Uninteresting, except for the fact that it consists of these members.







    Darius Sanguna

    The Wonderous Bat


    Tander Coxic

    The Kool Banana"ie. The Blunt Banana"


    All of those people were in CSYN chat when this had occurred. One of these idiots had actually made an alt account. Oh the ironic changes that take place. One of these people. Containing or Organization Members and CSYN officials.


    Want to know something interesting though? 


    Astrophil had sent me the chat history leading up to that. Specifically, the administration chat.


    *Post edited. Reason: Screenshots containing offensive words*


    This is what caused that that ill sent line of messages. A frustration over making the CSYN charter.


    Exactly what I had called upon them to do. They were frustrated over trying to "perfect" the CSYN charter. This. This is what I called for origninally.


    I had something to do with this as well. This was about the time that this post was originally made. No wonder the frustration. I had threatened them.


    I like juicy, tantalizing stories. I don't like people trying to make me look bad. I'm sorry. I'm OutlanishRep, and you. You Kaladin are one of the people I listed above. Not likely Astrophil or Neopolitan though. You can bet all the money in the world that it's a person on that list though.


    Have fun with that image.


    Astrophil Clarified as well in this direct quote, 


    "We were all frustrated when we messaged. Neopolitan was having a hard time dealing with the senate, and I was trying to balance all the viewpoints."


    Petty. The person who made this alt account is quite unable to process how they could get caught. If they don't care, well props to them.


    Either way now. I have just put someone out of a job in CSYN and maybe even an organization if it's a leader. Fun.


    I am OutlandishRep, and the tides have changed.

  11. Oky doky, whatever you say.

    Since you're clearly just trying to get attention i'm going to stop giving it to you.


    Alright. You can stop giving it. Just stop trying to defend reason that would make my posts legitimate. Thanks for clearing that up.




    Another point. This guy did attack someone. He also threatened them with his pledge and started this topic.


    That guy is Hampius and is attacking Novaquark. You can't argue that him and myself are different. At least I show Novaqark respect though, by not going after them and defending a guy who had attacked them.

  12. Offering a critique on the promotional video is hardly the same as appearing out of no where and calling people liars and demanding they prove something to you

    Beg to differ though. When I offer my opinion only you guys attack me now. When he offered his opinion people of all ranges attacked him.


    I can now force you to attack me and back him if I so choose. You have such a disposition against me. I can argue that he's wrong and you're just going to support him to attack me.

  13. Im just wondering where everyone was when other members did this exact thing, threatening to rescind their pledge if NQ didnt make DAC's loot able. That one got an official post requesting our views on DACs from NQ, but this members first post on his questions and doubts was for the most part ignored

    You are fighting for this guy but don't forget the attacks you lead on me. There is no valid reason why I couldn't have expressed my opinion and had no attacks, while this guy gets a free pass by your logic. 


    My appearance depends on the toxicity and problems arisen. I appear now to call your claim.

  14. It is too early to sprak about Organisations. There could be so many changes over 2 years, than most of "healthy" orgs will be transformed into inactive.

    Many of members won't even start to play, many will forget their passes and will create new accounts, many will start look for real organisations on release day (even they will be on community organisation list). Majority of organisations will not be founded. Majority of those which will be founded, will gone (be eaten) by bigger (all members, mostly 1, will join somewhere). So release will balance everything.


    Even most "healthiest" organisation will have about 30-40% players in release (only IMO, not research). So right now it is more "For Fun", for dreaming.


    Of course that is my personal view, everything could go absolutely different. Time will show.




    Orgs active now may dispensary, so you can't have fixed settings. You create a system that constantly does this and you have function.


    My point is not that we should just get a system in place that ensures we don't get "irrelevant" orgs taht aren't even active.

  15. To quote the 'we are The Empire'. There would probably be one group that would want to be exactly like the Empire in Star Wars but who cares? If another smallest wants this title too it would be war, that's all (or Justice court), you will solve your problem as a big boy. lmao

    Not only is "Who Cares?" a favorite catchphrase, it's also wrong! This is strictly against Novaquark policy to create an organization like that. 

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