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Everything posted by NQ-Nyota

  1. Greetings Lexando! We just recently had a bit of downtime on the main server, let me get the team to look at this. I'll let you know when it's back up!
  2. A new scroll message has been revealed. Enjoy everyone.
  3. You found part of one of the quests that was released a while back. And yes, the pyramids you find are evil. The first one (if you want to start at the start can be found at the North Pole of Alioth) They are trippy, but can also be challenging and fun (and a bit of mischief). You might wish to wear sunglasses!
  4. Noveans! We've got a special treat for you. Join us on Thursday, June 20th @ 20:00 UTC for a special Livestream event! The sneaky little Goober is on the move once again! When: June 20th, 2024 Time: 20:00 UTC Where: District 4 Center Livestream will be available on Drack's Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/xdracksx If you are joining us in game, please arrive on time. And if you haven't done so already, don't forget to do the Hunt for the Golden Goober scrolls! We hope to see you there! MEOW!
  5. You do not need to start from the beginning, but it is something to do with something from the Goober Hunt. In this case, if you did not go through the hunt scrolls, you may wish to ask someone who has. There - #HintNotHint for you.
  6. Noveans, are you ready for more Hunting for the Golden Goober? Read on! ❤️
  7. Hi ADCOne, Please make sure to check your account and you should be able to verify the most recent address that you entered there. https://www.dualuniverse.game/account/profile
  8. Where will we go? That depends where you want to end up. It's Time for a Tour Noveans! The next leg of our Dual Universe tour is on the horizon (and starts on a full moon no less)! Let’s check in on what everyone has been up to! Time to dust off the redesigned tour bus (you might not recognize it unless you look closely) and fly to all of the wonderful places that exist in our Universe. Buckle up, it will be a wild ride! As always - we need your help in telling us places where we should visit. We want you to suggest your own territories, but also some of your favorite locations for us to visit. Give those bookmarks a gander and like a moth to a flame, be sure to submit them. All places we visit will receive a very special gift as a memento that we visited. We know a few of you enjoy collecting them! Please submit your locations with this form - and don’t worry if you think others have submitted a location already, please submit as many as you want! Show us what you got Noveans! Tour Times: Thursday, May 23rd @18:00 UTC Friday, May 24th @ 21:00 UTC Saturday, May 25th @18:00 UTC Tours Depart and Return from the Institutes and VR will be available when the tours start. Tour Safety: We’ll do our best to make sure these journeys are safe and secure, but we cannot be responsible for any lost items. Please arrive with empty inventories/nanopacks and make sure to leave your valuables in your containers before hopping on (and off) our tours. There will be a rez node available just in case we run into any trouble. We’ll keep watch for those pesky towers, but you just never know. And there’s more! Stalwart Scavenger Hunt This time around, we’re adding in an extra bit of fun to our Tour. Remember all of the Iron Stalwarts that were redesigned and still over by the Exchange? Well it’s time to use them in our Stalwart Scavenger Hunt! We’ll be carefully and sneakily placing copies of the entries from the Pimp My Ride contest at some of the locations that we visit. Be the first to find them and get the blueprint ticket inside the container. Make sure you find NQ-Nyota (Hint, she is usually on the tour bus) before we take off to the next destination and give her the blueprint ticket you found. At the end of each tour those clever Noveans who were the first to find the Stalwarts, will take a spin on our NQ prize wheel! If you entered in the Pimp My Iron contest and do not wish us to use your Stalwart for the Scavenger hunt, you must contact NQ-Nyota on Discord or here on the forum. We’ll be returning all Stalwart entries after the Hare of the Moon tours are completed. Some exciting times ahead, we hope to see you there!
  9. Hi Valencia! I loved the blinged out Lucy, that took some patience with all of the light placement. Well done! Thanks for allowing us to use Lucy for the Scavenger Hunt.
  10. Thanks BBDarth. We'll have more details next week, but thanks for that!
  11. Noveans! A huge thank you and a high five to everyone who entered our Pimp My Iron Contest! Such imagination and creativity, I can speak for all of us here at Novaquark that we were all very impressed with the designs you came up with! A huge pat on the back and bravo to everyone who submitted their version of the Iron Stalwart! That said, even though the competition was fierce and more than one of our NQ voters exclaimed, "How can I even choose one Stalwart as the winner!" The votes were counted and checked thrice and the winners are: 1st Place: Tictaq 2nd Place: Fenixpenix 3rd Place: An0ubis Please give a cheer to all of our winners! And be sure to head over to the Alioth Exchange and get your blueprint of Tictaq's winning Stalwart entry! (Right in the center, you can't miss it.) You know you want one. In addition... Get ready for the Stalwart Scavenger Hunt everyone! If you entered a ship into the Pimp My Iron contest, you now will also have the chance to have your Stalwart used in a Scavenger Hunt that will happen in the near future. More details to come on the Stalwart Scavenger Hunt, but we hope some of you will let us use your Stalwart redesigns as part of the hunt! This is optional: Please note that we will only use your Stalwart ship entry in the scavenger hunt if you give us the permission to do so. Expect more details all about the Stalwart Scavenger Hunt early next week! 😎
  12. Hi Wolfram, I like that idea! I have forwarded your question over for review to see if it's possible. I'll let you know when I find out more.
