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Posts posted by WhatTrigger

  1. All im getting from this patch is people are bitching they cant get the best of everything in a months tops. 


    I dunno, maybe playing EVE years ago and for those that still do have hardened us for a "long" road ahead. 

    Personally, I think after there's more ways to make money they can get rid of the nano crafter for all but bare basics and have schematics for everything


    Back around 2012 or something, from memory to train all EVE's skills was going to take around 25-30 years. Hows thats for long term grind???? and you guys here complain about 6-12 months? 

    Only thing im not overly liking is the building system coming from Empyrion, just need to adjust and learn it


    And for those saying this game isnt EVE, yes it is. It's very well trying to be, but just a very basic version of it atm.

  2. Barely played, I had about 2 days before the changes


    The idea of schematics even for basic stuff it makes sense from a point of a fully established and running market/trade system. But as Mordgier stated since the game has very little to do and generate income then trying to purchase extremely limited market items would peeve people off - probably more so the older players needing more advanced stuff

  3. Hi all, 

    Only dabbled a few hours into DU atm.


    Reading a few posts about the industry changes had me thinking

    How is new Quanta been brought into existence in this game?


    The Dev's seem to want people to use the markets more which is fine, but reading one persons post he's thinking most may just spend their Quanta on schematics so they can keep building.

    doing this I'm guessing will sink coin out of existence by purchasing said schematics. So back to my initial question how does one create new coin for circulation?

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