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Posts posted by EvilestOverlord

  1. Ah, well I was getting zero base production and having all the resources drained from the resource pool from the  hex  I will check the units to make sure it is not a second unit that I did not recalibrate, but I am pretty certain I only had one unit producing coal in the hex.  If it is the only one in the hex, I found a bug.  But before I go there I will check and be sure there are no other units producing.  I am using Miner S's 

  2. I have no issue with the hex resource limit NOT being exceeded.  I think the resource reduction is in the wrong part of the process.   If someone does a calibration to set the resource reduction value due to production, that makes total sense for the point you get the surface pay off and the value being set.  That should be the trigger for everything happening.   But it really does not make sense that  canceling a calibration and giving you a zero resource production should reduce the amount STILL reducing the production value of the hex.  you get no pay off of surface product, and you get a big fat zero  production for a 24 hour period.   Further you get a automatic resource production max on top of the lose of production, and  the use of the charge.  If a calibration is canceled for any reason, it should reset the mining unit to zero and turn it off to reset.  Of course you would use up a calibration charge.  


    Does that all make sense?

  3. So I see you fixed the exploits with the mining units.  However I have found a problem.  If you exit out of a calibration with out finishing it  the unit resets to zero productivity.  However the available tile resources do not reset to reflect the zero productivity.  I have a tile with 20 coal production, under current system I have to start the unit before calibrating(good solution to the exploit) .  The unit was running at the time of the fix.  it was drawing 20 per cycle when this happened.  I went to recalibrate and see the changes, as part of my process change I tried exiting before final calibration which would not give me any resources on the surface and would not recalibrate the unit fully.  The results are I got zero productivity.  This means I should have 20 units in the resource pool to calibrate another unit.  However it still showed zero available.  Is this intended functionality?


    Please let me know.

  4. I been playing A20 of 7days to die.  Letting my skill points build while taking up space.  Just waiting till this game shows up on  "Death of a Game" series on youtube.  If they bring back real mining on planets again I will come back, but that is not likely.  I really do not want to spend a hour flying to get to a possible mining site.  Just not worth it.


  5. most of my problem right now is I use 4 - 6k of t1 and 3+k of t2 per hour, just to keep my current production lines going.  NQ Thinks I can run that on the amount of product I can extract from a single or few tiles, is just a waste of time.  I was slowly working up to building everything in the game.  I was running uncommon parts and some advanced parts. that is all on hold now since I can't go mine the stuff I need to run my line for more than an hour or two a day.  They said you can earn enough  from the auto miners to pay the taxes.  and they were right if it is tier two being extracted.  I see no point in playing a voxel based game if I can't mine, build , and use what I build with voxels.  It makes me sad that something with so much promise is in a death spiral.


    Guess its time to go back to a multiplayer server on  space engineers


  6. This game held a lot of  promise and I am sad to watch the suicide pack known as Demeter being impletmented.


    You have taken 90% of my interest in the game away thus I am out. I will gather up all my stuff, move it to sanctuary then park my ships. If you return ore to the game, I'll come back but till then I am not spending any more money for this game. 



    I am going back to space engineers for my voxel based space game.


  7. On 11/1/2021 at 3:04 AM, Tional said:


    First, entertaining conclusions. Just because you're bad at it, doesn't mean it's the problem. Use the area tool, find the highest spot, pick it as your final spot, have a nice day. Or use the other tools to get closer and closer to the 100% spot. It isn't that hard, but it does take some practice and/or luck. You can try again 2 days later, and you should, because that's how you get to 100% calibration. Which is why it's worth it. It's also required to get more than 0% ore from the miner.


    Fourth, you're clearly doing something wrong. Here's an example of doing it right (second calibration):





    Have fun testing again next weekend, maybe you'll have more luck.


    I never said I was bad at it, I said it was was very poorly designed, boring and a kin to torture.  I actually nailed down 79% on my first try.

  8. The Evilest Overlord Speaks On the Subject of the Suicide pact known as Demeter.



     I like to mine.  In fact I am miner 49er (cause football), miner 69er (cause I dig on chicks), and miner 89er(cause gummers)  all wrapped up in one.  When I get home from work, I like to settle down with a beer and mine for a couple hours.  It is relaxing to mine, get my dopamine hit, mine some more, get another dopamine hit, repeat.


    The video used the excuse that people do not want to mine as a primary reason for the mining change.  Then later it was brought up there is a serious technical issue invoving the growing tunnels from all the minning that the players are doing.    So now we are looking at one of the most important aspects of the game being RADICLY Changed.  


    Since NQ gave us access to preview, I decided to take them up and set up some auto miners on the PTS.  


    First, I have to congradulate who ever made the  "mini game".  I have never see a interface that had absolutely NO intuitive controls and added nothing to the over all game.  I think we should rename it from the "mini game" to "Mini Tourture Device".  It is so bad, I think it may have broken the Nuremburg laws.  I know I am keeping a copy to put right next to the pear of discontnent in my personal dungeon.  The MTD does not make autominners anymore entertaining or even worth it.


    Second,  I have no real objection to the auto miners as a secondary way to mine, or an alternate way for people who do not like mining.  However they need to be able to mine all tiers of ore no mater what tier the auto minner is.  This is to give everyone parity, I can currently go to any planet and mine any tier of ore if I can find it.  That can not be done with the current auto-minner set up.  I do think that one should get a bonus for having higher tier machines.  Say either a quantity bonus, a speed bonus or both.


    Third, get rid of the max draw for the pool.  Make the quantity mined based on the unit tier and skill levels of the player.


    Fourth, I never got a surface ore deposit while I was using the AM's.  Unless each rock is several hundred liters, don't bother, If I wanted a day one minning experience, I would walk out and pick up surface rocks for a couple hours.


    Fifth, While I was using the auto minners I placed links to a single container from three minners each mining different ores and only the first one got deposited in to the container.  The second and third miner both went in to negative time for the next cycle.  It was very weird.  I also had problems making my miners work on top of my mountain base.  When i put it on the snow cap, it would not start since it was not with in 50 meters of the ground.  I would find ores while mining the snow so why does the auto miner work in the same ?   Do I have to dig down to dirt to make these work.  I am happy to mine out a big tunnel to set up my autominners.


    Lastly, I think you should solve the technical issue instead of changing the mining.  I think if a tunnel has not been used in a week it should "collaps" and refill with what ever material it originally had during maintanence.  Larger ore cavities should take longer and be replaced with ore laiden soil.   So as we mine out the original ore we can set up auto minners to mine the trace ores.  And you reduce the load on the servers all at once.


    All voxel based games have three pillers, Mining Voxels, building with Voxels, and doing things with the Voxels you built.  Take any part of this a way and the game will fail.



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