  13. Winners for the Pimp My Iron contest will be announced today (April 10th) at 18:00 UTC on Drack's stream! Join me and NQ-Deckard as well as our host Drack as we take a tour of the Stalwart entries and also announce the winners! We hope to see you there! https://www.twitch.tv/xdracksx
  14. Hi Tholian, The judging will take a bit, between the holiday weekend and so many awesome entries. I'm hoping by the end of this week the winners will be announced, but I suspect it will go to next week (week of April 8th).
  15. You make that sound like a bad thing. I'm innocent I tell you!
  16. Greetings Noveans, We've deployed a new hotfix. Dual Universe is now in version 1.4.17. The change log can be found here: https://www.dualuniverse.game/launcher/patch/release-1417 We appreciate any feedback you may have about the changes by responding below. Thanks for your support! ❤️
  17. Last day to get your entries in for the Pimp My Iron contest!
  18. Just a reminder that it's the last weekend to get your Iron Stalwarts pimped out. Deadline to enter is Monday, March 25th! Also - to enter, you need to make sure to fill out the entry form. Just parking it over at the Exchange doesn't enter you into the contest! Good luck everyone.
  19. Oh nice! Be sure to take some photos of what you print out.
  20. Do I need special glasses to look at that image?
  21. Noveans, We are pleased to announce that our DU Mesh Exporter will be available for Dual Universe on Wednesday, March 20th, 2024! The DU Mesh Exporter has been a top feature request and it will give all Noveans the ability to export their creations and builds from Dual Universe into a 3D file, which you will then be able to save as well as print in 3D! That’s right, you will be able to save your ships or constructs into a 3D file and once it’s printed (which 3D printing company you use is entirely up to you) you can then put your creation(s) on your desk or window or it can be a really expensive toy for your cat to play with (cat is optional). More details about the DU Mesh Exporter will be available on March 20th, 2024, so time to polish up those ships/constructs in preparation for exporting and printing. Here are some examples of already exported models to give you a glimpse at what can be printed:
  22. We added a bunch more entries over at the red hall of The Exchange today, so go check them Stalwarts out.
  23. Our first two entries for the Pimp My Iron Contest are ready for show over at the red hall at the Exchange. Good opportunity to see what other players have come up with and grab a free copy of the Iron Stalwart at the same time. We're looking forward to seeing more entries submitted!
  24. PIMP MY IRON CONTEST The tried and true Iron Stalwart that is available at the UEF Ship Shops is needing some pimping out! This steady and ready ship has hauled and crashed many of the very first ore hauling flights for some Noveans. We salute you Iron Stalwart, but it's time for a little bling bling in your fuel tank. Contest Details: In this competition you will be paying tribute to the Iron Stalwart and will need to keep it still looking like its original form. 1) First things first, head over to The Exchange just outside the red hall and grab yourself a free Iron Stalwart! Please note: Make sure you are not in VR when you get your free Iron Stalwart, you will not be able to carry all of the parts! If you prefer to buy it directly from one of the UEF Ship Shops, don't forget that you will need to bring just over 7 million quanta in your wallet with you for the purchase. 2) Get to pimping out that Iron, but make sure to follow these rules (or your entry will be disqualified): It needs to remain themed as the Iron Stalwart and stay the same core size. If we cannot recognize it as a tribute to the Iron Stalwart, then the entry will not be accepted. There must be at least one L container (It can be any tier, if you want a rare L container in it - go for it!) A portion of the L container must be visible and accessible from the outside. (This can be a corner, a side, just as long as from the outside it can be targeted.) Use any honeycomb type you would like, but do not go over 500m3 total honeycomb. 3) When you have finished styling out the Iron Stalwart, submit your design using this form. (One entry per Novean.) 4) Approved entries will be shown on the parking lot of the red hall of The Exchange for judging. (Think of it as an Iron Stalwart ship show!) 5) All contest entries must be received by Monday, March 25th, 2024 @ 18:00 UTC Please note: Once you submit your newly redesigned Stalwart, that means that no more changes will be made to it. Please make sure your Stalwart is complete before submitting your information on the entry form. Prizes: First place will have their pimped out version of the Iron Stalwart located in the center of The Exchange, along with a dispenser to put it on sale with all proceeds going to the winner. They will also get a special in-game title and a 30-day game time code. Second place receives a 30-day game time code. Third place receives a warp drive. If you're wondering where the very cool platform that rotates the Iron Stalwart is from, that is a player-made item by the folks over at Hadron (Specifically RyanPryde and Jeronimo), go definitely check it out! We are looking forward to seeing all the pimped out Iron Stalwarts Noveans!
  25. Noveans, We're doubling your talent points accumulation rate pleasure starting on February 14th, 2024 and will last until February 20th, 2024. What will you do with the 100% bonus of talent points burning a hole in your pockets? Which talent will you put at the top of your list to train in? Whether it is a new specialty or a talent you wish to get maxed out in, we hope that you love the extra talent points! Which talents you train in is up to you to choo-choo-choose. 😘 We love all of your talents Noveans! ❤️
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