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Everything posted by PotatoMart

  1. hmm no, full wipe except skillpoints or no wipe or somone has advantage ( time ist lost for factorybuilders cause no shematics, but not for shipbuilders or voxelmancerns)
  2. If a full wipe does happen, I'm gone. I have relied on the fact that NQ has said that a wipe is only the last resort. So I have invested as much time as I could in the last months, procured Quantas and Blueprints. Other players were creative and spent months building their buildings/ships. I don't give a shit about the players who have enriched themselves in some illegalway, but why should the community suffer? The market can still be brought in order, only need is a consumption here (except fuel). Be it about the elements that break down, factories that lose efficiency or the like. Also, you could insert a Recykler, where you get a small l share of ore in return from broken parts. It's nice that there should be an Aphelia Space market, I would much rather see player markets, where you can log in from your location. Just my 2 cents Edited just now by PotatoMart
  3. If a full wipe does happen, I'm gone. I have relied on the fact that NQ has said that a wipe is only the last resort. So I have invested as much time as I could in the last months, procured Quantas and Blueprints. Other players were creative and spent months building their buildings/ships. I don't give a shit about the players who have enriched themselves in some illegalway, but why should the community suffer? The market can still be brought in order, only need is a consumption here (except fuel). Be it about the elements that break down, factories that lose efficiency or the like. Also, you could insert a Recykler, where you get a small l share of ore in return from broken parts. It's nice that there should be an Aphelia Space market, I would much rather see player markets, where you can log in from your location. Just my 2 cents
  4. Tjo schade, aber in einer Beta kann halt alles passieren, hättest Du ab und an mal die News gelesen, wär das nicht passiert. Und der Handscanner ist nicht nutzlos, schließlich gibt es Asteroiden auf denen man minern kann. Ausserdem wurden sie Skillpunkte dafür ja resettest, enn du kein a<stromining betreiben willst, hättest ja auch wo anders investieren können. 14 Tägige zahlungen? Du kannst dein Tile auf dem die Mining Units stehen für 13 Wochen im Voraus bezahlen!!!!!!! Oh ich seh grad der BEitrag ist schon was älter, glaube kaum dass du noch mal reinschaust, aber ich muss mal meinen Frust loswerden über das gemecker der leute, die sich nicht informieren, Beta speilen und denken Sie bekommen ein vollwertiges Spiel in dem nichts mehr geändert wird. Dann Spielt halt keine Beta! Und ja Ich habe noch Spass am Spiel, wenn ich nicht grad Forum lese ......
  5. Mann, immer das Gemeckere, was erwartest du? Das nach einem Jahrzehnt noch alles da ist, weil du mal wieder einloggst? Wer sich nicht informiert selber schuld..... Lies dir am besten die ganzen Patches und News durch, bring dich auf den neuesten Stand. Du wirst feststellen alles halb so wild, es gibt Tiles für die man keine Quanta ausgeben muss (HQ) und die geschützt sind. Um ganz sicher zugehen, könntest du Auch mit deinem Hab und Gut nach Sanctuary ziehen, da geht nichts verloren. oder ins Weltall. Und mal ganz Ehrlich, in einer Beta muss man mit allem rechnen ( z.b. Wipe) auch wenn NQ das versucht zu vermeiden. Das worauf man sich verlassen kann, ist das die Skills ( dafür zahlt man schließlich) nicht veroren gehen. Ja, ich bin auch nicht mit allem einverstanden was NQ produziert, oder dass ich für eine Alpha bezahle...Aber es ist jeden seine Entscheidung ob er er so viel Spass hat dabei zubleiben oder zu leaven.
  6. clarify pls - actualy a max skilled player can have 15 constuction slots for himself , right? after patch -a player can have 15 personal constuction slots? - and in addition 25 org only slots if skilled?
  7. the number are to low. A Single Player can have 25 Construct slots, for Mining Units u need lets say 10. For Buildings and Ships only 15 left..... Just do it in the way that the player hast max 25 Construct slots for himself, and lets say 10 extra slots only for org spending which he cant use himself, only for org. Or make it simple double the numbers. At least the paying ppl should have more construction slot that beta key users.
  8. @NQ Pls do not patch new things, patch old things...... Standing at the market6 5 minutes, and RDMS is still loading:(
  9. You might be right, for single accounts the grinding is not easy. but if you have a nice corp you can still participate on mission rewards, without flying yourself. Well there are so many tiles with good ore claimed and hold for same persons, paying taxes once, and then 14 days inactive and then payed again... Only way to end this is make landhold only for payed accounts, then taxes arnt needed anymore
  10. Pls Keep the Taxes as they are its good for economy and land claiming, don´t listen to whiners. Make Taxes paying for longer time 1/2 a year would be good if someone wants to take a break. And pls do automated Paying from Corp Wallets, and automated Corp Taxes if the corp wants money from members.
  11. Well i dont have the problem with crashes at market 6, i have a very new pc , with my old one i had exactly the same problems. But i have loading elevator and rights at terminal too, im most faster with relogging, than waiting for the rights when arrived.
  12. Hello, the performance was supposed to get better with demeter, but it got worse. Alone the whole rdms loading, if ships are not fully loaded, it takes time to get into the pilot's seat, apart from the fact that doors with detection zone then also do not work. to go into construction mode therefore also takes longer, and the whole territory/construct menus are reloaded every time you open map. When searching in the market, old items are displayed, although I have already searched for new ones, if you are not careful, you buy something wrong very quickly. I recently sank on thades even when landing in the earth with the ship, my twink, who was actively in the ship, was then outside the ship. The menus are overloaded, the search function for territories sometimes works and sometimes not. The input in the search function is sometimes buggy. Letters and numbers are not accepted or the entry field is deactivated after a few letters. The construct list is overloaded, here would be additional filters for example by Org/Player appropriate. When adding things to the market, it would be nice if you could enter a number completely and not have to delete the existing 0 every time.
  13. i would go a step further.....no containers at market!!!! if 1k players place one container it doesnt be better. Could not be so difficult for NQ to make some Virtual Containers for rent with quantas at market----> Problem solved.
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