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Posts posted by BobbyTwoShakes

  1. 4 minutes ago, Burble said:

    It must be quite frustrating to have hundreds of players telling you how to make your game and even worse if they are shouting at you not in your first language. 

    English speaking people are so often so damn rude to others who have taken the time to learn English, it makes me disappointed. 


    I'm not saying everyone has to learn French (but, why not? improve yourself)


    But just a little bit of respect and patience when so many people are shouting and ranting at someone who has taken time to learn your language would go a long way.

    This is what you take away from all this?

  2. With this new patch it would be extremely beneficial for players to be able to have their own market vendors. This would also generate interest in retail areas, planetary traffic/interaction, partnerships as well as convenient sales between local groups/organizations.


  3. 2 hours ago, Daphne Jones said:

    There will always be new players who have to play catch up. That's the nature of MMOs. I hate use that POS game Eve as an example, but this certainly doesn't hurt Eve.

    EVE has adapted over the years to make it easier for new players to get involved. It was not always that way. They had a lot of trouble getting new players because it was not possible to catch up. 

  4. This game does not have enough content to support this current update. The idea was a correct step but executed prematurely. 


    This game has a lot of potential. Was really enjoying it with groups of friends that havent found a common game to play in a very long time. 


    Its a shame really but this patch just took the wind out of the sails.. 

    The only solice of content was the ability to make creative builds. There really wasnt much else going on. 


    On top of this from what I have seen in response to this update is that developers are not listening to their player base. Which i see as detrimental and destructive to the future of the game. Ive seen this path travelled many times. 


    I understand that it is your vision to create. But there is always the customer to consider. 


    Personally I would of considered this patch or better yet a (different concept to create the same effect) but much further when there was more foundation support it. Like more content in general. 


    Best of luck with your future aspects of the game. Don't turn deaf ears to your players. Perhaps i will check back on this game sometime in the future. 

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